Smart socket with remote control: types, device, how to choose a good one

Amir Gumarov
Checked by a specialist: Amir Gumarov
Author: Antonina Turyeva
Last update: March 2024

Outlets that can understand their owner at a distance have been introduced by manufacturers for more than one year. Their main disadvantage is a rather high cost. If you buy one smart socket, then it will cost inexpensively. But with one outlet all of their needs in creating the most comfortable conditions cannot be realized, is it?

To remotely control the maximum number of devices, you have to spend on the purchase of more sockets. In view of their considerable cost, I would not want to waste money buying an unsuitable or even bad product. To prevent this from happening with you, we examined the device and the main types of smart sockets in this article.

They also gave useful recommendations for choosing truly high-quality smart products, supplementing the text material with visual photos and informative videos for the selection and operation of smart sockets.

Functionality of smart sockets

Initially, devices that can be controlled remotely were developed for private households. After all, the house adjoining territory, flowerbeds and other plantings need daily attention and care.

So, you need to water the plants at a certain time of the day, turn on additional lighting in the greenhouses. It is not always possible to arrive home on time to complete all these household chores.

And why is it worth opening the gate on a chilly autumn evening, when gusts of wind and annoying streams of rain do not allow you to calmly open the car door.

It is appropriate to use the modern achievements of the scientific and technological world to create additional comfort in your life by organizing remote control lighting and the operation of individual devices.

Apartment owners living in high-rises and rushing to work every day also experience a lot of minor inconveniences. Awakening from the persistent trill of the alarm clock, I don’t feel like getting up and going to turn on the kettle.

A smart socket will help to fix such absurdity - it will gladly take on the implementation of such a function.

Now you can, without getting out from under the covers, send a command to turn on the kettle or coffee machine in the kitchen, using the capabilities of a smart device. While preparing morning coffee, you can blissfully spend these few minutes in a comfortable bed.

Smart socket will turn on the coffee maker
Using a smart outlet, you can program to turn on the coffee maker at a specific time in the morning. It's nice when the aroma of morning coffee wakes up

In addition to comfort, it is convenient to use smart devices to save time and money. For example, to program the inclusion of a boiler 1-1.5 hours before arrival from work or the morning alarm.

In the absence of the owner, it also makes no sense to maintain a comfortable air temperature in the apartment - it is enough to do this 40-60 minutes before your return.

Smart socket for the street
When choosing a smart outlet, the conditions of the upcoming operation should be taken into account, special attention should be paid to the level of protection against external influences

The types demanded by the consumer

The variety of models offered by manufacturers causes bewilderment of the customer who first encountered them. They are all different, but depending on the type of installation, they can be divided into 2 main types: overhead and walls mounted inside.

Overheads are essentially adapter sockets. They are in great demand among consumers, because they do not require special skills for use.

It is enough to buy the model you like, unpack the box, plug it into a normal outlet, configure the necessary parameters for its control and connect the desired device.

You don’t have to do anything else. If you want to use this outlet in another room, then just move it geographically.

Overhead sockets
Overhead sockets are more convenient to use - they can be bought and used immediately without waiting for repair

Models installed in the wall instead of the usual outlet, are used, as a rule, making a full repair. To do this, first carefully think about where and for what purposes they will be used. Also, it is important to choose the right device power.

According to the type of control, sockets that execute commands at a distance can be divided into 3 main types:

  • radio-controlled;
  • SMS Managed;
  • Internet-controlled (wi-fi or mobile Internet).

The representative of the radio-controlled models is a socket with a remote control for remote control. She responds to commands coming from a distance of 30 meters.

SMS control allows you to turn on the air conditioning by sending a message while waiting in line at the checkout counter. Arriving home with shopping, you can relax and enjoy the pleasant coolness of the room after a stuffy street smog.

Models that accept commands through communication over the Internet are conveniently controlled from anywhere in the world. Even while in a hotel in Goa, you can monitor the humidity level in your favorite greenhouse.

