Standard toilet sizes: typical sizes and weights of different types of toilets

Amir Gumarov
Checked by a specialist: Amir Gumarov
Author: Tatyana Zakharova
Last update: March 2024

The toilet performs two useful functions: it is a necessary plumbing fixture and serves as a decorative element in the interior.

To comfortably use the plumbing, it is necessary to take into account parameters such as the size of the toilet. Properly selected dimensions create a favorable atmosphere in the bathroom, which is important for the convenience and health of residents.

Compact or comfortable?

An analysis of the technical characteristics of a plumbing device usually occurs before it is purchased, and it refers to those items that are purchased not for a year or two, but for a longer period.

At this point, it is important not to lose money, focusing only on the design, type or method of connecting to communications.

In addition to the exact numbers that determine the width, height and length of the toilet bowl, several generally accepted rules are important, which in the future will make its use as comfortable as possible:

As for the dimensions of the sanitary ware, they are usually standard - with the exception of special models designed for use by children or people with disabilities.

Thus, the toilet should be convenient for all family members and at the same time harmoniously fit into the interior of the bathroom or toilet. This is easy to achieve if you first examine the installation area and make simple measurements with a tape measure before buying.

And you can provide personal convenience right in the store - "try on" your favorite model, just sitting on it.

GOST Standards

Provisions may also serve as clues. GOST 30493-96, which sets out the requirements for sanitary ceramics and indicates the standard sizes of typical toilets: dish-shaped, funnel-shaped and visor-shaped.

Dimensions are shown for models with oblique and direct release, with a solid cast shelf and without it.

Schemes with dimensions according to GOST
Two variants of the schemes presented in the normative documentation - with an attached and integral shelf. Dimensions of devices differ, but not dramatically

For a better understanding of standard models, you can use the information in the table.

Toilet size chart
The table shows the norms of the length, width and height of the toilets with / without shelf, and the sizes of children's products are placed in a separate line

If you compose the data, you get the following sizes:

  • Toilets with a central shelf - 60.5 * 34-36 * 37-40 cm (L * W * H)
  • Toilets without a shelf - 46 * 34-36 * 37-40 cm (L * W * H)
  • Children's models - 40.5 * 29 * 33.5 cm (L * W * H)

Of course, now GOST standards are not mandatory for the manufacture of sanitary products, many companies produce toilet bowls in accordance with TU, which they must report in the data sheet.

Accordingly, the sizes will differ from those stated above.

Samples of possible sizes
Samples of possible sizes. You can find out how close the dimensions of the sanitary instrument are to the standard ones by examining the drawing - it must be attached to the technical data sheet along with the installation diagram

You can not drive into a certain framework and all kinds of design models, as well as products for people with disabilities.

But the majority of the products presented in stores are still standard-sized toilets with a tank, that is, ordinary compact toilets at a price of 7000-15000 rubles.

Features of the size range

In addition to products of standard sizes, namely manufacturers are striving for, there are a number of models that, due to the characteristics of the installation, stand out from the general flow.

This also includes especially large toilets, modern mini-models for children and plumbing fixtures of a special design, equipped with devices for comfortable use by people with disabilities.

Option # 1 - floor corner models

In small bathrooms, every centimeter of free space is important, so the product must be placed as compactly as possible and at the same time convenient for the residents of the apartment. Sometimes for installation choose an angle, respectively, buy an angular model.

Corner toilet in the interior
An example of installing a corner toilet. In size, it practically does not differ from the usual floor model, the difference concerns the shape and size of the tank

There are no difficulties with the installation of an angular toilet, the main thing is to prepare a place in advance, bring in communications and think over the connection.

Diagram of a corner toilet
Diagram of an angular model with dimensions. Width, length and height fit into generally accepted standards, not to mention the drain tank located directly in the corner

The width and height of the model, along with the tank 34-37 * 40-42 cm, but the length of this type of toilet, given the non-standard shape, reaches 80 cm.

Remember that the angles are not dimensionless, so in advance, armed with a tape measure, carefully measure the length of the walls of the installation zone, not forgetting the diagonal - the axis of installation of the corner toilet.

Option # 2 - toilets with a built-in tank

To make the bathroom look generally more attractive, sometimes the tank with communications is hidden behind a false wall made of drywall or plastic.Access to pipes and metering devices is through a hatch.

