Tools for cleaning sewer pipes: the top ten tools + tips for choosing the right drug

Amir Gumarov
Checked by a specialist: Amir Gumarov
Author: Oksana Chubukina
Last update: August 2024

The simplest and most effective option to deal with sewage blockage is the chemical method. But the effectiveness of the method largely depends on how correctly selected means for cleaning pipes, whether the reagent corresponds to the degree and type of contamination.

We list the most effective drugs, designate their application features and find out how to choose the optimal composition for a specific situation.

The best remedies for blockages

Cleaning products sewer pipes differ in composition and form of release. Some of them quickly act on pollution and in a few minutes relieve blockages. Others are mainly used for preventive purposes - such funds are less aggressive and take care of pipelines.

There are a lot of chemicals in household stores. In order not to get confused in a wide range, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most popular and effective means. Among them are drugs from different manufacturers that are excellent in composition and form of release.

The review outlines the pros and cons of reagents, describes the intricacies of their use and provides consumer reviews.

1st place - Unicom granules for tornado blockages

Granular product that effectively copes with various types of contamination of drain pipes.

The chemical is packaged in a container with an extended neck for filling. Upon contact with water, Unicom reacts and actively breaks down fat-containing impurities, hair clumps, and removes odors.

Product Features:

  • release form - granules of dark and transparent color;
  • packing volume - 600 g;
  • in the composition - 30% sodium hydroxide, about 15% detergent additives;
  • scope - kitchen, bathroom;
  • types of pipes - metal and plastic, can not be used for corrugated pipelines, cleaning dishwashers and washing machines;
  • action time - 3-5 minutes;
  • average consumption - 70-100 g at a time;
  • Country of origin - Russia.

All users noted the effectiveness of the drug. In most cases, Unicom dealt with severe blockage the first time in five minutes. Of the additional advantages note: economical consumption, affordable cost, convenience bottle.

Cons: toxicity, the appearance of caustic fumes. Pipe cleaning should be done with gloves and goggles. A good ventilation should be provided during exposure to the chemical.

The manufacturer warns of the danger of contact with human skin, mucous membranes. Do not add water to the bottle.

2nd place - Bagi granules from Pothan blockages

High-speed reagent of the Israeli manufacturer. Pothan is recognized as one of the best remedies for blockages in sewer pipes, allowing you to forget about the problems of the sewage system in 3-5 minutes.

The drug is ranked second because of the higher cost, Bagi granules are not inferior to the powerful Tornado in efficiency.

Product Features:

  • release form - granules of white and light gray;
  • packing volume - 600 g .;
  • 30% alkaline substances, 5-15% surfactants;
  • scope - kitchen, bath, toilet;
  • types of pipes - metal and plastic, suitable for cleaning sewer and drainage networks;
  • action time - 3 minutes;
  • average consumption - 70-100 g at a time;
  • Country of origin - Israel.

Pothan copes with soap residues, obsolete grease, paper, limescale, hair, food debris without any problems.

The effectiveness of the drug is confirmed by user reviews. In addition to quickly getting rid of clogging, buyers revealed additional advantages: a safe lid for children, dry and practically odorless.

The disadvantages are almost the same as those of the Tornado: toxicity, the need for safety precautions. Pour the granules into the drain and add water with an outstretched hand, putting your head to the side.

It is dangerous to get the product on the skin, in the eyes. Contact of granules with enamel, marble, the surface of bathtubs and sinks should be avoided.

Pothan is not suitable for cleaning the thin drain pipes of washing machines, dishwashers, and a jacuzzi.

3rd place - Cinderella powder Mole for pipes

Cinderella Mole powder for cleaning pipes (B 34-2) is the most budgetary tool presented in the rating. The mole has gained popularity due to its low price and good results.

The active substance of the chemical is sodium hydroxide. Alkali affects fatty clogging, hair congestion. Mole is unlikely to cope with rust, bacteria and limescale.

