How to make two from one outlet and how to properly conduct an outlet from an outlet

Amir Gumarov
Checked by a specialist: Amir Gumarov
Author: Antonina Turyeva
Last update: March 2024

You have a need for additional outlets, and major repairs are not planned yet? The cost of calling a professional electrician is high, but you do not trust cheap craftsmen and want to solve the problem on your own?

The prospect of suffering without a vital electrical point in the coming years in anticipation of repair is not at all attractive, right? But without the proper experience, it's hard for you to immediately figure out how to make two out of one outlet and where to start?

We will show you how you can solve this problem yourself without resorting to calling an electrician - the article provides popular ways to install an additional outlet from an existing one. The necessary tools for installation and related consumables are considered, which can be useful in the process of electrical work.

Installation options for an additional outlet are accompanied by visual photographs and meaningful video recommendations.

To carry out or not the socket from the socket?

The option of installing an additional outlet will help get rid of quarrels between family members who need electric points to turn on various household appliances.

This problem is especially acute in the kitchen with the purchase of new equipment - a blender, mini-harvester, yogurt maker, bread machine, slow cooker and other appliances.

It turns out that existing outlets no longer cope with their duties - their number is physically not enough to meet the needs of all households. On our site there is an entire article devoted to the selection and placement kitchen outlets.

Therefore, it will be advisable to decide on an additional outlet from an existing one.

Outlets in a technically equipped kitchen
A technically equipped kitchen needs a sufficient number of power points. This should be remembered even at the stage of drawing up a design project for the interior of the future premises

But here one may encounter a real problem - it is not always possible to carry out such a task. There are a number of restrictions when it is categorically impossible to carry out such modernization of the existing electricity network:

  • if you need a socket for an electric stove;
  • when you decided to connect a boiler with a washing machine;
  • if the total power of the devices is more than 2.2 kW.

In houses or apartments where the owners purchased a new electric stove instead of the old gas one, a new outlet is required to connect it. In such a situation, you can not conduct another one from a conventional outlet to turn on this powerful device.

Here you will need to install a separate branch from the junction box, and even better - from the shield. Yes, and a residual current device for powerful equipment must be installed. In order to find out about the rules for connecting an electrical outlet, we recommend reading this material.

Another unsuccessful example, when the bathroom has an outlet only for the washing machine. But over time, purchased a boiler. And about how to properly position and connect the sockets in the bathroom, read Further.

These devices cannot be plugged into one dual socket at the same time - the wiring may burn out. It will be problematic to always control the sequence of turning on the boiler with the washing machine.

Network Overvoltage Result
The result of network overvoltage can be disastrous - it’s good when the problem was discovered on time or the machine worked and the fire was avoided

Also, before starting work on installing yet another outlet, you need to calculate the estimated power of the devices that will simultaneously be included in the new outlet unit.

Often they plan to upgrade the point of connection to the mains, which is fed by a wire with a cross section of 1.5-2.5 mm2. Therefore, the total power of the devices can be slightly more than 2 kW.

Do not include a boiler and a washing machine in the same outlet
It is impossible to include in the neighbor sockets powered from one core at the same time a dishwasher, an oven and a heater, or a boiler and a washing machine

Options for arranging two outlets from one

Having decided on the independent installation of an additional electric point, it remains to be studied how to properly conduct a new outlet from an existing outlet, get acquainted with the recommendations and tips of experienced masters.

If there is no self-confidence, then it is better to invite an electrician who has a remarkable practical experience behind him.

With self-installation of an additional outlet, you have to decide what it will be:

  • new point, remote from the existing one a couple of meters;
  • dual model instead of single;
  • whole block from 3-6 points.

Depending on individual needs, the most appropriate option should be chosen. If just one more electric point is not enough to turn on all the necessary devices, then it is more convenient and easier to put a dual model.

Such a solution can be implemented even by a novice who does not have experience and special knowledge in electrical work. But if you are faced with the first time connecting the sockets, we recommend that you first study the following material, which provides step-by-step instructions on how to connect electric points.

Separate outlet for electric stove
The electric cooker requires a separate power cable that can withstand heavy loads.

When the sofa was rearranged in the room and the TV was relocated or the children who grew up bought a PC, you won’t get a double socket here. You will need to put an extra one or two new ones.

And if the demand for electricity is higher, but the thickness of the wire section allows - it is best to put the unit on 4-6 sockets. Such a solution can harmoniously fit into the interior, without piling the walls with unnecessary details.

Rules for holding an outlet from an outlet

Having dealt with the right type of outlet, which is to be connected to an existing one, it is necessary to acquire the necessary materials and take tools that are useful during the work. It is also necessary to solve the issue of camouflage wires.

Rule # 1 - correctly hide the wire

The supply wire that will connect the existing electrical point to the installed one needs to be hidden somewhere. This is not only a matter of design, but also the safety of the operation of the room.

Hide the wire in the gate
It’s good when the issue with one more outlet is solved at the stage of rough repair work. At this time, the easiest way to hide the wire in the gate

The length of the wire and the option of disguising it will differ in different cases. So, if there is hidden wiring in the room, then you have to hide it in the wall, having done a strob for this.

