How to choose a tool for cleaning sewer pipes: a comparative overview of all types of tools
If water stagnates in your kitchen sink, it's time to think about cleaning it before the situation turns into an emergency. There are several methods to deal with blockages, one of which is cleaning with chemically active substances.
We will try to figure out how to choose a tool for cleaning sewer pipes, so that it really helps, rather than harm plumbing and utilities.
The article outlines the main reasons for the formation of blockages, presents the classification of drugs according to the form of release and the active ingredients. In order not to get confused in the variety of household chemicals, we have compiled a detailed review of effective products with a description of their compositions and methods of application.
The content of the article:
Why can pipes clog?
Clogged sewer pipes are a fairly common occurrence. Of course, it is necessary to correct the current situation as soon as possible, since it becomes impossible to use water in the apartment without sewage, and this is not the most pleasant situation.
To select the means are determined with the cause of the blockage:
- cork formed from hair, trash, etc .;
- pipe clearance narrowed to critical sizes due to the accumulation of grease and dirt on the walls of the sewer;
- wrong piping led to the fact that the water does not leave by gravity, but stagnates in the pipe.
As a rule, all causes can be easily eliminated if the installation and operation of the pipeline are observed, and if clogging has already occurred, there are chemical and mechanical methods fight with him.
Reduced pipe clearance - what is the reason
Very often the pipes become clogged as a result of the growth of fatty deposits and rust and, as a result, the lumen of the sewer is narrowed. Especially often this happens in houses with cast-iron or steel sewer pipes.
The water that is supplied through the water supply has a certain chemical composition. It contains various salts, biological particles, and chlorine residues after purification.
In addition, water that was used is contaminated with detergents and not only enters the sewer. This chemical cocktail reacts with the pipe material, the oxidation process is going on, and rust appears.
The corrosion process is long, in a humid environment it does not stop, and gradually the inside of the pipeline becomes completely covered with rust.

Sticky fat settles on a rough surface and is not washed off by cold water. Hair and food residues stick to the fat after washing the dishes, growths on the walls increase exponentially, until the pipe lumen finally clogs in the most vulnerable place.
To prevent the formation of such plugs, you can install grease trap under the sink - the device filters the effluent entering the sewer.
Foreign body in the sewer - a dangerous situation
Cork from garbage, hair, wool, sand and other waste that does not have a place in the sewer occurs when the rules for using the sewage system are violated. Some believe that literally everything that is smaller than the drain hole can be thrown into the sewer. This is a big mistake.

Insoluble, bulky debris can get stuck in the pipe, gradually accumulating smaller particles, hair residues and grease from the kitchen sink. All this will turn into a huge traffic jam inside the sewer system.
With such problems, folk methods or chemicals can not cope. Optimal solution - cleaning with a plumbing cable.
The pipe is systematically clogged - the thing is installation
When laying sewers, it is important to observe a slope of about 3%. Then the drains will be discharged by gravity. Water with such a small slope is in good contact with the walls and carries away all the particles.
If the slope is insufficient, this will lead to the stagnation of the sewage, the dirt from the walls not being washed away, and continue to accumulate until clogging occurs. However sewer slope - this is the case when the rule “the more the better” does not apply.
If the angle of inclination of the pipe is too large, the water will fly quickly and will not have time to capture the remains of household waste that will remain on the walls.
Another rule for laying sewer pipes is to try to avoid bends. Turns at an angle of 90 ° are especially dangerous. The more points the direction changes, the higher the risk of clogging.
Classification of chemicals for sewage
Chemicals for cleaning the sewer system differ in the form of release and chemical composition. Depending on the result you want to get, as well as the severity of the blockage, a chemical is selected.
Different forms of drug release
By consistency, means for cleaning sewer pipes can be:
- liquid;
- gel;
- powder (granular).
Powder products are concentrated and very caustic. Using them without gloves is extremely dangerous. Previously, such substances were poured into the sewer drain and left overnight, and in the morning they were washed with boiling water. A similar procedure can only make it worse.
Aggressive chemistry, if the rules of use are not followed, can corrode the gaskets and add another problem to the drain cleaning - a complete replacement of the sewer pipeline.

Liquid products for cleaning sewer pipes are less concentrated and aggressive. The main disadvantage of liquid products is that if water remains in the system, it will reduce the concentration of the substance and it may not work.

Gel products apply the same way as liquid. Thanks to the gel formula, the substance does not mix so quickly with water, more quickly and efficiently reaches the site of clogging and eliminates it.
Chemical composition - division by active components
The chemical method of cleaning pipes is to aggressively block and decompose the organic substances in its composition. Simply put, cleaning products dissolve the cork.
To do this, use such active substances as:
- alkalis - sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide;
- acid - acetic acid, hydrochloric, etc.
The composition of chemicals from the mass market often includes surfactants (surfactants), perfumes and even dyes for a more effective color.
Alkalis and acids are able to react with organics, which slows down the drainage of water. Pipes after a kitchen sink are often clogged with grease. In such cases, caustic alkali products are more effective.
Reason blockage in the bathroom often become hair, animal hair. They consist of collagen protein and dissolve well under the action of acids.
Drugs also differ in the concentration of reactive substances. To understand which product is more effective and contains less water, just look at such an indirect indicator as the exposure time.

