How to choose an ultrasonic humidifier: what to look at before buying?

Alexey Dedyulin
Checked by a specialist: Alexey Dedyulin
Author: Oksana Chubukina
Last update: November 2024

The most acceptable way to normalize the microclimate of an enclosed space is to buy humidification equipment. Among the variety of species, an ultrasonic humidifier is of particular interest, which differs from its counterparts in high performance, safety and ease of use.

In this article, we will analyze in detail the device and the principle of operation of such devices, consider their main advantages and disadvantages, and highlight important criteria that affect the selection of a suitable model. After all, the maximum benefit, the effectiveness of the use of the device is possible with a competent approach to its choice.

We also list the best models of ultrasonic humidifiers, according to users. To help beginners, we picked up a video with recommendations on choosing the right model.

The device and principle of operation of the device

Humidity is one of the determining factors in a healthy and comfortable microclimate. The optimal moisture content in the atmosphere of the house is 50-60%. However, with the onset of the heating season, the indicator drops to a critical mark of 15-25%.

Too much air has a bad effect on performance, reduces immune functions and increases the risk of complications from infectious diseases. "Grandfather" methods (hanging wet towels on radiators, placing a basin of water) are ineffective and not convenient to use.

Judging by expert estimates and consumer reviews, the leaders in overall performance among various household humidifiers recognized ultrasound models.

In ultrasonic units, the property of piezoelectrics to transform electrical vibrations into mechanical ones is realized.

Humidifier device
The simplest piezo-emitter device: 1 - a water tank, 2 - a filter cartridge, 3 - a fan, 4 - a mechanical cleaning filter, 5 - an ultrasound membrane, 6 - a vaporization channel, 7 - a spray of water suspension

Action Scheme:

  1. The tank is filled with water, the liquid is subjected to primary filtration.
  2. A high-frequency voltage is applied to the piezoelectric crystal (ultrasonic plate).
  3. Under the influence of current, the membrane oscillates - waves of low and high pressure appear in the water layer, alternating between each other.
  4. In the low-pressure zone, the liquid “boils” at a low temperature - cavitation occurs with the simultaneous release of water aerosol.
  5. The air flow pumped by the fan drives the water “dust” to the outlet.

Outwardly, it seems as if water is boiling inside the humidifier, but the outgoing steam is cold. Depending on the equipment, the operation of the device may differ slightly - additional stages are added (cleaning, ozonation, aromatization, etc.).

Pros and Cons of Ultrasonic Humidifiers

The popularity of ultrasonic climate systems is constantly growing. The trend is due to a number of positive qualities of piezo emitters.

Advantages of Ultrasound Models

Let us consider in more detail the main positive aspects of ultrasonic type humidifiers.

Efficiency and ease of use

The performance of ultrasonic humidifiers is greater than that of units of the traditional type (“cold evaporation”) and is somewhat inferior to steam devices. Therefore, ultrasonic models are called an effective type of humidifiers. For more information on comparing this type of devices with traditional, steam and multifunction devices, see in the next article.

The power of ultrasonic models is enough for room maintenance up to 60 sq.m An additional plus is the ability to automatically control humidity thanks to the built-in hygrostat.

Humidifier Efficiency
Strengths of ultrasonic “aerosols”: efficiency, safety of use, quiet operation, economy, unpretentiousness of service, interesting design, compactness and mobility

Along with good performance, piezoelectric educators consume half as much electricity as their counterparts generating hot steam. In the future, this leads to significant cost savings.

Ultrasonic models intended for installation in children's rooms are in special demand:

Safety and silent operation

The water in the container does not warm up to high temperatures - there is no risk of burns during careless use. That indicates complete safety when using the device.

As for the quiet operation, the design uses a low-power fan, so such humidifiers are recognized as the quietest.

