Gas inspection in an apartment: how and how many times gas equipment inspections should be carried out
It is difficult today to imagine an apartment without gas. Blue fuel is a guarantee of heat and the availability of hot water in the house. However, you must admit that, in addition to the benefits of civilization, gas is fraught with danger.
Even a minor leak can lead to tragedy. The only way to prevent an emergency is to regularly check the gas in the apartment, as well as competent maintenance of gas equipment and strict observance of operating rules.
We will tell you how often gas equipment should be inspected, what is the responsibility of the monitoring service, what rights the consumer has, how much this service costs. You will also learn all about the rights and obligations of subscribers and whether it is possible not to let gas workers into the apartment.
The content of the article:
Change the frequency of inspection GO
Most domestic apartments are equipped with gas stoves, and in houses up to five floors high, housing is also equipped with columns or floor boilers. In Soviet times, gas processing equipment was serviced free of charge. This scheme remained in Russia until 2006.
Later, a separate tariff was allocated for the maintenance of gas equipment (GO), which was established on the basis of an agreement with tenants. The innovation caused a negative reaction from users who did not want to pay for imposed services.
As a result, no contracts were concluded, and the lack of documents led to the fact that a routine inspection of gas equipment was practically not carried out.

On September 20, 2017, amendments were made to the rules for using gas (Decree of 09.09.2017 No. 1091). One of the most important changes affected the frequency of checking civil defense in houses and apartments.
If previously a scheduled inspection of civil defense was carried out once every three years, now, according to the annex to Regulation No. 410, the inspection should be carried out annually. As a result, the cost of services increased in proportion to the frequency of technical inspection of gas equipment.
According to article 9.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, an administrative fine of 1,000 to 30,000 rubles is imposed for evading the signing of a maintenance contract and repairing gas and gas equipment, or refusing access to the premises of representatives of the controlling service to conduct maintenance.
In the absence of documentation confirming conclusion of an agreement for the supply of fuel and maintenance of gas units, the supplier is authorized to shut off the gas supply.

If the gas equipment has not passed the maintenance, the supply of gas is prohibited. The resumption of fuel supply occurs after the signing of the contract for inspection of civil defense. But you will have to pay for reconnecting.
What is displayed in the contract?
The maintenance contract indicates:
- basic criteria for the safe operation of gas devices;
- list of works and their cost;
- responsibilities of the auditing firm.
Additional information displayed in the contract:
- subscriber data;
- address of the service object;
- list of civil defense in the apartment;
- data on the company that conducts inspection and repair of civil defense;
- the amount and term of payment for the services rendered;
- date of signing.
A document for servicing the aggregate property of residents is concluded by a partnership or cooperative. According to the contract, the gas pipeline on the facade of the building and the gas pipe inside the pipe are inspected.
The inspection company may be chosen at its discretion.
What is included in GO maintenance?
When the inspection is planned in an apartment building, the regulatory authorities act according to the following plan:
- quality of pipe fasteners is checked;
- inspected painted surface of gas pipes;
- bypassing external gas communications;
- the integrity of the structures through which the gas pipes are conducted is studied;
- the tightness of the fastening and reinforcing components of the gas pipeline is checked (using a soap solution or using special devices);
- laying of the gas pipeline network is examined, the quality of installation of equipment (checked with the standard);
- Valves are tested (lubrication checked), as well as the functionality of gas valves;
- if necessary, seals are replaced;
- the draft in ventilation is checked and adjusted;
- tests are carried out for the presence of combustion air, as well as the quality of the mounting smoke tunnels and exhaust pipes.
During the inspection of gas equipment in the apartment is also performed:
- leak detection and remediation;
- verification of civil defense and its installation in accordance with the requirements of the project and regulations;
- verification of access to civil defense, as well as gas pipelines located in attics and in the basement;
- lubrication of locking devices, cleaning of corrosion and lubricant;
- adjustment of the correct operation of gas equipment;
- heat exchanger cleaning;
- instructing subscribers on the safe operation of civil defense.
The full range of work is indicated in the agreement. If a service officer detects serious violations in the operation of gas units, gas shut off and draw up a document confirming the actions and explaining the reasons.
If repair or replacement of gas equipment components is necessary, payment is made by its owner. Spare parts are also paid by the consumer.
Self-repair of gas equipment deprives the owner of the opportunity to take advantage of the manufacturer's warranty. The technical documentation for the units stipulates that all operations for the production of which it will be necessary to remove the housing must be performed by representatives of gas supplying organizations.
Gas instrument check frequency
According to the regulations, the frequency of gas checks in the apartment and beyond:
- annual audit bypassing gas pipelines (underground and aboveground);
- once every three years, inspection of the technical condition of gas pipelines;
- annual maintenance of domestic gas equipment (if the manufacturer recommends other traffic, in this case, exceptions are allowed);
- once every three months, balloon stations are checked.
During TO gas stoves, columns and floor boilers the gas supply is cut off. Residents of apartment buildings are informed in advance.
Who should conduct inspection GO?
All responsibility for the condition gas pipes and equipment, as well as operational safety, lies with the subscribers. Users are required to conclude a contract for verification of civil defense with any licensed company.
An organization engaged in the maintenance of gas equipment must have:
- agreement with the supplier of blue fuel;
- round-the-clock emergency dispatch service;
- certified specialists;
- to transport gas to the point of connection to gas equipment.
In order to avoid misunderstandings with the gas service, it is recommended that the subscriber require a detailed description of all actions from representatives of the inspection service.

