How to choose a geyser: guidelines for choosing and rating the best models

Alexey Dedyulin
Checked by a specialist: Alexey Dedyulin
Author: Sonya Lustik
Last update: March 2024

The choice of gas equipment must be approached from the point of view of safety and reliability. Buying a cheap water heater can have fatal consequences for its owner. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the basic requirements for servicing gas equipment. Do you agree?

We will tell you how to choose a geyser in order to purchase a perfect unit. The article we have proposed describes all the criteria that can affect the choice of gas wall equipment. We have presented popular models among consumers from proven manufacturers.

Geyser device

The general principle of operation and the device are characteristic for all models of instantaneous gas water heaters. Propane enters the column through the nozzle. A gas regulating valve is installed in the nozzle.

Water is supplied to an adjacent pipe in the gas column. A control valve and a sensor are installed in the pipe. When the sensor is triggered, gas enters the burner through the nozzle. Gas burns in the burner.

In old Soviet models it was necessary to set fire to gas manually. In modern, three methods of ignition of gas are used:

  1. From a piezoelectric element.
  2. From batteries.
  3. From the hydro generator.

Piezo ignition involves pressing a button every time you use a gas column (if you are spending gas economically). This is inconvenient, but more reliable than using automatic ignition, where the gas is ignited by a spark that is supplied by candles.

The membrane in the block rises under the pressure of water and puts pressure on the rod, which includes gas. If draft is present, the gas burner will turn on. Water flows through the tank and heats up.

What elements do you need to pay attention to?

When choosing a column, it is worth giving preference to models with a copper heat exchanger. It can be coated with solder, but should not be made of thin tin. Most often, tin heat exchangers have models of Chinese manufacturers. The service life of such columns does not exceed three years.

Device Diagram and Part Names
Regardless of the ignition method, an automatic type gas column starts to work when water passes through the water block. If there are problems with the supply of sparks, then the cause, first of all, must be sought in the block (+)

Low cost is achieved due to the cheap quality of the metal, which burns out over time. This leads to the need to purchase a new gas column.

Another important characteristic of the heat exchanger is the inner diameter of the tubes. The wider the pipe, the less often it is necessary to clean the heat exchanger from scale and small debris from old water pipes.

Tin heat exchanger
It looks like a poor-quality heat exchanger, which is installed on cheap models of instantaneous water heaters. Inside, it is clear that the metal is not made of copper and is an alloy of unknown origin

Also an important part is the column water block. This element must be made of metal. There are models made of plastic.

Copper heat exchanger
It looks like a high-quality heat exchanger that will last more than five years. Visually, it is made of copper and has a sufficient thickness. Some manufacturers coat this element with solder or other coating.

Since inside the block membrane and the strainer that needs to be changed, frequent loosening spoils the plastic thread and makes it necessary to completely replace the water block.

What are the parameters to navigate when choosing?

Before choosing the best option gas water heater for apartment or a private house you need to determine the amount of water that comes from the tap. It is necessary to determine how many liters per minute flows from the tap. For this, the easiest way is to use a water meter if it is installed in an apartment on a pipe.

Water meter
To do this, write the readings on the counter. Next, you need to note the time and open the tap at full power, draining the water for exactly a minute. After this, you need to close the tap, and record the readings on the counter again. Then you need to subtract the primary indicators from the final indicators. The resulting number will help you choose the model you need for performance

If the obtained value is less than 10 liters, then it makes no sense to buy models with a capacity of 13-15 or more liters.If the house has old pipes in which the pressure is often reduced, then a model with a reduced threshold is necessary, otherwise, when the water pressure is reduced, the column will turn off.

Regulating water and gas supply

According to the method of controlling the temperature of the water, gas water heaters are divided into manual and automatic. Models with manual exposure are cheaper than those with automatic.

Manual regulation implies the presence of two valves on the body of the gas column. An increase in gas supply leads to more intense combustion and heating of water. If the increase in gas supply is not enough for optimal heating, it is possible to reduce the pressure of the water entering the column.