Silent operation
The noiselessness of the operation is also determined by the absence of sounds of gurgling and boiling water, as in a steam apparatus. The average noise figure is 25 dB

Mobility and ease of maintenance

The devices are compact in size, which allows them to be installed on the windowsill and furniture. With small dimensions, humidifiers produce impressive volumes of cold steam and are considered the best solution for confined spaces.

The user is required to clean and dry if the device has been idle for some time - this measure will prevent the formation of mold and pathogens on the inside of the humidifier.

Negative features of humidifiers

Disadvantages of ultrasonic “sprayers” of moisture:

  1. High price. Buying an ultrasound device will cost more than a traditional or steam humidifier. However, the inflated price is justified by the performance, practicality and economical consumption of electricity.
  2. The appearance of white plaque. When filling the tank with non-distilled and mineralized water, salt dust can settle on the furniture.

Options for eliminating the minus: buying a humidifier with a built-in purification filter or using distilled water.

Ultrasonic Humidifier Safety
There is a myth about the harmfulness of an ultrasonic humidifier for children. Of course, direct exposure to strong radiation is dangerous, but in the humidification system we are talking about low power and scattered radiation through water, which is absolutely harmless

Selection Tips for Future Buyers

The market of climatic units provides a wide selection of ultrasonic models. In order not to get confused in the variety and choose a suitable device, it is advisable to adhere to a certain selection scheme.

First, you need to understand which version of the ultrasonic humidifier is preferable. Secondly, to evaluate the technical capabilities of units of this segment. Thirdly, pay attention to the secondary functionality. An important selection criterion is the reputation of a trading brand.

Variability of ultrasonic models

The product line of ultrasonic humidifiers can conditionally be classified as follows:

  • typical household appliance;
  • humidifier cleaner;
  • channel model;
  • portable mini device;
  • submersible steam generator.

Next, we consider in more detail each of these types of devices.

Typical Humidifier

This is a traditional model for regulating humidity in an area of ​​10-60 sq.m. It operates according to the principle described above.

Household humidifier
The choice of household units is wide - from simple and low-cost products to technically advanced models that read and display on-screen current air parameters

Humidifier cleaner with ionization function

This group is represented by devices with the ionization function - enrichment of the atmosphere with "negative" ions. The device can only work in humidification mode or simultaneously perform two tasks.

The built-in ionizer is able to neutralize cations, converting them into anions - particles that help saturate the body with oxygen and remove harmful impurities.

Are you interested in this type of humidifier? We offer you to familiarize yourself with recommendations for choosing the best air purifier.

Humidifier ionizer
A popular example of an ultrasonic humidifier-ionizer is VT-1761 (Airo2) from Vitek. Characteristics: power - 40 W, productivity - 400 ml / h and more. The advanced model VT-1764 has an informative display and electronic control

Duct humidifier model

Along with household there are channel ultrasonic units. The humidifier is mounted in the general ventilation system of the building, providing the supply of prepared air suspension to all rooms. Channel devices are in demand in medical and industrial facilities.

Duct humidifier
The appearance of the channel ultrasonic humidifier, the installation of which allows you to create a favorable microclimate in the room
Channel humidifier circuit
Block diagram of the operation of a channel humidifier with an ultrasonic emitter. Designation in the figure: “M” - power and control module

Portable instrument

An interesting option is a mini humidifier atomizer. Usually, a water tank is not provided in the models; its role is played by a regular plastic bottle of 0.2-0.5 liters. To install the tank there is a threaded "connector".

Portable humidifier
The power supply for the mini-module is a standard 220 V network or connection via a PC USB port. The device provides zone humidification; full room service is not possible

Submersible humidifier-steam generator

Significantly different in design from standard models - the device does not have a case, fan or other elements. In fact, this is the working module of the ultrasonic humidifier.

A steam generator converts water into cold fog. The unit is often used as a decorative element in an interior or artificial pond. To use a fog generator as a humidifier, it is enough to place the piezoelectric plate in a bowl with liquid and install a fan nearby.

