How to hang a TV on a wall: tips for installing and placing equipment

Amir Gumarov
Checked by a specialist: Amir Gumarov
Author: OlgaYa
Last update: February 2024

I wonder if there are still houses in which there is no TV? Probably not. Despite the fact that every year new gadgets come out - tablets, laptops and others that allow you to watch any movie on the Internet, TVs still do not go out of style.

Choosing the installation option, it is worth considering one that involves hanging the TV on the wall in order to secure the gadget. Do you agree? Then further we will tell you how to do it right and what are the advantages of just such a placement.

Is the TV on the wall comfortable?

As soon as a new gadget is brought home from the store, a new question arises: where to place it. First of all, you should make sure that the TV is safe, because the thing is not cheap.

If you have children or pets at home, there is always a risk that they will want to take a closer look at the new technique.

Cat and tv
Pets are incredibly curious creatures, everything that will be installed in the apartment, they simply must drop or jump on a new gadget

Accordingly, you should not install equipment in the corridors or where it can be hooked with a door or an opening window.

In order to eliminate all of these risks, you can attach the TV to the wall, since modern models are very thin and will not clutter up the space during wall mounting.

TV on the wall
The TV placed on the wall looks very harmonious. He will be able to complement the interior of any room. And the shelf, which was previously used as a stand, can now become a place for flowers or books

This method of placement has many advantages:

  1. The TV can be placed at such a height that it can be clearly seen from any corner of the room. So, when installed on a pedestal, looking at the screen will be possible only from the sofa, which is opposite. When choosing an option with placement on the wall, you can safely watch your favorite TV shows from different angles of the room.
  2. When buying a device with a large screen size, it will be really difficult to fit it on a pedestal.
  3. When installing the gadget on the wall, any games of children or tricks of pets for him are not at all scary.
  4. All you need to buy in order to hang the TV is a special bracket and dowels. Otherwise, you have to spend money on a pedestal or other special stand, which will cost a lot. In addition, such furniture should correspond to the general interior of the room, that is, you will have to work hard to find the right color and design.
  5. The TV will always look neat and clean. All that a housewife will have to do is carefully sweep away dust from him. In the case of installation on a pedestal, you will have to torment yourself to wipe off the dust on the countertop, especially under the legs of the TV.

Thus, the advantages of wall-mounted TVs abound. In fairness, it is worth noting that there are also disadvantages to this type of layout.

So, you should take care of the availability of outlets nearby since the wires hanging from an expensive gadget look rather untidy.

TV with wires
Despite the fact that the residents bought an expensive gadget home - the hanging wires spoil the whole view, so it is very important to make sure that the wires are hidden from prying eyes

If you can’t put the socket in the right place, you can hide the wires in a special box that is attached to the wall. Another significant drawback of such a placement of the device is forever.

It will not work in the future to re-mount the TV on another wall, since on the first there will be traces of mounting the bracket. Something will have to mask the holes in the wall and on the wallpaper - hang a flowerpot with flowers or hide under a picture.

Tips for safe TV placement

It's no secret that constant viewing of TV can lead to visual impairment. And it's not only the time spent at the screen, but also that the gadget was correctly placed in relation to the audience.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the distance at which the TV will be from the audience. According to the advice of ophthalmologists, the correct distance to the gadget is calculated by the formula - the screen diagonal times three. From such a distance, watching TV is relatively safe.

TV layout
The diagram shows at what distance from the viewer's eyes the plasma should be placed correctly in order to make viewing safe

In addition, it is important that the center of the image is at the eye level of the viewer. It is logical that it will not work to adjust the height of the TV placement for all family members, so the distance of 100-140 cm from the floor to the center of the screen will be considered optimal.

TV layout
If you follow the rules for placing the TV on the wall, then your eyes will not get tired even during prolonged viewing of the gadget

Of the general tips, the following recommendations can also be distinguished:

  1. You can not install the screen in the immediate vicinity of heating appliances, as this can ruin the equipment. For the same reason, it is dangerous to mount it near the stove, sink, etc.
  2. For safety reasons, you can not use the TV in closed rooms in which there is no artificial or natural ventilation. The gadget itself and the people in the room suffer from this. Long-term operation of the equipment leads to an increase in air temperature and overdries the air.
  3. Installing the TV near or opposite the window is fraught with the fact that glare will constantly appear on the screen, because of which the image quality will suffer. If there is nowhere to go and this is the only accommodation option, blackout curtains or blinds will help to solve the problem.
  4. Do not chase to purchase a TV with the largest diagonal. Even if a neighbor bought himself an incredibly large screen, this does not mean at all that you need to buy the same.If the area of ​​the room does not allow you to set a huge diagonal, then you should be content with a small TV, which will be safe for sight.
  5. Mounts must support the weight of the TV, so the choice of bracket must also be taken seriously.

These are general recommendations that should be followed when mounting the TV on the wall. Next, we will share tips that will help you install TV in the right room.

TV in the bedroom and living room

Now it’s quite popular to hang TV in the bedroom to watch TV before going to bed. Considering that most of the time, residents will be watching TV, the standard installation rules do not work here.

In order to choose the best point for placement, you need to lie on the bed and look in front of you. The main thing is that in this position it would be convenient to watch programs for a long time.

TV in the bedroom
The TV in the bedroom looks very organic, but to make it safe for household viewing, and the mounts are very reliable

To make sure that the installation point is selected correctly, you need to attach a poster or picture there. Next, you should try to concentrate on the image and look at it for several minutes. If there is no tension in the eyes, back or neck, it means that the installation point is selected correctly.

