Proper lighting in the bathroom: design techniques + safety standards

Amir Gumarov
Checked by a specialist: Amir Gumarov
Author: Elena Mezhenina
Last update: May 2024

The average bathroom lacks natural light. Why, then, not provide it with high-quality artificial light? Moreover, modern lighting devices delight buyers with their diversity.

In this article we will understand how to properly organize lighting, what should be paid attention to first of all and what popular techniques designers use when planning lighting in bathrooms. Indeed, in order to properly organize lighting in the bathroom, it is necessary to take into account not only high humidity, but also the functional orientation of this room.

The effect of lighting on the functionality of the bathroom

Tiny combined bathrooms gradually become history, as does a lone bulb screwed on over a door or in the center of the ceiling. To carefully think about how your bathroom lighting will be, you just need to remember how much time we spend here and what we do.

As soon as we wake up, we rush to the bathroom. If you are a happy owner of a separate bathroom, then this room will still be among the first that we need to visit in the morning. After all, we are used to washing and brushing our teeth here.

An abundance of light in the bathroom
Even if there is natural light in the bathroom, additional lighting fixtures should be present here in such a quantity that it is pleasant and convenient to use the room even in the dark

In addition, here we are:

  • Take a hygienic shower. This obligatory and pleasant morning procedure can be postponed until the evening - it is not so important.
  • We bathe our children.Often such an event is accompanied by profuse foam eruption and swims of your favorite toys.
  • We shave - this occupation requires high-quality light and is relevant for both sexes.
  • Pamper yourself with SPA treatments. In particular, we take a bath with salt, plant extract, foam and other relaxing or inspiring supplements.
  • We erase. Yes, the washing machine is most often located here. In addition, sometimes you just need to wash something quickly or rinse - a moment's work.
  • Take care of your skin and apply makeup. That is, all creams and cosmetics, as a rule, are located on shelves of furniture that can be placed in this room.
  • We process nails, wash my hands after visiting the toilet, returning home from the street or just like that.

Actually, if it’s nice to be in the room, and it pleases us with its appearance, then there is certainly a thing that we would like to do here.

Multifunctionality of the room
In addition to the light that will penetrate the room from sources hidden behind the frosted glass of the wall, its space will be lit up with a warm glow from the fireplace and candles

As you can see, the list of functions that we ourselves have assigned to this room is quite impressive. Sometimes we need a bright directional stream of light that does not leave shadows in our image in the mirror. Another situation is associated with a pleasant twilight. And for the third you will need scented candles.

Therefore, the only dim ceiling is definitely not relevant. Required choose the right fixtures, focusing on the placement area and the purpose of its installation.

Lighting Levels

The proper organization of light in the bathroom should provide different user needs. The basic principle that should be followed when placing lamps is as follows: the light should be bright enough, but not blinding and not annoying. Modern designers suggest paying attention to combined lighting.

Ceiling and working lighting levels
The ceiling lighting of the bathroom is pleasantly complemented by lamps located in the working area around the mirror, on the walls and behind an imitation of a window

To implement such an idea, devices must be placed at different levels.

Depending on the level, lighting can be:

  • Top (ceiling). Lamps are fixed on the ceiling itself or directly below it. If the bathroom does not please the owner with its size, then perhaps it makes sense to limit itself to one plafond, which is traditionally mounted either in the center of the ceiling or directly above the doorway. A spacious room is decorated with a whole constellation of spotlights or even a chandelier. More information about bathroom ceiling lights contained here.
  • To the workers. A soft and diffused stream of light can provide LED strip under the washbasin and around the mirror. Shelves with cosmetics and detergents, washbasin, etc. can be illuminated from below and other types of lamps. The light sources on the flexible brackets, located on both sides of the mirror, allow you to change the degree of illumination and eliminate unnecessary shadows.
  • Lower. This type of lighting is rarely functional. Usually it is exclusively decorative in nature, widely used as an interior decoration and helps in relaxation. At the same time, light sources are located under individual elements of the interior, for example, under the sides of the bathtub, at the level of the floor or in a decimeter from its surface.

The simultaneous or sequential inclusion of lighting devices mounted at different levels allows you to create an atmosphere in the room that optimally matches the user's mood and the tasks that he has to solve.

Low light
An active lower level of lighting mounted in the bathroom floor creates a special romantic mood and colors the room with mother-of-pearl

Lighting Design Techniques

Human imagination knows no boundaries, so the ideas that the mind of professional designers produce are diverse, enchanting and non-standard.

