The installation of summer water from the well: the best options and construction schemes
The presence of a source of water in the country house makes it easier to stay in the house, and regular maintenance of the garden. However, carrying water in buckets or dragging hoses from place to place is impractical, therefore, to increase the degree of comfort, it is necessary to establish a water supply system for key places.
Let's try to figure out whether it is possible to independently make a summer water supply from a well, the use of which is especially important in the warm season.
The content of the article:
- The well as a constant source of water
- The difference between the summer water supply system from the winter
- The main schemes of summer water supply
- Designing a water supply system
- How to make a capital option with your own hands?
- How to achieve good water pressure?
- Conclusions and useful video on the topic
The well as a constant source of water
Cottage communities, remote cottage villages, villages are often located outside the "comfort zone" - centralized heating networks and water supply systems, so we will talk about autonomous ways of providing and delivering water.
Rivers and lakes are under state jurisdiction, therefore they cannot adjoin an individual site according to the current legislation (an area 25 meters from the water cannot be transferred to private ownership).
Water is sometimes taken for irrigation of a garden or a garden from an authorized natural source - a pond. But in order to purify water to a drinking level, multi-barrier filters will be required, and this is disadvantageous.

Thus, there remains a well - a traditional source of drinking water for most of the domestic regions. The well method of providing water has developed historically, moreover, functionally precisely well convenient for both automatic and manual use.
In addition to it, tubular sources of water intake are popular, but not everyone can afford to equip an expensive well for seasonal use.
If you are a happy owner of a well (wooden, concrete, brick) with a sufficient flow rate, then for a water supply device you will need install pump and build communications connecting the source to the house.

Work can be done on its own or with the help of specialists who will help calculate the number of building materials, choose a pump, lay pipes correctly and make internal wiring.
The difference between the summer water supply system from the winter
If you visit the cottage exclusively in the summer, during the holidays, then a summer system would be the best option. Winter is suitable for those who constantly live in the country or often travel out of town, regardless of the season.

Features summer water supply relate to its performance and installation conditions.
Here are a few nuances that you need to know:
- with the lightened summer version, pipes are buried to a depth of 0.5 m to 0.8 m, that is, the freezing horizon is not taken into account (for comparison, the winter pipeline is laid in deep trenches, from 1.5 m and deeper, depending on the region);
- pipes for temporary use do not need additional insulation (permanently operated communications require additional thermal insulation or electric heating with a special cable);
- installation of the pump does not require large investments - it is enough to put on a casing or install a canopy (a constantly working mechanism is usually installed in a specially designated indoor room or in a caisson);
- stationary water supply needs a drainage device, like the winter capital option, however, for collapsible systems, this nuance is not relevant, because the drainage occurs during the dismantling process;
- for lightweight installation, use wiring with a serial connection, for permanent - with a collector;
- the seasonal system often provides submersible or surface pump, the functioning of the permanent network is due to the pumping station, if necessary, with a storage tank and a water heater.
It is clear that the device of the winter version is a more serious event, requiring sufficient material investments. The status of a summer water supply system largely depends on its type: you can choose both a fixed capital construction and a collapsible “temporary building” for 2-3 months.
The main schemes of summer water supply
Specific construction measures (for example, the need to dig a trench), pipe installation methods, the choice of technical equipment, etc. depend on the choice of the scheme. Do not forget that summer landscaping includes communications leading to the summer kitchen, beds or garden planting - places that are not included in the winter water supply project.
All varieties of seasonal systems can be divided into two categories: collapsible (removable) and permanent (stationary).
Collapsible surface system
This design can be safely called ground, since all its parts lie on the surface of the earth. In some cases (for example, due to terrain features) pipes and hoses have to be lifted above the ground.
The longest part of the system is interconnected pipes or hoses made of elastic materials that can withstand the effects of weather and ultraviolet radiation. To connect individual segments using steel or plastic fittings, coupling fasteners, adapters, tees.

Given the demand for collapsible designs, manufacturers of plastic pipes began to produce products with snap fasteners, which are fixed with a light click. In the process of disassembling, cutting at the joints will not be required - the couplings are removed as easily as they are put on.
The advantages of the time system are obvious:
- simple, quick installation and disassembly, not requiring special knowledge;
- lack of earthwork;
- the ability to quickly repair faults and eliminate leaks, since the entire system is in sight;
- low total cost of pipes, hoses and pumping equipment.
The main disadvantage is the need for assembly and disassembly, which are mandatory at the beginning and end of the season, but difficulties arise only for the first time. Reinstalling is much simpler and faster.

