Antimagnetic seal on the water meter: types, mechanism of action + nuances of application and installation

Evgenia Kravchenko
Checked by a specialist: Evgenia Kravchenko
Author: Oksana Chubukina
Last update: May 2024

To protect against distortion of accounting indicators by utilities, an antimagnetic seal on a water meter began to be introduced in large quantities - the device allows you to identify an attempt or the fact of theft of resources. A simple device solves a number of problems of suppliers, but at the same time causes a lot of questions and disputes among users.

We will figure out how the anti-magnet works, find out whether its installation is legal. In our article, we describe the installation technology and outline the basic rules for the use of protective devices. Recommendations for use are provided.

Purpose of the antimagnetic sticker

Prices for water services are constantly growing and enterprising citizens are looking for all kinds of loopholes in order to reduce the financial burden of utility costs.

To combat violators developed antimagnetic fillings.

A simple device solves a number of problems:

  • increases the efficiency of water meters;
  • allows regulatory authorities to establish the fact of interference in the counter’s workflow, namely, the use of a magnet;
  • minimizes the possibility of using water outside the meter.

Water suppliers everywhere install anti-magnetic indicators on meters - tracking offenders has become much easier.

Magnet on the counter
A popular solution is to slow down the accounting mechanism by attaching a magnet to the counter. As a result, the user could consume water without charging indicators

The device and principle of operation of the seal

The anti-magnetic sticker is very simple. In fact, this is a regular sticker on a durable sealing tape, on the outside there is a sealed mini-capsule. Inside there is a magnetically sensitive indicator.

Seal device
The picture shows an anti-magnetic sticker.Explanation of symbols: 1 - supersensitive indicator, 2 - control inscription, 3 - tear-off element with a serial number, 4 - slots to increase sensitivity when trying to peel off, 5 - logo, 6 - number for recording in the service provider's journal

All magnetic seals for installation on a water meter are produced in number lots. Each sticker has a unique serial number - it is recorded in the database of the recipient and manufacturer.

The standard package of seals includes a document containing the required information:

  • serial number, release date;
  • name, contact details of the manufacturer;
  • device operation rules.

As standard, the indicator is represented by a bulb with a dot indicator.

Seal indicator
In the normal state, the black dot has the correct shape, its diameter is about 3 mm. In other models of seals, an alternative performance of the indicator is possible: pattern, dashes, inscriptions, etc.

With a short-term exposure to a magnetic field, the clarity of the image is distorted - a black dot spreads out, dashes and inscriptions are shifted. On some devices, an inscription appears on the opening of the indicator, bright stickers can change color.

Manufacturers assure that the anti-magnetic modules are triggered by a magnetic field of 100 mT, and the distance is no more than 3-5 cm. During the device check, the inspector inspects the sticker and makes entries in the journal about any changes in the indicator and the state of the seal.

Arguments regarding the effect on the anti-magnetic sticker of the fluctuation of geomagnetic fields and electrical appliances are not accepted. The offender will face subsequent trials and fines.

Types of Magnetic Stickers

The entire range of antimagnetic devices can be classified according to several parameters:

  • scope of application;
  • color;
  • design features of execution.

By appointment, there are seals for water meters, gas metering controllers and electricity meters. Appearance and principle of operation of indicator devices for electrical networks and gas facilities are not much different from each other.

Red sticker
As a rule, blue seals are installed on water meters, blue seals on gas meters, and red seals on electricity meters. This gradation is very arbitrary - exact compliance is optional

The type of performance of the device determines the shape of the indicator and its reaction to the approach of the magnet.

Most popular solutions:

  1. Capsule filling. On a special scotch tape is a small plastic cone with black powder. Around the point is a ring made of components susceptible to magnetic field. When trying to influence the counter, the areola darkens and merges with the black powder.
  2. Metallized plates. The role of the indicator is reserved for the figure. A clear pattern is drawn with metal powder. Under the influence of a magnet, particles move - the picture is irrevocably distorted or completely disappears.

To restore the picture or the original composition of the flask at home is unrealistic. Anti-magnetic stickers have multi-stage protection against consumer interference in the operation of meters.

Which is represented by the following elements:

  • directly indicator - an element that responds to vibrations of magnetic waves;
  • external coating - a barrier against mechanical, water, thermal effects;
  • adhesive, able to change the color of the sticker when it is removed from the counter.

Some fillings are equipped with thermal indicator. Under the influence of critically low or high temperatures, a colored spot appears on the plate.

Clear indicator pattern
Optional use on thermal indicator stickers. Thermal protection is an additional barrier against spontaneous correction of meter readings

Some entrepreneurial consumers try to get around magnetic tape by freezing and heating the indicator.

Installing seals on a water meter

Attaching an anti-magnetic sticker in itself is straightforward. More questions from consumers of water resources arise regarding the necessity and legality of introducing such a device.

