Terms of use
1. Terms and definitions
1.1 The user is a legally capable physical person who has joined the terms of the User Agreement. a person acting on his own behalf and in his own interests or representing a legal entity.
Administration / Owner - an Internet site hosted on the domain https://engineer.techinfus.com/en/.
Agreement - this User Agreement, including as amended, additions.
1.2 The use of the engineer.techinfus.com/en/ site is governed by this User Agreement. Use of the site is implied in all forms and in all ways, within the declared functionality. By use is understood:
- authorization on engineer.techinfus.com/en/ or registration;
- familiarization with the materials of the Site (view);
- display, posting on the Site of materials of any nature and content, including, but not limited to images, text materials, video, audio files, hypertext links, information and other information.
This Agreement, that is, an agreement concluded on its basis, complies with the provisions of Articles of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation No. 437, 438. The Network User, using the Site in any of the above forms, confirms that:
- fully acquainted with this Agreement prior to the use of the Site;
- Took note of and undertakes to comply with, fulfill all points of the Agreement without restrictions. In case of refusal to fulfill the clauses of the Agreement or if it is impossible to conclude an agreement on the basis of the Agreement, the User must immediately cease any use of the Site;
- The text of this Agreement may be edited by the Site Owner. Notifications to Users about amendments to the text of the Agreement are not made.
This User Agreement, including updated revisions with the amendments made, shall enter into force upon posting on the Site.
2. Subject of the Agreement
2.1 In the manner and on the conditions provided for by the Agreement, the Owner gives the User the opportunity to use the Site, and the User undertakes to use the Site if necessary in accordance with the terms of the Agreement.
2.2 Based on the Agreement, the User has the opportunity to use the Site in particular by posting information on the Site on construction, repair, country life and related topics, posting messages, viewing messages, files downloaded by Other users.
3. Rights and obligations of the Owner
3.1 The Owner gives the User the opportunity to independently publish information about the User, as well as post messages and comments, post materials using the capabilities of the Site, provided that the User complies with the terms of the Agreement.
3.2 The Owner does not have the ability to control the compliance of the information posted by the User or Other users on the Site with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
3.3 The Owner has the right at his own discretion to delete any information entered or posted by the User on the Site, if such information does not comply with the Terms of Use of the site, the current legislation of the Russian Federation or other requirements of the Owner.
3.4 The Owner has the right to send the User informational and advertising messages to the email address specified by the User when registering on the Site. The User hereby agrees to receive such messages.
3.5 The Owner has the right to advertise on the Site. At the same time, the Owner is not responsible for the reliability of advertising and the quality of the advertised goods and / or services.
3.6 The owner has the right in the manner prescribed by paragraph of the Agreement to change the terms of the Agreement.
3.7 The Owner has the right to carry out preventive work on the Site with a temporary suspension of the Site, if possible at night and as much as possible reducing the Site’s inoperability.
3.8. The Owner has the right to transfer all or part of his powers and rights to control compliance with the Rules for using the website and the Agreement to other persons (Other users) based on decisions made by the Owner.
3.9. The Owner has the right, but is not obligated, to request from the User information and documents confirming that the User has rights to the results of intellectual activity and other information posted by the User on the Site.
4. Rights and obligations of the User
4.1 The user undertakes to get acquainted with the current version of the Agreement every time you visit the Site until the time you use the Site.
4.2 The User undertakes to comply with the terms of the Agreement, as well as the Terms of Use of the site, effective at the time of use of the Site by the User.
4.3 The user agrees to use the Site in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. In particular, the User may not:
4.3.1 Publish or disseminate false, harmful, obscene, unlawful, libelous, blasphemous, libelous, inappropriate, provoking ethnic or ethnic conflicts information or materials.