Product Features:

  • release form - white powder;
  • packing volume - 60 g;
  • in the composition - 15-30% sodium hydroxide, more than 30% fillers;
  • scope - sink, toilet, bathtub, shower;
  • types of pipes - all types;
  • action time - 1-2 hours;
  • average consumption - 60 g at a time;
  • Country of origin - Russia.

User reviews are mostly positive. Most appreciated the excellent value for money. However, in cases of severe blockage, the mole does not always help, even if the exposure time is doubled.

The downside is inconvenient packaging. If you open the bag sloppy, you can spill the powder. An alternative to granular Mole is a liquid solution with an identical composition.

The manufacturer recommends monthly use of the product for the purpose of prevention.

4th place - Sanfor pipe gel

Domestic manufacturer offers a line of inexpensive and effective means for the care of plumbing.

Despite the low price, the product has established itself as an effective drug - it copes with most types of pollution in 5-10 minutes. One bottle is enough for three full cleaning of the sewer.

Product Features:

  • release form - thick gel;
  • packing volume - 750 ml;
  • in the composition - hypochlorite and sodium hydroxide;
  • universality of application - sink, toilet, bath;
  • types of pipes - safe for all pipelines, including plastic;
  • action time - 5-15 minutes;
  • average consumption - 250 ml per cleaning;
  • Country of origin - Russia.

Buyers separately noted a very convenient bottle. A container with a beveled nose for convenient pouring of the solution into the pipes, an anti-slip surface and a safe cover that the child cannot open.

Sanfor Gel can cope with fat accumulations, hair tufts, rust and limescale.

The manufacturer claims that the tool kills pathogens by disinfecting the inner surface. To achieve antimicrobial action, the chemical must be left to "work" in the sewer for an hour.

Cons of the drug: caustic composition, a very pungent odor. The chemical aroma remains in the room for some time after washing off the gel. With significant accumulations of garbage, the processing has to be repeated.

5th place - Synergetic to eliminate blockages

Biodegradable product from the German brand of household chemicals. Its main distinguishing feature is the naturalness of the components of the composition. At least, this is how the manufacturer positions his goods.

The liquid concentrate is considered hypoallergenic, it is suitable for those who have small children, as well as allergies.

Product Features:

  • release form - liquid;
  • packing volume - 500 ml;
  • in the composition - distilled water, vegetable A-tensides, soda;
  • scope of application - sink, toilet, bath;
  • types of pipes - safe for any pipelines;
  • action time - 30-40 minutes;
  • average consumption - 250 ml for preventive cleaning, 500 ml for severe blockage;
  • Country of origin - Germany.

The tool can be used with stagnant water in the sink. The drug has a disinfecting effect, it is permissible to use in private homes with autonomous sewage. Synergetic concentrate does not harm the microflora of septic plants.

Reviews on the effectiveness of the biological product are contradictory. Some users noted a positive result after use, but there are those who were not satisfied with the purchase.

Synergetic does not harm sewers and the health of residents, but its use is more likely to be preventative. In an emergency with significant blockage, the product can fail.

6th place - Mr. Muscle Pipe Cleaning Pellets

Granular preparation for the care of all types of pipes. The main active ingredient in the chemical, like most plumbing products, is sodium hydroxide.

According to the method of impact and effectiveness, foreign Mr. Muscle is comparable with the domestic "Mole", a noticeable difference - in price.

Product Features:

  • release form - white small granules;
  • packing - soft packaging of 70 g;
  • composed of sodium hydroxide, inorganic additives;
  • scope of application - bathtub, sink, kitchen sink;
  • types of pipes - without restrictions;
  • action time - 30-60 minutes;
  • average consumption - 70 g per cleaning;
  • Country of origin - USA.

Mr. Muscle does a good job with medium blockages. However, to remove stagnant dirt, splitting a large amount of food debris, hair of one sachet may be small and re-treatment is required. In this regard, granular powder is expensive, it is not spent economically.

