Ariston Hotpoint Dishwasher Errors: Error Codes and Their Solutions

Evgenia Kravchenko
Checked by a specialist: Evgenia Kravchenko
Author: Yana Mokeeva
Last update: April 2024

The developers of Ariston Hotpoint dishwashers thought out not only the design, but also provided the ability to quickly identify failures in the operation of the equipment. Cars themselves signal the breakdown. The code displayed on the panel gives the owner the right to decide whether the service center or he himself will be engaged in repair. Convenient, right?

How errors of the Ariston Hotpoint dishwasher are determined, you will learn from the article presented by us. It describes in detail what the program laid down by the engineers warns about. It is thoroughly described what you can do on your own to correct the situation, and when it is better to contact the repairmen.

In the article we presented, we describe the intricacies of diagnostics, give advice on observing which the risk of breakdown and machine failure is sharply reduced. As a useful informative supplement, photos, video recommendations and reviews are given.

Water intake or drain problems

The PMM Ariston provides a self-diagnosis system. As soon as the control module detects a malfunction, it immediately stops the execution of the program and displays a hint code.

Consider the most common mistakes - from easily removable to requiring specialist intervention.

AL01 - leak in the car

This code indicates a loss of tightness in the PMM connections. If you look inside the dishwasher, you will probably find water on the pallet and a pop-up “float”, which gave the control board a signal about a malfunction under the code 01.

On devices without a digital screen, the lights will wink: on machines with 4 programs, the first diode will blink, on a model with 6 modes, the third on the left.

PMM water leak
The Ariston Hotpoint dishwashers have an AquaStop protection system that blocks the water supply, but sometimes it works not only in an emergency, but also when using highly foaming detergents

What should be done:

  1. Unplug the appliance. If water is already on the floor - you need to act carefully so as not to step into a puddle.
  2. If the protection works when the tank is full, press the drain program and wait for the camera to empty.
  3. Turn off the water supply valve to the PMM.
  4. Inspect the gum on the door of the device, check the connection points of the hoses, the condition of the clamps and all available components. If you find a leak, try fixing the parts or updating the seals. Failed consumables, hoses and rubber are best replaced.
  5. In long-term operation, the cause of depressurization may be corrosion of the working chambers. Although Ariston Hotpoint models use high-strength steel, leaks are not ruled out. In this case, the worn-out places are treated with special sealants and soldering.

If you could not find the culprit on your own, you will have to call the master with a repair kit, which will carry out diagnostics and help establish the reason for the machine to stop.

AL02 - no water enters the machine

Machines with 4 modes without a display will be signaled by the blinking of the second diode on the left, and those designed for 6 by the fourth. The first thing to do with an error 02 - make sure that there is water in the system, but for some reason does not enter the device.

To do this, you can simply open the tap at the nearest point of water intake. It does not hurt to check the shutoff valve, if it is installed separately for the PMM.

Filter in the inlet hose
The inlet filter is installed inside the inlet hose, and its small cells often suffer from particles of rust from the water supply, fine sand and other foreign matter

Causes of Error 02 and their elimination:

  1. The system has low pressure, i.e. water flows from the tap under low pressure. Such a machine is not enough power, and it will not work. In this case, you just need to postpone washing the dishes until a normal flow appears.
  2. The door latch is broken, so the device does not start the program, so as not to cause a flood.
  3. The inlet filter or inlet hose is clogged with various impurities found in tap water. In this case, you need to unscrew the hose of the bay, make sure that it is not pinched and serviceable. Then rinse it and the protective net under good pressure.
  4. There is a problem with the feed valve. If the blockage is not detected, and water does not enter the machine, most likely the voltage necessary for its opening / closing has ceased to flow to the water supply valve. In 99%, the cause of such a breakdown is power surges. In this case, it is better to replace the part with a new one and connect the device through the stabilizer.

If the machine is under warranty, it is better to contact a service center to replace defective items.

