Overview of the Bosch BBHMOVE2N vacuum cleaner: cleaning hard to reach areas - mission is feasible

Evgenia Kravchenko
Checked by a specialist: Evgenia Kravchenko
Author: Lyudmila Gudkova
Last update: August 2024

The range of the famous German concern Bosch includes cleaning devices that differ from each other in a number of ways. These are traditional, with a cyclone filter, vertical, portable and other models of vacuum cleaners.

A special variety is the 2 in 1 combined devices. The Bosch BBHMOVE2N vacuum cleaner, which can be used both as a vertical device and as a manual apparatus, also belongs to this type of technology. This compact option will help to clean small spaces, including car interiors.

Expert rating:
/ 100
  • Compact and manoeuvrable
  • Stylish look
  • Folding handle
  • Ease of maintenance
  • Multifunctionality - there is a removable manual vacuum cleaner
  • High price
  • Limited battery life per charge
  • Not enough power for carpeting
  • Battery Duration

Can't decide to buy a universal assistant? Our review will help you make the final decision. We described the design features, operating parameters and capabilities of a vacuum cleaner-mop, outlined the pros and cons of Bosch BBHMOVE2N. Comparison with competitors and user reviews will help determine the choice.

Design features of the model

The Bosch cordless vacuum cleaner model BBHMOVE2N has a stylish design and a rich black color. The device housing contains: a dust collector, a suction device, a battery, filters, and other details.

On the outside there are: a power switch, a charging indicator, as well as buttons that fix the position of the cleaning nozzle, cyclone filter, battery and other components.

Model Bosch BBHMOVE2N
Bosch BBHMOVE2N is designed for extremely dry cleaning. The manufacturer categorically prohibits the collection of sharp and piercing objects, liquids, wet debris, soot and ash

A well-thought-out design with a folding handle allows you to instantly change the configuration of the device, separating a compact vacuum cleaner from the vertical handle.

The main option is more suitable for cleaning flooring, while portable manual assembly It is recommended to use for cleaning places with difficult access: shelves, mezzanines, spaces inside the car.

The model is autonomous without connecting to an electrical network. An environmentally friendly nickel metal hydride (NI-MH) battery is responsible for the operation of the unit.

The duration of a full charge, which is carried out from a 220 V outlet, is 12.1-16 hours, after which the wireless device can function for 15 minutes.

Options model Bosch
The model kit includes a charger, mounted on movable hinges, an electric brush for floor and carpet, an additional crevice nozzle for collecting dust from hard-to-reach places: room corners, baseboards, cracks between furniture and floor

The model provides fabric and cyclone filters. They protect the mechanism and provide an efficient collection of contaminants. All parts are easily removed from the housing for cleaning and washing, after which they are easily put in place.

For a long service life, the manufacturer strongly recommends the use of exclusively branded spare parts and consumables.

Technical specifications and cost

In order to simplify the selection, we indicate a number of characteristics of the BBHMOVE2N vacuum cleaner manufactured by Bosch.

Main parameters:

  • dimensions - 1130x255x200 mm;
  • weight - 2.887 kg;
  • level of working noise - 72 dB;
  • capacity for collecting pollution - a dust collector / 0,3 l;
  • operating voltage - 14.4 watts.

The cost of such a cleaning unit from Bosch is quite high: depending on the store, the price varies from 6900 to 8990 rubles. It is advantageous to buy a model during the period of various stocks, when its price can fall to 3900-5000 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages of a vacuum cleaner

Like any equipment, this device has pros and cons.

The benefits include:

  • light weight and dimensions;
  • maneuverability;
  • ease of operation;
  • stylish appearance;
  • combined design;
  • ability to work without being tied to the mains.

The small mass and miniature dimensions make it easier to manage, so you can entrust the cleaning of the room to children from 8 years of age, after conducting appropriate instruction with them. The compactness of the device solves the issue of its storage, since a minimum area is sufficient for this.

