Overhead sockets and switches: rules for safe installation and connection

Amir Gumarov
Checked by a specialist: Amir Gumarov
Author: Inna Alekseeva
Last update: April 2024

Electricity is used everywhere. Devices providing access to this resource necessary for all are very important for the consumer. These include overhead sockets and switches - extremely simple to install and operate equipment.

Each home master, if desired, can easily install such a device. We will tell you how to fix it and connect it to the power line. Based on our recommendations, you can build a network that is reliable and safe for others.

The article proposed for review provides step-by-step installation instructions. We have described in detail the design features of overhead wiring products. To optimize the perception of extensive information, useful diagrams, photo selections and manuals, videos are attached to the text.

How are overhead outlets arranged

In the manufacture of modern outlets, the modular method is used. That is, the outlet mechanism is executed as a separate unit or functional module. It can be installed in almost any standard instrument. The decorative module or the cover is easily removed and replaced at the request of the owner, which is very convenient.

Replacing the lining is very simple, given that when installed on the wall, only the mechanism is fixed.

Both modules, both decorative and functional, are made of dielectric materials that are not sensitive to temperature extremes, do not collapse and do not change color under the influence of an electromagnetic field or UV radiation.

To prevent unwanted additional connections on the current path, the terminals and receptacle sockets of the outlet represent a single unit in the form of a branch of the plate from which the receptacle is made.

Installing an outlet
An overhead type receptacle does not mask in any way on the surface. This somewhat spoils its appearance, but it greatly facilitates the installation process of the device

Reliability of the contact depends on the quality of the mechanical connection of the wires to the terminals. The latter can be of two types:

Screw type terminals

Wires are connected to live parts using screws. The main difference between such terminals is the significant force with which the wire is clamped, which ensures reliable contact and good cable retention.

In order to avoid spontaneous unscrewing of fasteners due to heating or vibration, it is advisable to use the screws in such terminals together with spring washers.

Features of spring clips

Inside the terminal there is a spring-loaded plate, which fixes the end of the wire and presses it with force to live parts. The advantage of such a system is the ease of connecting wires.

However, it is practically impossible to control the clamping power of the cable. If it is insufficient, it will not be possible to notice this at the installation stage. But subsequently, a socket with weak contact will quickly fail.

Installing an outlet
The screw terminals provide a good connection between the wire and the live parts of the device. They are a little more difficult to install than spring ones, but they make it possible to get a stable reliable contact

Quite often, not one wire, but two is connected to the terminals of the outlet. Therefore, in the spring and screw terminals, two holes for wires and two seats are provided.

All outlets have at least two receiving sockets and two isolated terminals. For wiring with a three-wire wire, special devices are used with a third terminal - the so-called "ground".

The main difference between the overhead type socket and its built-in analogue is that it is installed on the surface of the wall, and does not go deep into it. This greatly simplifies the installation of the device, but somewhat spoils the interior picture.Overhead sockets are most often used to connect to open wiring, but if necessary they can also work with hidden wiring.

Where to install overhead sockets

The use of overhead wiring products is most often associated with the device postings in country houses, the walls of which are folded by a beam, an ordinary or rounded log. True, hidden cable laying in channels hollowed out in wood is permissible if the cable wiring is stretched through fireproof sleeves.

When using overhead sockets and switches
Installation of overhead sockets paired with switches is now carried out mainly in suburban wooden houses when laying open wiring

However, the process of its construction is unnecessarily expensive according to the criteria of cost and labor. In addition, a selection of channels can reduce the bearing capacity of partitions and affect the non-thermal insulation characteristics of the building as a whole.

The construction of open wiring on wooden walls is justified by reducing costs and providing the ability to easily control its condition. This option allows you to easily identify and repair damage, to personally change sockets with switches, not only in case of failure, but also if you want to transform the design of the room.

The latest generation wiring devices - the so-called retro sockets and switches, are significantly different from their historical predecessors. They are produced in a wide range, options vary in degree of protection and decorative design.

Mounting an overhead outlet: diagrams
Installation of an overhead outlet begins with fastening to the wall of the socket, made of dielectric material or metal in the form of a plate. Then, the socket mechanism is connected to the socket, and wires are connected to it. The connected mechanism is closed by an insulating cover

Instructions for installing a wall outlet

Before starting work, we should prepare all the necessary tools. We will need: pliers, a straight or Phillips screwdriver, a pencil, a sharp knife, and preferably a clerical cutter.

