Redmond RV R100 Robot Vacuum Cleaner Review: League Two Champion

Evgenia Kravchenko
Checked by a specialist: Evgenia Kravchenko
Author: Elena Pykhteeva
Last update: August 2024

Cleaning robots in houses and apartments have ceased to be a new-fangled curiosity and managed to become such familiar devices as a TV or refrigerator. Among the budget models, the Redmond RV R100 Robot Vacuum Cleaner demonstrates good performance characteristics, whose technical features are worth familiarizing with.

Expert rating:
/ 100
  • Excellent ratio
  • Intelligent navigation system
  • Good quality cleaning
  • Very quiet work
  • High capacity battery - up to 100 minutes uptime
  • Reliable assembly
  • The need to prepare the territory
  • The dubious quality of wet cleaning
  • The need for regular cleaning of the brush shaft and wheels

You will learn all about the smart robotic “cleaner” from our article. We have described in detail the functionality of the device, given the technical characteristics. For a complete assessment of the pros and cons of the model, we compared it with the nearest competitors.

Features of the model Redmond RV R100

This robotic vacuum cleaner is designed for dry and for small wet cleaning of various floor coverings. It can be used on tiles, linoleum, laminate and other hard surfaces.

As for carpets, carpet and similar substrates, only the pile with a length of not more than 20 mm is available here for the Redmond RV R100, otherwise the efficiency of the device will significantly decrease.

Appearance and equipment

Together with the device, a set of devices is also provided that ensure its operation.

This is the base for charging the battery and the battery itself, as well as an adapter for connecting to power and the necessary consumables: one central and four side brushes, a napkin for mopping, two HEPA filters, etc.

There is also a remote control for the vacuum cleaner and detailed instructions for its use.

Robot Redmond RV R100
Robot Redmond RV R100 is made in a stylish and sleek design, it will look good in a modern interior

The case, made of durable black plastic, has a round shape, traditional for this type of device.Above is a lid under which a dust collector and filter elements are hidden. Below there are wheels, brushes, a place for attaching a nozzle for wet cleaning, etc.

In this regard, Redmond RV R100 is not much different from others robotic vacuum cleaners this brand and similar devices from other manufacturers.

Options redmond-rv-r100
The Redmond RV R100 model is equipped with all the elements necessary for its operation, as well as some additional consumables

Four operating modes

An interesting feature of the Redmond robot vacuum cleaner is four operating modes that can be set depending on the situation:

  • automatic cleaning;
  • work on a fixed area;
  • corner cleaning;
  • quick cleaning.

Auto mode. Ideal for regular room cleaning. When using it, the vacuum cleaner moves around the entire area of ​​the room until the battery charge is depleted, i.e. for about a hundred minutes.

Then the device automatically returns and joins the base to charge the battery.

Settings redmond-rv-r100
The settings of the Redmond RV R100 vacuum cleaner include four automatic cleaning modes, while you can choose the device movement pattern: zigzag or in a spiral

Fixed cleaning It is used to treat local areas where pollution is concentrated. For example, crumbs were accidentally shaken from the table on the floor. It is enough to turn on Redmond here in a fixed mode, and within two or three minutes the problem will be solved.

The device can move along a zigzag path or in a spiral from the center, gradually expanding the impact zone. The desired option for the movement of the vacuum cleaner is also determined by the settings.

Corner cleaning. It is appropriate when dust accumulates near walls. In this mode, the robot vacuum cleaner will only move along such objects (walls of the room, furniture, partitions, etc.), intensively removing dirt.

Quick cleaning. This mode allows you to increase the speed of the device in order to reduce its operating time. The parameter is convenient to set with the remote control. This control method is also useful if none of the proposed modes is suitable, and you need to make adjustments to the operation of the device.

Characteristics and nuances of operation

The principle of operation of such a device is quite simple. Side brushes move in different directions and move dust and debris to the central brush. Here, dirt is picked up and moved to a dust collector. Air passing through the body of the device is treated by filters.

