The device and repair of the bathroom faucet: the main types of breakdowns + recommendations for their elimination

Amir Gumarov
Checked by a specialist: Amir Gumarov
Author: Julia Kolesnikova
Last update: May 2024

In modern bathrooms, there are always taps - they can be used to control the temperature and pressure of the supplied water. The plumbing device also performs an additional function - it redirects the flow of water through the hose to the shower head.

Often, such equipment works for a long time, especially if the goods are not off the Chinese conveyor. But, there are breakdowns that interfere with the normal use of the water supply. They can be eliminated on their own, if you understand the design features of a multi-function crane.

However, the device and repair of the bathroom faucet are not clear to every home master. We suggest sorting out these issues in order. In the article, we described the designs of different types of mixers, identified the most likely breakdowns, and also provided clear instructions for their elimination.

Mixers and their device

Valve mixers enjoyed the past few decades. They are distinguished by reliability and durability. On sale you can find products made from different materials: from cheap alloys based on aluminum, to brass and copper.

Bath mixer
These faucets can be found in the homes of many residents. Such devices are understandable in management, have high aesthetic qualities. There are no such complex elements as cartridges in their design. There are also no batteries

In the design of this mixer the main role is played by the axle box crane. A valve is fixed to it, with the help of which the pressure of the supplied water is carried out. For cold and hot water, there is one faucet with valves. Therefore, such mixers are called dual-valve.

Other basic elements of this type of mixer:

  • housing;
  • handles;
  • rubber pads;
  • spout;
  • spool;
  • fixing nut, etc.

The spout can be installed on the wall, with the help of steel corners, or with the help of eccentrics to pipes supplying water.

Lever mixers (single-command) are easier to use. To adjust the force of the pressure of the water and its temperature there is only one element - the lever.

Lever mixer
Lever mixers are more compact in comparison with valve counterparts. There are few rubber pads that need to be changed regularly. But, you need to monitor the status of the cartridge

Raising the lever up increases the pressure, and changing the position of this element left or right changes the temperature, mixing hot and cold water in the right proportions.

The lever mixer consists of the following elements:

  • housing;
  • harness with a metal prism;
  • copper pipes for water supply;
  • divider;
  • drain valve;
  • cartridge;
  • spout;
  • fixing nut.

It is worth noting that the cartridge can be of two types: ball and ceramic.

Thermostatic Mixers allow users to save time devoted to regulating the temperature and strength of the water flow. The built-in thermostat with the ability to adjust the output temperature allows you to quickly select the desired mode.

It will be maintained unchanged throughout the use of the mixer.

Thermostatic mixer
Every year, such devices are becoming more accessible. With their help, you can not only increase the level of comfort in your home, but also reduce the consumption of hot water

An accurate scale is provided to accurately set the desired water temperature.

Main elements thermostatic mixer:

  • thermostat;
  • cartridge;
  • housing;
  • spout;
  • adjusting screw.

It is impossible to burn with water from such a mixer due to the presence of a protective mechanism in the device.

Touch Mixers triggered by movements. The sensor is triggered when movement is detected near the spout or shower head.

Touch bath mixer
Such mixers can be equipped with additional devices. For example, a thermostat, an on timer, an information panel. Sensor equipment will be a great addition to modern bathrooms

Water can be supplied in portions or until the moment of termination of fixation of movements.

The main elements of the touch mixer:

  • power supply of the electronic part - battery or power supply unit;
  • Sensors
  • mixer body, spout, shower head with hose;
  • Temperature regulator;
  • battery cover (if provided in the design).

It is noteworthy that in the past few years, touch-sensitive mixers with infrared sensors have been increasingly sold.

Such devices are triggered when the heat source is fixed. The equipment is set up in production.

A detailed review of bath faucets with shower, selection tips and a ranking of the best manufacturers are presented in this article.