The legitimacy of the actions of public utilities

Mass installation of antimagnets began in 2011. Among the population there were active disputes - supporters of stickers put forward their arguments, opponents - spoke about the illegality of the manipulation of public utilities. Lawyers and legislative authorities undertook to resolve the dilemma, declaring the actions of housing and communal services representatives legitimate.

Utilities are guided by the following regulatory documents:

  1. Resolution No. 354 / 05/06/2011. It says that utilities have the right to mount antimagnetic seals at their discretion.
  2. Law No. 416-FZ / 12/07/2011. The document allows suppliers of water to the hot and cold water supply circuits to seal the meters with any seals that will impede illegal consumption.

These legislative acts indicate the legitimacy of the installation of antimagnetic indicators. However, the homeowner has the right to prevent a service representative from entering his territory.

Counter check
According to the current legislation, the penetration of unauthorized persons into private property without the consent of the owner is prohibited. Therefore, the final decision on the installation of this type of seal remains with the owner of the housing. But in the event of repeated failure, this issue will be decided by the court

However, not all so simple. In case of refusal of access to the water meter, communal services have the right to apply to the court with a claim about the impossibility of checking the accounting device. Referring to the documents indicated above, the court will oblige the owner of the house, apartment to open access for the controllers of the resource supplying organization to the meter.

In addition, in case of repeated refusal to check the measuring device, public utilities have the right to determine the amount of water consumed on a common basis - by the calculation method based on the number of residents.

Sticker rules and procedures

Only an employee of the management company, the utility service provider, should install the seal.

In this case, the representative of the water utility must fulfill the following conditions:

  1. Draw up an act and provide it for signature to the homeowner. The document prescribes the type / condition of the sticker, the responsibilities of the owner.
  2. Explain to the consumer the effect of the indicator - the rules that the user must follow in order to avoid the operation of the indicator.
  3. Notify the consequences of violation.

A quality installation requires thorough degreasing of the counter surface. This will prevent the possibility of removing the seal on time.

Seal installation
Some consumers before the arrival of public utilities treat the meter body with anti-adhesive preparations that interfere with a good adhesion of the sticker and the surface of the device

It is not advisable to install a magnetic seal at temperatures below +5 ° C - cool air reduces the adhesion rate and increases the activation time of the adhesive layer.

Work execution order:

  1. Inspect sticker. The control drawing, the flask with the indicator element must be free of defects.
  2. Degrease the surface under the seal. The optimal solution is isopropyl alcohol, neutral with respect to most types of plastic. When working with other solvents, it is first necessary to test their effect on the device body.
  3. Wait a couple of minutes. Wait until the casing surface has completely dried.
  4. Remove the backing. Separate the protective backing of the seal by pulling the notch.
  5. Install seal. Without touching the adhesive, fasten the sticker.

To finish, smooth the surface of the sticker, gently pressing the seal with your finger. The glue of the sticker has increasing adhesive ability.

Tape fastening
To smooth a sticker it is necessary carefully, evenly pressing fingertips over its entire surface.Maximum hitch strength occurs after 24 hours, subject to moderate humidity and temperatures above +10 ° C

Upon completion of work in Act of sealing make an appropriate mark, sign the executor and the owner of the apartment.

Performance and Usage Features

To avoid troubles, the user must understand what are the normal operating conditions of the device and under what circumstances the indicator will work with guarantee. There are no special rules for using an antimagnetic sticker. There are a number of conditions that are required for the safety of the indicator and the seal as a whole.

It's important to know:

  1. The use of the sticker is permissible indoors, in open areas.
  2. Seals are not afraid of temperature fluctuations, high humidity, the effects of household chemicals.
  3. It is permissible to place household appliances, sources with radio interference, and mobile phones near the seals.
  4. The indicator retains its properties in a wide temperature range - from -40 ° C to +60 ° C.
  5. The response threshold under the influence of a magnet is 16 Am or a radius of action of 0.02 T. Enough active period from 1 second to 10 minutes. A minor invasion attempt will affect the indicator.

Seals are not afraid of falling from a height onto a hard surface. Impacts do not cause displacement of patterns, deformation of a point.

terms of Use
Anti-magnetic tapes withstand extreme operating conditions. The blackening of the sticker does not occur upon contact with water, prolonged overheating or cooling.

The specialist speaks all these points when signing the deed of installation. In the case of the operation of the antimagnet, it will be difficult to prove their innocence. Excuses about leaks in the pipe, a sharp cooling or falling of the device will not work.

The only exception is welding. In this case, the indicator is able to change color. Therefore, it is necessary to notify the control department about upcoming works in advance - a written application is submitted to the water utility.

Is it realistic to trick a seal?

Along with the advent and implementation of anti-magnetic stickers, ways to bypass them appeared. Craftsmen periodically boast of their "achievements." It should be noted right away that the methods are very doubtful and it is risky to experiment with fillings - there are chances to damage the sticker.

