Choosing a carpet robotic vacuum cleaner: an overview of the best models on the market today
Robotic vacuum cleaners, which appeared on the market not so long ago, are rapidly replacing conventional predecessors. With an enviable speed, they win customers, striking autonomy and rich functionality. But not every one of them will be able to cope with a long and thick carpet pile.
In our article, we talked in detail about how to choose a robot vacuum cleaner for carpets. We have listed the guidelines that determine the choice. To help future buyers, the article provides a rating of the best offers, compiled on the basis of consumer feedback, and gives valuable recommendations.
The content of the article:
Choosing a carpet cleaning robot
Each type of carpet requires special care. Most robotic vacuum cleaners are the most difficult to deal with cleaning coatings with a long pile (from 5 mm). Therefore, in order to rely on quality work, you need to figure out what you should pay attention to first.
When choosing a robot for cleaning carpets, you should look at such characteristics:
- suction power - it should be 40 W or higher, otherwise the device will not be able to clean the coating qualitatively;
- wheel size - if their diameter is less than 6.5 cm, then the vacuum cleaner will be difficult to climb onto the carpet, if he succeeds at all;
- the presence of a turbo brush - A good choice would be a model with a pair of rubber or silicone rollers;
- obstacle height - for carpets with a medium pile, models that can call on an obstacle 1.5 cm high are suitable;
It will also be worthwhile to pay attention to the battery capacity - when cleaning a cover with a pile, the power of the device and, accordingly, the battery charge increases.

Rating of the best models
Faced with a huge assortment, an unprepared buyer is lost before a choice. After all, it is quite difficult to determine which model of the robot will cope with the carpet without problems and will be able to carry out its work really qualitatively.
Simplify this task by selecting the top 10 models.
1st place - iRobot Roomba 980
Roomba 980 is the perfect choice for medium-pile carpets. Its wheels have a rather impressive diameter of 71 mm, and the hinge stroke reaches 30 mm. Therefore, it is not difficult for a robot to overcome an obstacle 19 mm high.
Model iRobot Roomba 980 in appearance is not much different from its predecessors from the 800th series. The main feature of its design is the ability to easily replace any part or an entire assembly.
The body of the robot has a rounded shape. Below there are quite substantial bevels, thanks to which rather high obstacles are not afraid of him. At the top there is also angularity. Therefore, the little helper will not get stuck under the furniture.
For the manufacture of iRobot Roomba 980, black matte plastic is used. But in the upper part of the bumper and dust collector, as well as on the upper panel there are inserts painted in dark gray and silver.
The vacuum cleaner is controlled by three mechanical buttons. The large rounded Clean key is made of fairly hard plastic and has a silver finish. The inscription on it is highlighted during the cleaning process.
The remaining buttons have a significantly smaller diameter. They are made of elastic plastic. There are also status indicators located in front of the top panel.
The battery capacity reaches 3,300 mAh. Batteries will be enough for a 2-hour cleaning. But it is worth considering that the model has a rather large height, about 9 mm, and a weight of up to 4 kg.
In addition to the model we presented, iRobot also supplies other robotic vacuum cleaners to the market with the best models which will be recommended by our recommended article.
2nd place - Neato Botvac Connected
The model has even larger dimensions than its competitor presented above. The weight reaches 4.1 kg. At the same time, the height is 10 cm, so the device is not suitable for cleaning under furniture.
But thanks to its size, it can clean carpets with a small to medium pile without any problems. He drives onto the carpet and overcomes obstacles with a small bevel in the front.
The device has an unusual semicircular shape. Thanks to this, the central brush with a width of 276 mm is shifted as far forward as possible, which significantly increases the quality of cleaning.
The robot is equipped with a small side brush. She collects all the remaining garbage that was not captured by the main. As a result, Neato Botvac Connected cleans almost 30 cm of the floor surface in one pass.
The case is made of plastic and painted in matt black. Because of which it will be difficult to find in a dark room. In the middle of the top panel there is an insert made of glossy plastic.
Operated by Neato Botvac Connected with a small screen and a few buttons. The display shows time, charge level and all the information the user needs. To start local cleaning, you need to press the checkered button, for cleaning throughout the house - with a house.
As for the battery, it is lithium-ion. Its capacity reaches a fabulous mark of 4,200 mAh. As soon as the battery is exhausted, the device will automatically return to the station to recharge.
