Gas analyzer: principle of work, what to look at when choosing + manufacturers review

Evgenia Kravchenko
Checked by a specialist: Evgenia Kravchenko
Author: Victor Kitaev
Last update: April 2024

The device, functionally built on the principles of measuring gas mixtures, allows you to timely determine the excess of dangerous toxins. Gas analyzer - a small-sized device will warn of the danger associated with the unauthorized release of harmful volatile substances and the occurrence of leaks in the pipeline.

We will talk about all types of gas mixture analyzers used in practice. In the article we presented, their design features and the principle of operation are described in detail. Based on our recommendations, you can choose the most suitable device.

How does an automatic gas analyzer work?

In terms of performance, there are manual and automatic gas analyzers. Hand-held analyzers include absorption models that use technology for absorbing a gaseous medium with reagents. Devices that operate automatically usually operate according to the technology for constructing the physicochemical characteristics of a substance.

Almost all gas analysis devices supporting automatic measurement, from the point of view of methodology, are conditionally divided into three groups:

  1. Chemical reaction analyzers.
  2. Analyzers of physical and chemical processes.
  3. Analyzers of physical processes.

The first to support physical analysis methods are chemical reactions. Here, as a rule, the range of devices is volumetric-manometric, as well as chemical devices.

Mobile devices measure the volume or pressure of a gas mixture.

Gas analyzer
A gas analyzer is one of the many models of such devices that are widely used in various sectors of the national economy. Such devices allow comprehensive environmental monitoring.

The second group of devices also supports the physical methodology, but when supplemented by a physicochemical process.

Among these processes may be:

  • electrochemistry;
  • thermal chemistry;
  • photocolorimetry;
  • photoionization;
  • chromatography.

Naturally, depending on the specific process, the result is obtained in a different way. For example, the concentration of a gas mixture is determined by electrochemistry based on its electrical conductivity. Or, by measuring the thermal yield of the catalytic oxidation reaction, a degree of concentration of combustible gases is obtained.

Photoionization analyzer
An example of a device supporting photoionization analysis technology. The model from the Colion series of devices belongs to the category of portable structures; it is distinguished by its ease of use and the quality of the results

The third group of gas analyzers, built solely on a physical technique, is represented by magnetic, optical, densimetric and other devices. This group includes, for example, thermoconductometric devices for analyzing gas mixtures, due to which they obtain a result by measuring the degree of thermal conductivity of substances.

The basic principle of operation and the arrangement of gas analyzers allows the analysis of multicomponent mixtures, measuring the concentration level of one component present in the mixture.

Classification principles for gas analyzers

All existing analyzing devices are classified based on structural and technological details. The classification characterizes the specific functionality of gas analysis devices.

For example, the indicator and the signaling device may be somewhat similar, but are classified as different meters. The same goes for leak detectors and gas analyzers.

Leak Detector
Small-sized, easy-to-use leak detector - a design that is directly related to gas analyzers. The use of such devices is relevant for various conditions of industrial production and the domestic sphere

The design classification defines properties such as mobility and portability. The ability of devices to measure a certain number of components is classified by the characteristics of a single-component or multi-component device.

Similarly, with the number of measurement channels, where there is a classification for single-channel or multi-channel gas analyzers.

Finally, there is another criterion showing the specific purpose of the devices. For example, there are gas analyzers for monitoring automobile exhaust gases, and there are devices that control technological processes.

The most common appliances

The most common devices that make up the three marked groups are optical and electrochemical models. Their attractiveness is due to the possibility of making measurements in real time.

At the same time, technologically devices support multicomponent analysis with the ability to save the results in a memory chip.

Optical gas analyzer
An example from a group of optical gas analyzers - devices that are most widely used in a variety of areas. Optical analyzers of the gaseous medium possess high accuracy of measurements

For the industrial sector, such devices are indispensable equipment. Especially where continuous emission control or process analysis is required.

In such cases, gas analyzers often act as continuous monitoring systems for the industrial production process, and are used in environmental studies. To select for use in a domestic environment, gas analyzers of these types are also preferred.

The choice of instrument for gas analysis

Trying to make a choice of a device, it is advisable to decide which task will be assigned to the device. Based on the intended tasks, it is easier to find the required equipment. In addition, the monetary issue with the exact selection of equipment will be decided in favor of the buyer. The fewer kit parts, the lower the cost.

When choosing, the following working criteria are usually subject to attention:

  • list of supported gases;
  • boundary values ​​for measuring concentrations;
  • analysis of volume and mass fractions;
  • continuous operation time;
  • the ability to take measurements at several points at once.

Of course, external performance plays a role in the process of equipment selection. The presence of protective properties, such as a waterproof housing, blocking the penetration of dust and soot - all this is also important when counting on the durability of the analyzer.

Mobile gas analyzer
A mobile model of a gas analyzer, attractive in addition to its ease of use, also because it is enclosed in a reliable waterproof housing. The tight housing design also protects against dust

Given the saturation of the Russian market with foreign-made gas analyzers, you have to choose with an eye to adaptation to domestic conditions. It is clear that if the information part of the device is in a foreign language, it is more difficult to use such a device. True, you can get used to it over time.

Any gas analyzer is equipped with working sensors (sensors). As they operate, these elements lose their properties, lose their sensitivity and must be replaced.

How frequent replacement should be and how things are with the purchase of spare parts is also a matter of choice, requiring a careful approach. And the warranty period is not the last detail to which you should pay attention.

Overview of gas analyzer manufacturers

Among foreign companies whose products have gained popularity in the domestic market, the German company Testo AG stands out. It produces the widest range of instrumentation, including gas analyzers of various kinds.