In the living room, TV on the wall is placed according to standard rules. It is advisable to choose a place exactly opposite the sofa or chairs, in order to look at the screen was comfortable. It is worth taking care that the screen is clearly visible from the dining table, if it is also located in the living room.

Hanging TV in the kitchen

In the kitchen, the TV is placed rather in order to listen to TV shows, rather than watch them. Therefore, there are a lot of options for installing it. The most important thing is to mount the fasteners away from the stove, oven and sink.

Also, do not hang the TV too low, as there is a risk of droplets of fat getting on it during cooking. The ideal place for placement is at least 140 cm from the floor.

Choosing a TV bracket

As mentioned above, the choice of bracket for plasma is a serious step, the correctness of which depends on the safety of the gadget.

Depending on the method of fixation, these types of fasteners are distinguished:

  1. Inclined. With this type of fastening, you can change the degree of inclination of the plasma relative to the wall at any time. You can only change the position of the plasma in an upright position.
  2. Retractable - a fairly large view of the bracket, which allows you to change the position of the TV both vertically and horizontally. In addition, you can bring the screen closer to the audience. Due to the large dimensions of the structure, using this type of bracket is quite difficult. In small rooms it is not applied at all.
  3. Ceiling - it is not difficult to guess from the name that this type of fasteners is installed on the ceiling. Usually they are used in the kitchen or in the dining room, so that the TV is lowered only when necessary, and not always located at the eye level of users.
  4. Tilt-swivel - allows you to simultaneously adjust the position of the screen in horizontal and vertical planes, but takes up much less space than a retractable one.
  5. Fixed - this bracket is the easiest and with it you can install the TV in one position.

There are also brackets equipped with a remote control that allow you to adjust the position of the screen without getting up from the couch.

Mounting the TV on a bracket
The range of brackets for TVs is very wide, they differ in their characteristics, cost and size, for each room and TV model - we select special mounts

As soon as the desired type of bracket is selected, it is necessary to carefully study its characteristics. Particular attention should be paid to the maximum weight that fasteners can withstand. It should be at least five kg more than the weight of the TV.

It is imperative to visually inspect the bracket, make sure that there are no cracks, chips, or any other defects.

You need to require a warranty card for the product from the seller in the store, as well as check the equipment configuration.

It is worth noting that modern plasmas that have a diagonal of 42+ do not require the purchase of a special bracket for installation. On the back of such TVs there are special “ears” that are used instead of the bracket.

In this case, it is necessary to purchase only fasteners, which also according to the characteristics must match the weight of the TV. When choosing this type of mounting in the future, changing the position of the screen will not work.

How to hang a plasma on a wall?

To mount the TV to the wall, you will need a minimum set of tools and basic skills in handling them.

So, you need to prepare:

  • a simple pencil;
  • ruler;
  • level;
  • punch or drill (depending on the type of wall on which you plan to install the gadget);
  • Screwdriver Set.

Also nearby should be fasteners that are purchased and checked in advance.

After preparing all the necessary tools, it is necessary to mark on the wall with a pencil the place where the bracket is planned to be installed.

TV installation process
Carrying out the installation of the TV is much more convenient for two, otherwise you can drop the gadget, and all the effort spent will be wasted

After choosing a place to install, you need to check again whether there pass electric wires or any other communications. Next, using a ruler, you need to measure the place for the second fastener. Using the level you need to make sure that both marks are in the same plane.

In the event that the mounts are installed at different levels, there is a risk of the TV skewing and further falling.

At the designated places, using a drill or punch, holes are made into which the dowels are installed, and a mounting plate is attached to them.

The other part of the bracket will be fixed to the back of the TV, for which special bolts from the kit are used. Once the preparation is completed, it is better to invite an assistant who will hold the TV, and the master himself at this moment will combine all the grooves between the two plates.

That's the whole process of installing the TV on the wall. In the future, it remains only to connect it to tuner and into the outlet.

A way to decorate a hanging wire
If there is no way to hide the wires, they can be nicely decorated, for example, as shown in the picture - create a real tree in the apartment, which is decorated with flowers

The wires hanging from the back of the plasma can be decorated or hidden in a special box, which is sold in any hardware store.

Features of mounting on some walls

Some types of walls are not very suitable for mounting heavy equipment on them. One of these is a drywall wall. If the plasma weight is less than 10 kg, then you can solve the problem with a drywall wall using a butterfly dowel.

If the weight of the gadget is higher, then you need to find such an anchor, the length of which is enough so that it does not go into the drywall, but into the aluminum profile on which it is fixed. An even more reliable method of fastening is to fix the dowel in the wall, on top of which drywall is installed.

Wall Mounting
In order to make the design more reliable, it is better to first prepare a metal frame on the drywall wall, on which to further attach the TV

It is worth noting that if a false wall is made of drywall, that is, there is no reason behind it, then you do not need to install plasma on it, like any other technique. In this case, it is better to buy a ceiling bracket or a special stand that will allow you to adjust the position of the screen.

If the house has walls made of hollow bricks, foam blocks, wood concrete or other materials with voids, it is better to use a chemical anchor.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

You can learn how to hang a TV on a wall yourself from the following video:

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in hanging a TV on the wall. You can do this yourself without resorting to the help of specialists. This will require a minimum set of tools and skills.

But in order for the equipment to last for a long time, and you do not feel discomfort when watching your favorite TV shows, you must follow the rules for placing a TV.

And in what room do you have a TV installed and were there any difficulties with installing it on the wall. Please tell other visitors to our site about this. Leave your comments in the block for communication under the article.

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