ASD LED bulbs: product line overview + selection tips and reviews

Vasily Borutsky
Checked by a specialist: Vasily Borutsky
Author: Alesia Markova
Last update: May 2024

Do you want to realize the stunning ideas of the designer, using ASD LED lamps to design original architectural projects? You must admit that the unique atmosphere, skillfully created by the play of light in light bulbs with LEDs, can give the interior a special meaning, surprise friends and acquaintances.

But doubts about the appropriateness of buying ASD products interfere with the implementation of your home lighting plans?

We will help you understand this issue - the article discusses the design features of the manufacturer’s LED products, the range of bulbs, their pros and cons, based on consumer feedback.

The material is equipped with visual photos with samples of ASD products, recommendations are given for choosing LEDs for domestic use, taking into account the characteristics of the room that needs lighting.

To simplify the selection process, we also suggest that you familiarize yourself with a detailed video review of light bulbs and a discussion of the benefits performed by the user in the video.

Pros and cons of LED type lighting

An LED is a miniature semiconductor device whose task is to convert electricity into rays of artificial light.

This function is performed by crystals grown in a special way, which have maximum light output and minimum energy consumption. Diodes serve as both primary and secondary light sources.

The ability to shine brightly, eating a minimum of electric current, could not fail to interest developers of lighting projects for recreational areas, public spaces, industrial and commercial facilities.

She was fascinated by manufacturers of dashboards for various kinds of machines with equipment, manufacturers of home appliances with backlight for convenient night operation.

It is quite reasonable that the advantages of the LED group of devices include:

  1. Practicality. An LED device consumes 10-15 W / h, which is significantly less than the energy consumption of a fluorescent lamp of the same power. The service life is characterized by impressive indicators of 30,000 - 100,000 hours.
  2. Minimum heat. The design of the diode bulb provides regular removal of heat generated during operation of the device. Therefore, the LEDs are in excellent contact with any materials, so they are freely used in built-in backlight circuits.
  3. A variety of sizes and shapes. Presented on the market wide range of LED lightsdesigned to solve various technical problems.
  4. Ecological advantages. LED-type devices attract security because do not contain mercury and other toxic components harmful to the body of users. Their disposal does not dictate the observance of safety measures as for fluorescent lamps.
  5. Strength. The housing and components of the diodes are characterized by high mechanical strength. Their bulbs are significantly more reliable than bulbs of incandescent bulbs. In addition, there are no parts that suffer from vibration like tungsten filaments.
  6. Savings during installation. Due to the low power consumption for the LED lighting device, wiring with a cross section smaller than the usual sizes used in schemes with incandescent lamps is used.
  7. Lack of flicker. LEDs from a responsible manufacturer do not flicker, therefore, do not have an extremely harmful effect on the eyes of people present in the room.

It should be noted that when the LED bulbs are turned on, there is no network overload, as is the case when activating luminaires with incandescent bulbs. At the same time, the luminous flux reaches 95%, while the same competitors have only 60-75%.

LED devices are not characterized by ultraviolet radiation, but there is still an infrared glow in a minimum safe volume.

The list of advantages should include an extensive spectral range, although cold white rays still predominate in the characteristics of their glow.

There are not too many shortcomings in diode bulbs, but they could not have done without them. The price of lighting devices cannot but surprise, especially those who are not familiar with their specifics. If we take into account the quick payback of LED lighting circuits, then this drawback goes into the category of controversial issues.

Similar disadvantages, which can be regarded as advantages in some cases, include the directivity of the light flux.

For ordinary luminaires, especially for their wall types, this is a clear minus, for point variants - a clear plus. After all, light is concentrated in one directional beam.

When connected to an industrial frequency network, the LEDs will still flicker, and even stronger than the fluorescent counterparts. Some reasons blinking LED lights You can find out and fix it yourself.

Occasionally, during their operation, electrical noise is noted, for example, resulting from interference.

For normal operation of the diode bulb, a clearly normalized voltage is required. In order to provide the device with rated operating current, it is supplemented with complex electronic components called current sources.

As a result of the complexity of the circuit, the cost of building LED lighting increases.

In the simplest cases of diodes, they can be connected to a DC network, but through a resistor.

Night LED home lighting
One of the advantages of LED lamps is their ability to work flawlessly outdoors at low and high temperatures. The main thing is not to include lighting on days whose temperature exceeds the limits declared by the manufacturer

A significant drawback of LED devices is considered to be the lack of the ability to change light transmission. Therefore, they are practically not used in schemes with the ability to adjust the brightness of lighting.