Sprinkler Replacement
If the device not only periodically displays an error, but also does not wash and rinse the dishes well, most likely the problem lies in the upper or lower sprayer

Long-running machines have one of the frequent breakdowns under the code 01 may indicate wear of the fasteners in the internal spray system. Such a breakdown is easy to fix on your own.

To check the status of the system, you need:

  • Remove the lower basket of the dishwasher - a lower sprayer is installed under it. Its blades must be unscrewed and removed.
  • Now inspect the fastener - in fact, it is a plastic or metal ring on which there may be cracks or other damage. If problems are found out - it is better to replace the mount (and the sprayer itself) by unscrewing the old fasteners with the key, and then install a new holder.
  • The upper sprinkler is attached to the upper basket. To get to it, you need to extend the tray, squeeze the stops and unscrew the rotating blades.
  • Here you need to check the rubber sealing ring, the fastening nut and the water supply channel, if necessary, replace the broken elements and reassemble the system.

The reasons for the failure of parts most often become scale, the penetration of small objects or natural wear during active use. But such a repair is quite simple to do with your own hands, the main thing is to choose the exact matching parts for your PMM model.

AL03 and AL05 - drain or pump problems

Often the cause of the machine stopping is blockage from food debris on the dishes. If the drain hose, pump or pipe is clogged and the maximum allotted time for water discharge is exceeded.

The machine will signal numbers 03. In machines without a display, this will be the simultaneous wink of 1 and 2 or 3 and 4 diodes (for 4 and 6 programs, respectively).

Drain filter
Checking the drain begins with the filter, which is located at the bottom of the dishwasher - it must be carefully removed, disassembled and washed

In this case, you first need to make sure the hose is passable - it can simply be pinched or clogged with a “cork” of food waste, as a result of which the pump cannot push the waste water into the sewer.

If checking the filter and the hose did not solve the drain problem, the cause may be a malfunction of the drain pump. The condition of its connections and wiring is checked with a multimeter. If the voltage indicator is insufficient, the part requires replacement.

Dishwasher pump repair
If the pump or water level sensor fails, the dishwasher will signal code 05 or will flash simultaneously with the LEDs 1 and 3 or 3 and 5 of the diode

Also, the cause of problems with the drain may be:

  • A break in the wiring leading to the pump - you need to “ring” and, if necessary, solder the contacts.
  • Penetration of a small object into the impeller of the pump - the part is disassembled and the interference is eliminated by mechanical cleaning.
  • Damage to the water level sensor or clogging of its tube - you need to check the voltage and, if necessary, clean the part.
  • Problems in the operation of the pump triac on the control module - the element must be replaced with a new one.
  • Incorrect drain hose connection. On some models, a special code is provided for this error. A14, which is displayed if the waste water, instead of going into the sewer, is returned to the machine.

The most difficult case is a failure in the board. But sometimes a problem can be solved with the help of a simple "resuscitation" of electronics - turn off the device, give 10-20 minutes to rest and reboot.

But even if this method worked, the failure can repeat at any time, so you should contact the repairmen from the service center for inspection and flashing of the board - perhaps the contacts have gone or you need to re-solder the module tracks.

With typical actions in case of failure of a dishwasher of any brand, drain dirty water will introduce the articlefully dedicated to this subject.

Heater malfunction

If you notice that the machine washes dishes with cold water - the problem most often lies in the malfunction of the heating system. Detecting a malfunction is simple: the appliance body remains cold throughout the entire cycle, and on the dishes themselves there are traces of fat, food and colored drinks, which are usually easily cleaned with warm water.

Checking the voltage of the heater
If there is a problem in the power supply circuit of the heating element, the dishwasher can heat water, but this process can stretch for 30-40 minutes, increasing the operating time of the machine

Possible errors and their interpretation:

  • AL04 - A malfunction in the power supply circuit of the NTC temperature sensor. For machines without a display, this will be the signal of diode No. 3 or No. 5 (for 4 and 6 programs, respectively). In this case, disassembly of the machine, inspection and verification of voltage at the sensor contacts are required.
  • AL08 - malfunction of the heating sensor (blinking 4 diodes). If the PMM signals a sensor malfunction, this does not mean that it has failed. The part may be loose on the tank, or there may be a break in the wiring in the circuit from the module to the sensor.
  • AL10 - problems with the heater (simultaneous blinking of 2 and 4 or 4 and 6 diodes). The causes of malfunctions can be an open in the circuit of the wires leading to the heating element, a blown relay on the control module, or combustion of the heater itself. Such failures are common in hard water areas. In this case, you need to disassemble the machine, check the wiring, and possibly replace the heater or module.

