Electric storage boiler for heating water: criteria for choosing a water heater + rating of the best manufacturers
Accumulative water heaters (boilers) are a widespread type of household electrical appliances that allow homeowners to create a hot water system, regardless of whether they are connected to a central hot water supply.
A household electric storage boiler for heating water is used in the creation of engineering water supply systems in private houses and apartments. We will tell you how to choose the best model of equipment, tell you what you should pay attention to before buying. Let's get acquainted with the leading manufacturers in the segment.
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General information about storage boilers
An electric storage device is a hollow metal container equipped with electric water-heating elements (TENami) and additional devices that provide automation of the process of heating water and maintaining its temperature within user-specified limits.
The specificity of storage models is that they are constantly sources of warm (hot) water. It can be used immediately after opening the mixer tap, without waiting for the heating element to heat up, in contrast to another widely used class of water heaters - flow-through.

Convenience and stability of water temperature are not the only advantages of the models. They also serve as a reserve capacity in the event of a power outage. Detailed classification electric water heaters will submit an article that we recommend reading.
Types and principle of operation of drives
There are two types of electric boilers:
- Recessed - included in the water supply system existing in the house;
- Bulk - autonomous containers not connected to the water supply system. The user pours the required amount of water on his own.
95% of modern storage water heaters belong to the first the group. They allow you to fully automate the process of heating water and maintaining its volume in the tank without user intervention.

The place of installation of autonomous models can be baths, outbuildings, private houses, the water supply of which is carried out from water wells or wells
The built-in water heater is located near the existing water supply system and is connected to it by hoses (pipes). Depending on the shape and capacity, they can have a floor or wall design, located vertically or horizontally, depending on the characteristics of the room.

Some models provide for concealed installation in niches available in the bathroom, or under the sink.
After installation, water and electrical communications the water heater starts to work in automatic mode. It is enough to open the hot water tap so that heated water for domestic use immediately begins to flow. The volume of its receipt depends solely on the capacity of the water heater.
After the tank is completely empty, the drive enters the mode of water collection and heating. Therefore, his work cyclical, and breaks in readiness for the next use depend on the capacity of the tank and the power of the water heating elements.
Reasons for buying and installing a water heater
Before you go to the store for a purchase, you should evaluate the need installation of storage water heater in home.
This applies to residents of comfortable housing, which is inconvenient for the periodic shutdown of hot water in the summer:
- Firstly, it is necessary to calculate how long in total the apartment does not have hot water. Usually, repair work and prevention of water supply networks lasts no more than 1 month a year. Thus, the time during which you will use the water heater is just over 8% of the time of water consumption per year.
- Secondly, it is necessary to estimate the cost of heating 1 liter of water and maintaining a given temperature in the storage tank. The principle of operation of the boiler is such that, even at rest, it constantly consumes electricity to keep it hot.
- Thirdly, you should evaluate the amount of water that you spend while using the water heater.
The current consumption rate of hot water without a meter per person is 4.745 m3 per month. Based on this, it is easy to calculate what maximum volume of water will be heated for a certain number of days off the hot water supply, taking into account the number of family members.

These data are provided so as not to create the illusion that the continuity in the consumption of hot water will cost you no more than the cost of utility bills.
Like any "emergency" tool, a home boiler is very costly and notenergy efficient. Of course, we are talking only about those houses where there is a centralized hot water supply.
How to choose the right drive?
The main selection criterion is the volume of the water tank. The more users, the larger the water heater should be.

No less important is the location. If it is a bathroom, then all heated water will be consumed for hygiene needs.
If it is planned to place the water heater in the kitchen, it is better to first estimate the amount of consumption. Sometimes the cost of a water heater can be comparable to the cost of a dishwasher, which itself heats the water and does not require additional equipment.
The most energy efficient in this regard are boiler models that allow you to connect multiple points catchment in the bathroom and in the kitchen. Using the existing volume of hot water in this case can be done independently.
Next criterion choosing an electric boiler - performance. It directly depends on energy consumption, i.e. power TENOV.
The more powerful the elements, the faster the heating of the water. Powerful volumetric storage boilers are justified only if they are the only source of hot water in the room.

The pursuit of an expensive brand model is not always appropriate, since a short life does not affect the reliability of the equipment. Even an inexpensive Chinese boiler can last for many years without breakdowns if it is used only for a few days (weeks) during the year.
Consider the technical characteristics and features of the heating tanks, which are decisive when purchasing the unit as a constant source of hot water or reserve.
Material of the tank. Stainless steel is a durable material, not subject to corrosion. Used in models belonging to the highest price category. Enamel or ceramic sheet steel is used in the vast majority of models of the middle and lower price categories.
The presence of a magnesium anode. The magnesium anode is located inside the water tank and serves to reduce the formation of scale on the surface TENOV and the walls of the tank. In conditions of low quality tap water in most regions of Russia (the content in it, in addition to calcium salts and other impurities) is a very useful element,

You should pay attention to the presence of anodes in the shopping or service centers for the selected model.
Drain valve necessary for draining water during equipment downtime or for use in unheated rooms in which the temperature drops below 0 ° C. Otherwise, the tank or protective enamel surface may be damaged. due to expansion of frozen ice.
Availability of service hole. Conveniently located hole for cleaning the inner surface of the water tank is necessary to remove scale and dense sediment from the walls of the tank.
Water connection system. Most models are equipped with flexible hoses. In this case, there is always the possibility of their rupture and flooding of the room.