It is advisable to carefully read the act on the results of the audit and ensure that all results and actions are accurately reflected. Since the act is drawn up in triplicate, it is recommended to verify their identity. If some points are not clear, the client has the right to ask for clarification.
Gas Inspection Act
At the end of the inspection of gas equipment by the controller, an act is drawn up in which the following information is indicated:
- date and place of inspection;
- subscriber data;
- position and personal data of gas industry representatives;
- assessment of the current technical condition of GO;
- identified defects (if any);
- recommendations for the further operation of gas equipment.
If, as a result of the check, a malfunction of the gas equipment is detected, an act banning the use of the device is drawn up, and the user's access to gas supply is also limited.

Resumption of supply of blue fuel occurs after all malfunctions are eliminated.
What needs to be provided to subscribers?
During the scheduled maintenance, the representative of the gas inspection service during the civil defense inspection may require the following documents from the owner of the property:
- contract for the provision of gas supply services;
- gasification project for the premises;
- an act of checking the technical condition of ventilation ducts (in the presence of devices with the output of combustion products);
- subscriber and account book.
After maintenance, the subscriber must sign the inventory sheet, thus confirming the fact of the inspection.
Cost of maintenance
Prices for all services are displayed in the contract for maintenance of GO.
The total cost of maintenance is calculated individually for each consumer.
The following factors influence pricing:
- the amount of gas equipment in the room;
- technical condition of GO.
The cost of services often changes. The consumer must independently seek information on current prices.