Vacuum cleaning
The compact model of the Bosch vacuum cleaner easily copes with the collection of small debris, dry dirt or dust from a smooth surface. For example, parquet, linoleum, laminate

Convenience in work is provided not only by dimensions, but also by great maneuverability of the device. Convenient mounting of the brush on the hinges facilitates penetration into the most inaccessible places for high-quality cleaning. The ability to change configuration greatly expands the capabilities of the device.

In addition to ease of use, one can also note the ease of care for the vacuum cleaner. The intuitive design provides easy access to the nodes, which allows you to quickly get a dust collector, filter or other parts, and then reassemble the device.

At the same time, the BBHMOVE2N model has some disadvantages, namely:

  • short battery life;
  • long battery charging;
  • insufficient dust collector;
  • low suction power.

The main disadvantage of the device can be considered its low power, which is why it is not able to suck in a large amount of debris and fully remove carpets.

A weak battery can provide only a short battery life of the unit, while it takes at least 12 hours to recharge it with electricity. Due to the limited period of autonomous functioning and a small dust collector, the model is difficult to use for cleaning large areas.

As a rule, this model is used as an addition to a stationary vacuum cleaner when local cleaning is required.

Filter for vacuum cleaner Bosch
Among the shortcomings of this model, some users also noted the need for an annual replacement of expensive filters, which should be ordered from Bosch authorized representatives

A device with a low suction power can not always fully cope with cleaning. This is especially evident if he has to remove intense dirt or clean fleecy surfaces.

The above negative points reduce the scope of the specified representative of the Bosch family.

Device Owner Reviews

On sites devoted to household appliances, reviews about this model are quite rare. At the same time, the opinions of the owners of the device differ significantly.

Some emphasize the disadvantages of a vacuum cleaner, indicating a weak suction power, a long battery charge time and a short battery life, which is clearly not enough for a full cleaning of a large room.

It is also noted that the vacuum cleaner does not cope well with the absorption of hair and threads, which are wound on the moving parts of the electric brush, requiring additional cleaning with scissors. Describes cases of rash from the dust collector immediately after cleaning.

But the model also has supporters who point to such advantages as compact size, ease of use, and functionality. Owners of the device claim that thanks to a well-thought-out design, the BBMOVE2N vacuum cleaner can be used for cleaning hard-to-reach corners.

It is also effective for car interior care. Many people note the silent operation of technology, which allows it to be used even in the room where the child is sleeping.

Using a Bosch Vacuum Cleaner
Many users consider the Bosch model in question a great option for local cleaning. Using the device, it is easy and convenient to clean the surface of the floor from crumbs or remove small impurities

However, those who left positive reviews believe that the model can hardly be considered a full-fledged device for cleaning the apartment. She plays the role of an additional device designed for cleaning compact spaces, cleaning confined surfaces or daily dust control.

Comparison with competitive models

Compare the presented device with popular battery models, which belong to a similar type of household appliances and are located in approximately the same price category.

Competitor # 1 - REDMOND RV-UR340

The 2-in-1 battery model costs slightly more than the Bosch version under consideration - 8,999-10,995 rubles. This cordless vacuum cleaner uses a lithium-ion battery (Lilon) with a capacity of 2000 microamps per hour.

Key Specifications:

  • weight / dimensions - 2.1 kg / 23x23x120 cm;
  • dust collector volume - 0.6 liters;
  • noise level - 73 dB;
  • charging time - 6 hours;
  • battery life - 25 min.

Additional advantages include the space provided for storing the nozzles, as well as the hook included in the package. It allows you to hang the device on a wall or other vertical surface, which provides convenient storage of the vacuum cleaner.

As you can see, the dimensions of this device, as well as the noise emitted during operation, practically coincide with the Bosch model. At the same time, the Redmond has several important advantages.

It takes two times less time to charge it than recharging the battery of the hero of our review. The model surpasses Bosch in such indicators as the battery life and the amount of the dust bag. Thanks to this, the device can clean a larger surface area at a time.

Competitor # 2 - Makita CL100DW

A battery-type vacuum device of type 2 in 1 has a lower cost, which varies from 5589 to 6190 rubles. The device runs on a 1300 mAh lithium-ion battery.