Since the restoration of the heating system requires dismantling, disassembling the device and professional diagnostics, do not start it yourself without a decent experience with electronics. In this case, the most correct solution would be to contact the Ariston service center.

Decryption of codes for Ariston machines without display
For Ariston Hotpoint models that are not equipped with a digital display, you can use this decryption table to independently diagnose the most common failures (+)

But sometimes malfunctions with the heating system can be the result of improper operation. For example, if the machine is improperly connected, it will constantly collect and drain water, without having to heat it.

Alas, such cases are not uncommon, if you entrust the installation of the PMM to an inexperienced master. The solution here is obvious - to dismantle and reconnect the device.

There are violations in the operation of the equipment, which the owner himself can fix without problems. Ways of doing DIY dishwasher repair described in our recommended article. In addition, the technical documentation for the equipment always provides a description of the simplest shortcomings and actions to address them.

Another easily fixable problem is the clogging of the filter, as a result of which the water circulation deteriorates and the heater simply does not turn on. Therefore, before contacting a service center, try to clean the filters, hoses and check this hunch.

Errors of the key elements of the device

Eliminating blockages and replacing worn out gaskets is a task that does not require special qualifications and special tools. But when the electronics or the main components of the device fail, you have to partially disassemble the machine and know how to properly dismantle and check its elements.

Control Unit Replacement
Repair of the control board requires serious skills in working with electronics, but replacing it is quite simple - you just need to disassemble the dishwasher door, remove the control panel and disconnect the sensors with wires

A serious malfunction in the dishwasher that requires the mandatory call of a master from a certified service department is an error 06 - disturbances in the power supply circuit of the bay valve.

The video will familiarize you with the features of determining and eliminating damage:

Complex failures, in which it is better to call the master:

  • AL07, AL08, AL09 - errors in the operation of the control module.
  • AL10 - problems with the heater or the electrics of the intake valve.
  • AL11 - failure of the circulation pump, which supplies heated water to the spray system. If this part is broken, the machine will collect water, warm it, but at the washing stage it will turn off.
  • AL99 - means that there is a break in the internal wiring or damage to the network cable. Requires checking all wires or replacing a control module.

If such errors occur, first clean the filters and reboot the system. If you know how to handle a multimeter - check the resistance of the thermistor, heater, circulation pump and intake valve.

But the problem of such failures is that any master on each of such errors will even randomly name a dozen possible breakdowns. Therefore, it is still better to conduct a complete diagnosis of the device.

The author of the video tells in detail about the causes and methods of eliminating breakdowns indicated by code numbers 10 and 11:

Ways to prevent dishwasher breakdowns

Although Ariston Hotpoint is a very reliable dishwasher, operational errors can also damage it. The technician will “notify” all types of possible malfunctions in a timely manner, you only need to understand nuances of decryption codesto determine the necessary and sufficient measures to eliminate the cause of a malfunction.

And in order not to become a regular customer of repair shops, you just need to follow operating rules and follow some tips that will extend the life of the equipment.

Tablet compartment
On some models, if used improperly, code 13 is displayed, which means that the valve in the detergent drawer cannot open due to powder residues or the dishes are not properly laid

Recommendations for use:

  • Ariston Hotpoint has filters that cleanse water from various impurities. To prevent clogging, they must be cleaned in a timely manner.
  • It is recommended that a grease filter be installed at the sewer entrance to avoid external blockages.
  • To facilitate the operation of the machine, wipe the dishes with a napkin before loading, removing food debris.
  • If hard water flows in your water supply, use softening salts or install a special filter at the inlet to the PMM.
  • Do not use soap, shampoos and other substances that are not intended for dishwashing equipment as detergents. For dishwashers only specialized detergents with characteristic low foaming.
  • Do not overload the dishwasher with objects. The manufacturer's recommendations for loading dishwashergiven in the data sheet.
  • After each start of the machine, rinse and dry the tablet cuvette.
  • Install the cookware so that it does not touch or block the sprinklers.