Our task is to choose your option from the whole variety offered. One that will best suit both our premises and our own needs.

Original Design Ideas
It is not necessary that the bathroom shine with sterile whiteness: it is only important that all objects placed in this space harmoniously complement each other

We will proceed from the fact that a room of any size can be transformed if it is guided not only by a sense of beauty, but also by common sense. A harmonious combination of different types of lamps located in different lighting levels should provide this intimate corner of your apartment with its special appeal.

Reception # 1 - the proper organization of the ceiling light

In any bathroom, there should be an overhead light. The most daring design decisions still involve the use of lamps, if not on the ceiling itself, then at a level of 180 cm from the floor and above.

Increased attention of buyers enjoys the composition "starry sky". But the magnificent crystal chandeliers also have their fans.

Colored crystal chandelier above the bathtub
Interestingly, the massive colored crystal chandelier does not look like an alien body at all in this Provence style interior

Spotlights win their fans a variety of designs, reliability and, of course, cost-effectiveness. It is simple to use them, you just need to think through a scheme of their placement well in advance. You can arrange them around the perimeter, concentrate in the central part or above the functional areas (font, washbasin, mirror, etc.). It is important not to leave shaded areas in the room.

Even distribution of light even in a very spacious room can be achieved by using a large number of low-power sources of modest size.

Often, halogen lamps of built-in or open type are used to realize such tasks. Built-in constructions are very good when mounted in stretch ceiling.

Variety of ceiling lights
The combination of direct and reflected light forms a fabulous picture that you want to admire while lying in a cozy bathtub filled with warm water

When the ceiling in your bathroom is located high enough, it makes sense to use not only direct, but also reflected light. For this, for example, at a small distance from the ceiling, you can install an aluminum suspension with point devices that provide direct rays directed downward. The reflected ones will be emitted by sources mounted on the opposite side of the suspension.

Bus and string conductive systems can help organize unusual lighting in a futuristic style room. They are perfect for a room with a low ceiling. It is to him or to the upper part of the walls that such peculiar light “beads” are attached.

Reception # 2 - focus on the main element of the interior

Since the main elements of most bathrooms are the same name plumbing, it should not be deprived of light accents either.

The idea of ​​installing a bathing bowl on a pedestal is not new: it has long since found its fans. In a spacious room, this design not only looks attractive, but also allows you to decorate the pedestal with individual elements of the decor and, of course, backlight around the perimeter. Candles fixed on a pedestal in one place or around the font will find their application here.

Pedestal bath
The sides of the pedestal can serve as a source of illumination and stand for candles, towels, pumice, cream, scrub and aromatic oils

The bowl itself can be illuminated with an elegant ceiling chandelier or even a simple shade if the bathing area is separated from the main space by a curtain.

Bright lighting allows you to use all the functionality of the bathtub, and its LED backlight will create the illusion of leaking water or hovering tanks above the floor surface.

Standalone bath light
This self-illuminated bowl captivates with its inner radiance, but can also be brightly illuminated with a chandelier made in the form of air bubbles

Autonomous illumination can be hidden in the tank itself, allowing the receiver of water procedures to feel ascended into heaven or immersed in the ocean depths.

This option is ideal for those who are not used to saving and do not want to burden themselves with thoughts about how to install additional lighting.

Light and soul watering can
Probably, even colored streams of water would not look as spectacular as this light pouring from a shower head captured in a monochrome photograph

Interesting ideas can be realized even if the traditional font gives way to a modern soul. Especially spectacular is the backlight of the shower head when the light source is mounted directly into it. At the same time, a jet of water can acquire an unusual color.

Reception # 3 - successful lighting of the mirror zone

Regardless of the size of the room, there is always a mirror in it - the basis of the working area. It is usually located above the washbasin and next to shelves for cosmetics and personal care products. Designers offer different ways of highlighting and decorating this corner of the room.

When choosing a suitable option for lighting a mirror zone, rely on three basic rules:

  • light should not blind your eyes and be reflected in the mirror in the form of glare;
  • no shadows should fall on your face;
  • the color scheme of lighting should be as natural as possible.

The last two requirements help to properly apply both day and evening makeup, accurately select the color scheme and not go too far with the saturation of tones.

It is best to illuminate the mirror surface from at least three sides: on top for shaving and on the sides for applying makeup. For this purpose, a sconce on flexible brackets that can be deployed in a way that is convenient for the user is well suited.