Key Specifications:

  • weight / dimensions - 0.81 kg / 10x15x45 cm;
  • dust collector capacity - 0.6 l;
  • charging period - 50 min;
  • battery life - 12 min;
  • noise level - 71 dB.

In addition to two nozzles (main and slotted), an extension tube is also included in the kit for comfortable work with the device. There is a place for nozzles, which allows you to always keep them handy.

As we can see, the Makita device has miniature dimensions and ultralight weight. Despite the fact that its battery life is shorter than that of the Bosch model, you can come to terms with it due to the short charging period. An undoubted advantage can be considered a large capacity dust collector - 0.6 liters.

Competitor # 3 - Gorenje SVC 216 F (S / R)

The 2 in 1 battery pack, the cost of which is in the range of 7764-11610 rubles, is designed for dry cleaning. The device is powered by a powerful LiIon battery.

Key Specifications:

  • weight / dimensions - 2.5 kg / 26x17x118 cm;
  • charging period - 6 hours;
  • battery life - 1 hour;
  • dust collector - volume 0.6 liters;
  • noise level - 78 dB.

Additional options include the possibility of a soft start, power control, as well as LED illumination of the cleaning area. The latter function, however, causes frequent complaints from users, since lighting elements quickly fail.

The Gorenje device is slightly larger than the Bosch model under consideration, but it has a significantly longer battery life.

The suction power does not decrease, even if only half the charge remains in the battery. In addition, the Gorenje device has a larger dust bag than the model in question.

Choosing the best model

At first glance, it seems that the device in question does not look very advantageous against the background of similar options presented in stores. At a fairly high cost, the unit loses to cheaper models in terms of the volume of the dust collecting tank, the ratio of the operating time and the battery charging period.

However all vacuum cleaners Bosch They have such important advantages as traditionally high build quality, as well as a wide distribution network, thanks to which you can easily repair or order the necessary materials.

It should be noted stylish appearance of the product, made of durable, pleasant to the touch plastic.

Advantage of the Bosch Model
The thought-over design guaranteeing convenient operation, ease of maintenance and a long service life can also be considered an important advantage of the model

At the same time, you should caution buyers who are looking for wireless technology as a complete cleaning device. The model under consideration is unlikely to cope with such a task.

In this case, it is better to pay attention to the device Gorenje SVC 216 F (S / R), which is able to work for a long time, sufficient for processing large surfaces.

Conclusions and the best deals on the market

The model considered by us can hardly be recognized as a full-fledged version of the vacuum technique for frequency guidance in residential space. Nevertheless, it can be safely recommended as a spare or additional option.

The lightness and mobility of this device allows you to quickly and easily get rid of household dust, clean a car dealership, and remove debris from a not too dirty terrace or porch. However, due to the short battery life, cleaning will have to be done very quickly.

And which vacuum cleaner did you choose for your home or apartment? Please tell us why you gave preference to a particular model, are you satisfied with the quality of cleaning, the ease of use of the purchased equipment. Add reviews, comments and ask questions - the contact form is below.

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Visitors Comments
  1. I see that the small built-in vacuum cleaner is well suited for cleaning tables, shelves, cars and furniture. A large vacuum cleaner, I do not think is a good option for cleaning the apartment, because the charge lasts only 15 minutes. But for cleaning a 2-room apartment you need a lot more time. That is, I do not consider it cost-effective to charge 12-16 hours for 15 minutes. It is better to buy 2 different vacuum cleaners (small and stationary) and not overpay.

  2. Yulia

    We just bought one just recently, therefore, as the owner of this equipment, I can say that the vacuum cleaner is very cool, compared to ordinary cyclone heaven and earth. Firstly, it takes up little space due to its compact design, and secondly, it can work without connecting to a network, and the cord that needs to be pulled from room to room is so annoying that I usually didn’t reach the corridor and needed an extension cord. I read complaints about poor absorption, I can’t say anything, because I don’t have carpets, but the parquet cleans perfectly, there is no debris left.


