How to choose a bathroom faucet: a review of the types and rating of the best faucets

Amir Gumarov
Checked by a specialist: Amir Gumarov
Author: Ekaterina Shpak
Last update: March 2024

A comfortable bathroom is primarily a reliable and functional plumbing equipment. In the presence of breakdowns or leaks, all the beauty of designer tiles and fashionable interior solutions fades.

While repairing the bathroom, it is very important to figure out how to choose a faucet for the bathroom, because this device largely determines the quality of hygiene procedures. And how to choose the right one and what should be paid special attention to in this article.

We also give a classification of mixers by type of construction and type of material used for their manufacture. And consider the best manufacturers whose products meet quality standards and fully meet the declared characteristics.

Competent selection criteria

Saving on the acquisition of such an important device is definitely not worth it. “Managing water” should be simple, pleasant and safe.

The range of faucets in stores amazes with its variety - from the usual "classic" designs to exclusive high-tech devices. Dozens of firms, hundreds of models.

And making a choice is certainly not easy. Especially considering the fact that the quality of the lion's share of products leaves much to be desired.

How not to make a mistake? It is necessary to carefully study the design and functionality of various types of devices, the materials from which they are made, installation methods. And clearly understand that there will be no “candy” for the ruble: a solid, durable device always has a decent price.

It’s good to immediately decide on a manufacturer you trust. Look at reviews, look for important information in trusted sources. When it comes to daily use of equipment, comfort is just as important as reliability.

Buying a mixer from an unknown company is sometimes a significant savings, but the quality of such a device often does not meet the expectations of the buyer and the promises of the manufacturer.

High prices for sanitary ware of popular brands are determined not only by a “payment for reputation”. The numbers in the price tag are also affected by the fact that many well-known companies collaborate with eminent designers to create aesthetic and ergonomic products, and many models of mixers are really unique.

Types of bathroom faucets
The warranty for faucets of proven European companies is usually 5 years. And such devices will serve for at least 10 years

In addition, companies can use special technologies and their own patented coatings, many times superior in quality to conventional materials.

It is worth noting that any "eminent" manufacturer always has a number of models from the budget price segment. This equipment is of good quality, but in a modest performance and with a minimum of pleasant bonuses.

Quality Chinese Faucets
Chinese-made devices sold on the domestic market often have fake certificates, low-quality parts, and are covered by hazardous compounds. To purchase such products in order to save money is impractical

The devices you like should definitely have a full-time “test drive”: touch, twist. This will help to intuitively feel "your" unit.

The main varieties of bathroom faucets

Depending on the design features of the device, there are:

  • two-valve;
  • single lever;
  • thermostatic;
  • non-contact;
  • with cascading spout (waterfalls).

All types of modern bathroom faucets are quite reliable and safe. When choosing products from trusted manufacturers, you can simply trust your taste.

Mixer with aerator
To reduce water consumption, look for faucets with an aerator. This is a special nozzle on the tip of the jib, mixing air into the stream

View # 1 - two-valve version of the device

The two-valve mixers have the simplest, “traditional” design. The temperature and intensity of the water flow in them are regulated by rotating the valves - hot and cold.

Such devices are reasonably priced and fit perfectly into any style of interior. And the bathrooms in the classic or country style are simply impossible without a faucet "in the old manner."

Water supply and shut-off devices (faucet-boxes) in two-valve units can be threaded or cermet.

The main drawback of the first type axle box is the quick wear of the rubber locking pad, the appearance of a characteristic rattling hum during the operation of the mixer, and the occurrence of leaks. The problem is easily solved by replacing the gasket, but this has to be done quite often.

In addition, the control of a device with a threaded locking mechanism does not differ in particular convenience; you always have to make several turns of the valve; sometimes you need to “play” with the water temperature for a long time, which does not contribute at all to saving resources.

More durable and convenient are faucets equipped with cermet crane boxes. These structural components demonstrate high resistance to changes in temperature and chemical composition of water, but are afraid of chemical inclusions.

The angle of rotation of the handle of units with ceramic valves is 90 or 180 degrees, which allows more efficient and comfortable manipulation of the water flow.

View # 2 - single lever mixer

The most popular and demanded in the modern market of sanitary equipment are single-lever models of mixers.

Such devices are controlled with a single handle. The strength of the flow is set by its up-down movement, rotation to the left-right (or to yourself-away from you) allows you to adjust the temperature of the water. It is very comfortable; You can turn on the water literally with one finger.

Faucets with a lever instead of valves are of two types: with a ceramic cartridge and a ball valve. Their reliability and service life in the presence of filters on the supply pipes are approximately the same, so you can safely choose any. The main thing is that the lever has a smooth ride.

Single lever mixers are the most frequent choice of rational customers who prefer reliable equipment for a reasonable price.