Mirror Zone
A properly organized and well-illuminated mirror area is both beautiful and functional, which is what you should strive for

The most common recommendation of designers to equip this part of the working area is to use the built-in mirror illumination. Yes, it is expensive. You can reduce the cost by using fluorescent lamps located vertically or around the perimeter of the object. Framing with LED strips or halogen bulbs.

Reception # 4 - selection of furniture

It is impossible to wipe the bowl of plumbing and the washbasin to shine or to gloss on the metal elements of the interior without the use of modern detergents. And all this household chemicals should be stored at hand - in the bathroom.

Here, without catching the eyes of strangers, cosmetics and personal hygiene items find their place. It turns out that some kind of furniture in this room should be.

Bathroom Lighting
Lighting shelves allows you to easily see everything that is placed on them to select the item needed at this moment

You may not highlight it with light, but if in the morning rush we have to quickly find some object, then a small lamp above the desired shelf will come in handy. Spending money on functional lighting, we will save not only our time, but also our nerves.

Reception # 5 - decorative effects of the lower level

Above we talked about the fact that the illumination of the lower level is, as a rule, decorative. But do not lose sight of the moment that it can also be used as an emergency.

If you organize it directly in the flooring, then the best solution would be the use of sealed low-power lamps, which are used to designate garden paths in suburban areas.Their power does not exceed 5 W and a diameter of 5 cm.

The use of moisture-resistant LED strip will provide a special decorative effect. If you fix it around the perimeter of the bath in its lower part, then even a massive bowl seems to soar above the floor.

Decorative effect of the lower backlight
Even a combined bathroom of a very modest size can be completely transformed by the efforts of a designer who successfully combined the illumination of all three levels at once

It should be remembered that proper lighting in the bathroom can only be achieved when it is combined with the style in which the room itself is designed.

Reception # 6 - a manifestation of personality in lighting

Each person in his own way imagines coziness and comfort. It is easier for someone to mix with the crowd and feel like a rain in the general storm flow. So he feels himself a part of society, provides cover for his own position with public opinion: everything is like people have.

Another closer is a spectacular rainbow. He is not used to obeying stereotypes and following the canons of fashion, no matter how attractive she is.

Custom lighting in the bathroom
Perhaps, such a design will seem unnecessarily bold to someone, but you can’t refuse this author to be individual, and it’s great

The rejection of anonymized models can also be practiced when choosing fixtures for your bathroom. Compositions, layouts and the intensity of light flux are so tempting to choose at your discretion, guided by common sense, a sense of proportion and your own perception of beauty.

By the way, there were, and I want to believe that there will be candles, an excellent embodiment of the beautiful in our view. It is they who are able to create an unforgettable romantic atmosphere. Their flickering light, combined with their favorite scents, immerses us in blissful peace, distracts us from everyday hustle and bustle. We rest and recharge with new energy for the next day.

Safety Tips

Standards that we should not refuse even for the manifestation of our own individuality are electrical safety standards for rooms with a high level of humidity.

They also apply to bathrooms. After all, water is used here regularly: in the font, in the shower, during washing or in the washing process. In the form of condensate, it can settle on all objects located nearby.

Lighting Product Protection Index

All lighting products sold in our country are marked with indexes IP (Ingress Protection - degree of protection against penetration) containing a three-digit digital code. In order to competently approach the choice of devices for the bathroom, it is necessary to understand what is hidden under these numbers.

Deciphering the second digit of the code
The decryption of the second digit of the IP code presented in this table will help you to know exactly what we should expect from the lighting fixtures that we liked, and what better not to count on

The code includes numbers, the increase of which means an increase in the level of security:

  • First. Displays the level of protection of the product from dust and dirt. It ranges from 0 to 6.
  • Second. Moisture resistance on a scale from 0 to 8. When marked with the number 8, the product can remain under water for a long time without losing its functions, without posing a danger to humans.
  • Third. Impact resistance on a scale from 0 to 10. The maximum index of 10 indicates that the product is able to withstand mechanical stress of up to 20 J and, despite the damage, remain in working condition and be electrically safe.

We talked more about the value of the degree of protection in this article. The ability to navigate well in the labeling of lighting devices gives the consumer a guarantee that he will buy exactly the goods that he needs.

Location of humidity zones

The rules for the placement of electrical appliances are enshrined in domestic GOST and a number of international acts.