Types of equipment malfunctions

Each type of equipment for mixing water has a unique device and design. But, even with a malfunction of one of the elements of the mixer, water leakage can be observed. It is best to fix such a malfunction as soon as possible in order to avoid more serious problems.

The causes of failure can be:

  • manufacturing defect;
  • low quality of components;
  • mechanical damage;
  • incorrect installation;
  • poor water quality;
  • excessive system pressure at home or apartments, as well as its lack.

Accordingly, not always eliminating the breakdown of the mixer can give a guarantee for further durable use. It is best to establish the exact cause of the breakdown with a specialist.

In the same article, we consider the typical malfunctions of bathtub taps with a shower. Any of them can be eliminated independently without the help of specialists.

Leak from the tap
Unfortunately, not in every case you can do it yourself when repairing plumbing in the bathroom. There are complex breakdowns and ambiguous situations. In these cases, the leak may not stop even after self-repair.

Option number 1 - there is a leak under the spout

In the initial stage of the malfunction, water may oozing rare drops. If you neglect the problem, then the water will soon begin to flow in thin streams. Thus, several tens of liters of water can go into the sewer per day. To avoid this, replace the gasket.

A gander (spout) is attached to the housing with a clamping nut. After she unscrewed the gander, you need to remove and remove the worn gasket. It is advisable to buy this element from the same material in order to be sure of the durability of the gasket.

The threaded part is preferably protected from possible leaks. This is done using flax or FUM tape. It is easier to handle the tape, so you can do it. It will be enough to scroll 10-15 turns of tape onto the thread under the nut. After that, the nut with the gander are installed in their place. The leak should stop.

Using an adjustable wrench
Having a set of wrenches or a good adjustable wrench is a prerequisite for resolving such a malfunction. With this tool you will have to unscrew the fixing nuts

Option number 2 - flow mixer valve

If water drips or flows from the spout, then the fault is the worn rubber gaskets in the crane box. Less often, the cause of the malfunction is the box axle itself. To fix the problem, you need to understand in which of the crane boxes the gasket has worn out. This can be determined by the temperature of the dripping water.

You can get to the gaskets as follows:

  • unscrew the screw fixing the handle;
  • remove the handle;
  • unscrew the crane axle box (stem) with a wrench.

On the last element you can see a worn rubber gasket. It is advisable to have several such gaskets in stock, as they often wear out. Replacing the damaged element with a new installation of parts should be carried out in the reverse order.

If the valve is a ball valve, flush the locking mechanism itself. Just one grain of sand may be the reason that with the valve closed, the water will still flow from the tap.

Also, the ball may wear out from time to time. An output of even 0.5 mm will be noticeable. In this case, the ball mechanism needs to be replaced. The problem is temporarily fixed by FUM tape insulation at the threaded joint.

The crane axle boxes for mixers
At the bottom of the axle box crane is a rubber gasket, which often wears out when used regularly. The price of the sealant is low so you can buy immediately sets of rubber bands of 10 units, which is enough for several years of using the crane

Variang No. 3 - the lever crane has flowed down

Reason single lever mixer malfunctions a clogged cartridge or a worn mounting thread may serve. The cartridge needs to be replaced with an identical one, since they cannot be repaired.

Additional signs of a defective cartridge may include: difficult adjustment of the mixer lever, smooth or abrupt change in water temperature (spontaneous), lack of cold or hot water.

There is a plastic or rubber plug on the lever. It must be removed with a flat screwdriver. Using a Phillips screwdriver, loosen the locking screw located under the plug.

After that, the lever can be removed, as a result of which access to the cartridge is opened. It is removed after loosening the fixing nut. Replacing the cartridge with a new one, the assembly is performed in the reverse order.

Lever mixer cartridge
On branded cartridges there are protrusions that must coincide with the corresponding recesses in the inner part of the mixer body. If they do not match, then the water will still seep

If the thread is developed, then it must be sealed. This will save water leakage from the tap. Sealing is carried out using FUM tape.

