Overview of the Ballu BSVP-07HN1 split system: microclimate normalization without overpayments

Alexey Dedyulin
Checked by a specialist: Alexey Dedyulin
Author: Lyudmila Gudkova
Last update: August 2024

The international concern Ballu specializes in the production of HVAC equipment. The assortment includes a variety of brands of devices designed for installation in residential buildings, industrial spaces, retail space, office buildings.

One of the company's offers is the Ballu BSVP-07HN1 split system, designed for a compact room. The unit is popular with customers due to the optimal ratio of price and quality.

Expert rating:
/ 100
  • Low price
  • Good performance
  • Ease of Management
  • 5 fan speeds
  • No auto cleaning mode
  • Loose fit of the indoor unit to the wall
  • Short power cable
  • Low temperature range for heating

More details about the technical characteristics of the model, the specifics of its operation will be discussed in our review.

Main technical parameters

The device in question is included in the line Vision vision, in which, in addition to Ballu BSVP-07HN1, four more wall devices are presented. Characteristic features of this series can be considered the minimum noise level and the most gentle energy consumption. Models differ in performance, therefore, in terms of serviced area.

Vision Pro Models
Devices that are part of the Vision PRO line, including Ballu BSVP-07HN1, have an identical design in the form of snow-white elongated rectangles with rounded corners. They are designed to maintain temperature in areas from 20 to 56 square meters

The performance of the device in question is 7000 VTU, so the device can be used for high-quality heating or cooling a space of 21 square meters. Average prices for air conditioning vary between 15-16 thousand, although the shares can be purchased much cheaper.

Design Features and Design

Like other models in this category, a split system consists of two parts:

  • outdoor unit size 620x550x232 mm and weight 24 kg, which is attached to the window;
  • wall mounted indoor modulehaving dimensions of 728x285x205 mm and a weight of 7.5 kg.

In the external device is a compressor, heat exchanger, motor and other parts. In the indoor unit responsible for the circulation of air around the room, there are horizontal and vertical blinds. There is also a display on which the main indicators are displayed.

The unit designed for indoor installation is made of good quality plastic. Thanks to the neutral white color and traditional design, the device is in perfect harmony with the interior of the room, regardless of its style.

Air circulation in the model
Thanks to two types of blinds, air from the system can move in four directions, which can be changed at the request of the user

The external and internal parts of the system are interconnected by a trunk route, the length of which is 15 meters. It includes a drainage hose, electrical cables, a copper pipe with refrigerant, in this case R410A.

The package includes a wireless device that allows you to set and change the operating conditions of the air conditioner at a distance. For ease of use in the dark, the remote control buttons are highlighted, and the switching of modes is accompanied by a sound signal.

This makes it possible to control the management process. Thanks to the temperature sensor that is available on the device, it can be used as a room thermometer.

The main tasks performed using the remote control:

  • turning on the device in one of the prescribed modes;
  • setting the desired temperature in increments of 1.0 ° C;
  • adjustment of the speed of rotation of the ventilation blades;
  • transformation of the angles of the blinds in different planes;
  • setting a timer that automatically turns on / off the device;
  • change in direction of air mass flows;
  • Inclusion of additional functions - SLEEP, ECO.

Signals from the remote control are sent to the receiver of the indoor unit, where the main functional indicators are displayed on the LCD screen.

Remote control model
Signals from a remote device are fed at a distance of no more than 7 meters. There should not be massive objects or other obstacles in their way.

Basic equipment specifications

According to the energy efficiency scale, the Ballu BSVP-07HN1 device belongs to class A, consuming 0.609-0.637 kW per hour of operation. It should be noted that this indicator is influenced by such factors as the placement of the apartment on the south or north side, the number of people in the room, the presence of working electrical appliances in the room.

Here are the main technical characteristics of the model:

  • cooling power - 2.05 kW;
  • heating power - 2.2 kW;
  • maximum air flow - 7.83 cubic meters. m / min;
  • degree of protection of parts against moisture / dust: IPX0 (internal) / IP24 (external);
  • restrictions on work in the winter season: -7 ºС.

The model has a low noise level: the internal module is only 19 dB, the external - 50.

A set of useful features

The device in question has wide functionality. It has five operating modes:

  • auto mode - Auto;
  • cooling - Cool;
  • heating - Heat;
  • ventilation - Fan;
  • drying - Dry.

Auto modeoriented to standard parameters that are set automatically. As a rule, this is the most comfortable temperature for a person - 22-23 ° C. Options Cool and Heat provide for an increase / decrease in air temperature in a confined space in the range of 16 - 30 ° C.

Function Fan provides space ventilation with a choice of five high-speed fan modes, it is also possible to control the directions of air flow. Drying Option -Dryallows you to remove excess moisture, which is displayed outside in the form of condensate.