4.3.2 Post information that is contrary to the legislation of the Russian Federation, advertises or provokes illegal activities that violate the rights of other Users or third parties to intellectual property, campaign materials, distribute spam, message-chains (messages requiring their transmission to one or several users), schemes of financial pyramids or calls to participate in them, any other intrusive information, describe or promote criminal activity, place instructions and to commit or management of criminal and other illegal actions.
4.3.3 Post any personal information of Other users or third parties without their personal consent.
4.3.4 Publish, transmit and distribute messages that may be criminal in nature or cause any harm to the Owner, other users, visitors and / or third parties, impair their honor and dignity, business reputation.
4.3.5 Mislead Users and / or third parties regarding their identity.
4.3.6 Post materials and information on the Site that are advertising in nature unless otherwise expressly provided for in a separate agreement between the Parties.
4.4 The User undertakes to maintain the confidentiality of the Credentials, as well as the login and password to the email address specified by the User when registering on the Site, independently determining the method of their storage, and does not have the right to transfer the Credentials, as well as the login and password to the email address specified When registering on the Site with third parties.
4.5 The User agrees to use the personal data posted on the Website in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 152-ФЗ dated July 27, 2006 “On Personal Data” as amended as of the time the User processed or otherwise used personal data, namely:
4.5.1 Personal data can only be used to ensure the functioning of the Site;
4.5.2 The User is prohibited from transmitting information about Other Users received through the Site to third parties;
4.5.3 If the User saves copies of the Profiles on paper or electronic media, the User assumes all obligations of the operator in terms of Federal Law No. 152-ФЗ dated July 27, 2006 “On Personal Data”;
4.5.4 In the case of harm to Other users due to the User's failure to comply with the requirements of Federal Law No. 152-ФЗ dated July 27, 2006 “On Personal Data”, the responsibility for this lies entirely with the User.
4.6 The User has the right to delete information posted by the User on the Site solely on the basis of the consent of the Owner. In the case of non-receipt of the relevant consent, the User is not entitled to present any claims to the Owner.
5. Responsibility of the parties
5.1 The Owner does not bear any responsibility for the achievement or failure of the User to achieve the result that the User expected to achieve using the Site.
5.2 The Owner is not responsible for malfunctions, errors and malfunctions of the software and / or hardware that ensure the functioning of the Site that arose for reasons beyond the control of the Owner, as well as the User’s losses associated with this.
5.3 The Owner is not responsible for the temporary lack of access by the User to the Site, and / or any part of the Site, as well as the associated losses of the User and / or any third party.
5.4 The Owner is not responsible for any indirect / indirect losses and / or lost profits of the User and / or third parties, loss of information as a result of using or the inability to use the Site.
5.5 The Owner is not responsible for the User’s losses resulting from unlawful actions of third parties, including those related to unlawful access to the User’s Personal Account. The Owner is not responsible for losses incurred by the User as a result of the disclosure of credentials to third parties that occurred not through the fault of the Owner.
5.6 The User is solely responsible for all actions committed on the Site using the User Credentials.
5.7. The Owner does not provide any guarantees of the Site’s performance. The User agrees to use the Site in the form in which it is presented, without any guarantees on the part of the Owner.
5.8. The Owner is not liable for losses incurred by the User as a result of the Other User reporting inaccurate information, as well as caused by the actions and / or inaction of the Other User. The Owner does not guarantee that the information contained in the Profiles of Other Users, as well as in the messages posted by them, is true and complete.
5.9 The owner, unless expressly provided for by agreement between the Parties, is not the seller of any goods or services.
5.10 Unless otherwise provided by the Agreement in case the User violates the terms of the Agreement, the Owner has the right to unilaterally refuse to execute the Agreement, delete the User Profile and Personal Account. If such a violation has caused damage to third parties, the responsibility for them lies entirely with the User.