The dust collector must be periodically cleaned of accumulated dirt. To do this, remove it from the housing, empty it from accumulations, wash it with warm water, dry it and replace it.

Operation redmond-rv-r100
Redmond RV R100 is suitable for almost all smooth and hard flooring, as well as for surfaces with a pile of no more than two centimeters

Vacuum cleaner charging station is best installed near the wall. There should not be any obstacles at a distance of about two meters from it, so that the device can freely return to the station in automatic mode and begin the battery charging cycle.

If for some reason the vacuum cleaner has not reached the station, it must be connected to it manually. There are situations when the cleaning cycle must be stopped without waiting for the automatic shutdown. To do this, just press the button with the image of the house on the device.

Redmond RV R100 will leave for the station. If the button indicator Auto change from green to orange, do not worry, this indicates that the automatic mode is disabled.

Besides Hepa filter the device is equipped with an additional cloth filter, which can be washed under running water. It must also be dried before installation. But the HEPA filter cannot be rinsed in water, it can only be replaced. The resource of one such element is enough for about a year.

Do not neglect these simple rules of service. If the dust collector is full, the robot vacuum cleaner may simply turn off and stop working.For some time until this moment, the device’s engine will work with increased load.

Robot dust collector full
If the vacuum cleaner starts to make too much noise during operation, this is a sign of a problem, it's time to check the condition of the dust collector. If the capacity is full, the device will turn off, the possibility of serious damage

Sometimes it happens that the Redmond RV R100, which previously cleaned without problems with the installed program, suddenly ceased to act in accordance with the settings. You need to check them and adjust.

If the batteries on the remote control were replaced the day before, the date and time settings were probably lost. After correcting this information, the vacuum cleaner will again start working according to the previously installed program.

Technical specifications redmond-rv-r100
Manufacturer information on the technical specifications of the Redmond RV R100 allows you to get an idea of ​​the advantages and disadvantages of this modern device

If the device beeps, the red indicator on the Auto button flashes, which means that there are problems with charging. This usually happens due to the incorrect position of the start button. It just needs to be put in the “on” position.

It also happens that the battery is completely discharged. In this case, you must manually set the robot vacuum cleaner to recharge and wait for the battery to fully charge. This will take about four hours.

A small video review of the Redmond RV R100 model with an emphasis on the features of this robot vacuum cleaner:

Sensors and automatic work schedule

The navigation system of the Redmond vacuum cleaner, as in similar models, is provided using a set of infrared sensors. They help the device determine its position in space, create a map of the room, avoid collisions with various objects and fall from a height.

If you need to limit the movement of the device to a specific section of the room, you can use infrared beacons. These devices create a barrier that the vacuum cleaner sensors will detect as an obstacle. Lighthouses are very compact, they will not interfere with people, they are easy to install and remove at the end of cleaning.

Scheduling function
The presence of a timer allows you to program the operation of the device for a week in advance. This model has a function of automatic inclusion, so cleaning will be performed even in the absence of the owners of the house

At the end of the program or when the battery runs out, the device will return to connect to the base for recharging. If the sensors do not work or the device flips over for some other reason, it will simply stop working. So this model reacts to the loss of contact with the floor surface.

To restore its performance after such an incident, it is enough to put the vacuum cleaner on a flat and smooth surface.

Comparison with competitors

Redmond RV R100 compares favorably with some competing models. Let's compare with three robots from other manufacturers: Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum Cleaner, Kitfort KT-504 and Genio Profi 240.

Competitor # 1 - Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum Cleaner

The Redmond RV R100 has two side brushes, not one, as in Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum Cleaner, which significantly improves the quality of garbage collection. In addition, Xiaomi does not have a nozzle for wet cleaning.

It is controlled using buttons on the case, as well as remotely - due to the built-in wi-fi module, smartphone and mobile application. The model is designed for integration into Smart Home system from the same manufacturer.

The Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum cleaner, unlike the Redmond model in question, has a white case, which facilitates the search for a device stuck under furniture.

