Ceramic sink for the kitchen: types, manufacturers overview + what to look at when choosing
It is difficult to imagine a modern kitchen without a capacious sink designed for washing dishes. A plumbing device connected to the sewerage and water supply can be made of a variety of materials: stainless steel, artificial or natural stone.
One of the best options is a ceramic sink for the kitchen, which we will discuss in detail in our article. We will introduce the criteria that determine the choice of plumbing. We list the market leading offers and manufacturers that have earned a reputation as reliable suppliers.
The content of the article:
The difference between sinks and sinks in the bathroom
First of all, we will find out how the kitchen device differs from the capacity used in the bathroom sink. Although these products are similar in appearance, they have completely different purposes. The first is used for washing dishes, and often some types of products, the second - for washing and brushing teeth.
Application features have left their mark on the design features of these types of plumbing. A large number of dishes are placed in the kitchen bowl, including large items, such as pots, baking dishes, pans. Therefore, it is usually deeper than bathroom sink.
An important factor is the comfort of use. To ensure convenience when washing dishes, various additions can be made to the design of the device: additional compartments, drying spaces, cutting surfaces.

Types and features of ceramic sinks
By ceramics we mean materials made on the basis of kaolin, refractory or other types of clay, into which sand, feldspar or other additives are added.
Stages of ceramic production
The recipe and technology may vary slightly, but in general, the following procedure is used to manufacture products:
- First of all, raw materials are prepared, which are cleaned of impurities and sifted for particle uniformity.
- All components are mixed, strictly following the recipe, then poured into the mold; by pressing, the formation of the crock is carried out.
- The process is completed by multistage firing, which is carried out in several stages with a certain exposure time at various temperatures.
In modern conditions, coloring pigments are usually added to the composition in preparation for firing. Some companies specializing in exclusive products carry out decoration and painting upon completion of firing.
Features of different types of ceramics
All products belonging to the ceramic group can be made of the following materials:
- faience;
- china;
- porcelain tile.
Earthenware plumbing is quite in demand due to the budget cost, although its performance is inferior to porcelain due to the greater water absorption.

Since faience has a porous structure, it is able to absorb odors, moisture and dirt, and eventually become covered with small cracks. To overcome these shortcomings helps a special glaze, a thin layer of which is coated with the product.
Porcelain bowls have much better characteristics, the porosity and water resistance of which is 9-12% lower than that of faience. They are much more expensive, but are more durable. In addition, due to the impeccably smooth glossy surface, porcelain has an attractive appearance.

Ceramic products also include porcelain stoneware sinks. For the manufacture of this material, a filler is introduced into the mixture of clay and sand - granite chips. The products have excellent performance: increased resistance to mechanical stress, low coefficient of water resistance, low porosity.
Advantages and disadvantages of ceramic sinks
Combinations of positive qualities owe their popularity to ceramic kitchen sinks.
These include:
- Great lookthat persists over time.
- Reliability and the long period of operation. With the exclusion of mechanical stresses, they can serve for decades.
- Environmental friendliness. For the manufacture of products, natural materials are used that do not have harmful fumes even when exposed to high temperatures. Ceramics can be allowed to come into contact with food without fear.
- Resistance to moisture and chemicals. Sinks perfectly tolerate long-term exposure to water, regardless of its hardness. They also are resistant to all kinds of household chemicals, if the latter do not include abrasive substances.
- No deposits on the walls. Thanks to its perfectly smooth surface, even minimal pieces of food do not linger on the walls.
- Noiselessness. Ceramics suppress sounds well and do not resonate, so that even with a functioning mixer, almost no sound is heard.
For greater protection against moisture, a special coating is applied to the surface of the bowl, thanks to which water flows down the walls, and does not accumulate on them.

