Repair of a gas stove Gorenje: frequent breakdowns and methods for their elimination
No equipment is safe from elementary damage, even if it is a Gorenje gas stove, purchased not so long ago. But, if a breakdown has already happened, you can try to repair the Gorenje gas stoves with your own hands, having previously figured out the causes of the malfunction.
Despite the prohibition of independent repair of gas equipment, there are some cases in which the owner of the equipment has the right to repair the gas stove on his own.
Any branded equipment has its own “weaknesses”, which is why the device will break periodically. Gas equipment of the Slovenian manufacturer Gorenje is no exception, so in order to properly repair such a stove, you will need to study its most common breakdowns, and determine the methods for eliminating them.
The content of the article:
The internal structure of the stove
Before you start repairing a Gorenje gas stove, it is important to understand the equipment design in order to understand in which area it is necessary to look for a breakdown. And also to study rules for safe operation of gas appliances.
Despite the huge variety of equipment of different price categories, all gas stoves have the same structure, while differences can be observed only in the original details of each model.

A classic gas stove is equipped with four burners, each of which is bolted to the inner panel. The burner includes a lid, a divider and an injector, while a copper tube has been brought to it, which has a special mount of the “American” type. This is how gas is supplied to each burner.
In the presence of an electric ignition system, two candles are supplied to each burner: one is intended for ignition, and works from a piezoelectric element, while the second acts as a thermocouple that controls combustion.
The auto-ignition candle has a ceramic caftan, which prevents penetration of a spark below a specified level, while the candle with a thermocouple is equipped with a bronze caftan - a powerful heat conductor.
The gas stove collector, which is responsible for monitoring the gas flow, is located under the top panel of the equipment. It is presented in the form of a thick tube, from which electromagnetic valves diverge to each burner - conductors responsible for controlling the gas current. Thus, even if the flame of one burner goes out, the other burners will still be able to function safely.
Typical Gorenje Plate Breakdowns
Gorenje gas stoves can break for various reasons, however, the most common malfunctions of this technique include breakdowns of electric ignition and gas control.
Due to constant voltage drops in the network, the piezoelectric element, which is responsible for the automatic ignition of the burner, which will need to be replaced in the future, is the first to fail.

The first sign of a gas control malfunction is the inability to turn on the burner the first time, and often you have to hold the knob for about a minute before the flame appears. If burner fades immediately after lowering the handle, in this case the problem may be a malfunction of the electromagnetic valve or thermocouple.
Gorenje gas stoves have special “weak points” that should be considered in more detail. So, you can independently repair your gas stove, having previously studied its structure, as well as methods for eliminating specific malfunctions.
Gas goes out after lowering the handle
For the safe use of gas equipment, equipment manufacturers use a protection system - gas control. If, when you try to turn on the Gorenje gas oven, the flame goes out immediately after you release the knob or the gas supply button, then the problem is in the gas control malfunction.
The system consists of a thermocouple, and solenoid valves connected to hobs. On average, the burner control mechanism is already activated in 1-2 seconds, while it takes at least 15 seconds to set the oven on fire.

To quickly heat the hotplate, the thermocouple tip must be located directly inside the flame. If it is installed too low or high, the sensor will not heat up to the required level, and the gas safety valve will simply not open.
To restore the gas control, it’s worth a try:
- clean the probe probe. During operation, fat or liquid could get into the part, due to which the gas control system does not work;
- ensure a snug fit on the handle. If, after pressing the button, the burner goes out, then it is worth removing the handle and pressing on the valve stem with your finger, then try to turn on the burner (if it works, put something in the handle);
- adjust the position of the thermocouple. Its tip should touch the tongue at a minimum, so in case of deviation, the part can be adjusted with a simple screw.
If the handle does not fit well enough, then when you try to light the burner, the electromagnetic valve does not work, due to which the gas supply is blocked. Quite often, the Gorenje gas stove burner is not set on fire due to elementary burnout of the thermocouple tip, so the only true solution to the problem in this case is replacement of a defective part.
Hot plates do not set fire
Often, it is the electric ignition that first stops working, which is not always associated with the duration of operation of the Gorenje gas stove.There are only two problems with automatic ignition: the complete absence of sparks or non-stop sparking of electrodes.