5.11 The amount of losses that may be compensated by the Owner to the User is in any case limited in the amount of 1,000 (one thousand) rubles in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 15 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
6. Personal data
6.1 By registering on the Site and entering personal data in the registration form, the User makes the entered personal data publicly available, and any Other user and / or Visitor can freely familiarize themselves with them. The User hereby agrees that the processing of personal data entered by him during registration on the Site, as well as personal data posted by the User on the Site after registration, is carried out on the basis of subparagraph 10 of paragraph 1 of Article 6 of Federal Law No. 152-ФЗ dated July 27, 2006 of the year “On personal data” (as amended on July 25, 2011).
6.2. The owner, when processing the User’s personal data, is obliged to take all measures provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation to protect them from unauthorized access. The Policy on the processing of personal data of the Administrator and the Regulation on ensuring the security of personal data of the Administrator are in accordance with the requirements of Part 2 of Article 18.1 of the Federal Law No. 152-ФЗ dated July 27, 2006 “On Personal Data” (as amended on July 25, 2011).
6.3 At the same time, it is possible that, as a result of certain circumstances, the personal data of the User may become available to other persons. The User hereby agrees that he will not make a claim to the Owner in this regard, given that the User makes his personal data publicly available.
6.4 By virtue of the Agreement, indicating your personal data on the Site, the User unconditionally agrees:
- with the provision of personal data to an unlimited circle of persons using the Site;
- with the processing of personal data by the Owner;
- with the dissemination of personal data using the Site;
- with other actions of the Owner in relation to the personal data of the User in connection with the operation of the Site.
6.5 By posting your personal data on the Site, the User confirms that he does this voluntarily, and that he voluntarily provides it to the Owner for processing. The user may withdraw his consent to the processing of personal data by deleting the Profile through the Personal Account. At the same time, the User is aware and agrees that the User’s personal data can be saved when the pages of the Site are indexed by search engines.
6.6. The Owner processes only those personal data of the User that were posted by him on the Site. The User’s personal data is processed using the hardware and software and hardware of the Site.
6.7 The User’s personal data is processed by the Owner during the period of their posting on the Site. If personal data posted on the Site or in the User Profile is deleted, the Owner stops processing it. However, the Owner has the right to keep a backup copy of the above data of the User until the owner is liquidated.
7. Intellectual property
7.1 Exclusive and personal non-property rights to the Site belong to the Owner or other persons who have concluded an agreement with the Owner giving him the right to post the results of the intellectual activities of these persons on the Site or in its composition, and are protected in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
7.2 Actions and / or inaction of the User that entailed a violation of the Owner’s rights or aimed at violating the Owner’s rights to the Site or its components, entail criminal, civil and administrative liability in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
7.3 In order to ensure the integrity of the information posted on the Site, the User hereby, in the manner provided for in Article 1235 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, grants the Owner a simple non-exclusive license for the results of intellectual activity posted or previously posted by the User on the Site.The rights to use the results of intellectual activity are granted by the User to the Owner at the time of posting the relevant results of intellectual activity on the Site. By posting the results of intellectual activity on the Site, the User agrees that the fee for providing the right to use the results of intellectual activity by the Owner is not paid. The owner has the right to use the corresponding results of intellectual activity in any way during the entire period of validity for the relevant results without restricting the territory. In this case, the Owner is not obligated to send the User reports on the use of the relevant results of intellectual activity.
7.4 The User is solely responsible in connection with the use of rights to third-party results of intellectual activity and means of individualization contained in the materials posted by the User on the Site, as well as in materials transmitted by the User through the Site, stored on the Site in the User’s Personal Account or materials such as or in any other way becoming accessible through or through the Site as a result of actions and / or inaction of the User. The Owner does not have the technical ability to control the compliance of the materials specified in this clause with the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation, including, the Owner does not have the ability to monitor the presence or absence of a violation of these rights of anyone's rights and interests.
7.5 The User undertakes to settle all possible claims of the copyright holders or other third parties against the Owner related to the materials specified in the clause of the Agreement, on their own and at their own expense.