3rd place - iClebo Omega
The next model on the list is the iClebo Omega white robot. The unusual shape of its plastic casing made it possible to move the side brushes closer to the front edge. This solution increases the efficiency of cleaning near furniture, skirting boards and in corners.
The quality of carpet cleaning is favorably affected by the strong bevel of the body in its lower part. The control panel is presented in the form of a display with three touch buttons. There are several LED pictograms, due to which the user can find out the current operating mode, as well as the charge level.
AT iClebo Omega a lithium-ion battery with a capacity of 4,400 mAh is installed. On one charge, it can work for 80 minutes. When cleaning carpets - about an hour. It is worth noting that, if necessary, absolutely anyone can replace the battery.To do this, you only need an average Phillips screwdriver.
The robot can operate in one of four of the following modes:
- Local - Thorough cleaning of the place indicated by the user.
- Auto - cleaning by navigation. The technique moves a snake from one obstacle to another.
- Maximum - cleaning the entire surface in automatic mode. After that, the unit is held by a snake, but only in the perpendicular direction.
- Manual - the work is controlled by the owner using the remote control. But you need to remember to activate the cleaning mode. Otherwise, the appliance will travel on the surface but not clean it.
Noise should be included in the list of model flaws. The volume of work reaches 68 dB, which creates certain problems and often interferes with studying or doing household chores.
The assortment of robotic cleaners presented by iClebo to the consumer has many interesting offers. The best robotic vacuum cleaners of this brand are listed here. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with useful, systematic information.
4th place - iClebo Arte
The shape of the iClebo Arte model is almost round. Its body has edges tapered at the bottom, which helps to move obstacles. The top panel is covered with transparent plastic, pleasant to the touch. It imitates a drawing of a Kevlar cloth.
For the manufacture of the bottom used black matte plastic. Fingerprints and dust will not remain on the case. It happens to be Carbon / black, Silver / gray and the novelty of 2018 in red in color - IronMan Edition.
On the front panel there is a special spring-loaded bumper. Thanks to him, iClebo Arte will not spoil furniture upholstery, wallpaper and baseboards. The model display is represented by a console panel and three touch-type buttons. There are status icons and LED segments. Near the display is a video camera pointing up.
Among other modes, the iClebo Arte robotic vacuum cleaner has a mode of enhanced suction - turbo - which allows you to qualitatively remove dust and specks from carpets.
Moreover, the presence of a protective casing on the bristled central brush and its rotation at a speed of 816 revolutions provides freedom of movement even on carpets with long fibers, in which the robot will not get entangled.
In addition to the camcorder, the model is equipped with collision sensors. There are infrared sensors of height and proximity to the obstacle - there are more than 20. Such a set will protect the equipment from falling from the steps.
Is moving iClebo Arte at a speed of 25 cm / s. At the same time, the noise is only 55 dB for conventional programs and 58 dB for turbo mode. The height is low and does not exceed 8.9 cm. Therefore, it will easily climb under furniture and in any other inaccessible places.
The lithium-ion battery provides operation of the device for 160 minutes. At the same time, it takes about one and a half hours to recharge. To get to the base iClebo Arte uses an infrared sensor.
5th place - iBoto Aqua X310
The iBoto Aqua X310 robot is pretty smart - it can handle different types of surfaces, the main thing is to start the desired mode. He easily copes with carpets with low and medium pile, the height of which does not exceed 3 mm, if dry cleaning is chosen.
Its popularity among ordinary people is due to its versatility - the model is able not only to clean the carpet, but also to perform wet cleaning. The package includes all the necessary accessories and a large number of spare parts: microfiber cloth, a pair of side brushes and a pleated filter.
The case of the model, like that of the analogue presented above, is made of dirt-resistant black plastic. It is not prone to scratches and chips. The top cover is made of laminated polymer and complemented by a decorative frame.
The diameter of the robot is 30 cm and its height is 7.5 cm. It can turn around right on the spot. All this allows you to easily clean not only carpets, but also any other corners of the apartment.
In front of the upper panel is a display with four touch keys and status icons.The latter are additionally illuminated by LEDs. The noise level of the iBoto Aqua X310 is average and is 54 dB. It will not interfere and can clean up at night when everyone is sleeping.