Option No. 4 - the faucet-shower switch is faulty

There is a sealed gasket between the mixer body and the shower faucet switch. She, over time, can wear out and dry out if rarely used.Sometimes the owners of the mixers, after disassembling and replacing the gasket, do not notice any contaminants (sand, fine concrete dust, etc.) that have fallen on it.

When switching modes, such contaminants damage the gum, which leads to leakage.

To replace, remove the switch knob. Then the valve stem is removed. A worn gasket is removed from the stem and replaced with a new similar one. Previously, you can hold it for several hours in vegetable oil, or better machine oil, so that it becomes more elastic and lasts as long as possible.

Mode switch repair
The process of replacing the gasket on the faucet-shower switch is similar to the process of replacing the gasket on a faucet box of a valve mixer. Care should be taken to reinstall the stem so that the thread matches when wrapping it. If the threaded turns are damaged, it is possible to leak.

Another cause of malfunction of the shower faucet switch is a bursting spring. This is evidenced by the fact that the switch button does not return to its place. Replacing the spring with a new one solves this problem.

Option No. 5 - the touch mixer does not turn on

In this case, the fault is a dead battery. Most often, the problem can be eliminated by replacing the battery cell. But, due to the fact that the mixer operates in an environment with high humidity, conductive contacts can be oxidized.

This leads to a weakening of the contact between the elements, as a result of which the mixer will not work.

Replacing the batteries in the mixer
Batteries can be located in the body of the mixer or in a separate unit, which is installed under the bath. Both the type of battery cells and their number differ

You can eliminate this on your own. After removing the battery from the compartment, you need to clean the contacts with a sharp metal object. If time permits, then it is possible to apply special means to the contacts that corrode corrosion and oxides.

20 minutes after applying the product, the pads should be wiped with a dry rag and dried. After installing the battery, the mixer will work.

What kind of breakdowns require equipment replacement?

Such breakdowns include through cracks in the housing. They most often appear on inexpensive Chinese-made mixers. The reason is the low strength of the alloy used.

In addition, there may be pores and voids in the structure of the material. Weakened areas, even from sudden changes in temperature, may crack or burst. This cannot be fixed. It’s best to remove a damaged device and install a new mixer.

Mixer breakdown
Sometimes the best solution to the problem is really replacing plumbing equipment. By soldering or welding, such malfunctions are difficult to eliminate.

If the hose is damaged, then it will not be possible to repair. The hose changes to a new one. If the leak is visible at the point of connection to the housing, then this can be fixed by replacing the paronite washer. To do this, just unscrew the hose from the base and replace the washer.

Difficult to repair are the thermostat or sensors. Without special tools and work experience, they will not be able to fix their breakdown on their own. It is best to call a qualified technician who will quickly fix the problem.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

How to eliminate leaks in the mixer can be found in the following video:

Based on the foregoing, we can make a reasonable conclusion that for repairs, you need to know the device and the principle of operation of the faucet of the bathroom faucet with shower. Knowing this, you can eliminate most of the breakdowns within an hour if there are replaceable parts and tools in stock.

Have experience in self-repairing a bathroom faucet? Or want to ask questions on the topic? Please comment on the publication and participate in the discussions. The feedback block is located below.

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Visitors Comments
  1. Since Soviet times, the knowledge that the best faucet is brass has been firmly rooted in the minds of ordinary people. Now, it has become very popular with many manufacturers of low-cost faucets to give aluminum alloy faucets to brass. Otherwise, the same layman will not buy their goods. They even tint their products in golden color. As a result, there are sudden cracks in the cases, which, at best, will simply deprive you of money for repairs. In the worst case, you may suffer from boiling water. I saw faucets with a crack on the body that continued to be used. The crack was wrapped with electrical tape. This did not help much, water flowed from under the insulating tape, but the mixer itself worked. This is the worst thing - when people practice this. Just a rash takes from such paintings.