7.6 In the event that claims, claims, claims by third parties are presented to the Owner regarding the illegal use of intellectual property by the User on the Site, the User shall compensate the Owner for all losses incurred by the latter as a result of such violation or the presentation of such claims.
8. Procedure for resolving disputes and resolving claims
8.1. All disputes, disagreements and claims that may arise in connection with the execution, termination or invalidation of the Agreement, the Parties will endeavor to resolve through negotiations. The Party that has claims and / or disagreements sends a message to the other Party indicating the claims and / or disagreements that have arisen.
8.2 The message specified in the clause of the Agreement is sent by the User by e-mail to the address chinateampro2015@gmail.com, and is also sent to the Owner in writing by sending by registered mail with delivery confirmation. The message should contain the essence of the requirement, evidence supporting the requirement, as well as information about the User.
8.3 In the event of any disputes or disagreements related to the execution of this Agreement, the User and the Owner will make every effort to resolve them through negotiations between them. In the event that disputes are not resolved through negotiations, disputes shall be resolved in the manner established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
8.4 In order to solve technical issues in determining the fault of the User as a result of his illegal actions when using the Internet and the Site in particular, as well as to consider the messages of the User, the Owner has the right to independently attract competent organizations as experts.
9. Modification of the terms of the Agreement
9.1 The Agreement may be terminated at any time at the initiative of each of the Parties.For this, the Owner places a notice of termination of the Agreement on the Site and / or sends the User a corresponding notification, from the moment of such placement / sending of such notification, the Agreement is considered terminated. User can terminate the Agreement by deleting his Profile from the Site.
9.2 The Parties agree that the Agreement may be unilaterally amended by the Owner by posting the updated text of the Agreement on the Internet at https://engineer.techinfus.com/en/polzovatelskoe-soglashenie.html. The user confirms his agreement with the changes to the terms of the Agreement by using the Site.
9.3 A user who does not agree with the terms of the Agreement and / or with a change in the terms of the Agreement must immediately terminate the Agreement in the manner prescribed by clause of the Agreement.
10. Other conditions
10.1 of the Agreement, as well as in conducting correspondence on these issues, the use of analogues of the handwritten signature of the Parties is allowed. The Parties confirm that all notifications, messages, agreements and documents as part of the fulfillment by the Parties of the obligations arising from the Agreement, signed by the analogues of the parties' handwritten signatures, have legal force and are binding on the Parties.
10.2 The User acknowledges that the analogues of his own handwritten signature are:
10.2.1 Credentials. Thus, all actions carried out using the Credentials are recognized as committed by the User, and all documents sent using the Credentials are recognized as signed by the User;
10.2.2 Login and password for the email address specified by the User when registering on the Site. Thus, all letters sent to the Owner from the specified email address are considered sent by the User, and are also considered signed by the User.
10.3 The parties agreed to use in the preparation of the necessary documents and claims under the Agreement the facsimile reproduction of the signatures of the Parties. The Parties hereby confirm that the documents and claims signed by facsimile reproduction of the signature are legally binding and are binding on the parties for their consideration and acceptance.
10.4 Except as expressly provided for by the Agreement and the current legislation of the Russian Federation, all notifications, messages and documents as part of the fulfillment by the Parties of the obligations arising from the Agreement shall be sent and considered received by the Parties if they are sent by e-mail from the authorized address of one Party to the authorized address the other side. Authorized addresses are:
- For Owner: chinateampro2015@gmail.com.
- for the User: the email address provided by the User when registering on the Site.
10.5 The Parties acknowledge any information concerning the conclusion of the Agreement, including any annexes and additions to it, as confidential information and undertake to strictly preserve the confidential nature of such information without disclosing it to third parties without the prior written consent of the other Party, unless necessary for the purpose Agreements or for disclosure to the relevant state authorities in cases specified by law.
10.6 of the Agreement and all legal relations arising from it are governed by the legislation of the Russian Federation. All disputes arising are resolved on the basis of the legislation of the Russian Federation.