The company has existed for more than half a century, and over this period of time has learned to create really high-quality, solid technology in all respects.

Specifically for gas analyzers: Testo AG supplies devices to the market that can measure, analyze, and provide the characteristics of various flue gases generated heating equipment.

The device from the Dough AG series
One of the popular analyzer models marked by the famous Testo AG brand. The company supplies a wide range of measuring and control devices, the user choice is diverse

A quite worthy choice of gas analyzers is also provided by the domestic company Polytechform-M. This is one of the major manufacturers of instrumentation and analytical technology. The enterprise has its own experimental laboratory base, which ensures the successful development of modern devices.

The assortment of Polytechform-M is represented by models of gas detectors from the Signal and Sigma series, including multi-channel designs. The company also produces a series of DMG detectors and other equipment. Among specific examples, it can be noted: “Signal-033”, “Sigma 1M”, “DMG-3”.

Polytechform-M - multichannel gas analyzer
The product of the Russian company Polytechform-M is a multi-channel gas analyzer that functionally provides comprehensive control of the gas environment. The company's devices are valued not only for functionality, but also for reliability.

St. Petersburg company Informanalitika has developed and produces a series of devices under the brand name "The Hobbit". The Hobbit-T series covers a wide range of substances with which devices can work and perform analysis.

Hobbit-T gas analyzer
An effective device of a Russian company from St. Petersburg. The device carries the interesting name “Hobbit-T”. Perhaps the company "Informanalitika" decided in this way to involve in the development, but the device clearly does not need too much advertising

Almost all types of gases used in industrial production and the domestic sphere are analyzed using an instrument developed by a company from St. Petersburg. True, Hobbit-T is equipment that belongs to the category of stationary devices. This factor somewhat limits user choice.

Another German company, Fössen, through its subsidiary WITT, supplies fast, accurate, multi-functional gas analyzers. Moreover, the choice for the consumer is practically unlimited in the design of devices.

Gas analyzer WITT
Compact mobile and therefore convenient model of a gas analyzer of the German production. The measurement and analysis technique from the WITT company successfully fit into the Russian market. Products of various classes are in demand here.

The WITT range is filled with stationary and mobile devices designed for the production of selective or in-line control. All types of gases can be analyzed using WITT technology, and the field of possible application begins with the food industry and ends with metallurgy.

Interesting choices are made by Promekopribor devices. A relatively young Russian company (2009) develops and promotes modern analytical technology for environmental purposes on the domestic market.

Gas analyzer Polar
Interesting effective and productive devices are supplied by the Russian company Promekopribor to the domestic market. The company produces industrial products, but there are also separate developments suitable for everyday life.

It is noteworthy that the products manufactured by the company fully comply with the regulatory documentation for domestic use. The list of products of the company is headed by devices of the Polar and Test series. These are portable multicomponent gas analyzers designed for industrial process control systems.

Easy-to-use household appliances are delivered to Russia by the Italian company Seitron s.r.l. Italians have been working on the Russian market for more than 15 years, and during this time they managed to supply more than 450 items of instrumentation.

For the domestic sphere, for example, the development of “Seitron RGDMETMP1”, a gas contamination detector supplied by natural gas, can be of interest. main gas pipeline.

Seitron Gas Analyzer
The Italian gas analyzer RGDMETMP1, which has become popular in Russia, is a product of Seitron s.r.l. Ideal for home use. However, the range of the company is designed for a wide audience of consumers

This is just one single example of Italian equipment. In general, Seitron technology is able to cover demand in a wide range of needs. Here you can find, for example, mobile gas analyzers of operational adjustment of gas and solid fuel boilers and stationary gas contamination detectors.

A gas analyzer is an electronic device that is increasingly becoming a necessary accessory for many aspects of modern life. Scientific and technological progress has given people a lot of useful things and products, but at the same time brought a lot of harmful production technologies and operating conditions.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Using the example of a mobile model, we can understand the principle of operation of a gas analyzer:

An accurate analysis of the environment allows you to protect nature, to make clean the place of residence of people. The analyzers fully reveal the state of the atmosphere, provide an opportunity to assess the situation and take immediate action if there are deviations from standardized norms.

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Visitors Comments
  1. Faced such a device when he worked on setting up gas turbines. There, a gas analyzer was used to verify fuel combustion. And the labor protection engineer had such a portable device, he measured the state of emissions in the workshop. Electronics, everything is clear, the readings were recorded, then they were recorded in the passport, after adjustment - in the act of acceptance. We had a stationary Russian version, and the engineer had a small portable German one. The right thing.

  2. Sergei

    Human waste and garbage pollute the environment much more than a leaky gas pipe. But the device is still necessary. Primarily to prevent tragedy. I am considering installing a stationary option at home, although the price, of course, is high. Portable in everyday life, in my opinion, are useless to ordinary inhabitants. Won't you check the gas every hour? But the stationary one will warn about the leak on its own and will definitely help to avoid trouble.

    • Expert
      Evgenia Kravchenko

      You think correctly, installing a stationary sensor is the right decision. And it’s best to consider options that run on regular finger batteries, and not on mains. I think that there is no need to explain why finger-cell sensors are more reliable.

      In principle, a single sensor in the kitchen is enough, but you can be safe and put in all rooms just in case. The price of the issue is not big - only $ 10 per sensor, there are cheaper options, but I would not recommend considering them.

      If the budget allows, then take the Atis HX-2008EX standalone gas detection sensor, a model that I personally tested. For the future, I also advise you to get another carbon monoxide sensor. For example, the Kronos KXL 601 model, but it costs more than gas, about $ 60.

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