Depending on the material the walls are made of, you may still need a tool for drilling: a drill or a perforator. The cable for connecting a wall-mounted outlet can be laid hidden, for example, in a wall cavity or a strob.

Installing an outlet
All work with the electrician should begin with a power outage. To do this, move the handles of the machines on the switchboard to the “down” position

But most often the wire is laid in an open way: in the cable channel, corrugated pipe or just over the wall. Regardless of this, the connection procedure is carried out approximately the same. We consider in detail all the stages of this process.

Power outage

The first thing you should always start working with electrical devices is to turn off the power. To do this, open electrical panel and turn off the machines. Most often, for this you need to translate the position of the handle on the corresponding machine to the "down" position.

You need to know that usually one machine is not “responsible” for all sockets, but only for some part of them. For ease of use, devices are usually signed.

If this is not so, you can determine the machine we need empirically. To do this, we turn off each circuit breaker in turn and check the presence of voltage in the wiring with an indicator screwdriver. As soon as it is not there, it means that the necessary automaton is found.

Those who do not want such experiments can be advised to disable all circuit breakers on the shield. After making sure that there is no voltage on the wire, you can proceed to the next step.

Socket Installation
The way to disassemble the outlet depends on its model. In this case, it will be enough to unscrew the fixing screw in the center of the product

As we already know, the socket consists of two main elements: a functional module or mechanism, and a decorative panel - the case.To install the device, you must first remove the case. To do this, take a Phillips or straight screwdriver, it depends on the model of the outlet, and unscrew the central fixing screw on the decorative panel. After that, carefully remove the case.

Marking the wall and preparing the outlet

Some difficulties with disassembling the outlet may arise if you want to install the device in a moisture-resistant casing. They are distinguished by the presence of a cover that closes the device.

In this case, first open the lid, thus gaining access to the latches that hold the decorative panel of the outlet. Then gently wring them with a screwdriver and disconnect the front panel of the device.

Installing an outlet
Fastening of a plate-socket to a concrete or brick wall is done with dowel nails, to a wooden or plastic surface with self-tapping screws

Now we need to choose place to install the outlet and fix the mechanism to the wall. To do this, take it and apply it to the place where it will be located.

We align the position of the part strictly horizontally, after which we take a pencil and, introducing it into each mounting hole, mark on the plane the points at which the fastenings will be located. We carry out all operations carefully, since an error in the markup will lead to the fact that the outlet will be installed obliquely.

Fixture mechanism

Depending on the material the walls are made of, the fixing procedure may vary slightly. Consider the most common option with a concrete surface.

First, with the help of a puncher or drill, we make holes at the designated points. Their depth and diameter should correspond to the dimensions of dowels prepared for fasteners.

Installing an outlet
In the holes drilled at the marked points, we put dowels that will improve the adhesion between the base and the fasteners

We insert dowels into the resulting holes, the so-called plastic plugs, which provide self-tapping screws with good adhesion to the wall. Then we attach the mechanism of the outlet to the base and securely fix it with screws or self-tapping screws. Check the quality of the resulting mount. The durability and reliability of the new outlet depends on its strength.

Preparing the wire for connection

Depending on which model of outlet we have, the actions may vary slightly. You may need to route the cable inside the box first.

Most often, outlets of this type have a plug on one side of the case, on which several possible holes of different diameters stand out. In this case, it remains only with a sharp knife or cutter to remove the desired plug and get a hole for the wire.

If there is no stub, it is less convenient, but not hopeless. You should cut the necessary hole yourself. After that, the wire is inserted into the housing and cut so that the length of the remaining length is sufficient for connection.

With the cable connected to the mechanism cut insulation. Then each of the veins is separated and cleaned to metal. The length of the exposed core should be 0.8-1 cm.

Installing an outlet
The cable is cut to the desired length. The insulation is removed and the wires are removed, the ends of which are stripped to a metal height of about 1 cm

Connecting the mechanism to the cable

When installing overhead sockets, it is important not to make a mistake in connecting the wires. If a two-wire cable is used in the wiring, one of the wires will be zero, the second phase. They are connected to different terminals.

A little harder with a three-core cable. In this case, phase and zero are fixed to the extreme terminals, and grounding to the central one. There are no problems if the person involved in the connection knows the exact designation of the wires, but this does not always happen.

The easiest way to determine zero, phase and ground, if the wiring is color-coded. According to this, a working zero or neutral will always be in blue-white or blue insulation, a protective zero or earth in a yellow-green braid.