And the last tip - at least once a month, arrange a “day of cleanliness” for your assistant, starting it at idle time along with a cleaning and disinfectant.

Conclusions on the topic

If you are good at repairing household appliances and are going to fix the malfunction of the dishwasher with your own hands, then you should try. True, there is a surefire way to avoid such troubles - compliance with operational rules.

The dishwasher Ariston Hotpoint is a faithful assistant who, with proper care and proper operation, serves without problems and breakdowns for many years. However, if you still encounter a problem with the electronics or the control module, it is better to contact a qualified technician right away without wasting time on independent experiments with the repair of equipment.

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Visitors Comments
  1. Alexei

    It is very good that modern PMM can show itself what kind of failure has occurred. This, however, is convenient, in addition, it helps to fix errors in the work of the technique yourself, without resorting to the master. You can immediately figure out how much the repair will delay, and that the service technician doesn’t hang “noodles” on your ears, inventing a non-existent breakdown. After all, not all are so smart and can diagnose themselves.

  2. Nastya

    I seem to have error AL02. I checked all the taps - everything is in order there, everything flows with normal pressure, everything is open. With a latch on the door, visually, too, everything is in order. So, apparently, the problem is in this valve. For two and a half years the machine worked without a single problem, but here it is. There is no guarantee, of course. Now I don’t know what to do. Apparently, you have to call the master.

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello.This error means problems with heating the water, and not a drain-gulf. This can be a heater, wiring, temperature controller and so on. Diagnosis and assistance of the wizard are necessary.

      • Oksana

        Hello, I have a Hotpoint Ariston LSF 835, it gives an “A10” error. Please tell me what it is?

  3. Vladimir

    PMM Hotpoint Ariston model LST 11477 four software. The 1st, 3rd and 4th LEDs flash. There are no descriptions in the manual, on this site either. Tell me what kind of malfunction?

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. I suspect that there is a problem with the control module, but another serious malfunction could lead to its “glitches”. A quality visual inspection and proverbial system is required. Entrust it to specialists.

      • Dmitry

        Vladimir! I have the same error as you. Blinking 1, 3 and 4. How did it all end with you?

  4. Vyacheslav

    Regarding the video with errors 10.11. So-so idea to remove thermal fuses from work! They probably are not just installed there.

  5. The 1st and 3rd LEDs blink. What to do?

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. There is a problem with the pressure switch. Call the wizard. We can advise you nothing more, since the problem is not described in detail. You can check the hoses without a master ...

  6. Dmitry

    Good afternoon! I have a HOTPOINT ARISTON LTF 11S112 L dishwasher. At startup, after about 20 seconds, it starts to squeak regularly and does not work. When the door is opened, the letter H appears on the display. Neither in the instructions, nor on the Internet could I find what kind of error it was.

    • Maria

      Dmitry, could you decipher the error? In an hour, the cause of the breakdown?

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Very interesting mistake. To be honest, for the first time I hear about this, but the letter “H” is typical for washing machines.

      Suppose that, like a washer, this error means a low water pressure or a malfunction in its inlet valve. In any case, you can diagnose the problem yourself, even if you can, hardly eliminate it.

      What can you do:

      1. Check the supply hoses for continuity.
      2. Clean the filter and nozzles.
      3. Also, your symptoms are very similar to a broken circulation pump.


      Specifically for you, it was clarified by the manufacturer, the H20 problem really indicates problems with the water supply, equal to its formula - H2O. The manufacturer wanted it better so that the error is better remembered, but it turns out that for some reason this error did not appear in the instructions. I advise you to call a specialist for complete dialing of the system with appropriate devices.