At the same time, sinks have a number of disadvantages. First of all, this is a high density of the material: even compact sinks are heavy enough, which makes them difficult to transport.
Products of this type are difficult to install. For quality washing installations better invite plumbers. Ceramics are fragile, so all products from it should be protected from mechanical influences.
The most fragile material is earthenware, porcelain and porcelain stoneware are slightly higher. Due to the nature of the production process, a wide edging often passes along the perimeter of a round or rectangular sink of a standard design.
It is better to give preference to the option with hidden installation: in this case, the strip will be located below the countertop, which will hide it from view. Introduces the rules and steps for installing a sink built into the countertop next article, the contents of which we advise you to read.
Product Selection Factors
To choose a convenient and aesthetic option, it is important to pay attention to many factors, including shape, depth, size, color and many others.
Two washing options
First of all, you should decide on the type of sink that will be installed in the kitchen.
All such devices are divided into two categories:
- mortise;
- waybills.
The first option is mounted directly into the hole made in the countertop. Especially often, this design is used if the kitchen has an elongated common working area. Depending on the specific model of a sink of this type, it is possible to install both under the countertop and at its level.

Overhead products are simply placed as a cover on a special cabinet, replacing the countertop. Surface wash option great if separate modules are used as kitchen furniture.
This option is cheaper than mortise, but significantly loses to him in terms of aesthetics.
Bowl shape
Ceramic containers can have both standard and most bizarre shapes. True, original interpretations are inherent in products made to special orders, where designers can realize the most daring fantasies.
The classic options are round, square and rectangular, somewhat less common are oval and triangular containers.

For angular structures, both standard and special versions can be used, including several compartments. Such devices are ideal for small spaces, as they allow you to fill in an empty corner and save space. In addition, they have a spectacular appearance.
Ceramic sinks with compartments
A sink with one container is easy to clean, but not very convenient if you have to carry out several types of work at the same time, for example, washing dishes and defrosting food.

For the comfort of users, many manufacturers have launched the production of sinks with several bowls.Particularly popular are the so-called one and a half options, which includes a large dishwashing bowl and a compact compartment, which is convenient to use for defrosting or for other purposes.
Another popular modification is the sink, which has two large bowls and one miniature located between them.
Size and depth of capacity
The choice of sink parameters depends not only on personal preferences, but also on the size of the room. In a miniature room, a large sink with several compartments is unlikely to be appropriate. Although it is certainly very convenient, it will look better in a spacious kitchen.

An important parameter is the depth of the bowl. If it is too small, it is unlikely that a lot of dishes will fit there, and drops of water will be sprayed onto the surrounding area.
The shells are not too comfortable and too deep: in this case, the hostess has to bend down constantly, which can cause painful sensations. According to experts, the most comfortable operation is provided by bowls with a depth of 14.5-18 cm.
When choosing, you must also take into account the distance between the rear and front wall of the ceramic container. It should not be more than the depth of the cabinet or other furniture, on which the installation of the sink is supposed.
Color and wash design
In specialized outlets you can find ceramic products made in a variety of colors. In addition to traditional white sinks, models in beige and black have gained popularity. For special orders, exclusive products with paintings or ornaments are executed.

Classic white kitchen sink options are suitable for almost any style. Especially well they combine with the interiors of retro, country, high-tech. Streamlined models look good in avant-garde style rooms, and options with paintings and ornaments in ethnically decorated spaces.
Additional sink elements
For the convenience of users, a number of models provide specially connected platforms that can be used for warehousing clean dishes, cutting products or other purposes.

Two types of similar designs are distinguished:
- sink with “wings” - the additional platform is a single unit with the sink;
- device with a “beach” - one or two parts are connected to the bowl with fasteners.
In various versions of kitchen sinks, additional places can have either a flat or ribbed surface.
Top Ceramic Manufacturers
As in other similar cases, it is better to give preference to the goods of reputable firms. In order to verify the quality of the products, it is advisable to ask the seller to provide a certificate and discuss the warranty period.
Ceramic products for the kitchen are produced by relatively few manufacturers. Among the companies that have proven themselves, we’ll name several brands.
SystemCeram: a young concern with a long tradition
A German company manufacturing cast ceramic products was founded in 1928. At the beginning of this century, the company, which changed the owner, underwent major structural changes.
The new owner has relied on the development of high-tech industries, expanding the range of manufactured products.The catalogs now include a wide range of various products, including laboratory glassware made of porcelain.

