Air washing or humidifier - which is better to choose? Comparative overview of devices for humidification of air
City dwellers are faced with the need for hydration and air purification in the apartment. The problem becomes more acute during the heating season. During this period, plastic windows are tightly closed and do not allow air from the street. At the same time, the heating system helps to dry everything around. As a result, there is a feeling of sore throat, chronic fatigue, drowsiness, and the number of allergic attacks increases.
But the engineers have developed an effective solution to the problem of dry air in the room - a household device for humidifying the air. However, the variety of climatic devices of many is perplexing, is not it?
In order to determine which air wash or humidifier is best for you, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the principle of operation of one or another type of climate technology. We also recommend that you take a closer look at the functional capabilities, the complexity of the operation of the service - we examined all these issues in detail in our publication, supplementing the material with thematic photos and useful videos.
The content of the article:
When is a device for humidification of air needed?
In winter, heating appliances are used, starting from radiators of a centralized heating system and ending with electric heaters, thermal curtains, and other devices to maintain a comfortable temperature in the apartment.
Closed sashes of plastic windows provide tightness, reliably protect the premises from heat leakage. From the street, not only the incoming air flow, but also noise does not enter the apartment. In such conditions, residents have to breathe over-dried air.
In summer, the situation is no better - radiators are replaced by round-the-clock air conditioners. Windows and doors are again reliably closed for protection against dust, heat.It is logical that such conditions do not contribute to ensuring a high air circulation rate.
An excellent option for residential premises, in this case, are household appliances for humidification. They provide an acceptable humidity level, high-quality air purification.

The following reasons made us think about acquiring climate technology:
- Decreased performance. It has already been proven that a prolonged stay in rooms with low humidity leads to a decrease in working capacity, chronic fatigue, and migraines. The skin becomes dry, rough, rashes appear.
- The occurrence of problems with the mucous membrane of the eyes. Constant work at the computer, the use of a monitor of more than 55% of daylight hours leads to headaches, disruption of the correct functioning of the visual apparatus, and the appearance of the red-eye effect, provoked by dry mucous membranes.
- Increased dust formation. Dry air contains more dust because it does not settle on surfaces, but constantly flies. Because of this, the likelihood of allergic reactions, asthmatic attacks, various pathologies associated with diseases of the lungs and other respiratory organs increases sharply.
- Decrease in protective properties of an organism due to overdried air, which leads to an increase in the number of colds.
By the way, workers in some specialties are officially at risk. Among them are employees of archives, librarians, accountants, laboratory assistants, workers of other specialties who have been in closed rooms for a long time. If humidifiers or sinks are installed in their workrooms / rooms, then it is much easier for such specialists to breathe.

Thanks to the use of modern household appliances, it is easy to change the indoor air quality and reduce the negative health effects of overdried air.
The use of multifunctional climate technology provides:
- good hydrationpurification of air masses in the room;
- constant air circulationwhose speed is as close to natural as possible;
- comfortable atmosphere in the apartment.
In the autumn-winter period, the street is very humid. It seems that the room, too, but it is not. With a humidity of 80% on the street, in the room, this figure can be as little as 20%. To measure the actual level of humidity in a house or apartment, you can use various moisture meters.

When the dilemma arises, what to choose - a compact humidifier or a high-performance air washing, it is important to understand how each of the devices works and what advantages it provides to users.
Features of the operation of air washing
The household appliance is designed to remove suspended particles from the air. In addition to dust, the device retains microbes, removes unpleasant odors, moisturizes the air. When washing, the air undergoes thorough processing inside the device, then it is fed into the room.
Pros of using a sink:
- Air flows are cleaned by recirculation, which eliminates a sharp increase in humidity.
- With an increase in the power of the device, the noise level in the room does not increase.
- The device does not use ultrasound; water heating is not required.
- Internal elements have an antibacterial coating, which provides additional disinfection.
- In the process, air flows are qualitatively cleaned not only of dust, but also of allergens, including plant pollen.
- During operation, moisturizing and cleansing are combined. Thanks to this principle of action, suspended particles get wet, become heavier, sink to the bottom. The user receives perfectly clean air at no extra cost.
The sink did not do without cons. The device has a fairly large size. When working in the day mode, the noise of the fans is clearly audible, and the night mode does not always provide for the ability to turn off the display. The cost of washing is quite high.

In addition to the above, a sink is a rather complicated device that needs care. Moreover, it is unpretentious to water, does not require the purchase of consumables.
Subtleties of using humidifiers
When choosing a climate equipment for the home, it is important to familiarize yourself with features of operation of humidifiers. These devices are distinguished by a wider model range, the principle of operation.
Regardless of the design features, all humidifiers have several advantages:
- the temperature in the room does not affect the quality of the humidifier;
- high speed humidification;
- safe operation, which provides a moderate amount of steam entering the room;
- environmental friendliness - under the influence of temperature (steam humidifiers) harmful microorganisms, viruses die;
- affordable cost;
- lack of white coating on surfaces, including upholstered furniture, curtains.
The disadvantages of using humidifiers include a limited radius of action, the need to move the device to evenly moisten the entire room. To get a noticeable effect, you must position humidifier in close proximity to the place of work or rest.