Rates are published on the official website of the company, which is responsible for the distribution of blue fuel in the house. Payment must be made no later than the date specified in the contract. In case of delay, payment must be made no later than the 10th day of the next month.
Frequently asked Questions
Users often have questions regarding the legality of the annual planned maintenance of gas devices and the need to conclude an agreement. Subscribers are also interested in how to distinguish gas service representatives from scammers. Below are answers to frequently asked questions.
Is it possible not to let the controller into the house?
Clause 29 on the "Rules for the provision of gas supply services to the population" says that consumers are obliged to provide access for representatives of the gas supplying company to the room where gas appliances and a gas meter are located.
In addition to the planned inspection of the technical condition of civil defense, gas workers can visit for:
- emergency warning;
- gas leak elimination;
- mounting or dismounting gas meters;
- replacement of gas appliances;
- shut off the supply of blue fuel;
- liquidation of violations in the work of civil defense;
- checking the counter and the integrity of the seals on it.
Employees must present appropriate certificates and communicate their visit in advance.
Is it possible to refuse the contract for inspection of civil defense?
Legal refusal is provided in three cases:
- the contract has already been concluded by the managing organization (cooperative, partnership);
- if you already have an agreement with another organization;
- if the apartment (house) is not yet gasified and there is no supply contract.
Citizens of the Russian Federation are plumb for evading the signing of a maintenance contract, as well as for refusing to admit to a dwelling, for performing maintenance work on civil defense. For violators, a fine of up to 30,000 r or disconnection from gas supply is provided.
How to distinguish gas service representatives from scammers?
You need to be wary if the "gas workers" persistently try to get into the room before the conclusion of the contract or begin to demand advance payment of services. Also, scammers often try to oblige residents to buy specific equipment from them (for example, gas analyzers).
In case of failure, they threaten to turn off the gas or with large fines. Employees of the company with which the contract is concluded warn in advance of their visit, and also present a certificate upon request.
Where to go in case of an accident?
Regardless of the company with which the contract for the verification of civil defense is concluded, in case of emergency, you should call the emergency gas service. The elimination of gas leaks, the localization of emergency sections, the prevention of large-scale accidents is carried out around the clock.
Only representatives of the gas distribution organization come to the call, not employees of intermediary firms. A visit to the emergency gang may be made without warning.
Conclusions and useful video on the topic
How gas equipment maintenance was carried out until 2017:
What you need to know about the mandatory maintenance of gas equipment:
Today, the state is forced to take measures to ensure the safety of the use of gas equipment by the population. Frequent inspections and tightening standards are a necessary measure due to frequent accidents.
It is necessary to responsibly approach the operation of gas equipment, to conclude a contract on a regular inspection of civil defense in a timely manner.This is a guarantee of security not only for you, but also for your neighbors.
Have you entered into a gas equipment maintenance contract? How often do gas workers make a “visit” to you, in what format is the audit conducted? Or maybe you know of cases where untimely maintenance led to tragedy? Write your stories in the comments. Also, you can always get advice from our site.
Everywhere game with one goal. All responsibility to the consumer. Well, then the contract itself is not bilateral, but one-sided to raise money, because a warranty period for the quality of work is not provided, and that the nut will fall off after the locksmith leaves is the norm.
The feeling of a robbed person is constantly present in the soul. And the words about citizenship are perceived without pride.
Good afternoon, Michael. No, the nut that fell off after the locksmith left is not the norm, but a violation of your rights as a consumer of his services. Performers along with sellers are responsible for quality: only the first - for their work, and the second - for the goods. Having completed the work, the locksmith had to draw up and give you an act for signing, in which everything that he did should be indicated.
Read the text of the documents carefully before signing them. Your rights are stated in the contracts and the liability of the service provider is set out in detail, the warranty periods are indicated. The nut has fallen off - call again until it is screwed as it should.
And you say goodbye to your “feeling of a robbed person”; you better read the Law on Protection of Consumer Rights, which the state has developed specifically for you. Text with all edits can easily be found on the Internet. Pay attention to points 12, 13 ... Yes, in principle, than to blame someone and something, it is better to read the whole document.
And the state you screw in light bulbs in the bathroom and monitor your nuts is not required. It is only a guarantor of your rights, which are set forth in the constitution and in related documents regulating the interaction of citizens with each other and various organizations.
Do not know what the constitution guarantees you, contact lawyers. And it’s better to study the legal rules yourself. It’s both cheaper and more useful.
The planned annual audit was in the second half of December 2019, no violations were detected. A month passed, and in January of this year. stated with verification again. How can they explain that the check is done not in a month, but in 11-12 months ?!
What is the minimum interval between annual, scheduled inspections of the gas service in apartments? No previous violations were detected.