This method is extremely expensive - because wall decoration can seriously suffer. Therefore, in difficult situations, when the room is beautifully renovated, they choose something not so destructive - so that the walls and wallpapers on them do not suffer.

As an option, place the outlet 15-30 cm from the floor and hide the wires in a special wide baseboard, which is easy to put on your own.

When the outlet is located above the countertop, it is convenient to use a double model or place a second one next to it. It is desirable that she has the same design and color. Wires with such an installation will hide remarkably behind the covers.

Another option is open wiring. This is true if the room is decorated in retro style - a beautiful openwork interweaving of wires going to sockets and switches harmoniously resonates with other interior items.

You don’t need to hide anything, and if you need to replace the site, access is not difficult.

Rule # 2 - the subtleties of installing a dual model

A quick and easy way to turn one outlet into two is to remove the decorative trim, unscrew the old working mechanism and remove it from the socket. Instead, you have to put a new outlet on 2 working sockets.

It differs from a single one by 2 seats, which are able to withstand a total current of up to 16 A.

Such a model is installed in one socket. From a single, its working mechanism is distinguished by the presence of 2 terminal blocks, separated in different directions.

Dual outlet mechanism
The mechanism of a double outlet visually differs from a single model. The main thing is that all wires are connected correctly

To install, you will need:

  • disconnect electricity in the whole house / apartment;
  • make sure that the house is really dead;
  • remove a single outlet, freeing the wires from its working mechanism;
  • trim the frayed ends of bare wires;
  • remove insulation from the ends of about 1 cm;
  • insert the brown phase wire into the right contact of the mechanism;
  • insert the blue zero wire into the left pin;
  • insert the yellow-green earth wire into the central ground contact;
  • tighten all the contacts of the working mechanism of the socket with a screwdriver;
  • bend the wires with an accordion in the socket and insert the working mechanism on top;
  • fix everything with screws;
  • put on the decorative cover of the socket and tighten the fixing screw in the center.

After completing the work of turning one outlet into 2, it is necessary to check its operability. If everything works, you can turn on the electricity in the apartment / house. More details about connecting a double outlet to one socket can be found in this material.

Rule # 3 - the nuances of installing a new outlet nearby

The option of installing a new electric point at a certain distance from the existing one will require more time and effort. Here, as in the previous version, it is necessary to de-energize the house / apartment and only then start work.

When in contact with the phase, the lamp lights up.
To make sure that the brown wire is a phase, you can use a special indicator screwdriver. When in contact with the phase, its bulb lights up

Next, it is necessary to note the place of the future deployment. Now you need to disassemble the old outlet by removing its mechanism. To be looped to connect to it a power cable for a new outlet.

The wires are fastened in the same way as for a double outlet. One difference - 2 identical wires are inserted into each contact, and the fasteners are tightened with a screwdriver. To get a loop.

The earth wire will have to be bifurcated - attach 2 yellow-green pieces, put a sleeve at the junction, crimp it with press tongs, put on a heat-shrink tubing for insulation.

One branch is inserted into the mechanism of the old outlet, and the second - a new one. The supply core of 3 wires extends to the desired length.

Connection of two pieces of wire
To connect two pieces of wire, you can use a special cap - such a connection is reliable, but to remove it you will have to bite off part of the wire

A hole is made in the wall for installing the socket box - you will have to drill the wall. Then the supply wire is threaded inward, and the glass is fixed with an alabaster mixture. It remains to connect the working mechanism of the outlet - the steps are the same as for the double outlet.

After installing the decorative cover, it remains to hide or mask the wire using the most suitable option for this.

Rule # 4 - block connection features

When the thickness of the main core is sufficient, and potential devices that will be powered by future outlets have moderate power, you can build a block of outlets in a modular frame instead of one old outlet. It can be 2 in a row, 3, 4, 5 or 6 pieces.

To give such a block an aesthetic look, buy a decorative modular frame. Moreover, the color and material can be selected according to personal preferences.

To connect this option of outlets, you must first disconnect the room. And better than the whole apartment / house.

Installing the power outlet
When installing an outlet block, instead of one, you must clearly maintain the distance between them, so that subsequently the decorative frame hides everything unnecessary

Then you have to carry out actions similar to installing a second outlet. The only difference is that the distance between the old and new electric points will be minimal.

Its exact parameters depend on the size of the glass itself and the width of the decorative cover plate.

Having connected all the wires in series to each of the new outlets of the future unit, and having connected the earth to the working mechanisms, it is necessary to complete the installation work, similar to installing a second outlet, located at a distance from the old one.

Checking the operability of the new outlet
After installation, it is important to check the operability of the new outlet - the lamp should light up

Now you can turn on the power - all work is completed. With this option, another wire outlet is not necessary to hide the wires, because they all fit in the socket. We recommend that you read in more detail about connecting the power outlet. in this material.

Errors during the outlet

And although carrying out an additional outlet is a simple task, beginners often make mistakes. Such an annoying misunderstanding as the incorrect installation of a new electric point can turn into big troubles.