A wide selection of ceramic sinks is available, which are available in medium batches or custom-made. The company's models are traditionally of high German quality, they have a well-thought-out design, which provides additional compartments, "wings", dryers.
Diverse assortment company Blanco
Ceramic sinks of the German brand Blanko are widely represented in the profile market, which are characterized by a combination of excellent quality and aesthetic appearance. Founded in 1925, the company specializes in the production of kitchen and medical equipment: the catalogs contain accessories, faucets and sinks made of various types of materials.
Products with excellent performance are available in a wide range of sizes and colors - from rich black to pale blue and pearl white.

A complete set for installing equipment is included in the kit for the sink, including safety tap and flexible eyeliner, as well as instructions for all assembly instructions. Blanco products come in a wide price range, they are practical and easy to maintain: regular regular easy cleaning with ordinary detergents is enough.
Swiss quality from Franke
One of the leading manufacturers of kitchen sinks is Franke AG, which has 80 enterprises located in 40 countries of the world, including Russia.
The company began operations in 1911. For a long time she specialized only in the manufacture of metal products, but in recent years has significantly expanded the range.
Now, under this brand, a large number of products are produced, primarily kitchen equipment: hobs, cooker hoods, accessories, faucets, dishwashers, coffee machines, refrigerators.

All sorts of sinks, which are made of different types of material, including the Fraceram ceramic mixture, which is resistant to mechanical stress and resistant to stains, also occupy a significant place in the catalogs.
The advantages include a wide range, which covers models of various shapes, dimensions, designs. Products with originally designed surfaces, such as bowls with a microdecor, are presented.
Particularly popular are deep containers with a small internal slope, due to which spraying can be almost completely avoided.
Budget option from IKEA
In the catalog of a well-known Swedish company, you can find ceramic sinks at a reasonable price, although only concise white models are available to the Russian buyer. Nevertheless, in terms of the ratio of practicality, quality, capacity and price, this is a very attractive option, especially given the guarantee for 25 years.

The IKEA surface sink is perfect for decorating a Provence or Country kitchen, however, please note that the thickness of the countertop in this case should exceed 3.8 cm. The mortise modification has modest dimensions and the optimum bowl depth is 18.3 cm. This option will be appropriate in a room decorated in any style.
A pleasant surprise from the manufacturer: a cutting board made of solid wood and a steel colander are free of charge attached to the sink.
Longran: English traditions
The Longran brand produces sinks, accessories and household appliances, which are distinguished by high working qualities, functionality and a stylish design. Excellent product characteristics are confirmed by international certificates.

Longran sinks are available in different colors, but white and glossy black products, which contrast nicely with chrome-plated faucets and accessories, are especially popular.
Ceramic products are unpretentious in operation and resistant to damage thanks to a special coating that prevents the formation of spots, scratches, chips.
Conclusions and useful video on the topic
The video below details the various types of sinks, their advantages and disadvantages:
In the video, you can see various models of ceramic sinks from the famous manufacturer Blanco:
Ceramic sinks are characterized by long-term reliable service. Subject to operating rules, they will retain their qualities and appearance for decades.
When choosing a product for the kitchen, it is important to pay attention to both the technical qualities and the aesthetic advantages of the model. In this case, it is imperative to take into account how much it will correspond to the size and stylistic features of the room.
Do you want to tell how you chose a ceramic sink for arranging the kitchen space? Have a desire to share model selection guidelines and purchase photographs? Please leave comments and photos in the block below, ask questions, share useful information.
Ceramic sinks have long and stubbornly replaced stainless steel sinks. It is understandable. They are more practical, more durable, look more solid, but their cost is higher. We set up a black porcelain sink in the kitchen, Franke. I am delighted with her. But the neighbor's faience, put 2 years ago and now she is in very poor condition. You can’t save on quality, it’s better to save up money and buy a worthy thing.
They put a sink from earthenware and, apparently, due to poor-quality water and the lack of a filter, it quickly lost its original appearance. Washing it was unrealistic. I had to change to porcelain and put a water purifier. Therefore, the issue of savings when buying a faience sink is very controversial, I would not advise anyone to install it with our pure water.