Seal control
Frauds with a sticker will unfold over time, and the consumer will be punished - a full recalculation for the entire period of use of the seal and the payment of significant fines

Sanctions are calculated in tenfold of the value of tariffs and current consumption standards - the cost of circumventing attempts is not justified by the savings.

Popular methods:

  1. Installing the dummy. There are copies of seals on sale - fake products allow you to create the appearance of the presence of antimagnet. However, the first scheduled inspection will reveal the offenses.
  2. Heating. Some with the help of a hairdryer try to soften the adhesive and remove the seal. Theoretically, you can tear off a sticker, but traces will remain on the case. In some devices, thermal control is mounted - the sticker changes color when you try to remove it.
  3. Cooling. Exposure to dry ice or liquid nitrogen sometimes causes the liquid to freeze inside the mini-flask. However, the method is not always effective - the slightest error leads to a reaction of the indicator to the magnet.
  4. Installation on polish. Processing the meter body with silicone or polishing compound for car interiors. Installers know this trick and always degrease the surface.

Particularly entrepreneurial people manage to expose on two sides of the counter two magnet effects of equal strength.

However, balancing is difficult to handle - one awkward movement will lead to a failure and traces of intervention will be displayed on the seal.

With the rules of the calculations in the organization of water supply and sanitation will acquaint next article, which we recommend reading.

Useful video on the topic

The need for application and the principle of operation of a magnetically sensitive seal:

Utility companies are interested in installing an anti-magnetic seal. Water suppliers were able to reduce theft and identify unscrupulous consumers.

Responsible users with the introduction of indicator sticks do not risk anything. The main thing is to understand the mechanism of action of the seal and the conditions for its operation.

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Visitors Comments
  1. Alexander

    Interestingly, our management companies are in no hurry to put up such stickers, although a magnet on a water meter is a very popular topic. Even I have friends who sin by knocking down the counters. Well, since the installation of such seals does not contradict the law, then let them do it. Most people will not run around the courts because of such a trifle, it always takes a lot of time and nerves.

  2. Edward

    Against a magnet - an anti-magnet; against an anti-magnet an anti-magnet will be invented. It will be, do not hesitate! In our country, a huge amount of water resources and a small population. Business on the counters is very profitable for resellers. I personally prefer to overpay 1000 rubles a month and be able to splash around in the shower as much as I want: at least an hour, at least a day. And bothering with magnets is just some shame!

  3. Sergei

    The seal has changed color. I did not use any magnets. Sometimes used a drainage pump. He pumped water from the well where the meter stands. How to get out of this situation?

    • Sergei

      Just do not wait when they come with a check.

      On the Internet I read about a similar case. Utilities revealed the darkening of the seal during the inspection, counted more than 100 thousand rubles. and the court sided with them. The presentation of paychecks for the LCD, where the water flow was approximately the same both before the seal was installed and after, did not help either. The public utilities let it slip - WHAT EVERYTHING WOULD BE OK, IF YOU HAVE YOURSELF AT YOURSELF, WHEN YOU DID NOTICE THE DARKNESS OF THE SEAL, WRITTEN TO US! Search the search engine for similar cases.

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Violation of the color of the antimagnetic seal is considered an unauthorized interference with the operation of the ISP. If the device is installed in a place where there is no access without a consumer, the contractor recounts the amount of utility bills and sends you a request for additional charges for utility bills. This will be the period from the date of installation of the indicated seals, but not earlier than from the date of the last inspection and not more than 3 months prior to the date of verification of the metering device that detected the intervention, using an increase factor of 10.

      As you drag out time, penalties are ticking accordingly. Urgent “surrender”.

  4. The next verification and sealing of the meter is ahead. An employee of Vodokanal demanded first to replace the metal fitting - the corner with polypropylene. No explanation was given, just “replace it.”What to do in this situation?

  5. And if during sealing the representative of the water utility didn’t say a word about the sticker installed. How can this be proved?

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      Hello. When sealing, the owner of the apartment signs a sealing act in which the type of seal, its condition, compliance with the standards, rules, and obligations of the owner are prescribed. If you signed the document, you should have read the document. As for the sealing itself, the resource supplying organization has a complete rule to install antimagnets.

  6. Irina Savelyeva

    Having heard about the unreliability of these same anti-magnetic fillings, I specially installed anti-magnetic water meters in the apartment. Do I have the right to refuse to install antimagnetic seals? They assure me not.

    And one more thing: they threaten that you will have to pay according to the standard? It turns out that if you nevertheless put this seal on me, but it suddenly darkens or something else, then I still do not get a fine ??? Bullshit comes out. Why then these special counters?

    It turns out that their manufacturers are deceiving us? Well, if they don’t deceive, then why should I be responsible for some kind of seal, if the magnets do not work on my meter and this is confirmed by his passport?