Ceramic cartridge mixer
The single-lever mixer with a ceramic cartridge is sensitive to the quality of tap water. To protect it from premature failure, it is necessary to install a mechanical cleaning filter on the supply pipe

We have another article on our site, which is considered in more detail. single lever mixer, as well as a ranking of the best brands.

View # 3 - valves with thermostat

Thermostatic faucets are state-of-the-art equipment that maintains a given water temperature throughout the adoption of hygiene procedures. They prevent sudden changes in pressure and temperature.

Such units immediately respond to any changes in the incoming tap water and adjust the mixing proportions.

In the process of soaping, you can safely turn off the water, without worrying about what temperature flow will fall upon you after turning it on - a “smart device” will give you water of the same temperature.

Thermostatic mixer
The thermostatic faucet can significantly save on payment for water. Thanks to this, he quickly pays for his value and begins to work for you in the “plus”

Thermostatic faucets ensure absolute bathing safety, eliminating the risk of scalding. In a house where there are young children, this is especially important. In addition, the devices are very convenient to use and save water.

In more detail, the device of the mixer with the thermostat, the features of its selection and installation, we examined in these articles:

View # 4 - electronic mixer

It is not at all difficult to distinguish an electronic mixer from a mechanical one - it does not have the usual valves or levers. Water pours itself, you only need to bring your hands to the device. This is due to a special sensor (sensor) located under the spout.

It is impossible to “forget to close the water” with such a mixer: the unit will automatically stop the water supply if you even move away from the bathtub or sink for a short while.

Since the sensor is an electrical device, it needs power.

Depending on the mixer model, power is provided:

  • batteries
  • 220 V network (via adapter);
  • battery and generator (driven by water flow).

Contactless units also differ in operating modes and the ability to configure certain options independently, for example, set the device’s operating time after switching on. Some models combine an electronic and a conventional mixer.

Contactless basin mixer
Contactless faucets provide absolute hygiene of water procedures. This is a modern, durable equipment that is in great demand today.

In recent years, contactless devices with jet illumination have gained immense popularity. The backlight can be either one-color or vary depending on the temperature of the water stream (for example, hot - red, warm - pink, cold - blue).

The choice in favor of such a bathroom faucet is usually made by adherents of progressive solutions in the interior, ready to fork out.

View # 5 - Cascade Faucets

The key difference between cascade mixers from all others is a special form of spout. A wider and flatter crane without an aerator creates a beautiful, even flow, similar to a small waterfall.

Devices are also characterized by increased throughput provided by thicker liner pipes. The rest of the device cascade models similar to conventional mixers. Most often, these units are equipped with conventional and hydromassage baths.

Waterfall faucets have a wide design potential and are very effective. Many models look completely unlike plumbing devices - they are disguised as a shelf on a wall, a plate on a metal leg, etc.

Want a waterfall faucet in your bathroom? We recommend that you familiarize yourself with features of the cascade mixer, its pros and cons, as well as the best manufacturers.

Cascade bath mixer
Cascading bathtub and sink faucets have an unrivaled appearance. Famous designers are working on the creation of many models.

It is worth remembering that the rapid flow from the tap is an expensive pleasure in terms of paying water bills.Two times more water flows out of a cascade device per unit of time than from any other.

Purpose of the main types of mixers

A bathroom usually involves the presence of several plumbing fixtures for different purposes. What models of faucets is better to choose in the bathroom? Depends on your current needs and capabilities, as well as the layout of the room.

Depending on the purpose, the following types of devices are distinguished:

  • universal (combined);
  • for the sink;
  • for Bath;
  • For shower;
  • for bidet.

The design of wall-mounted universal mixers is familiar to everyone. A distinctive feature of the models is a long swivel spout that allows you to use the device for both the bath and the sink.

A hand shower is connected to the body of the units, there is a water switch. In a word, "classic".

The widespread use of universal mixers is due to the cost-effectiveness of such a solution: one unit is always cheaper than two or three, and water must be supplied to only one point.

But, unfortunately, “3 in 1” devices are not very convenient in operation. Because of them, the bathtub and the sink have to be placed almost flush, the spout often barely reaches the side of the washbasin, thereby making it difficult to wash hands.

The equipment also does not differ in reliability: constant turns of the “jib” provoke leaks, in especially sad situations the crane may even fall off.

Not only a 3-in-1 mixer, but any other one can break. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the most frequent breakdowns and ways to eliminate them.

It is worth noting that many Western manufacturers of plumbing refused to produce faucets of a combined type or reduced their number in their assortment to a minimum. This is a morally obsolete option. It is more practical and wise to purchase separate models of mixers for different purposes.

More convenient and popular among buyers bath faucets with shower. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the criteria for their selection.