Manual column
The disadvantage of these models is the lack of modulation of the flame in the heating pad. With the simultaneous use of two points of water intake, the water temperature will change. This is uncomfortable, especially if at this time a person takes a bath

Models with electronic ignition keep the temperature set by the user. This is achieved by modulating the flame in the burner, depending on the pressure of the water used. The maximum deviation from the set temperature is in the range from 1 to 3 degrees Celsius.

It is very important that when the water is turned on, it runs smoothly, without sudden jumps. If the burner first heats up very much and then lowers the temperature, you will have to wait for the water temperature to normalize. This increases water consumption.

Guidance on the method of ignition of gas

Columns that are ignited by a piezoelectric element are more reliable than automatic analogs. Models with a piezoelectric element allow you to manually control the flow of gas to the column, unlike automatic igniters. In these models, it is possible to leave the flame on the ignition burner in normal mode.

This allows you to not re-ignite the column every time you use. The flame is maintained in the ignition burner and ignites the main heating element when the sensor detects the flow of water.

Piezo ignition button
The location of the ignition button differs in the columns of different manufacturers. In some models, in addition to pressing the button, you have to move the slider

Water heaters receiving a spark from a pilot light cannot be installed in rooms with high humidity. Condensation forms inside the plastic case with batteries. Over time, metal parts become damp and need to be completely replaced.

Battery compartment
The batteries themselves should preferably be changed as needed. With constant use of the device, the replacement frequency increases. Better to use high-quality batteries, they last for a year or more

The columns ignited by the hydrogenerator are noisy. They make a small whistle, reminiscent of the wind. In expensive models, this problem is solved by soundproofing the case. These water heaters are also included in conjunction with the opening of a hot tap. Visually, the hydrogenerator does not stand out, as it is installed in the body of the water heater.

According to the method of removal of combustion products

Flowing gas heaters require removal of combustion products. The safest way to remove carbon monoxide is a chimney with a pipe outlet to the street.

More powerful gas boiler modelthe wider the diameter of the chimney pipe. If a water heater is bought in the place of a failed device, then you need to measure the diameter of the conducted pipe so that there is no need to dismantle the old one.

On the Russian market you can find models of instantaneous gas water heaters without a chimney. Their placement in a confined space is dangerous to health. It is extremely undesirable to install them in rooms without ventilation holes in the walls.

In the bathroom, their installation is prohibited, as there is a risk of carbon monoxide poisoning. A distinctive feature of these models is low power. WITH column installation rules will familiarize us with the article recommended by us.

According to the method of oxygen supply

In budget models of geysers there is no bottom cover on the case, or there are ventilation holes on the device case.

Oxygen holes
The disadvantage of this device is the partial ingress of combustion waste into the apartment through these openings. In addition to carbon monoxide, propane can seep

In expensive models, another oxygen supply device is used. It is a pipe, which is removed from the column in its lower part. Additionally, the column housing is closed by the lower and upper lid, which prevents carbon dioxide from entering the apartment. The effect is achieved by convection.

How to determine the required power?

Low power water heaters (17-19 kW) are designed for systems with small water pressure and serving only one point of consumption. They are installed in houses with old pipes.

Low water pressure
It makes no sense to purchase a more powerful column if the system passes less than 10 liters of water per minute. This is a waste of money.

If the apartment has a good water pressure (10-14 liters per minute), then you can choose a gas column for two hot water supply points. Medium-power water heaters (20-24 kW) can react poorly when the pressure in the system decreases, if it is not enough to turn on the automatic gas ignition system.

High power geysers (28-31 kW) are not intended for apartments. They are used in private country houses. Some manufacturers produce modular columns specifically designed to operate as a single water heating system.

Top speaker ratings

All categories contain the three best models with similar characteristics. Rating of geysers, the most reliable in operation, is presented in the article. The information collected and systematized by us is based on the opinions of users.