More manufacturers mask less active compounds labeled “for prevention”. This means that the remedy is unlikely to cope with real clogging, and it is necessary to use it only if there is a slowdown in the discharge and quite regularly.
Perhaps there is logic in this, but people begin to use such means only after they encounter a real blockage and resort to a more "vigorous" enhanced chemical.
What tool to choose and what is the difference between them?
Having come to the household chemistry store, you can stand at the shelf with tools for cleaning sewer pipes for more than one hour. There are a lot of options, they differ both in the mechanism of action, and in the method of application, and, of course, in cost. Browse the most popular remedies and one home recipe.
Baghan from Baghi - an explosive mixture of chemicals
Kitchen Pipe Cleaner Pothan in demand among buyers. The drug is Israeli-made, the manufacturing company "Bagi". Pothan is an alkaline agent.
The composition indicates:
- sodium hydroxide (NaOH);
- detergent additives (it is not specified which ones).
The proportions and concentration of chemicals are not indicated on the package, but it is noted that it complies with EU standards. The substance itself is sold in a large 600 ml opaque bottle with a convenient handle.

Pothan itself has the appearance of granules - round balls of gray and white. To clean the pipes enough 70-100 g of funds - half a glass. The price is quite high (about 450 r.), But, given the fact that the substance is enough for at least 6 uses, the cost of each cleaning is quite acceptable - about 75 r. at a time.
How to use Pothan:
- If there is water in the sink, remove it.
- Take precautions: rubber gloves, open windows, respirator.
- Measure the required number of granules.
- Pour the product into the drain on an outstretched arm. Do not look into the hole, a fountain of poisonous splashes, foam and fumes can fly out from there.
- Measure out 70-100 ml of hot water.
- Also, without looking in or bending over, at a distance of your outstretched hand pour water into the drain.
- The reaction will begin instantly and will proceed very rapidly.
- After 3 minutes, rinse the drain with warm running water.
If Potkhan does not help, in no case try to extend the exposure time or significantly exceed the recommended dosage. This can lead to damage to the pipeline. In case of severe contamination, the procedure can be repeated. In normal use, Potkhan is harmless to plastic or steel pipes.

The manufacturer warns that Pothan is a very active substance. It must not be mixed with any other chemicals to avoid unforeseen reactions. It is also strictly forbidden to pour water into the bottle and dilute the product.
Generation-proven classic Mole
Pipe cleaner "Mole" - The most popular option in the vast countries of the former USSR. The name itself is firmly entrenched in consciousness and is associated with the very “Soviet quality”.
There is no single manufacturer of the Mole; funds with such names are produced by many companies. In addition to the hyped name, they are united by active active substances, which are the basis of the drug.
- sodium hydroxide;
- potassium hydroxide;
- ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid.
Proportions may vary. In addition to these substances, additives such as surfactants and distilled water are included.

The liquid "Mole" simply pours into the drain, the powder falls asleep, and then is poured with hot water. In order for the substance to act, it is left in the sink for 1-2 hours. Then the sewer is washed with hot water.
Mole in the form of powder or granules is produced in bags of 90-100 g. 1 sachet is enough for one cleaning. The cost starts from 13 rubles, which is much cheaper than imported analogues. Liquid products are sold in bottles of different sizes. The average cost is 40 rubles per 500 ml.
Rorax - on guard of ecology and clean pipes
The German company ERDAL-REX specializes in the production of household chemicals. The emphasis is on environmentally friendly drugs. The development of this company is Rorax - An organic cleaner for cleaning sewers. That Rorax is environmentally friendly is certified by EMAS. Supplied in liquid form.
The composition of the tool includes:
- amphoteric surfactants (about 5%);
- phosphonates (about 5%);
- chlorine bleach.
Since the product is environmentally friendly, it can be safely used to clean sewer pipes in a private house, where the effluent is drained directly into the cesspool.