Action Mr. Muscle is less aggressive than Tornado and Pothan. The product does not have a pungent odor; when it reacts with water, it does not emit vapors, but also requires careful use and careful storage away from children and pets.

7th place - Chirton pipe cleaning powder

A large concentration of the active ingredient makes the product sufficiently effective for cleaning drain siphons, pipes at sinks, sinks and bathtubs.

In addition to removing blockages, Chirton also removes rust. unpleasant odors and disinfection of the sewer system.

Product Features:

  • release form - white-blue powder;
  • packing - water-resistant packaging of 60 g;
  • composition - more than 30% alkali, about 30% of active additives, filler - 15%, aluminum - 5%;
  • scope of application - sinks, sinks;
  • types of pipes - metal products, polymeric materials;
  • action time - 15 minutes;
  • the average consumption is 60 g per treatment, a double dose should be used to clean large diameter pipes;
  • Country of origin - Russia.

Almost all users rated the effectiveness of the powder - the effect met expectations. Chirton helped almost everyone the first time. The mixture removes the cork from organic food residues and other dirt in a quarter of an hour.

Cons of the tool: the chemical is not cheap, it can not always be found in the retail chain. When using, one must strictly follow the instructions - contact with water provokes the release of flammable gas.

Contact with skin can lead to chemical burns.

8th place - Chistin gel for cleaning pipes

Chistin helium solution is more suitable for the prevention of sewage canal contamination. Its formula provides gentle action and safety for the integrity of all types of sewer pipes.

The composition includes a small amount of sodium hypochlorite - about 5%, and the same amount of sodium hydroxide. The remaining components are soaps based on natural fatty acids, salts and nonionic surfactants.

Product Features:

  • release form - gel;
  • packing - a bottle of 750 g;
  • composition - 5% hypochlorite and sodium hydroxide, soap, salt;
  • scope of application - sink, sink, bath;
  • types of pipes - without restrictions;
  • action time - 5-15 minutes;
  • average consumption - 250 g per treatment or monthly prophylactic cleaning;
  • Country of origin - Russia.

Gel Chistin attracts users with low cost and economical expense. One bottle is enough for three times of use.

However, buyers note that the exposure time declared by the manufacturer is not enough for high-quality cleaning. As a rule, you have to wait 1-1.5 hours.

Significant advantages: no toxic smell, low price, convenient bottle. Minus is a rather weak remedy against strong blockages. The priority application is pollution prevention.

9th place - Stork liquid Sanox Net runoff

Another domestic drug from the budget line. The gel is packaged in bottles of 500 ml, this stock is enough for two uses. The manufacturer supplied the container with a lid with a protective system for children, to open it must first press, and then crank.

Product Features:

  • release form - gel;
  • packaging - 500 ml bottle;
  • composition - sodium hydroxide of the order of 15-30%, amphoteric and nonionic surfactants;
  • use - sink, sink, bath;
  • types of pipes - for all types of sewer networks;
  • action time - from 30 minutes;
  • average consumption - 200-250 g for full cleaning;
  • Country of origin - Russia.

The tool "Clean Stock" fights fat, food debris and accumulations of hair. The chemical is suitable for solving problems with clogged sewers in the kitchen or in the bathroom.

Among the main advantages, users distinguish: affordable price, lack of a pungent odor, reduced toxicity, and safety for pipes.

However, Sanox does not always cope with this task - this chemical will not overcome a strong, deep blockage.

10th place - Tiret Turbo Gel

The tool has gained popularity due to an active advertising company. However, in reality, Turbo gel is not always effective. In addition, the chemical is not spent economically - one 500 ml bottle is designed for 1-2 applications.

Product Features:

  • release form - gel;
  • capacity - 500 ml;
  • composition - 5-15% chlorine-containing bleach, about 5% nonionic and anionic surfactants;
  • use - drains of sinks, bathtubs, kitchen sinks, toilets;
  • types of pipes - all types of materials, except for copper and rubber products;
  • action time - 5 minutes;
  • average consumption –250 ml per cleaning;
  • Country of origin - Poland.