Only certain types of expensive products can work in tandem with dimmers, reducing the light flow of diodes, and then a maximum of 20%.

Overview of ASD LED Products

Given that a substantial amount of advantages outweighs the disadvantages of diodes, the demand for them is growing steadily.

Among the devices actively demanded in the domestic market, ASD products occupy one of the significant places.The manufacturing company diligently strives to cover the basic needs of the consumer.

Let's look at how to understand the assortment of this brand, what characteristics it is ready to please the future owner, and how to upset.

ASD LED Products
LED bulbs with the ASD logo attract customers with a fairly affordable price and assortment, designed to cover the basic needs of the domestic consumer

Light Bulb Standards

In the designs of all currently known LED devices, almost the same components are used. The difference lies in their size, sometimes in quality.

AT light bulb designs ASD used:

  • A group of LED chips. Their total power is the direct power of the lighting device.
  • Control device. Provides on / off light bulbs from the network, and also stabilizes the current supplied to the luminous crystals.
  • Body. A bulb made in the form of a pear, ball, candle flame or tube, equipped with a reflector on the working side, and a radiator on the reverse side to remove heat.

LED chips are mounted on an aluminum board, which plays the role of a base for installing crystals and devices for removing heat flux from diodes to the radiator zone.

Unobstructed and regular cooling of the working body significantly extends its working life.

LED light bulb circuit
The standard components take part in the design of the LED from the ASD: a board with diode chips, a control device and a housing with a base and a reflector

Depending on the power, size and purpose of the diode lamp, the device can have from one to several dozen pieces.

Diodes are connected to the control device either in parallel with a “chain” or in series, i.e. each individually. The first option is simpler and therefore cheaper, the second one is more complicated and much more expensive.

Connection is made through a resistor and a driver responsible for supplying the current values ​​necessary for the device.

In bulbs with parallel connected diodes, each element is equipped with its own resistor, which explains their complexity and considerable price.

But when one chip fails, the rest will continue to work, and with the parallel version, the entire device will be damaged.

LED Enclosure and Base Options
The company produces LED bulbs with standardized sockets, suitable for installation in operating networks and for the replacement of incandescent lamps and fluorescent devices

Variations on the theme of brightness are obtained due to the use of optical parts differing in properties: scattering and focusing lenses. With this method, light emission is either amplified and concentrated in a beam, or scattered.

LED bulbs for domestic use come with standard sockets: threaded and pin. Thanks to this, they can easily replace a blown incandescent lamp in an alternating voltage power supply line.


LED devices with the specified logo are produced in flasks made of matte or transparent light-conducting material.

In the assortment there are options with pear-shaped, spherical, tubular housings, as well as LEDs made in the form of a candle, a source of directional light with a reflector, and other types.

Features of filament diode light bulb
In an LED device made by filament technology, light-emitting crystals are deposited on strips coated with a phosphor

By the type of base for LED chips and mountings to it, the lamps are divided into models created using the following technologies:

  • SVD - working elements are attached to a rigid board located in the center of the device in serial or parallel order;
  • OWL or they LED filament - LED chips in them are fixed on glass, sapphire or metal strips with a phosphor coating.

Among the trading offers from the described company, there are so far no bulbs made in accordance with technology Crystal Ceramic MCOB, but it is possible that the range will soon be replenished with such products.

Features of the device of lamps with double-sided glow
In the new generation LED devices, instead of a metal plate, a transparent ceramic base is used, to which diode chips are attached on both sides

According to this technology, instead of a metal board, a transparent ceramic plate with a phosphor coating is placed in the center of the device.

Chips are fixed on the plate on both sides. This arrangement provides an even supply of light in all directions.

Light bulb selection guidelines

On the packaging of LED products from ASD are indicated LED lamp specificationsthat you need to study to make a competent purchase.

By the energy efficiency class, all the devices offered for sale are marked with the letter A, which means that their high performance is combined with a moderate energy consumption.

The company claims that it does not produce devices of a lower class, of which there are seven in international standardization.

The least efficient are the bulbs with the letter G in the marking, which is almost impossible to find in the characteristics of LEDs of any company.