In addition, if you are using a simple model without a built-in hygrometer, you will need to keep the humidity level under constant control.
To finally make a choice, it is worth comparing the characteristics of the sink and humidifier according to the main criteria.
The main differences between washing and humidifier
When choosing between a humidifier and a sink, it is important to compare their basic operating parameters. And also, before buying a particular model, you should read the reviews of those who already use it. This will help to eliminate the likelihood of inefficient spending of the family budget.
Criterion # 1 - the principle of operation of devices
Climatic equipment intended for air washing uses the principle of hydrofiltration or has a drum design of thin evaporator plates in the form of disks.
In a drum wash, dry air flows are drawn into the sink body using a fan. In the process of moving through a system of disks, washing with water is carried out. After the procedure, moistened, clean air is blown by the fan into the room. And during hydrofiltration, air cleaning occurs when passing through an air-dispersed reduction zone.
A significant advantage of the system is that air gains moisture in a natural way, therefore, waterlogging of the room is completely excluded.

Humidifiers provide the desired level of moisture by heating water, due to the presence of electrodes immersed in water, or exposure to ultrasound. During the operation of the humidifier, the user can additionally receive an aromatherapy session.
In addition, in steam humidifiers, air is treated with steam, destroying harmful organisms. Some models are equipped with replaceable filters that provide air purification.
Humidifiers according to the principle of work are divided into three types:
- traditional model works due to natural evaporation;
- steam model uses water heating to generate steam;
- ultrasound model breaks water into tiny particles, blows out wet dust with a fan.
Depending on the principle of operation, the operational characteristics of the device change.

Unlike a sink in which air itself collects the necessary amount of moisture, a humidifier evaporates it. This leads to the risk of waterlogging, so when choosing a device it is important to pay attention to the presence of a hydrostat, which will measure the level of humidity. The controller will pause the work, and resume it after the humidity drops.
Criterion # 2 - functional climate technology
The sink provides an even distribution of moist air throughout the room. Processing the entire volume of the room takes no more than 3 hours. After this time, the user receives clean and moderately moistened air in the room.
The functionality of the sinks includes:
- Several control options - the user can choose manual control over the operation of the device, electronic type of control. Also, a number of models have the ability to select the desired program using the touch screen. The most functional is the last option. The sensor looks stylish, but often breaks.
- Maximum service areawhich the sink is designed for. It depends on the power of a particular model. Experts recommend stopping on devices whose power is 15-20% higher than necessary.
- Water tank volume - the larger the tank, the larger the dimensions of the sink, the longer the duration of operation without refueling. Devices with a capacity of 7 liters are considered the best option.
- Programs - the user can select the day, night mode of operation.
Some models are equipped with aroma compartments.

Humidifiers also have wide functionality, but the design features of individual models make it possible to solve a number of other problems.
Among which:
- The presence of a special stand provides the ability to spray moisture 360 °.
- When the water level is below the permissible value, the sensor lights up. Also, the indicator light will tell you about the need appliance cleaning.
- If the humidifier falls or it runs out of water, it will automatically turn off.
- As an additional feature, the models are equipped with an ionizer. Many humidifier models have a capsule for flavoring.
- The ability to select the operating mode allows to reduce the intensity of humidification, turn off the light indication.
- The locking system will not allow the improperly assembled humidifier to turn on. It will work with the cover ajar.
For a day, the sink consumes about 16 liters of water. All this moisture is released into the room.
The amount of water that will evaporate during operation of the humidifier depends on the settings.
Recommendations for choosing equipment
Considering what is better to choose - a sink or a household humidifier, it is worth listening to the recommendations of professionals.
Devices differ from each other by features of work, a set of functionality, cost.

When choosing a climate technology, it is worth deciding on personal needs, desired functions, noise level.
When purchasing a sink or humidifier, it makes sense to take into account a number of useful recommendations:
- When choosing a washing model, you should not expect that the humidity will be uniform in several rooms. However, when installing a powerful device in the corridor or hall, the results of its impact will be felt in adjacent rooms.
- When choosing a humidifier, a serious advantage when buying will be the presence of ionization. In sinks, such a function is almost never found.
- When purchasing humidifiers, users often consider it as a mobile device that will be used in one or the other room. It is important to consider that long-term operation of equipment in one room creates an imbalance. It consists in the waterlogging of one room and the excessive dryness of another.
- When buying HVAC equipment, it is important to consider the complexity of care. In this regard, sinks occupy a leading position, since they require constant control of the amount of liquid, cleaning the plates. The ease of care for the humidifier varies by model.
When choosing between a sink and a humidifier, it is important to consider various criteria.
Professionals recommend washing because it provides natural moisture, even distribution of air in the room.
Conclusions and useful video on the topic
When choosing a sink or humidifier, it is important to decide on the necessary dimensions of the equipment, the necessary functionality. The videos below will tell you what it is, what to choose.
The roller describes in detail all the features of air washing, contains recommendations for selection, care features:
The famous pediatrician, Dr. Komarovsky in the next video talks about the correct choice of a humidifier:
Professionals working with climate technology will talk about what to choose - an air wash or a humidifier:
Having considered the features of work and familiarized with the capabilities of washing the air and humidifier, it is easy to make a choice in favor of one or the other device, choose an option that matches the budget, personal preferences. But it should be remembered that it is important not only to choose the type of device correctly, but also to use it correctly, as well as to perform timely maintenance - clean plaque, scale, mold and change filters if they are provided for in the design of the device.
If you have already made your choice, share your impressions of using your device to humidify the air in the comment block. Tell us if your expectations were met after the purchase. If you are only considering various options and you still have questions, feel free to ask them - our experts and other visitors to the site will try to help you.