Advantages of Tiret Turbo: a convenient bottle, a cover with protection against children, universality of application.

Cons: high cost, high consumption, pungent odor. In general, the gel copes well with blockages of "moderate severity". However, there are cheaper and more effective means.

The choice of the drug for your needs

The variety of household chemicals often complicates the choice of the best remedy. The reagent should be purchased based on the severity and frequency of clogging, the speed of the expected effect.

When choosing, you must take into account the consistency of the drug:

  • liquid;
  • powdered or granular;
  • helium.

Liquid products are designed for reusable use. Such chemicals are less concentrated and do not have an aggressive effect on pipes. The container is filled with a ready-made solution, there are no problems with dosage and use.

Liquid blocker
Less liquid reagents - the probability of a decrease in the concentration of the active substance in the presence of water in the system. Cleaning efficiency drops

Helium products are easy to use, are used sparingly and act on pollution faster than bulk counterparts. As a rule, helium compounds are more expensive.

Granular or powdered chemicals are packaged in disposable bags or bulk containers for reusable use.

Features of dry products:

  • high concentration of active substances, toxicity;
  • efficiency and speed;
  • the need to comply with strict safety rules.

Attention should be paid to the composition of the reagent. Most drugs use alkalis, such as sodium hydroxide. The substance is excellent in combating sticky grease, soapy deposits and food debris.

Dry Clog Cleaner
Alkaline-based products are indispensable for cleaning sewer pipes in the kitchen. Sodium hydroxide corrodes fat, allowing solid waste to move unhindered

Acidic preparations well remove organic blockages: toilet paper, hair, etc. Such a tool will help to clean the drain of the toilet bowl, bathtub and washstand in the bathroom.

The choice of funds according to the situation:

  1. To remove long-standing stagnation, caustic Pothan from Bagi or Tornado from Unicom are suitable. The same means will cope with the accumulated fat in the kitchen riser.
  2. For periodic cleaning of metal pipes, you can use the proven "Mole".
  3. For preventive purposes, it is better to use an inexpensive gel "Clean Stock" or a biodegradable Synergetic solution.
  4. If it is necessary not only to break through the sewage system, but to get rid of rust in the drainage system, then Chirton powder will help.

You can use Tiret Turbo or Sanfor Gel to kill pathogens.

On our site there are several more articles where methods for cleaning the sewer are described in detail. We recommend reading them:

  1. Step-by-step instructions for cleaning pipes.
  2. Types of blockages and methods for their elimination.
  3. Elimination of blockages with a cable.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Comparison of expensive and cheap means for cleaning sewer pipes:

Chemicals against sewage blockages are an effective solution. When choosing a product, it should be remembered that the price does not always correspond to the quality of the goods. Often, cheap reagents are more effective than expensive analogues.

To reduce the likelihood of clogging, it is best to periodically carry out preventative cleaning using gentle chemicals.

Everyone probably had to deal with clogged sewer pipes. Please tell visitors of our site what tool you use to eliminate blockages. Perhaps there are some nuances of its use? Leave your comments in the block for communication under the article.

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Visitors Comments
  1. I’ve bought Mole more than once and used it to clean pipes in the bathroom and in the kitchen. The result is immediately visible, I pour the powder into the hole and immediately hear a little noise from the reaction of the reagents. According to the instructions, turn on the water and rinse the pipes in half an hour. The effect of the Mole is good, the water immediately leaves, and before using it, it stagnated. And the price for it is budget.

  2. Dmitry

    Maybe it's good that there are such killer drugs that immediately dissolve all the garbage and blockages in the pipes. But somehow I feel uneasy when I imagine what kind of chemistry this is and how it harms water bodies.
    I still clean the pipes by hand. It’s not difficult for me to unwind the siphon every few months in the bathroom or in the washbasin and remove the cesspool that has gathered in it. It takes 20 minutes time.