Table for determining the power of the LED bulb
To determine the power of an LED bulb, it is better to use a comparative table with data obtained as a result of practical measurements (+)

The characteristics that require mandatory accounting before purchase include:

  • Power. Diodes shine about 10 times stronger than incandescent lamps and about 2 times stronger than fluorescent devices. In order to get a real idea of ​​the luminous flux in watts, the power of the LED bulb must be multiplied by 9-10.
  • Supply voltage. Its parameters must comply with the characteristics of the network to which the device will be connected. Do not try to use the LED in a line with a different voltage, which can ruin it or cause a short circuit.
  • Colour temperature. For installation in residential premises it is better to use lamps of a pleasant warm color of 2700 L, diodes of 3000 L are suitable for utility rooms. Devices with a cold emitting spectrum, over 3000 L, are purchased for street lighting and for industrial floodlights.
  • Color reproduction. The higher the color rendering index, the better the lighting conveys the real color. It is indicated in the marking with the letters CRI, followed by a numerical expression from 0 to 100 units of Ra. Products from this manufacturer are marked 90 Ra.
  • Dispersion angle. It depends on the design features of the bulb; for LED devices, it varies from 30º to 360º. Usually for point wall and ceiling lamps, LEDs with a diffusion angle of up to 90º are selected, for wall sconces - up to 180º, for table lamps up to 180º.

Among the important indicators that should be considered before buying, the cap also appears. ASD bulbs are produced under standard threaded and pin cartridges, in order to find out this characteristic, just look at the device to be replaced.

Types of LED lamp bases
Before buying an LED device to replace an old light bulb, you need to look at the base of the previous one. To simplify identification, stock numbers are affixed on the plinths (+)

You should take into account the period promised by the manufacturer for the smooth operation of the LED. Note that during operation, the lamp will gradually lose brightness, and when the period is almost exhausted, it will generally shine dimly. This means that the LED light should be replaced.

Violation of the rules of use can contribute to accelerated wear, for example, work in the temperature range not announced by the manufacturer or installation in a room not intended for the organization of LED lighting.

LED light spectrum
Before buying an LED bulb, you should decide what color and degree of heat the light needs.

Product Reviews

LED bulbs with the ASD logo attract customers at affordable prices. However, owners of economical lighting devices are often visited by some disappointment and discontent.

Inexpensive products, unfortunately, are still significantly inferior to offers from Philips or Osram.

The main disadvantages:

  • Real power mismatch parameters declared by the manufacturer. The luminous flux emitted by bulbs is weaker than promised by the marking.
  • Not high enough color reproduction. According to the results of the tests, the CRI characteristic averages 70 Ra, which leads to thoughts about the use of low-grade diodes.
  • Incorrect service life, inflated by the manufacturer about one and a half to two times.

However, our non-spoiled compatriot has not yet found too much fault with the quality of products that are not well known to him; many are quite happy with what is, moreover, supplemented by a relatively low price.

Most consumers recognize that LEDs “work out” the money paid for them.They agree that if the product costs a little, then it is not necessary to be of high quality.

Such an attitude is a serious mistake that will not encourage the manufacturer to produce a worthy product.

Note that in Europe a completely different approach to the expenditure of own funds. If the bulb does not work out the time indicated by the manufacturer and is out of order before the time, the seller of the device must change it.

They do the same in detecting other shortcomings: a weak luminous flux, incorrectly indicated color rendition.

It is time for an inexperienced buyer from the CIS countries to become stricter and more picky in order to get quality products at a reasonable price.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

11W Standard LED Roller Review

Evaluation of the pros and cons of a 15 W diode lighting device:

LED Disassembly Guide:

Information about the specifics of choosing an LED lamp and the features of manufacturing devices from ASD will help you correctly select and buy a light source with the necessary characteristics.

Looking for economical and reliable LED bulbs? Or have experience using ASD fixtures? Please leave comments on the article, ask questions and participate in discussions. The contact form is located below.

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Visitors Comments
  1. Andrew

    I use LED lamps at home. The first plus of such lamps is a reduction in the number of electricity consumption, which brings significant cost savings. In addition, the lamp gives a pleasant, though somewhat harsh, light, but you can get used to the spectrum. Of course, you will have to pay a lot for LED lamps, but everything pays off quite quickly.

  2. Alexei

    ASD is a good and trusted brand among LED lamps. They are one of the pioneers in this field. I remember even those times when the lamps were 500 rubles apiece. But time passed, and now each of us can afford a LED light bulb. My opinion about ASD is: high quality and reasonable price in the market.

  3. Dmitry

    Well, here everything is as always - the manufacturer promises one thing, but in fact the consumer receives a completely different one. In principle, what they paid for, they got it. No one will (and can not) figure out the true color rendition and real power. The maximum that they pay attention to is the service life. But it, I tell you, varies from product to product from any manufacturer.

  4. Rinat

    Bad lamps. For a year 3-4 times changed under warranty. And still burned out after a few months.