When laying ground communications, it is necessary to monitor their location relative to pedestrian paths, sites, places for outdoor activities, since pipes can interfere with movement, and people, in turn, can inadvertently damage the pipeline.
And another unpleasant moment is the risk of losing convenient equipment. Try to arrange the network so that it is not visible from the road or the adjacent section.
Stationary underground utilities
Everyone who is not interested in the trouble of assembling and disassembling, choose the permanent option - a water supply system buried in a trench at a shallow depth (0.5 m - 0.8 m). There is no purpose to protect the structure from the effects of winter frost, since at the end of the season the water is drained through special taps installed at the lower points. For this, pipes are laid with an inclination towards the source.
Ideally, during the discharge, the water should go back to the well or to the drain hole equipped near it. If you forget about the draining procedure, in spring you may run into trouble - frozen water will break pipes and joints and the water supply will have to be completely replaced.
To connect polypropylene pipes use welding with a special apparatus or fittings.In complex areas, if bending is required, thick-walled flexible hoses can be used (they are intended for indoor use, therefore, to perform "street" functions, elastic fragments must be protected from moisture and insulated).

Advantages of stationary construction:
- pipes are laid and equipment is installed once, only consumables (gaskets, filters) are subject to replacement;
- communications do not interfere with the movement of transport and people around the site, in addition, the soil is an additional protection for them;
- underground pipes are difficult to steal;
- if necessary, the conservation process is fast enough.
The only drawback of the underground network is additional work, respectively, increased costs. If you rent equipment or invite a team of workers to dig a trench, more money will be spent.
Designing a water supply system
Planning for work related to home improvement or summer cottage is always saving time, money and own forces.
Before buying the necessary equipment, be sure to draw up a site plan with the designation of all important objects (houses, baths, wells, ponds, gardens, gardens), make a sketch of the future water supply system, calculate the exact distance from the source to the points of drawoff and taps.

To collect relevant data, you will have to go with a tape measure along the route of the future water supply system, mark every turn, node or proposed tie-in. This will help to calculate not only the meter of pipes, but also the number of connecting elements: adapters, fittings, couplings.
Decide how to set up consumption points:
- inside the house - installation of plumbing equipment, connecting the accumulator;
- outside - installation of several hydrants for ease of irrigation;
- separate communications with taps leading to the bathhouse, summer kitchen, etc.
For a ground-based system, consider the safest way — along paths, storm ditches, fences. Underground construction requires additional calculations related to earthwork.
It is necessary to determine not only the length, but also the depth of the trenches: on a flat area (under the lawn, path), a depth of 30-40 cm is sufficient, it is better to lay deeper paths under beds or flower beds - up to 80 cm.
The diagram must indicate the location of the tap to drain the water. Usually this is the lowest part of the laid communications. It needs free access, since the drain will be required every time you make conservation of the system for the winter.
Having marked all the nuances in the drawing, you can proceed with practical activities - digging a trench, buying the necessary equipment.
How to make a capital option with your own hands?
It is not difficult to assemble a temporary structure, since digging trenches, welding or gluing pipes will not be required. You will need a simple submersible pump and a set of PP pipes. Labeled products are suitable for cold water. PN-10 (with a blue stripe), for hot - PN-20/25 (with a red stripe).
Connections are made by fittings with metal thread, adapters and couplings with dimensions depending on the range of pipes. A drain valve is not needed.
Let us dwell on the device of a stationary system, which requires the installation of additional equipment.
Installation of pumping equipment
Assume that the well is in satisfactory condition and that there is enough water to install the pump. Otherwise, you will have to carry out additional repair work or well shaft insulation.

Think about which equipment is right for your site:
- submersible pump - depth up to 20-25 m (Patriot, Kid, Brook, Dzhileks Vodomet, Belamos, Caliber);
- surface pump - depth up to 10 m (QUATTRO ELEMENTI, Belamos, Gileks Jumbo, Metabo, Marina, Gardena);
- pumping station with accumulator (Jilex Jumbo, Caliber, Belamos, Poplar, Parma, Elitech).
Installing surface pumps will require a flat area and protection against atmospheric precipitation. This can be a dry place under a canopy next to the well, a small working area in the basement (if the well is close to home), a utility room. Sometimes a strong protective casing or specially prepared box is enough.
The submersible pump is completely lowered into the water, the elements of fasteners, tubes and the power cable remain outside. Due to the features of the installation (0.5-1 m from the bottom of the well) and the absence of external working parts, the pump pumps water almost silently. A separate trench for laying the cable is not required, usually it is laid in a ditch with pipes.

