Beretta gas boiler malfunctions: how to decrypt the code and eliminate the malfunction

Vasily Borutsky
Checked by a specialist: Vasily Borutsky
Author: Tatyana Pankratova
Last update: December 2024

Beretta gas boilers have proven themselves as a source of thermal energy in autonomous heating systems. Units are equipped with a function of self-monitoring of the processes occurring in components and parts during operation of boilers. You can find out about equipment malfunctions by light signals.

We will analyze the typical malfunctions of the Beretta gas boiler and their elimination. Consider in what cases it will be possible to solve the problem on their own. We will find out when for repairs it is necessary to call a master from the gas service.

We will talk about how to determine the error in the operation of equipment, about which it independently warns the owner. Let me tell you what the combination of letters and numbers that occur in case of a malfunction on the built-in display or indicators. With this information in mind, you can decide what to do best.

Common breakdowns of Beretta boilers

According to gas workers who are involved in the repair and tuning of Beretta gas boilers, there are several main malfunctions that occur most often in equipment of this brand:

  1. There is no flame on the burner, as a result of which the equipment is blocked. This problem can be caused by several reasons, from clogging to a lack of gas supply.
  2. Damage to the control board. It occurs due to the accumulation of condensate on the board, which leads to its failure. Also, board failure can occur due to burnout of parts on it.
  3. Increased flue gas pressure. Such a failure can lead to frost in gas boiler chimney, soot clogging, increased wind power. As a result, equipment operation is blocked.
  4. Damage to the self-diagnosis sensor. It also causes the equipment to be turned off by the control system.
  5. Low water pressure when supplied to the heating circuit. The most common cause is leakage or problems with the expansion tank.

The statistics collected by experts do not mean that exactly such malfunctions will occur in every Beretta boiler.

Perhaps the problems will not appear at all for a long time, or there will be completely different failures for other reasons. Each malfunction or malfunction in gas boilers Beretta has its own code designation, which is displayed by the control system on the LCD display.

Gas boiler brand Beretta
It is necessary to pay attention to failures and malfunctions during operation of the Beretta gas boiler and to eliminate them in a timely manner in order to avoid more serious breakdowns.

Troubleshooting is done through a self-diagnosis system that allows you to instantly identify problems when they occur and take appropriate measures.

How does a self-diagnosis system work?

In Beretta boilers, the self-diagnosis system consists of a network of monitoring sensors located on the main operating units of the units.

After turning on the boiler, the sensors begin to operate in continuous mode, they do not need additional special start-up. By the same principle, disabling sensors is not possible without stopping or blocking the gas boiler.

Gas boiler without protective cover
In all the main nodes of the Beretta gas boiler, there are sensors (sensors) that give signals to the display with an error code when problems are detected

When changing the monitored parameters or a malfunction of a node, signals from the sensors are fed to the control module, which blocks the equipment. At the same time, an error code is displayed on the display, allowing the boiler owner to determine the type of problem and take measures to eliminate it.

In addition to the display, special indicators, depending on the design features of different models of thermal equipment, signal the malfunctions of Beretta boilers.

Error codes on the boiler display

On the LCD display, which is equipped with almost all models of gas boilers Beretta, displays information about the operating mode of the equipment, as well as error codes and malfunctions that occur during operation.

Most failures are eliminated by rebooting the boiler. But if, after a reboot, the problem persists, you need to check the parts and components listed below.

Self Diagnostic Display
The LCD display is located on the control panel of the Beretta gas boiler, in case of malfunctions and malfunctions, error codes are displayed on it, by which you can determine in which unit of the unit there are problems

We tried to collect the most complete list of errors.

A01 - there is no flame on the burner, 5 unsuccessful attempts to ignite.


  • the presence of gas in the pipeline;
  • boiler shutoff valve position;
  • adjust the gas valve;
  • clean the burner with nozzles;
  • ignition electrode; if necessary, clean the contacts;
  • ignition relay;
  • change subordinate board.

A02 - overheating of the thermostat.


  • thermostat, integrity of wiring to it;
  • clean or replace the circulation pump;
  • at low pressure in the circuit add fluid.

A03 - violation of smoke removal.


  • the presence of traction;
  • clean the chimney of the gas boiler, if necessary, chip the ice at the outlet;
  • clean or replace the fan, check the contacts;
  • smoke detector, its contacts.

A04 - decrease in water pressure in the system.


  • leaks;
  • pressure sensor, its contacts;
  • circulation pump;
  • the presence of blockages in the system;
  • change subordinate board.

A05 - breakdown of the NTC hot water temperature sensor.

The device of gas boilers brand Beretta
In order to better understand the reason for the malfunction of a Beretta gas boiler, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the design features of the unit. The circuit diagram of the device must be in the technical passport


  • NTC sensor, its connections, if necessary, replace the part;
  • change subordinate board.

A06 - Breakdown of the NTC heating temperature sensor.


  • NTC sensor, its connections; replace if necessary;
  • change subordinate board.

A07 - the thermal relay does not open.


  • change subordinate board.

A08-A10 - internal error of the slave board.


  • change subordinate board.

A11 - simulation of a flame (fire on a burner off).


  • press Reset, restart;
  • contact the service specialists.

A12, A15 - errors on the slave board.


  • change subordinate board.

A16, A18 - errors on the main board.


  • replace the main board.

A20 - fire remains after closing the gas valve.


  • gas valve; replace if necessary.

A24 - fan malfunction.