Smart Socket Independent Outputs
A socket with several independent control outputs allows you to individually control each device connected through it

Depending on the design features, there are such types of smart sockets:

  • single independent model controlled remotely;
  • one socket containing several independent control outputs. Each of these outputs can take separate commands to turn on / off the device connected through it;
  • a group of outlets, where one is the main, and the rest are dependent. The main unit is able to control the work of a group of subordinate outlets;
  • extension socket or gsm surge protector. This type of controlled device accepts commands for all outputs at once, as well as for each individually.

As for use, independent models are in the greatest demand - many potential customers are just looking at the possibility of having such a smart device in their home.

Accustomed to the advantages of smart sockets, often consumers can no longer imagine their lives without them. Therefore, after a few months, they are already buying a group of dependent outlets.

Smart Socket Block
The smart filter, controlled from a distance, is very convenient. Here you can send commands separately to each device, or turn off all at once

You may also be interested in information about sockets with a timerconsidered in our other article.

Option # 1 - radio-controlled sockets

One of the varieties of wireless smart sockets is radio-controlled. It consists of the outlet itself / set of outlets and a remote control for them.

As a rule, a user manual with a detailed description of the operational features of the device is provided in the configuration; a battery may be available for the remote control.

Connection and further use does not require special skills. This smart device is a kind of adapter, which is inserted into a conventional outlet, and then a kettle, computer or other device is included in it.

On the outside of the case there is an indicator button indicating that the outlet is responding to remote control commands. Also, there is a button for physical impact, if the remote is suddenly lost. These devices operate, as a rule, at a radio frequency of 433-315 MHz.

Manufacturers indicate detailed information about the technical characteristics of a particular model from the back of the outlet itself and duplicate it in the instructions.

Smart socket with remote control
The smart socket controlled by the remote control is suitable not only for a private house, but also for a city apartment

Such smart devices are made mostly by the Chinese. But, despite this, they are made of high quality plastic that can withstand a long service life.

Depending on the chosen model, they are able to respond to the remote control command coming through the wall. The range of this kind of perception is 30-40 m.

When choosing a model for the street, you need to take into account the external impact - wind, dew, etc. It is appropriate to purchase models with a degree of protection from moisture ip44. For a smart outlet equipped with a remote control, the walls are not an obstacle.

Outdoor smart socket
The street smart socket has a high degree of protection against moisture and dust, allows you to control outdoor lighting systems, security, water pumping, etc.

Even while in front of the TV, you can turn on the irrigation of flower beds, without interrupting the viewing of your favorite movie. There are devices that accept the command from a distance of about 100 m, provided there are no obstacles on the way.

Option # 2 - smart GSM sockets

This type of outlet is controlled using a mobile phone. Initially, to perform their functions they need a phone with a working SIM card, a power outlet, another SIM card in which the SMS message function is connected.

On the back of the device there is a slot for a SIM card. On one side of the device is a plug, and on the other, a socket for turning on various electrical appliances. There are also indicators showing the receipt of a signal, the availability of power, the supply of electricity to the connected device.

SIM card in GSM socket
In GSM-outlets, a SIM card is required. It is convenient when, in addition to this type of control, backup is also provided, for example, via the Internet

SMS commands can be controlled from various distances. It is important that in the house / apartment where this model is included there should be a stable network of the mobile operator. There are models that manage to send a message to the owner if an emergency power outage occurs.

GSM sockets can also be controlled through a special application that you need to download and install on your tablet / smartphone.

Connect sms-socket
It’s not at all difficult to connect, configure and use a smart socket controlled by SMS commands

This type of smart outlet has additional features and functions that they can perform. For them, additional sensors and indicators that are installed in the device are sold. For example, a door opening sensor, an indicator of temperature conditions, humidity.

Also, many models have the ability to set the schedule for turning on and off certain devices depending on the time of day or day of the week, a custom timer, an external microphone and other features that make your life more comfortable.