Comparison of water heaters is based on three criteria:

  1. For one point of water supply.
  2. For two points of water supply.
  3. The original design.

In the rating of geysers, places are allocated as consumer properties deteriorate, according to user reviews.

The best speakers for one water point

This rating presents models with a price of up to 20 000 r. All models are equipped with a gas leakage protection function. In addition, they have a frost protection mode, which prevents damage to the device in case of prolonged absence of heating.

Low power unit - Mora Vega 10

The model has a small capacity and is designed for installation in the apartment. The heat exchanger is made of copper, with a sufficient wall thickness. European build quality guarantees a long service life.

Mora Vega 10
If a breakdown occurs, it is difficult to get spare parts, but they rarely occur. The device operates at a pressure of 0.20. The power of this model is 17.3 kW

Ignition is automatic from batteries. Adjustment of gas supply is carried out mechanically, until the desired temperature regime is obtained. The diameter of the chimney is 110 mm. The model is made in the Czech Republic.

Equipment for a small family Bosch W 10 KB

The water heater has a small capacity and is designed for installation in the apartment. The heat exchanger is made of copper, with a sufficient wall thickness.

Bosch W 10 KB
Recently, the company reduces the cost of production, which affects the quality of parts. The device operates at a pressure of 0.20. The power of this model is 17.4 kW

The ignition is automatic from the batteries. Adjustment of gas supply is carried out mechanically, until the desired temperature regime is obtained. The diameter of the chimney is 110 mm. The model is made in Portugal.

Undisputed Leader - Gorenje GWH 10 NNBW

This model has low power and is designed for installation in an apartment. The heat exchanger is made of copper, with a sufficient wall thickness.

Gorenje GWH 10 NNBW geyser selection
Recently, the company reduces the cost of production, which affects the quality of parts. The heat exchanger tubes have a small diameter, so it is necessary to install filtration at the water inlet to the column

The device operates at a pressure of 0.20. The power of this model is 20 kW. Ignition is automatic from batteries.Adjustment of the gas supply is carried out mechanically, until the desired temperature regime is obtained on the screen. The diameter of the chimney is 110 mm. The model is made in Portugal.

Best speakers for two water points

All presented models are in the price category up to 25 000 rubles, and also work perfectly on natural and liquefied gas. All water heaters are equipped with gas leakage protection. There is automation that turns off the gas supply when the device overheats.

About why else besides overheating column goes out and what should be done in this case, you will learn from our article.

Medium Power Equipment Mora Vega 13

This water heater has an average capacity and is designed for installation in apartments and private houses. It can work on liquefied gas. The heat exchanger is made of copper, with a sufficient wall thickness.

Geyser Mora Vega 13
European build quality guarantees a long service life. If a breakdown occurs, it is difficult to get spare parts, but they rarely occur. The device operates at a pressure of 0.30. The power of this model is 22.60 kW

Ignition occurs automatically, from batteries, but there are options with piezo ignition. Adjustment of gas supply is carried out mechanically, until the desired temperature regime is obtained. The diameter of the chimney is 113 mm. The model is made in the Czech Republic.

Budget Representative - Bosch WRD 13-2G

The water heater has an average power and is designed for installation in apartments and private houses. The heat exchanger is made of copper, with a sufficient wall thickness.

Bosch WRD 13-2G
Recently, the company reduces the cost of production, which affects the quality of parts. The model does not have a top and bottom cover. The device operates at a pressure of 0.35. The power of this model is 22.60 kW

Ignition is automatic, from batteries. Adjustment of gas supply is carried out mechanically, until the desired temperature regime is obtained. The diameter of the chimney is 113 mm. The model is made in Portugal.

Demanded option - Beretta Idrabagno Aqua 14i

This model has an average power and is designed for installation in apartments and private houses. The heat exchanger is made of copper, with a sufficient wall thickness.

Geyser Beretta Idrabagno Aqua 14i
A water filter is supplied. The device operates at a pressure of 0.20. The power of this model is 21.80 kW (+)

Ignition comes from batteries. Adjustment of gas supply is carried out mechanically, until the desired temperature regime is obtained. The diameter of the chimney is 113 mm. The model is made in Italy.