  7. Nikolay

    Good afternoon, tell me please! PMM Hotpoint-Ariston 41677 gives an error after turning on after 5-10 minutes. Moreover, in all modes in different ways. The hoses are all clean, the water leaves the pan immediately after an error.

    Attached photos:
    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. Most likely, a problem with the control board. Call a repair technician.

    • Artyom

      Good day Nikolay.
      Tell me, did you solve the problem with the machine, if so, how?
      I have a similar problem.

  8. Denis

    Tell me please. The Hotpoint-Ariston HIO 3C23 WF generates an error of 15. And at the same time, when the door is open, it drains the water.

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. Most likely, this is a problem with the control module that does not see the heater or with the heater itself.

  9. Alexander

    The dishwasher Ariston CIS LI 480, after the start of the cycle, draws water and begins to boil it. Previously, to turn this it was necessary to attach the door more densely, now nothing helps - what could be the reason?

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. Sorry, I didn’t quite understand your question. That is, the machine does not start the washing cycle, but just starts to warm the water to boiling water? What does it mean - “earlier” and denser to close the door? Didn’t you have it blocked at startup? And what indicators are flashing or does it not give an error at all?

      So far, as an option, I can assume a breakdown of the temperature sensor or failure of the control module. Diagnostics and repairs are required from the master.

      • After loading, water does not flow and error 15 appears.

        • Expert
          Evgenia Kravchenko

          Hello.In general, this error most often occurs when there are problems with ten, but in your case, this is the control module, most likely, because there is no water filling.

  10. Ekaterina

    Hello. Ariston LSF 7237 machine, indicators blink. Tell me, please, is it possible to handle or call the wizard yourself?

    Attached photos:
    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. These indicators are called “wash” and “process end”. And this error means - the filling of the pallet. Check the drain filter for clogging, if all the rules, call the wizard, most likely, you will have to partially disassemble the machine. What exactly is this problem, if not a filter, it’s hard to say without diagnostics. May be:

      1. Damaged pipe.
      2. Breakdown of the circulation unit.
      3. Any problems with the washing chamber and so on.

      If you yourself do not understand, it is better not to climb.

      • Hello. When you turn on the machine works fine, it washes, but when it comes to draining the pump it works but the water does not drain (machine with 7 modes), the pump is new, tell me what the problem is

  11. Victor1979

    DD Ariston 11677 does not show any error: it draws water, heats up, and that’s all ... Silence. When turned off, drains the water. Help please!

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. Here you need a complete diagnosis and dialing system. The problem may be in the impeller, control module, rec. pump, spray nozzles. Unfortunately, you cannot do without the help of a wizard.

  12. Yulia

    Hello, please tell me what error 13 of the PMM Ariston means.

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. Rinse the detergent drawer thoroughly and place the dishes according to the operating instructions. If the error persists, write to us.

  13. Good afternoon! The problem is this: the PMM turns on itself, the number 1 blinks and the on / off button and the drain pump work, after turning off after 3-5 seconds it turns on automatically again. What could be the reason?

    There are two pieces of PMM - one new under warranty, the second one is already about 7. At first, the new one had such a problem (under warranty), while everything was transported to the service center, now the old mmm has the same problem.

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. For some reason you have a water leak in the sump. The Aquastop system works. Check it out. You should also check the hoses for leaks.

  14. Irina

    Hello, you purchased PMM hotpoint-ariston hio 3c23 wf. The first launch with the tablet was quite successful - at the end, although there were many drops of water everywhere, the tablet was used, the machine’s chamber was hot, which means the water was heating up. After that, the machine stopped working on any program, it only draws water and drains it almost immediately, the tablet remains in the compartment. There is no error on the display.

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. In your case, you should check all the hoses for leaks and call the service wizard, since only a specialist of the company should diagnose all possible causes, your machine is still under warranty.

      The only thing I can advise you to first try to disconnect the machine from the power supply and restart it again.