Battery life exceeds two hours. But the battery is charging for more than 3 hours. This is due to the use of a Li-Ion battery with a capacity of 2,600 mAh.
For orientation in space, sensors are used, which may have problems with the determination of black furniture. But in collisions with such an obstacle, the device body protects the soft bumper.
6th place - Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum Cleaner
Such a robot vacuum cleaner will be a good choice for a busy person. Thanks to its functionality and technical characteristics, it helps to maintain order in the apartment and house. To verify this, consider it in more detail.
Continuous operation time reaches 150 minutes. As soon as the battery is discharged, the device will independently reach the base for recharging.
A distinctive feature of Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum Cleaner is its high suction power - 55 watts. What guarantees high quality of work and excellent removal of dirt both from a carpet, and from any other types of a floor covering. According to some owners, this nimble assistant copes with cleaning a carpet with a pile length of about 4 cm.
Intelligent sensor system helps to overcome obstacles to the robot. Due to the large infrared and ultrasonic sensors, a 360-degree viewing angle, as well as a laser distance sensor, it does not crash into furniture and will be saved from falling from the stairs or from the table if you have to clean it. Using its capabilities to build a room map, the robot is able to navigate freely even in large rooms.
Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum Cleaner has rich functionality, it boasts the following set of programs:
- fast
- along the walls;
- local
- zigzag.
You can use a smartphone to control the assistant. Also, this compact assistant is integrated into the Xiaomi Mi Home Smart Home system, Yandex Smart Home, using the Wi-Fi communication protocol.
The manufacturer provides for the use of a timer, cleaning programming by day of the week, calculation of the cleaning time, sound informing the owner in case of a jam.
The smart assistant Xiaomi Mi Robot Vacuum Cleaner does an excellent job both with cleaning carpets and with dry cleaning on a hard floor, having all the accessories for this. In the application on the smartphone, if desired, you can set the cleaning area, but the magnetic tape and for the physical restriction of the place of cleaning is purchased separately.
The dust container reaches 0.42 liters, which will have to be cleaned as necessary. Excellent cleaning quality, a rich set of features and smart behavior at a fairly low price, as for such a level of functionality, makes the model a great option for every housewife who wants to save her valuable time.
7th place - Clever & Clean Z10A
The case of the Clever & Clean Z10A is perfectly round. The edges, as in analogues, are beveled below and slightly rounded. Therefore, obstacles and carpets with an average pile height are not afraid of him. The package includes several multi-colored pads on the top panel. If the appearance of the unit is boring, then there is always the opportunity to update it.
For better cleaning of the nappy surface, the model is equipped with a floating head with two brushes. They rotate towards each other. The force of their pressure on the floor varies and depends on the type of coating.
The model has two speed levels, which allows you to choose the best for a given coating. Moreover, for better cleaning of carpets, the user has the opportunity to change the speed of movement of the robot directly in the process of its operation.
The volume of the dust bag is 0.4 liters. The compartment is divided into two compartments and is equipped with a built-in fan. As for the brushes, there are two of them - one with a pile and the other with rubber blades.
Soften impacts against obstacles pimples located along the entire circumference of the body. This will save the interior and the robot from damage if the IR sensors did not work correctly.
Clever & Clean Z10A can work in one of four modes:
- normal until the battery is completely discharged;
- continuous cleaning with intermediate recharging;
- local;
- manual control.
A useful feature is scheduled cleaning. The robot will keep the house clean, even when the owners are at work or on vacation. A nickel battery provides two hours of operation. But its charging will take about 240 minutes. It returns to the base automatically, for which infrared sensors are used.
8th place - iRobot Roomba 616
Presented 616 model differs from its counterparts in increased capacity and improved XLife battery.
The robot performs dry cleaning of all kinds of coatings. It cleans tiles, laminate, linoleum, parquet and carpet with medium or short pile. Moreover iRobot Roomba 616 without problems it will work on a single charge up to 2 hours.
The height of the device is 92 mm. The front bumper is rubberized, so in the event of a collision with furniture, there will be no scuffs on it. Also on the front panel there is a decorative white insert.
Removes iRobot Roomba 616 with a central and side brush. Not a single corner or baseboard in the room will remain in the dust. Thanks HEPA Filter all allergens and even the smallest dust will be collected in the waste bin.
And due to the modern and improved navigation system in comparison with previous versions iAdapt 2 the robot will lay the optimal route of movement and will not get tangled in wires.