Pressure relief valve It guarantees the safety of the appliance during pressure fluctuations in the pipeline, protects the tank from damage during the expansion of water during heating.
Location of heating elements. Submersible TENY are located inside the water tank, therefore, their service life depends on the quality of the water. Require periodic cleaning and replacements due to corrosion. When calcium salts (scale) are deposited on them, the rate of heating the water in the tank is greatly reduced and energy consumption increases.
Automation system. With the same performance parameters, the cost of a storage boiler can significantly increase if it uses a large number of electronics:
- programmer;
- LCD display
- touch control;
- remote control.
For rarely used equipment, these additional amenities are not needed.
Tank inner cover. Most manufacturers of tanks with enamel (ceramic) coating advertise the use of multilayer enamels, attribute them increased anticorrosive properties or antibacterial activity. Some are even self-cleaning.
In any case, the inner surface of the tank needs periodic cleaning, regardless of how technologically advanced the coating is used.
Responsible Manufacturers Rating
Market storage water heaters saturated production as well-known European manufacturers with many years of experience in manufacturing complex electrical products, as well as models made in China or Russia.
According to reviews, the following brands are recognized as the best storage electric water heaters:
- Siemens
- Bosch;
- AEG4;
- Haier;
- Ariston;
- Zanussi;
- Elektrolux;
- Gorenje.
Some Chinese and Russian-made models use components of well-known brandsremoved from the main production, and technologies that developers have abandoned. This greatly affects the quality of equipment, its reliability and durability.

In addition, many Chinese-made products are few or no. not suitable for repair due to the lack of components and service centers.
If we analyze customer reviews and sales of drives of well-known brands, we can get the following rating.
1st place - Bosch
The most popular German brand of household appliances among Russian consumers, which has more than a century of history.

This allows you to choose among products Bosch the most suitable water heater option. At the same time, the price range can vary by an order, while maintaining the same quality and reliability.
2nd place - AEG
The brandhaving no less old production traditions. Products are characterized by the highest quality and an abundance of technological innovations that are not available to competitors.
Products Aeg not so popular among compatriots, since most of its products belong to the highest price category. The main production facilities are located in European countries, so the notorious "yellow" assembly does not threaten them.
3rd place - Ariston
Italian most popular among Russians the brandhaving extensive collection of accumulative boilers of the most diverse technical characteristics.

They have excellent value for money, suitable for repair. They have an extensive service network throughout the country.
4th place - Electrolux
Swedish the brandlong synonymous with reliability, quality and ergonomics.

The best choice for those who intend to use a storage boiler for everyday use with heavy loads. Models are characterized by restrained, somewhat “cold” design, emphasizing the Scandinavian equanimity.
5th place - Gorenje
Once very popular Yugoslav, now Slovenian the brand. It is among the ten largest manufacturers of household electrical appliances in the EU. Production is located in 20 countries on four continents.
In the water heaters of this brand the latest inventions are being implemented. Product quality and reliability are not inferior to German brands. The cost of water heaters is above average, but this is offset by reliable trouble-free operation with increased daily loads.
With guidelines for choosing an electric shower dragger and similarly acting appliance on tap will introduce articles, which we highly recommend reading.
Conclusions and useful video on the topic
In order to maximize the expectations of technology, it is necessary to take its choice seriously. Useful footage will help.
Video # 1. Details about the device and types of drives:
Video # 2. Tips from the professionals:
The purchase of a storage water heater is a great opportunity to provide the family with hot water even when the central hot water supply is turned off. However, before buying, you should make calculations in order to correctly determine the volume and power of the models. In case of difficulty, you can always ask for the help of sales consultants.
Want to talk about how you chose an electric boiler for installation in your house / apartment? Do you know the selection criteria that are worth sharing with site visitors? Please write comments in the block below, ask questions and post a photo on the topic of the article.
We often turn off hot water, we decided to buy a boiler for convenience. The volume was chosen at 80 liters, it is enough for us. In general, the thing is quite useful, but only for those who do not have hot water, or as we have constant interruptions. As for electricity, I will not say that it consumes a lot. When the equipment is not needed, then simply turn it off.
We don’t have hot water at all, so buying a boiler was absolutely necessary. Choose among several models. At the store, the seller praised Ariston. According to the characteristics, he came up to us best. Now installed and are not overjoyed. Hot water anytime. Of course, electricity consumption has increased, but the price is still less than the final payment for public utilities for hot water.