The pumping station has a more complex design and consists of a surface pump, a hydraulic accumulator, an electric motor, a pressure switch, a pressure gauge, a check valve.
When choosing a model, focus on factors such as:
- performance;
- volume of storage capacity;
- required pressure;
- suction height;
- source debit.
For example, the volume of the storage tank is calculated based on the needs of the family in case the system stops working. Detailed specifications can be found in the unit data sheet.
Pipe supply from the house to the well
Having decided on the technical side of the issue, you can start digging trenches and piping pipes to consumption points. The main underground highway will lead from the well to the house.
You will need the following materials:
- a set of pipes made of polypropylene PN-10;
- diameter tees, fittings;
- compression threaded couplings and angles;
- ball valve ½;
- fum tape.
In addition to the marking tool (tape measure, marker), wrenches (No. 17-24), gas and adjustable wrenches, a hacksaw, a construction knife should be at hand. If the pipes are connected by welding, then instead of a gas key, a special welding machine will be required (it can be rented).
Trench excavation is carried out with an ordinary shovel, digging depth - not more than 80 cm.Prepared pipes are laid with a slope towards the well, the slope should be at least 3 cm per 1 linear meter of the pipeline. Connections are performed by threaded couplings or soldering.
Additional thermal insulation of the pipeline is not required, since water is not left in the pipes and poured into a well or specially provided opening equipped with a tap before departure.

When connecting individual network elements, you must carefully monitor the tightness of the joints. Threaded connections are usually reinforced with a fum tape, wrapping it in several layers for density and gently tightening with a gas wrench.
Couplings are often equipped with rubber seals, therefore, inserting the end of the pipe into the connecting element, you need to push it all the way so that it is inside the rubber ring. Only then tighten the clamping nut.
For watering lawns, beds, flower beds on the surface arrange several exits in such a way that the hoses (or watering devices) reach the extreme points. Irrigation efficiency can be increased by using sprinklers, sprayers, watering guns connected to a timer and automatically switched on at a given time.
Internal wiring device
For summer plumbing, a consistent internal wiring diagram is used. It is also suitable for a major winter system, if 1-2 people live in the house.
A larger number of residents require the installation of pipes according to the collector scheme in order to maintain the water pressure and provide the necessary amount of liquid to all the points of analysis at the same time.
The serial circuit consists of a common highway (riser), from which pipes go to the mixers, shower equipment, etc. If hot water supply is needed, then two parallel mains must be started up - with hot and cold water. To connect the branch pipes, tees are used.
Although the serial circuit of the wiring device is not difficult, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of SNiP.
For example, each branch is equipped with a separate crane so that it is possible to carry out repair work without disconnecting the common trunk. To avoid a quick breakdown of the equipment, filters are installed on the pipes.

When choosing a material, they usually focus on the product life and cost. Steel and copper pipes are practically not used, they were replaced by inexpensive products from polypropylene. More durable and expensive material is metal-plastic.
Connecting elements, angles and plugs must correspond not only in diameter, but also in the material of manufacture.

It is better to start arranging the wiring from the point of water supply - for example, a pump station. Work is performed according to the instructions.If you are not technically savvy and doubt your skills, it is better to invite a specialist to connect automation - you can from a company that sells pumping equipment.
How to achieve good water pressure?
Using some installation tricks, you can achieve higher performance water system.
For example, to stabilize the pressure in the pipes and provide the necessary pressure of water, accumulator or a storage tank is installed in the upper part of the house, for example, in the attic. The pump must be powerful enough, protected from pressure drop in the network.

To have enough water for everyone, you should pick up a tank of sufficient volume. In the calculation, the size of the daily water consumption per 1 person is used, which is equal to an average of 50 liters (with permanent residence).
The water supply device, on the contrary, is mounted in the lower part of the building - in the basement or basement, so that it is more convenient to conduct communications to the pumping equipment located in the well.
Conclusions and useful video on the topic
Summer water system overview:
Budget option for arranging an irrigation system:
Recommendations for installing a pumping station:
As you can see, the device of a stationary summer water supply system resembles the equipment of a permanent water supply system. It can be done independently or with the help of experienced plumbers.
After installation, do not forget about the need for care: the obligatory discharge of water during conservation for the winter, as well as the regular check of the tightness of pipes and the operation of pumping equipment.
Do you have practical skills in arranging water from a well? Please share your knowledge with visitors to our site. You can also ask questions about the arrangement of the summer water supply in the block located below.
Oh, how much useful information. I think I found what I was looking for. Summer water supply with water intake from the well is already a very complex system, it requires maximum effort and a huge amount of knowledge. I’ll have to call friends, I myself won’t do it all for sure, even after watching all these videos. I hope this process does not take a huge amount of time, I would like to do it all faster.
For summer watering we use a long flexible hose of standard diameter. In order not to have to build up, they immediately bought 28 meters in one skein. For 12 acres of land, this is the most economical option, given that the beds change position sometimes even in one season. For a house from a well with a pump, we are planning a permanent pipe system with full automation.
We decided simply. They installed the “Baby” pump and a storage tank in the house. The pumped water goes both to the house and to the garden / garden for irrigation. Very comfortable and functional. They wanted to buy an expensive pump, but the specialist said that such equipment was quite sufficient, since it was affordable enough, but my husband and I were budget employees, we didn't live well. And you? so we recommend.