9th place - iClebo Pop
The hallmark of iClebo Pop is its appearance. A round shape, strongly sloping lower edges and a yellow-gray top cover allow you to harmoniously fit into any modern interior design.
Collects dust with one central and one side brush. Their blades are made of pile. The kit also has a scraper made of rubber and a microfiber nozzle.
Due to the special arrangement of the bristles of the turbo brush and high speed of rotation, it does not get entangled in the carpet pile and fringe when cleaning this kind of coverings. Additional protection against winding wires and other long elements provides a plastic casing.
For control, a control panel with touch buttons is used. The display has LED status icons and an IR receiver. The panel is covered with mineral glass, which is distinguished by its hardness. This ensures no scratches or chips.
iClebo Pop navigates in space using infrared proximity and collision sensors. To protect the device from falls, it is equipped with a number of IR sensors that detect changes in height, wheel performance, and base search.
On one charge, the device works for 2 hours. The battery capacity is 2,200 mAh. It takes a little time to recharge the battery, about 110 minutes.
Options at iClebo Pop are quite extensive. There are a couple of spare filters for the waste bin, a brush and a comb for cleaning the device (they are conveniently placed in the charging base), two microfiber pads and a tray for them.
As for the dimensions, the case diameter is 350 mm and the height is 89 mm. These are the standard sizes for this type of vacuum cleaner from the middle price category. For its cost, the model presented above copes with its function perfectly.
10th place - Xrobot Helper
Xrobot Helper is delivered in a dense cardboard box, where all accessories necessary for its normal use are conveniently located. There are batteries for a virtual wall and a remote control. They do not have to buy.
The weight of the robot is 3.36 kg. The size of the wheels reaches 6.8 cm. They are fixed on movable hinges with a stroke of 2.55 cm. This design solution favorably affects the passability and allows the Xrobot Helper to be cleaned on almost any surface - various types of carpets and smooth flooring options.
Before cleaning the hairy areas, you need to remove the wet microfiber nozzle, if it was installed earlier. The package includes a large set of spare parts. The manufacturer reported a replaceable side brush from the pile, a filter, as well as several microfibre wipes designed to wipe the surface.
You can activate a particular mode using one of the three touch buttons. They have a contour and are highlighted in white captions. After selecting a program, one of the buttons or all is immediately highlighted in blue.
As for autonomy, then one charge is enough for an hour and a half cleaning. The battery is nickel and has a capacity of 2,200 mAh. He will replenish the charge within 3, or even 4 hours.
Conclusions and useful video on the topic
The rules for choosing a robotic assistant are given in the video:
The following video discusses the main mistakes made when choosing a household robot cleaner:
Many people think that robotic vacuum cleaners can not cope with cleaning carpets with a low and even more medium pile. But the models presented above prove the opposite.
Having bought one of these agile helpers, you can be sure that the carpet will always be clean and that it will be pleasant to return to the apartment after work.
Want to talk about how you picked up a robotic cleaner for cleaning carpets in your own house / apartment? Have a desire to share the nuances of operation that will be useful to site visitors? Please write comments, ask questions, post a photo on the topic of the article in the block form below.
We have a small crawling child for whom I am obligated to create a safe environment and a clean environment. Since there is not enough time for cleaning during the day, I had to buy a robot. While the baby and I are walking on the street, our robot at home does the cleaning not only on the laminate, but also on the carpet. By the way, the robot's power is enough for a good carpet cleaning, all the specks are removed. All that remains for me is to wipe the floor with a damp cloth on arrival and clean.
I have an iRobot Roomba 616, I bought it because of the high power. I took a vacuum cleaner because there is sorely enough time for a full-fledged cleaning. The automatic “cleaner” drives normally along the carpet, the trajectory of movement can be programmed and a virtual limiter can be set so that it does not drive where it is not needed. Sometimes you have to clean yourself in hard to reach places and corners of the room. But overall, it’s very good that there is such a technology. Significantly improves life.
We bought a robot - a vacuum cleaner six months ago, tell me, is it just me that it sucks up garbage so poorly or are they all like that? Or am I expecting too much from him? Wool generally badly-poorly sucks.
Infa is a little outdated, now there is a new Rumba i7, Neato D7, iClebo O5 and many others who work better on carpets. But at the same time, no one is really replaying Xiaomi yet.