A wire of any other color, most often red, white, black or brown, will be a phase. Unfortunately, in houses with old wiring there is no color marking.

Installing an outlet
The photo shows the connection diagram of the outlet mechanism to a three-core cable

In this case, you need to determine where which wire. The easiest way to do this for a two-wire wiring. We will need an indicator screwdriver. When it touches a live wire while closing a contact on the back of the tool body, the indicator lamp lights up.

If this happens, then the phase is found. The second wire, respectively, will be a working zero or neutral.

To deal with a three-core cable, you will need a special multimeter device. First, grounding must be disconnected on the electrical panel. Then determine the phase, and then sequentially “ring” using a pair of wires.

When the phase and the working zero are touched simultaneously, some value will appear on the monitor of the device, when the working and protective zero are touched, no.

Installing an outlet
It will be much easier to make a hole for the cable in the socket housing if there is such a plug on one of the walls. Dividing into sections with different diameters makes it easy and quick to make a hole of the right size

Installation of decorative insulating cover

The procedure may vary slightly depending on the model of the patch outlet. If we are dealing with a separately installed case, we insert a mechanism with fixed wires into it, cover it with a front panel and fix it.

If the mechanism and the case are a single unit, we put in place the decorative panel. If necessary, trim the edge of the housing so that the cable enters freely. We fix the front panel. Our installation is completed, you can check the operation of the device.

You can learn how to properly plan the location of outlets in the kitchen from popular article our site.

Features of the device of overhead switches

The most common single-key switch is a two-position switching device with normally open contacts. The principle of its operation is extremely simple.

Inside the device is a mechanism with a movable contact. When you press a key, the latter takes one of two possible positions: on or off. In the first case, the electric circuit closes, in the second it opens.

Installing an overhead switch
The overhead switch, like a socket, is installed on top of the base. Most commonly used with open wiring

Important note: only the phase must be connected to the switch contacts. The design of the device is extremely simple and includes two main elements: a working mechanism and protection details. The latter include a button for switching modes, and a frame-case. The contact group of the single-key switch consists of two contacts. One of which is considered outgoing, the other is suitable.

The first phase is connected to the lamp, the second is the phase that comes to the switch. The manufacturer usually marks the contacts of the operating mechanism, indicating suitable and outgoing contacts.

However, if there is no such marking, there will be no problems, since in any variation the device should work equally well. As with the switches, the contact terminals can be screwed or clamped.

How to install the overhead switch correctly
The steps for installing an overhead switch are similar to the sequence of installation of an overhead outlet. First, a similar socket is attached to the wall, then the mechanism to which the wires are connected

The former are considered more reliable in operation, the latter are easier to install. The main difference between overhead switches is that they are installed directly on the wall surface.

The appearance of such devices loses to built-in counterparts, but they are easier to install.Overhead switches with open type wiring are used, but can also function with a hidden system.

When install overhead switches
Overhead switches are used for open wiring. Models in retro style go well with the interiors of country houses

Installation process for a single-key overhead switch

First you need to prepare all the tools necessary for the job. We need pliers or pliers, a sharp knife or stationery cutter, electrical tape, pencil and level.

In addition, mounts should be prepared. Self-tapping screws will be enough for wooden or drywall walls; for concrete and brick, dowels and a punch or drill will be needed to drill holes for them. Still need disassemble the switch and remember how it was disassembled to reassemble. Getting to work.

In order to ensure personal safety, we begin the installation by turning off the power supply. To do this, just turn the lever on the corresponding circuit breaker on the switchboard to the "down" position.

If you don’t know which of the machines is “responsible” for the desired group of switches, the easiest way is to turn them off. Then you need to make sure that there is no voltage on the working wire, which can be done with an indicator screwdriver.

#1. Preparing the device for installation

We start with the key. It needs to be removed. To do this, we take up the protruding side parts of the key, gently squeeze them and pull on ourselves. The axial directional keys come out of the grooves and it can be easily removed.

If you can’t grab the part from the sides, you can try to pull on any protruding part of the key. If it still does not work out, it remains to take a flat screwdriver, gently pry the key with it and remove it.

Now we have the front panel of the switch, behind which the working mechanism is hidden. It must also be removed. In different models, it can be mounted in different ways. Most often, there is a variety with clamps that are easily wrung out with a flat screwdriver. After that, the panel is easily removed. In some cases, you will have to unscrew the mounting screws. It remains to get the working mechanism from the switch housing.

Installing an overhead switch
There are holes in the switch housing for mounting. Their location should be noted on the basis. You can use a pencil for this.