Therefore, it is important to pay special attention to the most common mistakes and try to avoid them.

Firstly, you need to use a wire to connect a new outlet of the same thickness as an existing one. Otherwise, there can be no question of correct operation.

Secondly, it is advisable to use wires of one material - if the outlet is powered by a copper wire, then the second from it should also be carried out using a copper wire of the same diameter.

The third mistake made when connecting independently is a violation of the sequence of connecting wires. To avoid this, you need to clearly understand the purpose of each and correctly determine the place of its attachment.

For convenience, it is advisable to look at the old one before buying a new outlet, disassembling it. This is done strictly after disconnecting the power from the mains.

You should pay attention to the presence of a grounding wire - if it is not, which is often found in Khrushchev and other houses of the old building, then it is better to take the wire for a new outlet without land. How to act in case of connecting an outlet with grounding is written here.

The fourth mistake is the incorrect or insufficiently strong connection of the wires to the working mechanism of the outlet. Here, having no experience, it is difficult enough to find a balance.

Therefore, in order to minimize the amount of upcoming work, it is advisable to conduct a rehearsal for connecting the wires on the spare section of wires. To check the quality of bonding, you can use a light bulb.

Bonding Option
You can choose the most convenient option for fastening the wires together - you need to buy original terminal blocks or other products, fearing fakes

The fifth mistake is when the wire is diagonal. This is unacceptable, and this is prohibited by the standards for wiring - the wire should be laid vertically. Although home craftsmen are still not capable of this.

You should not do this - if cosmetic repairs are carried out in a couple of years, then finding the exact location of the wire will be extremely problematic and can be accidentally damaged.

Securing the wire in contact
To fix the wires in the contact of the working mechanism should also be of high quality. A screwdriver is useful for this.

The sixth mistake, or rather, nuisance, is the poorly selected design of the decorative cover of the outlet. This moment will not affect the operability of the mechanism in any way - it will only catch the eye, breaking out of the general concept of the design of the room.

To avoid such a dissonance, you should pre-select the most suitable model that can harmoniously fit into the existing style composition.

Choosing a suitable outlet model in color and shape
Choosing the right model for the color and shape of the outlet is now simple - manufacturers vying to offer the most sophisticated options. It is important that the product is not fake

Knowing the main problem areas of the upcoming installation of an additional outlet, it will be easier to avoid common mistakes. Of course, these nuances do not concern the work of professional electricians - the wizard will do everything right the first time.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

To get two out of one outlet, you can use the simplest way possible - to put a double model instead of a single one. Step by step this option is demonstrated in the video:

The video clip briefly outlines the basic principles of the serial connection of outlets:

Before starting work on the outlet, it should be clearly defined which wire is responsible for what. How to do this correctly, without practical experience, the video tutorial will tell:

Video review of popular connectors used to connect wires to each other:

Having considered the feasibility of holding a new outlet from an existing one and having decided on its installation, we will carefully consider all stages of the work.

In the future, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the operating rules of the new electric point in order to exclude line overload - you cannot simultaneously include 2 rather powerful devices in such sockets.

We decided to independently connect double outlet from one or from one to make as many as two, but are not sure that you are doing everything right? Or have you already done such a job and can you give practical advice to visitors to our site? Please leave your comments, participate in discussions, ask questions.

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Visitors Comments
  1. Eugene

    Faced already a million times with situations. when people who did not understand a single gram in electronics climbed to do, it would seem, such a simple, so to speak, modification of a home electrical network. They put a double outlet, load the network. and then they invite me (specialists) and say that they are jamming traffic jams. Therefore, it is better to tighten the materiel, and only then do it!

    • Anatoly

      Faced already “a million" times with situations when people who do not understand a single gram in electronics climbed to do, it would seem, such a simple, so to speak, modification of a home electrical network. They put a double outlet, load the network. And then they invite me (specialists) and say that they are jamming traffic jams. Therefore, it is better to tighten the materiel, and only then do it!

  2. Victor

    Something I did not see recommendations for choosing a wire cross section for connecting sockets, tips for replacing aluminum wiring with copper. Eugene: well, who will carry the socket at home except the owner? Do not call her “husband for an hour” because of her and do not pay him 500-1000r for it. By the way, when installing blocks and the need for wall shredding, installing sockets is not really a trifle - it is a rather complicated and painstaking task.

    • Expert
      Amir Gumarov

      Hello, Victor. The site has a section "Wiring"Containing many articles answering such questions. For instance, "Calculation of cable cross-section by power and current" or "What cable to use for wiring in the apartment».

      In this article, I note, there is a warning that you need to take into account the load on the mains. For example, from an existing outlet, you can not power another one that will supply an electric stove.

      Summarizing the possible options, the author notes that if the total power of the power receivers exceeds 2.2 kilowatts, then new wiring must be laid. This is the 10th paragraph - read carefully.

  3. Vladimir

    “Instead, we have to put a new outlet on 2 working sockets. It differs from a single 2 seats, which can withstand a total voltage of up to 16 A ”. Correct for “total current up to 16A.”