  15. Dmitry M.

    Hello. We have a HFO 3C23 WFX machine. We bought it at a markdown store - it was used, it worked for a year, the warranty went through. Began to give an error F15 at the end of cycles. First I drove it to the cleaning program - it seems like the error was gone, but after a week it got out again! And even on the self-cleaning program No. 9 gets into an error and something is noisy inside - either the heater does not turn off, or the pump works. It is not clear, but the sound is as if the heater hiss. Press the shutdown button - everything goes silent.

    I watched the heating element - it is in working condition, it seems to be clean. I didn’t take off the hoses, because Disposable clamps, but the pump casing shone through with a powerful flashlight - it shines through, I think not so dirty.What could be wrong with her error code? I did not find anything.

    p.s. Yes, I forgot to clarify - when the MRP gets into an error, the power button and the play and F15 buttons on the display begin to peep and blink.

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. Of course, you need a dial-up system, but in your case, there is a suspicion of an open contact circuit or wiring of the heating element.

  16. Peter

    We used the dishwasher Ariston HIO 3C22 W for three months. Today was the first malfunction. The power button does not react in any way. After 2 minutes, the number 12 lights up on the indicator, while the indicator of the power button flashes constantly. Turned off the network, nothing has changed.

    Attached photos:
    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. Error 12 indicates problems with heating the water. But I would strongly recommend that you make the control card dial, since there is no gulf of water.

  17. Vladimir

    Hello. I have a PMM Ariston LST 11477. When turned on, the BKs start to burn simultaneously. and 1.3.4 indicators. Water does not flow, but pumping is in progress. Causes? Thank.

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. I will answer honestly, I do not know what is going on there. Logically, a malfunction of the aquastop or control module. Call the service center 88003333887. They do not work on Sunday, and work from 7 in the morning, except Saturday.

  18. Konstantin

    Hotpoint-Ariston LSF 7237 after turning off the power button, the drain pump is triggered. The pump shuts off and works again. I haven’t checked any leaks, the water supply valve also does not let water through. I looked at the board, there were no burnouts and blisters. I can not understand what is the reason for the spontaneous operation of the pump.

  19. Konstantin

    The emergency sensor in the pan also works fine, there is no water in the pan. Fault noticed by accident. They hear it, then the machine is buzzing, and the power button is off. I checked and made sure that the pump was buzzing. Turn off the network and the pump stops.

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello, Konstantin. Definitely difficult to answer without diagnosis. There are usually several reasons for this behavior:

      1. The problem with turning off the pump due to breakdowns in the electronics or breakdown of the wiring (most likely not your case).
      2. The installation of the PMM was carried out incorrectly (but there were no such problems before? So, this option is excluded).
      3. The problem with connecting the drain hose when the water returns to the machine and cannot go into the sewer (again, if you didn’t touch anything and there were no distortions, it’s not your option).
      4. Clogged drain. If the drain is clogged, the water cannot fully leave the hopper and therefore the pump works.
      5. The control module is buggy. The program cycle went astray.

      Check all options, if not suitable, contact the service.

  20. Good afternoon! The Hotpoint-Ariston LSF 9357 dishwasher worked on a short washing cycle, on others it issued an error f13. We cleaned the filters, now it fills with water and in a minute gives an error f5.

    Updated: Now it does not throw an error f5, but the display is buggy. It is set for 2 hours, after five to ten minutes it already shows an hour, then it switches to the drying time. Then calmly finalizes. The tablet compartment does not open.

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. Error f13 means problems with picking up the tablet, which is often associated with improperly placed dishes, and f5 signals an improper installation of the machine itself or the hoses associated with it. You cleaned the filters in error f13, but you had to inspect and clean the cuvetics.

      I don’t understand what exactly is happening with your typewriter, but it seems that the control module is either buggy or you need to start your relationship again. Correctly install the appliance, check all hoses, read the manual and install the dishes as expected. If after this the problem recurs, then you need to contact the service and look at the control module there.