Technical parameters of the device:

  • type of cleaning - dry;
  • fine filter - available;
  • battery type / capacity - Li-Ion / 5200 mAh;
  • duration of work without recharging - up to 150 minutes;
  • dimensions (diameter / height) - 34.5 / 9.6 cm;
  • in addition - it supports the smart home system, is equipped with a laser distance sensor.

This Xiaomi model has only two built-in operating modes. They limit the scope of this model not to beacons, but to magnetic tape, which is not so convenient.But this vacuum cleaner has one useful function - if the cleaning was not completed during the first cycle, after recharging the vacuum cleaner will return to the place where its work was interrupted.

Competitor # 2 - Kitfort KT-504

The Kitfort KT-504 has several advantages over the Redmond RV R100. In addition to the dual filtration system, it has a built-in ultraviolet lamp, which provides additional disinfection of surfaces during cleaning. Although some owners find this module unnecessary.

Characteristics of this robot:

  • type of cleaning - dry;
  • fine filter - yes;
  • battery type / capacity - NiMH / 2000 mAh;
  • duration of work without recharging - up to 90 minutes;
  • dimensions (diameter / height) - 34/9 cm;
  • Additionally - the noise is up to 50 dB, equipped with touch buttons.

Kitfort KT-504 can choose one of three cleaning modes: automatic, local cleaning or manual control, which is carried out from the remote control.

However, this Kitfort model has one unpleasant property: when you return to the base for charging, the vacuum cleaner sometimes shifts it, after which it cannot attach the contacts, you have to adjust its position manually.

In addition to this model, the company produces several options for “smart” cleaners. With the best deals on the market. Kitfort robotic vacuum cleaners will familiarize us with the article recommended by us.

Competitor # 3 - Genio Profi 240

The Genio Profi 240 as well as the Redmond RV R100 can handle low pile surfaces. At the same time, he copes well with cleaning hair and pet hair. A special nozzle allows you to use this vacuum cleaner as a polisher for wooden coatings.

Specifications Genio Profi 240:

  • type of cleaning - dry;
  • fine filter - yes;
  • battery type / capacity - NiMH / 2000 mAh;
  • duration of work without recharging - up to 120 minutes;
  • dimensions (diameter / height) - 34 / 8.5 cm;
  • in addition - a virtual wall, a timer, voice commands, a touch control panel.

The brushless motor and high-performance rotor help save battery power, and as a result, Genio can easily clean two or three rooms without recharging. For long-term operation, a large dust collecting tank is also designed. Here, like Redmond, there is a timer and an automatic programming feature.

Pros and cons of owner reviews

The Redmond RV R100 model comes with quite understandable and detailed instructions that describe the assembly procedure of the vacuum cleaner, its operation rules, possible malfunctions, etc. Caring for this assistant does not cause difficulties, which the owners of such a model also consider an advantage.

So, to care for the device, you need to clean the dust collector in a timely manner, and also periodically replace worn consumables: brushes, filters, etc.

Wet nozzle redmond-rv-r100
A microfiber nozzle is attached to the bottom of the Redmond RV R100, which is designed to regularly wet the floor.

A distinctive and pleasant feature of this model of a robot vacuum cleaner is a low noise level. The owners note that sleeping in a room with a working device is difficult, but other models are buzzing much louder.

For those who are really annoyed by the noise of the cleaning device, release silent vacuum cleaners, the leading ten of which are presented in our recommended article.

Another significant plus of the model is its working speed of movement around the room. It takes approximately half an hour to clean a 20-25 square meter Redmond RV R100. The total cleaning time varies depending on the load. If the pollution is small, then the vacuum cleaner can work out not one and a half, but two hours.

The price for this model is usually about 15 thousand rubles or a little less, depending on the policy of the seller. Buyers rate the price-performance ratio as acceptable.

The vulnerability of such a device is the control panel. Some customers complain that it crashes too quickly. And a clear flaw.