Submersible steam generator
Features of an immersion humidifier: optimal water temperature 5-45 ° C, fluid flow rate - about 200-250 ml / h, continuous operation - up to eight hours

Performance Assessment

Before buying climate technology, you should evaluate the capabilities of the piezo emitter. First of all, they pay attention to significant technical and operational parameters: service area - device performance, water tank displacement, sound effect during operation.

Service area and performance

The indicator determines the amount of water evaporated per unit of time, and the maximum area of ​​service. The performance of the humidifier is selected in accordance with the dimensions of the room where the device will be installed.

Humidifier performance
In a room of 15 sq.m, it is not worth placing an apparatus designed for 60 sq.m. Instead of normalized humidification, it is likely to get a room filled with fog. In addition, electricity bills unnecessarily increase

It is important to understand, despite the high performance, any unit is able to properly moisten one room. Even with the doors open, circulation between adjacent rooms is not enough. The device must serve each room in turn. So, the key parameter is the area of ​​the most spacious room.

Benchmark for the performance of the dimensions of the room:

  • 60 sq.m - 550-600 ml / h;
  • 50 sq.m - 500-550 ml / h;
  • 40 sq.m - 450 ml / h;
  • 30 sq.m - 380 ml / h;
  • 25 sq.m - 280 ml / h.

The power of the device depends on its performance and built-in “devices”.

Feature Comparison
High-performance models with advanced functionality consume about 100-130 W, ultrasonic humidifiers for 10-25 sq. M - from 12-20 W

Container volume and noise level

The capacity of the reservoir of household appliances is 1-7.5 liters. The frequency of the “refueling” of the humidifier and the duration of continuous operation will depend on the volume of the tank.

For round-the-clock operation, it is better to choose a model with a volumetric capacity (more than 6 liters), for periodic use a 3-5 liter humidifier is suitable. Their reserve will be enough for continuous operation for 10-12 hours.

Tank volume
Calculation of continuous operation time: container volume / capacity. For example, the tank displacement is 6000 ml, the water flow rate is 500 ml / h. So, one refueling is enough for 12 hours

The “sound” of the humidifier can be a serious annoying factor, especially if you plan to use the appliance at night. Almost silent operation is demonstrated by devices with a sound of 20-25 dB - this is the best choice for the nursery and bedroom.

Are devices at 30-35 dB more less comfortable in acoustic perception - they are suitable for the living room. Modules of 40 dB and above are applicable in public buildings where the requirements for "noise" are underestimated.

Safety and usability

In order to prevent breakage and ensure rational spending, manufacturers supply products with the following elements:

  1. Fluid level sensor. The device is placed in the working chamber and automatically turns off the humidifier during a critical decrease in water. The sensor blocks the operation "dry" and the failure of equipment.
  2. Auto shutdown when capsizing. In modern models, when equipment falls, a “stop protection” is triggered, which stops the humidifier.
  3. Hygrostat. The option of tracking humidity in the atmosphere allows you to not turn the microclimate of the room into the tropics. Excessive dampness provokes the growth of mold.

The ease of use is affected by: control method, indicators, dimensions and ergonomic design of the case.

Humidifier control
Operation adjustment is carried out by mechanical or electronic control. Practical and convenient “device” - remote setting of parameters. The presence of the remote control is especially important if the device is standing remotely - on a high shelf, cabinet

The indicators for adding water and cleaning the module are welcome. Owners of ultrasonic steam generators with additional functions will need an indication of the current operating mode.

It is necessary to think over in advance a convenient place for installing the device. The location largely depends on the dimensions of the equipment. It is better to give preference to a compact device - it can be put on a pedestal, window sill or table. An additional plus is light weight and mobility.

Humidifier for a nursery
“Cartoon” humidifiers look good in the interior of the nursery. Famous brands in the manufacture of such models do not include phthalates and bisphenol-A in the composition of plastic

Availability of additional options

Advanced functionality affects the cost of the humidifier.