There are models equipped with a battery designed for 12 hours of uninterrupted operation in the event of an unexpected outage. Some models can only send an emergency message to the landlord about what happened.

Smart sockets are used in schemes for providing houses with security systems:

Depending on the fame and reputation of the manufacturer, the internal state of the device can be performed accurately or not. If you untwist the socket, you can see the printed circuit board with the electronic circuit and notice how much the manufacturer is concerned about the quality of performance of all components.

It happens that the wires are soldered carelessly, the flux is not washed off the board, there is no special coating that can protect internal components, solder joints and conductors from environmental influences - steam, moisture, grease and salts.

Among the shortcomings of GSM-outlets - their relatively high cost, cumbersomeness, dependence on mobile and Internet communications.

Option # 3 - remotely controlled Wi-Fi modules

Outlets that accept commands via the Internet are also in high demand on the smart device market.

They, thanks to the presence of additional functions, can have a built-in video camera, indicators of movement, humidity and temperature, various customizable timers and other additional features.

Also, prudent manufacturers offer models where several types of control can be used - for example, SMS and the Internet. No network - sent a message to the outlet, she began to execute the command.

Smart Wi-Fi Socket
Wi-Fi-outlet can be controlled from any distance - even from another city or country. The main thing is that on the tablet / smartphone of the owner there should be an installed application for its management

A smart socket consists of a button for turning it on and off, an LED indicator, it must be grounded, and some models are equipped with spare batteries, so that in case of an emergency power outage, you can execute the command and notify the owner.

The principle of operation of this outlet is based on the use of a Wi-Fi network - 802.11 b / g / n, with a frequency of 2.4 Hz. It connects to the router and gets its IP address. For wireless control, you can use any gadget - laptop, tablet, PC, smartphone.

To do this, you have to download a special application and set acceptable settings. Everything is clear and accessible, it is enough to use intuition.

The main technical characteristics of these outlets are indicated by the manufacturer on the reverse side and in the instructions. Their input voltage is 100-240 V, and the output voltage is up to 5 kW. These parameters are individual and depend on the specific model.

Also, up to 50 dependent ones can be connected to one control socket by connecting them into a network. Installing so many smart devices will allow you to fully automate the management of all equipment in the office.

You may also be interested in information about other smart devices - smart lights, smart breakers.

Smart socket saves electricity
Wi-Fi-socket can be used as protection against thieves, using the function of randomly turning on lighting devices in different rooms at different times of the day

Using Wi-Fi-controlled outlets helps not only solve many issues without personal involvement, but also provide additional comfort. It all depends on the additional features and built-in functions of the device, as well as on the settings made by the owner of the home.

For example, if a noise level sensor is installed in the children's room, you can use the built-in video camera to see what is happening there at a given time. Perhaps the nanny mistreats the child, but until the hostess rises to the nursery, she will not have time to see anything incriminating.

Option # 4 - sockets of own production

Do-it-yourself smart-socket, remotely controlled, real. But for this you need to have certain skills, tools and spend a certain amount of money on components. Also, do not do without knowledge of electrical and programming.

DIY smart socket
Especially talented home craftsmen fully equip their homes with smart appliances, assembling everything with their own hands.According to their calculations, such a system is several times cheaper than the purchase option

For a simple version of a home-made intelligent socket capable of executing commands, you will need such components: an external socket, a Wi-Fi module, a power supply with a 3.3 V voltage regulator, a solid state relay, a soldering iron with consumables.

For a newcomer who is faced with such a task for the first time, it is easier and cheaper to buy a ready-made smart device. After all, having made a slight mistake, you can not only spoil the parts for the future device, but also harm yourself.

But if you have knowledge in electronics and experience in assembling various devices, you can independently assemble not only the outlet, but also the system smart homeby automating heating system, lighting and other systems. For what many home craftsmen take as a basis Arduino controllers.

AND smart devices, produced by various manufacturers of household appliances, will actively help you in this matter.