Lead pipes to the mixer
The vast majority of mixers can be mounted with any type of inlet. Eyeliner can be stiff and flexible. The second is used more often.

The choice of device for the sink should be made taking into account the number of holes in the plumbing fixture. Single lever mixers require one, sometimes two holes (the spout can be mounted separately from the control lever).

Two-valve models need one (a single body) or three "holes" (for a "jib" and cranes).

Bowl sinks, in which there are no special openings, are ideally combined with table taps. Installation of such units is carried out in the countertop. From on-board devices, desktop models are distinguished by a higher body and a long spout.

You can also buy a wall-mounted faucet for a “fashionable” sink, but only if you have taken care of the hidden piping in advance - it is unreasonable to hammer a wall for this purpose.

Ready to fork out for the original design? Then you should pay attention to floor-mounted faucets for the sink. The devices look very aesthetically pleasing and create a harmonious tandem with absolutely any washbasin.

More detailed recommendations for choosing a faucet for the sink in the bathroom we have given in this article.

As for the bathtub, wall-mounted faucets remain the best choice for it. The ratio of their quality, design and price is most optimal.

On-board devices are also in great demand. You can install this design on any bathtub; in the absence of the necessary holes, you can make them yourself. We recommend that you read the installation instructions mixer on board bath.

For freestanding bathtubs, floor-standing appliances are often chosen, which are a column with a spout and a hand shower.

Floor-mounted bath mixer
Floor-mounted bath or sink faucets are time-consuming to install.This is due to the fact that the supply of cold and hot water has to be laid directly in the floor

Faucets designed for showers do not have the usual spout: water is supplied to them only through a shower head. Installation of such devices is usually wall-mounted. There are also many models for hidden installation.

Applicable materials and their features

The durability and quality of the mixer largely depends on what material it is made of.

For the production of plumbing fixtures, mainly used:

  • stainless steel;
  • brass;
  • bronze;
  • silumin;
  • plastic;
  • ceramics.

The best bathroom faucets are considered to be stainless steel devices. They are durable, reliable, aesthetic, have a moderate cost. Brass and bronze appliances are beautiful in every way, but quite expensive.

Silumin mixers are an extremely affordable option. Unfortunately, the price is their only plus. The appearance of such devices quickly deteriorates, a variety of breakdowns occur. A silumin crane is unlikely to last longer than 2-3 years.

Ceramic models of faucets attract customers with a variety of designs and interesting shapes. But they are fragile, but they cost a lot.

Bathroom faucet
Modern taps are a stylish and functional decoration of the bathroom. Their aesthetics and ergonomics complement each other perfectly

Popular equipment manufacturers

The most modern, high-quality and reliable are faucets of European brands. Made on the best equipment using advanced technologies, they are able to serve “faithfully” for many years.

German company leads the rating of manufacturers of bathroom faucets Grohe. The company's products are of high quality, ergonomics, thoughtful design.

Years of experience in the market and special attention to consumer interests allows Grohe to create exemplary devices without exaggeration. The company has received many awards and is the absolute leader in sales in the field of sanitary equipment.

Among other European and world manufacturers it is worth highlighting:

  • Hansgrohe (Germany);
  • Kraus (USA);
  • Geberit (Switzerland);
  • Teka (Spain);
  • Oras (Finland);
  • Damixa (Denmark);
  • Fima (Italy);
  • Herbeau (France).

Mixers of these firms fully comply with international quality standards and are characterized by consumers exclusively on the positive side.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Useful recommendations for choosing plumbing fixtures, an overview of the features of various designs:

Overview of the cascade spout

Most modern faucets are made in a minimalist style - no extra elements, clear lines, chrome finish. That allows you to easily implement them in any interior. For connoisseurs of exclusivity, there are retro, classic and even “glamorous” devices. The choice is huge.

The most important thing before buying a mixer is to clearly determine the list of necessary technical characteristics. All other parameters are a matter of taste and aesthetic preferences..

You did not find in our article the answer to your question on choosing a suitable mixer? Ask this question in the comments section - we will try to help you.

Or have you already bought and installed a new mixer? What type of device did you choose and which manufacturer did you prefer? Send a photo of your new faucet and share your impressions of the use - your experience will be useful to many people who are just looking for a faucet.

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Visitors Comments
  1. Kirill

    For more than 10 years, single-lever mixers from a well-known Bulgarian company have been standing in the kitchen and in the bathroom. They cost, of course, a little expensive, but for so many years the amount spent has long been justified. Based on the material, it’s more profitable to take a stainless steel, again it will stand a bunch of years. Pottery looks great, but it breaks too easily, it's a pity. For me, the main thing in plumbing is reliability, not a beautiful picture.

  2. Pavel

    For many years now I have had faucets of a well-known European company in my house. They are expensive, but justify themselves. Do not save on plumbing, then there will be less headache.