Optional Bonus Options include:

  1. Aromacapsule. A cartridge or flask for filling with aromatic oil will allow using the device in aromatherapy.
  2. Timer. The element turns off the humidifier at the set time. If it takes three hours to achieve optimal humidity, you can set a timer - this approach saves energy and reduces the “refueling” of the device with water.
  3. Rotating spray gun. Setting the direction of the water mist supply for targeted sprinkling to the sides or up, depending on the installation site.

The additional option "night mode" provides a decrease in performance, electricity consumption, and also turns off the light display and indicators.

Integrated backlight
The instrument glows with an original glow of a container of water.Built-in lighting is able to replace the nightlight in the nursery or bedroom

Do you doubt the need to buy an ultrasonic model for an apartment? In this case, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the features other types of humidifiers, their advantages and disadvantages that affect the choice of a suitable option.

Review of the best ultrasonic humidifiers

Bestsellers are products of foreign companies: Stadler Form (Switzerland), Polaris (China), Redmond (USA), Royal Clima (China), Electrolux (Sweden), Boneco (Switzerland), AIRComfort (Italy), etc. The review presents household models with matching prices declared parameters.

Model # 1 - device with two filters Jack J-020

The Stadler Form development model is made according to European standards. The humidifier is equipped with two cleaning complexes: a bactericidal cleaning cartridge and a demineralization filter. Operation monitoring is supported by electric sensors.

Features Jack J-020
Additional features: service area - 65 sq. M, color - black / white, maximum noise - 29 dB, the presence of night mode and the “warm steam” option. Estimated price - 280-320 cu

Feature Overview:

  • power consumption - 40 W;
  • water consumption - 450 ml / h;
  • regulation of the intensity of evaporation - is;
  • aromatization - is;
  • type of control - electronic, display;
  • capacity volume - 5 l;
  • hygrostat - is;
  • demineralizing cartridge - yes;
  • preliminary heating of water - is;
  • Humidification direction adjustment - yes.

The laconic case provides simple touch control and visual indication.

Disadvantages according to consumers: lack of remote control, the need to buy expensive cartridges.

Model # 2 - Redmond RHF-3303 Humidifier Ionizer

Despite the affordable cost (about 110 cu), the device has the functionality of expensive models.

Appearance Redmond RHF-3303
This humidifier does not have a hole for filling the tank with water from above - it is necessary to open the case to add water

Main features of Redmond RHF-3303:

  • the presence of Crystal Clear - cartridge cleaning;
  • hygrostat - is;
  • air ionization - is;
  • remote control - is;
  • the volume of the container is 6 liters.
  • power consumption - 130 W;
  • water consumption - 400 ml / h;
  • regulation of the intensity of evaporation - is;
  • humidity control - yes;
  • indication of water level - is.

There are Cold / Warm Steam modes, a timer and a display.

Users noticed the negative aspects of this model: the inability to turn off the sound indicator, resetting settings in the absence of power supply.

Model # 3 - popular among buyers Polaris PUH 5206 Di

Functional humidifier with the option of ionization without unnecessary "consumables".

Characteristics PUH 5206 Di
Polaris PUH 5206 Di is able to work continuously up to 18 hours. And the stylish design of the case and the floor type of installation allows this humidifier to take its rightful place in the interior of the room

Main characteristics of Polaris PUH 5206 Di:

  • air ionization - is;
  • the volume of the container is 6 liters.
  • power consumption - 35 W;
  • water consumption - 350 ml / h;
  • warm steam - no;
  • internal lighting - no;
  • aromatization - no;
  • three-level steam supply - yes;
  • stylish design - yes;
  • shutdown timer - yes, with a range of 1-9 hours;
  • night mode - yes;
  • LED display - yes;
  • water filtration - yes, through a carbon cartridge.

An important plus is the competitive cost (about 100 cu).