The subtleties of choosing a good smart outlet

Firms producing smart appliances for the home are offering increasingly competitive models. The appearance, capabilities and technical specifications of all manufacturers are different. Therefore, choosing the best option for your home, you should focus on needs.

Firstly, it remains to be decided for what purposes and in which premises smart sockets will be used. This is the most important question, because if you just need to turn on / off the electric kettle, then it makes no sense to buy an expensive model with many additional features and capabilities.

Perhaps you need not one device, but several at once - the main and dependent ones.

The power of a smart outlet is important
Choosing a remotely controlled device to control the heater, do not forget about the power of this device

Secondly, it is important to choose the power corresponding to the power of the appliance, which will be controlled using this outlet.

In no case can you rely on the fact that a socket with a lower output power value can cope with a boiler or heating boiler. It is advisable not to buy smart devices with an output power of less than 2 kW at all.

Thirdly, you need to decide what additional features your model should have and choose a device that meets these requirements. After all, not all sockets have special connectors for connecting certain devices or sensors.

Smart sockets for gardening
It is especially important to buy sockets with an additional battery for country houses, where electricity outages often occur

Fourth, it is highly desirable that the device has an additional battery.

Fifthly, it is better to choose models in which there are several channels for control.

As for the cost, you need to understand that while there are no good models with a wide range of functions at a low price. Therefore, the more a smart device can do it, the more expensive it will cost.

Cheaper options are quite suitable for use, they are made of high quality plastic and are quite capable of performing all the functions provided by the manufacturer.

Socket Specifications
Before purchasing the selected model, it is advisable to carefully study the technical characteristics of the device by reading the manufacturer's instructions

The most popular are smart sockets from manufacturers such as TP-Link, Orvibo, SenseIT, Redmond, Xiaomi and Broadlink.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Video review of the most popular GSM sockets:

The video in a visual form introduces sockets with remote control:

A video presentation will help you better understand the specifics of smart sockets:

A detailed review for potential buyers of Orvibo WIFI outlets:

The use of smart sockets to increase the comfort of your home or apartment is proved by a vivid example of more than one satisfied user. The high cost of smart devices is justified - because they are able to perform a lot of additional useful functions.

By installing remotely controlled outlets, you can control the situation in the house, even while on a long business trip. To do this, you don’t have to ask a friend to water the flowers and check if the tap is leaking or the wiring is in order. Just go to the application installed on the smartphone and see everything in real time.

Have you decided to test the capabilities of a smart outlet by buying one model “for trial”? Or do you have any selection questions that we did not address in this article? Ask your questions in the block below - we will try to help you.

Or maybe you already use a set of smart sockets that are controlled from a distance? Please share your experience with our readers.

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Visitors Comments
  1. We have two wi-fi sockets, they were bought for trial. One includes a coffee maker, and the second is used either for an iron, and then you can check that it is turned off for sure, or for a heater, then it can be turned on a couple of hours before arrival. I can’t say that this is a necessary thing, just one way to feel in the future. The real benefit will be when the entire home network is so connected, not earlier.

  2. Nataliya

    For the time being, it probably seems to some that such a socket is a means of luxury. Or those who "rave about fat" get it. But I think they will soon appreciate such a miracle of technology. It is very convenient to control electricity, especially if there are children in the house. Remote control is a good thing if you have a big house or also have a small child. So it’s better to turn on, say, a washing machine. And for the disabled, this is not a means of luxury, but simply a way to live comfortably.

  3. Such a socket upset me a little. The thing is not cheap, I really hoped that it would regularly include warm floors in the country. I was very disappointed that she already at -8ºС refused to answer SMS.

    • Expert
      Amir Gumarov

      It's a pity, Igor, the model was not named. There is experience in operating the SimPal-W230 outlet - it tracks country electrical convectors with a total capacity of 3 kilowatts. Turns on heating via sms, then maintains a 23-degree temperature. The lower temperature limit according to the passport is “-25º”. It is noted in the passport: it was tested at "-40º". Among the many sensors, the most attractive is smoke. Before buying equipment, carefully read your passports.