# 2 Mounting the housing to the base

In order to properly install the patch switch, you must first mount it on the wall. To do this, take the case and apply it to the place of fastening.We take the level and expose the detail strictly horizontally.

After making sure that the case is located exactly at the level, we take a pencil, insert it one by one into the fixing holes of the case and make bastings. We use the resulting marking to prepare the wall for installation.

Actually, the method of fixing the switch housing to the wall depends on what material it is made of. We will consider the most difficult option - concrete. With a puncher or drill, we perform holes strictly at the designated points.

We select the diameter of the drill so that it matches the size of the dowel. We also determine the depth of future holes. After they are ready, hammer the dowels.

Installing an overhead switch
We drill the wall under the dowels exactly in the intended places. The diameter and length of the hole must match the selected fasteners

We put the switch case in place and fix it with the dowel-nails. We carry out the work carefully so as not to damage the plastic part. The case must be well fixed on the base so that there is no slack and mobility. We take the level and once again control the position of the part. If a skew is detected, we correct it by removing the case and making a new hole.

# 3 Connect instrument to wiring

First we need to get the cable inside the switch housing. The easiest way to do this is with devices that have special plugs on one of the walls. Even better, if the plug is divided into several parts of different diameters.

In this case, it remains only to cut off the element of the desired diameter with a sharp knife and the hole for the cable is ready. If the hole for the cable on the case is not provided, you will have to make it yourself.

If necessary, cut the cable suitable for the switch and insert it into the case. If the wire is laid inside a plastic corrugation, we also lower it into the case. So the connection will look more aesthetically pleasing. With a sharp cutter or knife, remove the insulation from the cable and separate it into separate wires. Each of them is carefully cleaned to a height of about 0.7-1 cm.

Installing an overhead switch
The figure shows the connection diagram of a single-key switch

To properly connect, you need to know the purpose of the wires. How to do this was described in the case of installing an overhead outlet. We take the phase wire, with the correct marking, it will have white insulation, and insert it into the terminal designated as L. We insert another control wire in the blue braid into the terminal with the designation 1. If necessary, tighten the fixing bolts.

# 3 Assembly - the final stage

It remains for us to assemble the device. First, insert the working mechanism into the housing box and fix it inside as provided by the model of the device. Then we put in place the front panel.

We watch that latches rose correctly. After that, you can frame the key. We do this carefully so as not to break a sufficiently fragile element with excessive force.

Installing an overhead switch
After the working mechanism of the switch is connected to the wires, it remains only to assemble the device, performing in the reverse order all the steps for disassembling it

The switch is installed and ready for operation. It remains to conduct operational tests of the device. We examined the installation and connection of the simplest single-key switch.

For two and three-key devices, the technology of work will be approximately the same. The main difference will be in the connection diagram of the device, where each key will connect its own lighting device.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Video # 1. Determination of phase wire before installation of wiring accessories:

Video # 2. The process of installing and connecting an open wiring outlet:

Video # 3. How to install an overhead switch:

Overhead switches and sockets do not require installation in specially prepared recesses in the base, so their installation is quite simple.Nevertheless, one should not forget that they have to work with electric devices, which require a particularly careful attitude.

If there is no experience in electrical work, and the wiring in the house is old and there is no marking on it, it is better to turn to electricians for help.

Want to talk about how you personally installed and connected the outlet model of the outlet? Would you like to share specific subtleties of installation, which were not mentioned in the article? Please write comments in the block below.

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Visitors Comments
  1. Edward

    I only once did something similar when the only outlet on the room was behind the furniture. He brought a wire from it, laid it along the baseboard, and reached the place I needed on the other wall. There already installed an overhead outlet. The process itself was simple, the most complex and requiring ingenuity was to hide the wire so that it would not catch the eye and would not spoil the view of the room.

  2. Ivan Antonovich

    Overhead switches and sockets are indispensable for country houses and apartments, when expensive repairs with the laying of internal wiring are not required. In addition, some models of overhead sockets and switches have a modern design, can fit even in the most modern interior. The problem of masking wiring can be easily solved with the help of decorative boxes where the cable is hidden. You can embed sockets directly into the baseboard; there are special adapters for this. The wiring in this case is laid immediately in the plinth.

  3. Nevertheless, I am more a fan of the classics. Yes, the external outlet is more reliable, and it is much better and stronger to attach, but still the inside is somehow closer to the heart. Everything is so the appearance of the apartment should also please the eye.