Remote control redmond-rv-r100
The D / U remote allows you to change the movement and speed of cleaning the Redmond vacuum cleaner, as well as quickly adjust the device settings

Another negative quality of equipment is the preparation of the territory. Before turning on the vacuum cleaner, it is better to remove socks, small toys and other similar items from the floor.

They are not high enough for the device to go round; there were cases when socks were simply wound on the shaft of the central brush. Similar problems can cause damage. The corner of a small rug can also suck inward.

If there is what is called a “bunch of wires” in the room where you are cleaning, it’s better to remove them for a while or limit the access of the robot cleaner to this area. The device does not always cope with such obstacles, it may get stuck or roll over.

Some owners do not like this feature in the operation of the unit, but it is inherent not only in technology from Redmond, but also in many models of competing brands.

Another minus is the garbage size limit. Buyers note that the robot vacuum cleaner generally works satisfactorily, although the granules of the cat litter were “too tough” for him.

These hard and light pieces of a vacuum cleaner brush just scatter. The same problem occurs with sand and small pebbles.

Advantages of redmond-rv-r100
Redmond RV R100 rises above the floor by only 73 mm, which allows efficient cleaning in the space under stationary furniture

Among the shortcomings can be noted the need for maintenance. Periodically, it is necessary to check the condition of the wheels and the shaft of the main brush, since hair and wool are often wound on them.

How often it is necessary to carry out such a check and cleaning depends on the intensity of contamination. Some have to remove wool every three days, while others only need to do this once every two weeks.

This gadget does not provide high-quality wet cleaning, but this also applies to other robotic vacuum cleaners with such a function. A small microfiber cloth just removes the dust rather than actually washing the floor. For high-quality cleaning, you will have to arm yourself with an ordinary mop and a rag or a standard washing vacuum cleaner.

The assortment of the company includes not only robotic “cleaners”. To get acquainted with the models demanded in the market will help next article. We recommend that you pay attention to the information we offer.

Conclusions and the best deals on the market

In general, the Redmond RV R100 robotic vacuum cleaner can be considered one of the best in its price category. The cleaning efficiency and the life of this model largely depend on how accurately the manufacturer's recommendations are followed.

Such devices significantly reduce the time and effort that is usually spent on daily cleaning.

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Visitors Comments
  1. Ilona

    I am pleased with the purchase of a robot vacuum cleaner: you come home, and everything is already clean, there is no dust. 100 minutes of work is enough to clean the floor in a two-room apartment. And charging does not take more than a few hours, most importantly, do not forget to turn it on. For general cleaning, the robot is not suitable, as there are some places that cannot be cleaned (for example, where the legs of the sofa stand). But, for daily cleaning - what you need.

  2. Svetlana

    We have exactly this model, RV R100. Bought this year, in the summer. Of course, it wins at a price when compared in terms of functionality with other manufacturers.
    It is convenient that there is a remote control, various modes and wet cleaning. Of course, he cannot completely wash the floor, but under the bed he wipes superficially, the napkin darkens before our eyes, and we must often wash it. And the tendrils are wrapping hair around themselves, it is also necessary to stop and brush. This is with all vacuum cleaners: without cleaning, it will not normally clean.
    In general, it is very convenient, saves time and effort.

  3. Andrey Razin

    A vacuum cleaner of this model is being cleaned in my apartment. The most curious, in my opinion, is its cleaning function in quick cleaning mode. A vacuum cleaner does a good quality cleaning, in my opinion, saving on this time. Compared to the previous vacuum cleaner that I had, it cleans up faster, but no less efficiently. If you compare this vacuum cleaner with competitors similar to it, then in comparison with the others it has two, in my opinion, excellent advantages. This vacuum cleaner, despite its small size, has powerful suction and the second advantage is its design feature. As quite rightly noted in the material above, this vacuum cleaner has two side brushes for garbage collection. This allows the vacuum cleaner to be cleaned more efficiently, it seems to me!