When designing the location of fixtures and sockets to turn on various electrical appliances, it is important to consider safety standardsrelevant for rooms with high humidity.

Humidity zones
The division of the room with high humidity into zones is very logical: the further the surface is located from the source of moisture, the safer it is

According to current standards, the room is conditionally divided into four zones:

  • The first zone of the highest humidity level. Water can flow here, steam and condensation may form. It is located above the bath bowl and under it, as well as inside the shower. For this space, fixtures with a protection index of IP 674 and a power of 12 W are designed, which maintain safety even if they are immersed in water.
  • The second zone of high humidity. On the surface of this zone, water may enter in the form of drops or steam. It includes the space above and below the washbasin, as well as the surfaces adjacent to the font on the sides. The index of protection for models in this zone should not be lower than IP 452, and their power should be up to 24 W. They are impervious to water jets of different directions.
  • Third zone of moderate humidity. Just 50 cm from the washbasin and bathtub, the third zone begins. For it, the appliance with the marking from IP 242, which does not respond to splashes falling on its surface, can be considered quite protected.
  • Fourth - remaining space. The rest of the space in the room can be safely attributed to the relatively safe fourth zone. Moisture can penetrate here, but only in the form of condensate or steam. The luminaire with index from IP 011 can be used here without restrictions. From drops falling vertically on it, it is quite protected.

Now that we know exactly which fixtures can be used in a particular area, it is easy to make the final choice of light sources for the bathroom and draw up a layout for their placement.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The video that we bring to your attention will help you to see with your own eyes how effective is the illumination of the mirror zone from three sides.

At the same time, you will learn how to make sure that the reflective surface is not fogged by settled condensate.

As we already said, the imagination of professional designers knows no bounds. So that you can choose a suitable option or, based on the material you saw, develop your own version of lighting, watch this video.

It is unlikely that a modern person can arrange a bathroom, lit according to all the rules of design art, if all this splendor will sparkle and shock. A reliable, but wretched version with a single bulb under the lampshade from the newspaper, too, will not gain many fans.

But the golden combination of beauty and safety is what you should strive for.

Do you have interesting ideas for creating the most efficient and stylish lighting in the bathroom? Or do you want to share a photo of your bathroom, which harmoniously combines several lighting techniques used by designers? Leave your recommendations, add unique photos in the comments section - your ideas will be an inspiration for many home masters with the soul of a designer.

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Visitors Comments
  1. Serge

    Decryption ip is very useful, did not know it before. There is a bathroom in the new building.So far, electricity was more interested, not lighting, but they had to be planned in a complex. For some reason, the soul does not lie with LED lighting and spotlights, I think that all this is a fashion, then everything will return to the classics. But the lighting of the lower floor of the bath somehow liked it. Problems, as I understand it, can arise when using low-quality Chinese products? I would not want to open the tiles, ducts and ceilings later.

    • Expert
      Amir Gumarov

      Hello. It is a common mistake to consider Chinese products as substandard. A huge number of global brands are made in China. It's just that in China you can find very attractive price tags. But how much you paid, so much you received. Although there are exceptions.

      4 years ago I ordered LED strips on Aliexpress. 4 pieces for yourself and 4 neighbors. 300 rubles per tape. The finisher friend clutched his head; he bought 800 rubles for such objects. Everyone said that they would not live with me for a month. Bottom line - none of the 8 tapes have burned so far. Neither those that were hung in the children's room, nor those that hang in the bathroom. The only thing, the quality of the adhesive base was not up to par, I will not argue here. But given that they crossed the road in very cruel heat and even minimized, it is excusable. So everything is relative.

      As a result - there is a chance to run into low-quality Chinese goods, but if you choose among brands with good quality control, then there should be no problems.

  2. Alice

    Interesting solutions, but for me in the bathroom you still need to very carefully choose the light levels. Not always on the lower tier it is needed. Warm / cold light can also play an important role. And even makeup can be applied like a clown, and shave is not there) It's cool that now there are so many choices available: lamps and design options. Not like before, they bought one headset and hung up the lamps, and that’s all.

  3. Svetlana

    For me, in the bathroom, in addition to the ceiling, local lighting by the mirror is necessary. When caring for the face, it is important to see every area of ​​the skin on the face. Here the decisive role is played by the correct arrangement of the lamps and the choice of lamps. Light should not be too bright and blind eyes. Convenience always comes first in relation to design options.