The method of application differs little from similar means:
- Pour 250 ml into the drain hole.
- Give the tool time to clean (about 2 hours, but it can take longer).
- Rinse with hot water.
A bottle of Rorax is 1 liter. The cost of such an amount of liquid for washing sewer pipes is within 400 r. 1 pack is enough for 4 uses at a recommended flow rate of 250 ml.
Tyreth - a miracle cure or just marketing?
Reckitt Benckiser internationally advertised product Tyreth sold in almost every supermarket. The brand is positioned as a super-efficient pipe cleaner that can handle even the most stubborn dirt.
There are 3 types of Tiret:
- Tiret Turbo;
- Tiret Professional;
- Tiret Antibacterial.
They are identical in composition, differ in concentration and, accordingly, in cost. The composition of the product includes chlorine bleach and surface-active additives.
The most concentrated - Tiret Turbo. This product is intended for emergency cleaning of sewer pipes from hair and fat, soap residues and detergents. The cost of 1 bottle is about 350 p. For a good pipe cleaning, you need at least half a bottle (about 250 ml).
Tyreth Professional Designed to eliminate blockages, as well as to prevent their occurrence. It is used not only when the pipe is completely clogged, but also regularly, as soon as there are suspicions that this will happen soon.
The cost of the product marked "Professional" - 250 p.Consumption is similar - at least half the bottle. That is, 1 bottle is enough for 2 times.
Antibacterial Tiret not only fights against clogged pipes, but also eliminates unpleasant odors that continually appear from the sink drain in the bathroom or in the kitchen. The composition includes a rather intense fragrance. Price in the region of 250 p. for 500 ml.

Mode of application:
- Pour 250 ml of Tiret gel into the stock.
- Wait from 15 minutes. You can slightly increase the duration of action, but do not overdo it.
- Rinse the pipes with hot water under pressure. Repeat if necessary.
Tiret has a gel consistency. Even in stagnant water, the gel easily moves through the pipes to the clogging site.
We recommend that you familiarize yourself with top rated for cleaning sewer pipes. The review contains the pros and cons of chemicals, real consumer reviews and the nuances of using reagents.
Folk recipes: how to do without aggressive chemistry
Sometimes, when clogging occurs in the sewer, you can completely dispense with expensive chemistry. At-hand materials come to the rescue - safe chemicals that every housewife has in the kitchen.
It's about ordinary soda and table vinegar. Acid and alkali neutralize each other and a large amount of CO2 gas is released.

The recipe for cleaning the sewer with vinegar and soda is as follows:
- Pour a glass of soda with stock.
- Pour a glass of vinegar.
- Close the hole with a stopper.
Inside the pipe, foaming begins, pressure rises. Gas bubbles cannot escape and eliminate blockage.
Of course, the effect of such a cleaning will be temporary. It will not work to completely flush the pipes, and the likelihood of rapid re-clogging is high. But as an emergency, the method is very good.
Safety precautions: how to protect yourself
Do not forget that means for cleaning sewer pipes - a very serious chemistry.
Do not underestimate the danger, using these substances, always adhere to safety precautions:
- wear rubber gloves;
- do not bend to the drain when the reaction is in progress;
- open windows and provide access to fresh air;
- in case of contact with mucous membranes, rinse with running water as soon as possible;
- keep chemicals where children and curious pets cannot find them;
- in case of accidental ingestion of even the smallest amount of one of these products, consult a doctor immediately with a package to understand which chemical substance is in question.
And the most important rule - always read the instructions before cleaning and stick to it.
Conclusions and useful video on the topic
To determine which remedy to choose from, look at the video on which the work of each drug is examined in detail and evaluate its effectiveness. This will help make the right choice.
How to clean the pipe with soda and vinegar:
Video review of means for cleaning sewer pipes:
Pothan against a blockage in the pipe - who is who?
Not all sewerage cleaners are equally good. Some need more time, others less. Some deal with blockage from one time, while others need a second attempt. And the price range is very wide.
Regardless of whether you choose domestic chemistry or an imported product, do not forget about the rules of application and safety.
Do you have personal experience in dealing with sewage blockages? Do you want to share effective methods or advise an effective remedy? Please leave comments and ask questions - the feedback form is located below.
Clogging problems are often associated with insufficient bias. They occur due to savings on specialists or due to a violation of the use of sewage. Now it’s not so difficult to clean, and change plumbing, too, as it was with cast iron. After all, plastic is much less susceptible to various types of precipitation and deposits on the walls of pipes. I used various brands and compositions, everyone helped, though chemistry, you need to follow safety precautions, but effectively!
When the water begins to merge more slowly, I use granules of one Polish company, for 250 g - 90 p. There you need two caps for stock, because with infrequent use of a fill in three drains lasts for a year. I don’t know how he would cope with a big traffic jam; in the three years after replacing it with plastic, it never happened. But the ability to work on the little things suits. Balls like more fluid, it’s easier with them.
I think this: it is necessary to clean the pipes with a special tool on a regular basis. I myself use liquid “Mole” at least once a month, pour it for 2 hours. And in situations where the water starts to go noticeably worse, no remedy will help, it is necessary to do mechanical cleaning with a cable. In addition, if you overdo it with the product, you can damage the siphon.
You know, if at least once a month you fill the pipes with the Mole, doing it according to all the rules, and still from time to time they get clogged up to such a state that you have to punch them mechanically using a plumbing cable, then you should think about them replacement.
Since you use the Mole, you probably have old cast-iron pipes. And, most likely, they are clogged with fossils and rust to such an extent that there is a small passage for water, which is periodically blocked. Look on the Internet for photos of old clogged pipes and be horrified. Over time, the cable will no longer help.