  • fan connection, its contacts;
  • in case of breakage, replace the fan.

Adj - failure in the min and max power settings.


  • configure the necessary parameters.

E02 - NTC1 sensor is not connected.


  • Sensor NTC1, its connections; replace if necessary.

E04 - NTC3 sensor is not connected.


  • NTC3 sensor, its connections; replace if necessary.

E18 - Short circuit of the NTC1 sensor.


  • NTC1 Sensor Connector
  • replace part.

E20 - Short circuit of the NTC3 sensor.


  • NTC3 Sensor Connector
  • replace part.

E23-E26 - errors on the main board.


  • replace the main board.

E32 - no subordinate (SALVE).


  • position of bipolar switches on separate units, bring them into ON state.

E33 - phase and neutral are incorrectly connected.


  • reconnect in the correct order.

E34 - Reset button error when pressed more than 7 times within 30 min.


  • wait 40 minutes for the error to disappear;
  • replace the slave board.

E35 - failure of the pressure switch.


  • check the water flow in each circuit, bring to the norm 2 m3 / h;
  • replace with a new part with a setting of 500 l / h.

E36 - error on the slave board.


  • change subordinate board.

E37 - failure to detect fire.


  • clean or replace electrodes.

E38 - short circuit smoke sensor.


  • replace item.

E39 - no contact with the smoke sensor.


  • smoke detector connector;
  • replace part.

E40 - error 50 Hz.


  • frequency in the electric line;
  • connect a voltage regulator.

E41 - error on the slave board.


  • change subordinate board.

E42 - short circuit of the sensor on the feed pipe.


  • sensor connector on the feed pipe;
  • replace part.

E43 - there is no contact with the sensor on the feed pipe.


  • sensor connector on the feed pipe;
  • replace part.

E44 - short circuit of the sensor on the return pipe.


  • sensor connector on the return pipe;
  • replace part.

E45 - there is no contact with the sensor on the return pipe.


  • sensor connector on the return pipe;
  • replace part.

E46 - overheating of the sensor on the feed pipe.


  • measure the water flow in each circuit;
  • bring the flow rate to 2m3.

E47 - overheating of the sensor on the return pipe.


  • measure the water flow in each circuit;
  • bring the flow rate to 2m3.

E48 - overheating of the smoke sensor.


  • measure the water flow in each circuit;
  • clean heat exchangers from 2 sides.

Sometimes there are situations when errors are not shown on the Beretta gas boiler display, but other signs of equipment malfunction appear.

Such signs include the appearance of gas or burning odors in the room with the boiler, the delayed operation of the boiler burner, as well as the noticeable difference between the heating of the boiler and the temperature of the batteries. These displays of problems should be treated with no less attention than to the codes on the display.

What do indicator signals mean?

In some models of gas boilers Beretta, for example Beretta City, the appearance of malfunctions in the operation of the units can be judged by the signals of red, yellow and green indicators.

The indicators are two or three light diodes located on the central panel, which begin to flash with different intensities when a failure occurs.

How to find a malfunction in the operation of the Beretta boiler according to the indication
On some Beretta gas boiler models, error indicators and malfunctions are indicated by the indicator lights located on the control panel

A blinking green light may indicate the following:

  • 1 time / 3.5 sec - the equipment is put into standby mode, the fire is extinguished;
  • 1 time / 0.5 sec - the boiler is stopped due to a breakdown;
  • 1 time / 0.1 sec - the unit is switched to the automatic control system;
  • the indicator is on and does not blink - the boiler is operating normally, the fire is on.

Beretta City can independently stop due to breakage in cases of receiving a signal from pressure sensors and smoke exhaust.

The boiler can suspend operation for 10 minutes, during which the correct parameters must be restored. During this time, the system will automatically scan. A detailed guide on how to check the readings of the sensors of the Beretta gas boiler should already be included in the self-diagnosis system.

Beretta boiler panel indicators
The indicators on the Beretta boiler panel can give signals in various combinations and with different intensities. The type of light signal depends on what kind of error occurred during the operation of the unit

The red indicator turns on in the following cases:

  • the indicator lights up and does not blink - if after the suspension the boiler is not working, the unit goes into emergency mode;
  • indicator blinks - the limit temperature sensor is triggered. Sometimes you can eliminate the error using the mode switch.

Simultaneous flashing of red and green diodes occurs in the event of a breakdown of the NTC sensor.

The yellow indicator lights up and lights up continuously when the pre-heating of the coolant in the circuit is turned on.

Repair of a gas boiler Beretta
If you are not confident in your abilities and knowledge, it is highly recommended to invite a qualified specialist to repair a Beretta gas boiler

To eliminate all the above-described malfunctions of gas boilers, Beretta is strongly recommended to use the services of masters of authorized service centers and organizations with which contract signed for servicing gas units and supplying blue fuel.

Independent intervention in the complex design of boilers can lead to even more serious damage, which will result in costly repairs and a long shutdown of the autonomous heating system.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

To eliminate failures and errors during operation of a Beretta gas boiler, it is necessary to understand the principle of its operation:

An example of determining and eliminating a gas boiler error Beretta:

If your gas boiler Beretta began to give out this or that error, it is not recommended to let things go by their chance and delay with repair or adjustment. But before contacting gas workers, it would be nice for the owner of the equipment to figure out what the equipment error is.

Knowing the cause of the identified failure will help the owner find the optimal solution to the problem when communicating with the authorized service master.

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