Toilet bowl with integrated reservoir
Outwardly, it looks like this: the bowl is in sight, and all other elements are out of sight. A side positive point is to reduce the cleaning area

The effect of saving space is purely visual. It is clear that a false wall or partition is stealing part of the free space.

Therefore, the purpose of disguising the drain device is more aesthetic.

Scheme of the toilet with a built-in tank
The dimensions of the toilet bowl with the integrated drain tank are the same as the products without a shelf, since only the bowl is taken into account. The tank is most often mounted on a wall or on special brackets

Bowl length on average is 46-48 cm, width is 36-37 cm, height is 38-41 cm.

Option # 3 - hanging bowls with installation

The peculiarity of the suspended models is that they consist of 2 main parts, one of which is built into the wall, the second is indoors.

Toilet bowl with installation
Sample hanging model with installation. Its advantages: impeccable appearance, compactness, free space above the floor for easy cleaning

An installation is installed behind the partition - a solid metal frame on which the toilet bowl suspended on the heels is held. There is also fittings - eyeliner, drain mechanism, tank.

The dimensions of the hanging toilet bowl are most often standard:

  • width - 37 cm;
  • length - 46 cm;
  • height above the finish floor - 39-41 cm.

But there may be deviations from the standards dictated by the features of the installation.

Scheme of the toilet with installation
The scheme of the suspended model with installation. The peculiarity is that when buying, you need to take into account the dimensions of not only the bowl, but also the installation, which "takes" up to 40 cm of space near the main wall

When choosing, be sure to check the frame dimensions - even with a compact bowl, it can be large and during installation it will not fit in the niche reserved for it.

Option # 4 - baby mini-models

Children’s plumbing is usually interested in buyers with wider material capabilities.

In addition, an additional area is needed to install the headset - a second toilet.

Children's toilet in the interior
Children's corner in the bathroom. Plumbing for kids has a funny design, bright colors and, of course, size. The sink and toilet bowl are often sold as a set and are made in the same style.

The dimensions of children's plumbing are focused on the age of children, respectively, the toilet for two-year-olds and 10-year-olds differ.

Diagram of a children's toilet
The scheme of a children's toilet, by which you can judge its dimensions. Usually they are close to the standard sizes indicated in the regulatory documentation.

Plumbing fixtures for children are all smaller than adult counterparts:

  • width - 27-30 cm;
  • length - 38-40 cm;
  • height - 30-40 cm.

It is wise to purchase special plumbing only for babies, as teenagers are quite comfortable on ordinary toilets.

Yes, and mini-toilets can be replaced with a special kit: child seat + footrest.

Option # 5 - Oversized Toilets

Unusually large toilets are rare - these are exclusive models made especially for heavy or tall people.

However, sometimes a large appliance means the dimensions of the entire structure as a whole, with a shelf for the toilet and a cistern.

Large floor toilet
Some models really take up a lot of space due to the voluminous monolithic design, an elongated shelf or an unusual shape tank - excessively high or wide

A larger model needs more space than a regular model.

Even if the width of the toilet bowl is larger than the standard, this must be taken into account during installation - sometimes 2-3 cm matters.

The scheme of a large toilet
The scheme of the model with increased dimensions. If the width meets the standards, then the height is more by 5 centimeters, and the length due to the tank exceeds the norm by more than 10 cm

Products with unusually large bowl sizes are not in demand, so they simply cannot be found on free sale.

If there is a need to purchase a non-standard model, most likely you will have to place a special order.

Option # 6 - a special type of plumbing

Toilets for people with disabilities are also larger than usual, but not due to the increased rim, but because of additional devices.

Special armrests, handles, coasters help disabled people sit comfortably on the seat.

Disabled toilet
One of the options for a special toilet, which can be installed both at home and in a public institution - a cafe, hospital, sports complex, entertainment center

The dimensions of the bowl are usually standard, the tank too, so there are no difficulties with installation. In addition to floor models, you can also find outboard models. But some models are equipped with a comfortable back, so the tank is slightly shifted back - this increases the area for installation.

Sometimes, in addition to dimensions, the weight of the product is important. You can find out how much the toilet bowl weighs with the tank from the technical documentation. Typically, compact models weigh 20-25 kg, but a lot depends on the type of model and the material of manufacture.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

About the sizes and not only:

Overview of the baby toilet:

The size of the toilet depends on how comfortable you will feel in the toilet, so you do not need to ignore the height, size of the rim and the structure as a whole. Do not forget that you have to deal with plumbing every day, so it should be as convenient, beautiful and safe as possible..

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