The most original design speakers

In addition to technical characteristics, consumers often choose equipment based on their appearance. It is important for customers how the device fits into the interior of the room where it is planned to be installed.

This list contains models with the most striking and memorable design.

Zanussi GWH 10 with interesting decor

This model has more than 10 types of front panel design, covered with a thin layer of glass. Regardless of design, all speakers have the same technical characteristics.

Zanussi GWH 10 gas column selection criteria
This is due to the low cost of the water heater. Warranty period is 2 years. The device operates at a pressure of 0.15. The power of this model is 18.5 kW. The water heater copes with providing one point of water intake

The heater burner is ignited by batteries. Adjustment of the gas supply is carried out mechanically, until the desired temperature regime is obtained on the screen. The diameter of the chimney is 110 mm. The manufacturer is located in Italy, and the assembly takes place in China.

Oasis 20 VG / OG / EG / MG / ZG

This model has 5 types of front panel design. Regardless of design, all speakers have the same technical characteristics. The heat exchanger is made of copper, but the wall thickness is small.

Oasis 20 VG in choosing a gas water heater
The water heater works for no more than three years and often breaks before the end of the warranty period. The device operates at a pressure of 0.15 and copes with providing one point of water intake. The power of this model is 20 kW

The heater burner is ignited by batteries.Adjustment of the gas supply is carried out mechanically, until the desired temperature regime is obtained on the screen. The diameter of the chimney is -110 mm. The manufacturer is located in Germany, and the assembly takes place in China.

Custom Design Atlan 1-10 LT

This model has 15 types of front panel design. Regardless of design, all speakers have the same technical characteristics. The heat exchanger is made of copper, but the wall thickness is small.

 Atlan 1-10 LT
The quality of the water heater is very poor. Its service life often does not exceed the warranty. The device operates at a pressure of 0.20. The power of this model is 20 kW and can cope with providing one point of water intake (+)

The heater burner is ignited by batteries. Adjustment of the gas supply is carried out mechanically, until the desired temperature regime is obtained on the screen. The diameter of the chimney is 110 mm. The manufacturer is located in China, assembly takes place there.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The video shows frequent breakdowns of gas water heaters:

What is the danger of self-installation of a gas column:

After the choice of a water heater is made, you need to order the installation in the manufacturer's service center. Only in this case is the warranty on the geyser valid. This practice applies to all major suppliers.

Saving on installation leads to waste for repairs, which you will have to pay for yourself. The column must be registered with the gas service, as once a year it should be inspected by specialists.

Tell us about how to choose a gas column, which criterion became decisive in the choice of equipment. Perhaps you have some useful advice for site visitors planning to buy a gas wall-mounted boiler? Please write comments in the block below.

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Visitors Comments
  1. Well, given that we live in a country where interruptions in electricity are possible, it is better to have a column with the possibility of manual ignition, and not with a piezoelectric element. Or, in addition to piezo-burning, there should be a manual mode. This will allow providing the house with heating and hot water in the event of a power outage, which often happens in winter when the lines are broken. But then it’s already worth choosing not only for money, but also for the fame of the manufacturer.

    • Expert
      Alexey Dedyulin

      Hello. Not always relevant. Again, if the water is autonomous, then in case of power outages, it will still be what kind of ignition the column has, there is too little water in the tank.

  2. We drove into a new apartment and were faced with the fact that the unit installed there before us practically could not cope with heating the water to the required temperature. The pressure is good, and barely lukewarm water enters the taps. Now I’m urgently studying what we prefer to choose a new column. I understand that it is worth calculating the power of the equipment by the number of points used simultaneously.

    • Expert
      Alexey Dedyulin

      Hello. Is the installed unit also a geyser? You wait to choose a new device, if possible, answer - a new apartment, does this mean a new building? That is, the device was not in operation? What brand of water heater? Was there a checkup?