Cons of this device: bulky to carry, lack of aroma capsule, inconvenience of filling the tank

Model # 4 - stylish and affordable Ruh-S380

The original elliptical design in three colors (white, lavender and blue) immediately attracts attention. This model boasts an exquisite appearance.

Specifications Ruh-S380
The model is effective in a room up to 30 sq.m. But manufacturers did not provide for pre-treatment of the liquid. Therefore, to extend the service life and prevent “white sediment”, it is necessary to fill the container with distilled water

Features of the Royal Clima Ruh-S380:

  • power consumption - 25 W;
  • water consumption - 380 ml / h;
  • installation type - floor
  • aromatization - is;
  • type of control - mechanical;
  • tank volume - 3 l;
  • demineralizing cartridge - no;
  • Humidification direction adjustment - yes.
  • steam directional selection - 360 ° flap rotation;
  • compactness and light weight - 0.97 kg;
  • smooth adjustment of evaporation intensity - is;
  • almost silent work - yes;
  • loyal value - about 30-40 cu

Ruh-S380 can be used for aromatherapy.

Model # 5 - Multifunctional Boneco Air-O-Swiss U650

The Swiss brand Boneco is a recognized leader in the production of HVAC equipment. The Air-O-Swiss U650 is a prime example of quality and functionality.

Features Air-O-Swiss U650
There are indicators for cleaning the unit and display brightness. A replacement filter cartridge is required every 2-4 months. The cost of the humidifier is 200-220 cu

Short review of characteristics of Boneco Air-O-Swiss U650:

  • power consumption - 40 W;
  • water consumption - 400-550 ml / h;
  • warm steam - eat;
  • control type - touch i-touch;
  • capacity volume - 5.5 l;
  • indication of lack of water - is.
  • automatic climate control - yes, due to the temperature sensor and hygrostat;
  • preliminary pasteurization of water - yes;
  • strong ultrasound membrane - yes, with a titaniumnitrit shell;
  • the possibility of retrofitting - yes, with an ionizing rod, a two-jet spray;
  • modes - Auto / Night, Warm / Cold steam;
  • timer - yes, for 8 hours.

Despite its high performance, Air-O-Swiss is virtually silent - up to 25 dB.

In addition to the options considered, many users respond positively to the Bork brand, which offers highly efficient models with the function of ionization and air purification from various impurities. Also in great demand are models of air purifiers with a humidification function, designed specifically for allergy sufferers.

We talked about all these devices and the rules for their selection in the following articles:

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Comparison of the possibilities of popular modifications of ultrasonic devices:

The choice of household equipment should be based on a comprehensive assessment of the characteristics of the device itself and individual needs. In any case, the acquisition of an ultrasonic humidifier is a sure step on the way to a healthy microclimate..

You choose an air humidifier for your home, but doubt the need to purchase an ultrasonic option? Ask your questions to our experts and other website visitors under this article - the owners of ultrasonic humidifiers will gladly dispel all your doubts.

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Visitors Comments
  1. Natasha

    Humidifiers are actively introduced into domestic conditions. Now this device is for some comparable in importance to a washing machine. Especially for those who have children in the house. By the way, ultrasound is really the most common. And even they differ in a large selection of functionality. I agree with the author that you should first decide what functions you want to receive. This immediately marks half the options.

  2. Alexander

    When I decided to choose an air humidifier for the house, I decided to buy the most modern ultrasound right away. Yes, it costs a little more expensive, but it has quite a few pluses. As a result, I bought a Polaris with a built-in ionizer. It works well - humidifies the air, there are three modes of operation, there is a built-in filter. True, the hygrometer built into it is practically useless and usually shows the wrong humidity. And so, the right thing, and it looks very stylish.

    • Sergei

      The built-in hygrometer most likely does not lie. It just shows the humidity around the device. Naturally, it is much higher than in another part of the room. Try turning off humidification for a while and the reading will return to normal.