The cause of the electric ignition failure may be contamination of the ignition plug with food or fat. You can fix the problem by cleaning the surface of the candle with a stiff brush and detergent. In the case of oxidation of the steel core of the part, it will be enough to clean it, using fine-grained emery paper.
During operation, a noticeable crack may form on the ceramic surface of the candle, due to which the part can no longer fulfill its main function. The only way out is to replace the candle, and thereby restore the operation of the piezo ignition. For reinsurance, it is better to immediately check all burners for microcracks, so that if necessary, replace all broken parts.
The next reason for the failure of electric ignition is the burnout of the ignition transformer (spark generation unit). You can try to repair a broken ignition unit, but such an operation will take you too much time and money, so the easiest way is to buy a new transformer and replace it yourself.

A temporary shutdown of the auto-ignition operation may occur due to oxidation of the contacts of the power button. In the process of washing the hob, water penetrates into the system, and as a result, the contacts are oxidized, coarsen and even break.
To prevent this outcome, it is recommended that you clean and dry the button contacts from time to time.
The flame comes off the burner
During operation of the gas stove, the burner flame can break off, which is due to the high pressure of the gas-air mixture, which exceeds the speed of propagation of the flame. So, the flame, breaking away from the burner, partially or completely extinguishes, causing an emergency.
The burner flame can be adjusted using special adjusting screws. When setting to natural gas, it is necessary to unscrew the low-flow control screw until the minimum power is reached (no more than 1.5 turns).
If the gas stove is connected to the cylinder, the adjustment screw should be tightened to the very end.

If the burner burns with a weak flame, then the problem is most likely a clogged nozzle or burner divider. In some cases, the Gorenje gas stove burner may not ignite at all, so the only option is to clean nozzle and a divider with a thin needle or needle. For lack of needles of the right size, you can use a thin wire.
How to remove the control knobs?
If necessary, how to adjust the flame in the burners of a Gorenje gas stove, or just clean the buttons from accumulated fat, you can independently remove the handles from the control panel, without using additional tools. Depending on the age of the model, the handles may have slight structural differences.
The first thing you need to do is shut off the valve with gas access, and then make sure that all the regulators are turned off. Further, you can slightly pry the handle with a knife in order to simplify the process of removing the handles.
So, if you have an inexpensive model, the handles can be removed through pulling, since each of them is based on a spring. To do this, just pull the handle toward you, slowly turning it along the axis.

So that the handle does not slip in the hands, it can be wrapped in a small piece of cloth, and only then pry off with a knife.
Heavy contamination of the control panel can slow down the process of removing the handles, so in this case it makes sense to use a special soap solution. Having previously wetted every detail with such a solution, you can safely proceed to the removal of the handles.
If you are not sure that it will be possible to eliminate the breakdown on your own, it is better to contact the company with which you have concluded maintenance contract gas equipment.
Conclusions and useful video on the topic
You can learn how to clean the Gorenje gas stove with your own hands from the following video:
A detailed repair instruction for the electric ignition of a Gorenje gas stove is presented in this video:
Repair of any gas stove can be done independently, if you first study its structure, and get acquainted with the structural features of a particular model. The Gorenje technique is no exception, so it has its weaknesses, so you can quickly determine the cause of the breakdown, and replace the broken part in time.
We talked about the most common malfunctions of Gorenje gas stoves, such as burnout of a thermocouple in the oven, the inability to turn on the burners due to a breakdown of the piezo ignition, and even the simplest pollution of equipment parts. Based on the information provided, you will be able to repair your gas stove yourself, without calling a wizard.
If you previously had to repair the Gorenje gas stove yourself, do not forget to share your personal experience in the comments below. Tell us what problems you encountered in the process of repairing a branded stove, and how you managed to restore the gas appliance to work.