  21. Eugene

    Good afternoon.Dishwasher Hotpoint Ariston ll40, for 6 programs (Without display). The problem is when turning on, it is impossible to select the washing mode. Either the indicators do not light at all, then when you turn on the power, several modes light up, then two, then three, then four. You have to turn it on - turn off the power until the first mode lights up, and only then move it to the desired one.

    Sometimes you have to turn on the machine for 15 minutes. Tell me what it would mean? In error codes this malfunction is not described.

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. Here it looks like glitches of the control module, because the indicators are always different. But remotely such failures are not diagnosed, it is necessary to call the master.

      Do not make the machine work before it arrives and definitely call as soon as possible. You can also consult the service center at 88003333887. They do not work on Sunday, and work from 7 in the morning, except Saturday.

      Sometimes it helps a lot. For example, my printer is broken, there are no masters in the city, and there is no way to take to the center either. Remotely, the master told me a secret that is not in the manual, where to press and how much to hold in order to run the program and it helped.

  22. Eugene

    Good afternoon. When you turn on any program, after 2-3 minutes there is a signal to drain the water and gives a flashing 5. Every 3-4 turns on and works - it washes. And so every time you turn it on!

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. 3-4 times ... why are you tormenting the device? Try to carry out a comprehensive cleaning, if it does not help, contact the wizard for diagnostics. I suspect that the problem is in the pressure switch. Optional flew, possible blockage. It can also be wiring or an electronic board.

      By the way, please name the model.

  23. Polina

    PMM Hotpoint-Ariston HSIE 2B19 starts a cycle, then stops, 2 short one long beeps are heard, the previously selected cycle simply blinks on the display.

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. It starts a cycle, that is, it pours water, heats up and starts washing dishes, and then it stops or is there even no water collection? Describe in more detail, please, and indicate if there were problems before? Here, a breakdown can be associated with both improper connection / operation, and with malfunctions.

      Try to restart the machine, clean it, inspect all hoses. If you don’t notice anything and the problem is not corrected, you should contact the master or us in detail about the problem. Interested in:

      1. How much after the start of the cycle does the machine stop?
      2. Does it flood water?
      3. How long has it been in operation?
      4. Do you use fully according to the instructions?
      5. Did you move the machine, did you reconnect in the near future?
      6. Drain the water?
      7. Is there any extraneous noise besides sound signals?

      Well and so on. If you upload a video on YouTube, it’ll be fine 🙂

      • Sergei

        The “lack of air conditioning” sensor is on, although it is there. If you shake the door, it stops burning for a while. What to do?

  24. Replee

    Good afternoon! Dishwasher Hotpoint Ariston LSF 8357 does not collect water. The valve on the inlet pipe (the one that Aquastop) does not open. The resistance of its winding is 8 kOhm. The voltage from the control unit is supplied with 25 volts. On any program, the dishwasher starts to squeak after 2 minutes of operation, and then gives an error A6.

    Please, help!

  25. Ruslan

    Hello! Tell me the essence of the problem. I have a dishwasher Ariston li480. During washing, the machine stops and the 6 indicator flashes. I set the mode to 1 or 2, then 6 flashes and the car is standing. What could be?

  26. Nikolay

    Dishwasher hotpoint let 11477, after switching on after 2 minutes, starts beeping with short signals, nothing blinks

  27. Yulia

    Hello. Every evening I put the dishwasher on a delayed start so that it works after 12 nights. Sometimes everything is OK, and sometimes the program crashes and even before 12 it shows the number 13 on the display.

  28. Lyudmila

    After starting the machine on my display, after a certain period, the numbers showing the time stop. They can start in an hour or more. The operation of the machine does not turn off, it continues to work in the mode in which time froze.

  29. Alexander

    Hello! Please help, no one knows what's wrong with my dishwasher
    Hotpoint-Ariston HSIC 3M19.
    In all programs, when rinsing (washing) one short beep sounds, then it continues to wash for 30 seconds and again the beep and so it can all day. No errors on the display. All examined, cleaned. It draws water and drains quickly. Throws out a tablet, salt is normal.