The principle of operation of the split system
The model uses the traditional on-off circuit. The air conditioner compressor alternates between periods of operation and rest, so that the temperature is brought to the value set by the user

In addition to the main parameters, the Ballu BSVP07HN1 model has a number of additional options that significantly expand the capabilities of the air conditioner.

These include:

  • Intensive mode - Turbo, allowing in a short time to cool the room. This function is especially in demand during the summer heat.
  • Sleep Mode - Sleep. Self-control by the device of air temperature, at which the temperature value recommended for human sleep is automatically set. The option allows you to reduce electricity costs and create a comfortable microclimate.
  • Eco Mode - Eco. Using this function allows you to quickly reduce the temperature by 2 degrees from the set value when heating, or increase by the same when cooling. This setting helps reduce energy costs.

In addition, the device has a timer that makes it possible to set the system on / off time for a 24-hour period. It is also possible to control air flows by changing the position of the plates of vertical and horizontal blinds. To implement this option, use the remote control buttons Swing and Swing2.

Another feature of the model can be considered the presence of a high-density filter - High density, allowing to catch even tiny particles of dust dispersed in the air. A useful option is also ice protection, which includes automatic defrosting. After defrosting, the system resumes operation again.

Removing the wash filter
For the correct operation of the device, regular cleaning of the filters is necessary. You can do this for the Ballu model very easily. It is enough to remove the part and rinse it in running water

Ease of use is also provided by the function of saving settings, so that they do not need to be set again in the event of a power outage. The possibility of self-diagnosis is also provided, which allows you to identify a malfunction of the device and quickly correct the deficiency.

We also recommend that you read our other article, where we talked in detail about how to independently conduct cleaning split system.

Owner reviews

Model Ballu BSVP07HN1 earned a high user rating. Almost unanimously, the owners of this split system give her maximum points.

Among the advantages, the following are most often listed:

  • reliability;
  • good performance;
  • ease of use;
  • intuitive settings;
  • affordable price;
  • comfortable remote control;
  • high-quality materials of which the device is made;
  • moderate electricity consumption;
  • accuracy of maintaining specified parameters.

Almost all reviews mention the low-noise operation of the unit, as well as the absence of serious damage. Another important plus, users consider a three-year manufacturer’s warranty.

Complaints to the model are expressed quite rarely. The disadvantages of the air conditioner include the lack of fasteners in the set, which should be purchased separately, however, this can be done without much difficulty.

Ballu model in the interior
Traditionally, the indoor unit is located under the ceiling of the room, but it can also be installed in other places, for example, closer to the floor

According to users, the device would not hurt the auto-cleaning function, as well as the ability to control from a smartphone. However, such options are almost never found in budget models. Some owners also note a slight crack of the plastic case when the heating mode is turned on, although this minus does not lead to any consequences.

Comparison with competitive models

Consider a series of wall-mounted air conditioners included in the price range of 16-20 thousand rubles, which could compete with the device from Ballu.

Competitor # 1 - Aeronik ASI / ASO-07HS4

Wall-mounted system, which is designed to maintain a microclimate in a room of 20 m2. The weight of the internal module is 8 kg. This is slightly larger than the Ballu model in question. The external mass is 22 kg, which is slightly less than the hero of our review.The average cost of the device is 16.2 thousand rubles.

The device has a heating / cooling, ventilation / drying mode, a night mode, a timer, anti-icing protection, air flow control, and a function for storing settings.

The main characteristics include:

  • cooling power - 2.25 kW;
  • heating power - 2.35 kW;
  • air flow rate - 7 m3/with;
  • restrictions on work in the winter season - up to 7 ° C;
  • noise level - 26-40 dB.

As you can see, the main characteristics of this model coincides with the device in question. She loses the latter in terms of such indicators as noise during operation of the equipment. In addition, Aeronics does not provide a fine filter, which can also be considered a serious minus.

Competitor # 2 - Hyundai H-AR2-07H-UI016

Korean brand air conditioner, used to maintain a comfortable microclimate in a living area of ​​20 m2. The device is somewhat more compact and lighter than the Ballu system in question.

The mass of the Hyundai indoor unit is 7.5 kg, while the mass of the external module is 22 kg. The cost of the model in stores varies between 16-17 thousand rubles.

In addition to heating / cooling, the device provides ventilation and drying modes, as well as auto and night mode. There is the possibility of self-diagnosis, the function of storing settings, a timer, remote control, anti-ice system.

Among the main characteristics you can specify:

  • cooling power - 2.3 kW;
  • heating power - 2.39 kW;
  • air flow rate - 7 m3/with;
  • restrictions on work in the winter season - up to -7 ° С;
  • noise level - 31-40 dB.

The advantages of this model include the presence of an ionizer, which positively affects the microclimate in the room. There is also a “warm start” function, due to which, in heating mode, fresh air begins to flow into the room after the set temperature is reached.

Nevertheless, even taking into account these positive aspects, the device of the Hyundai brand loses a little to the similar Ballu device in terms of noise and popularity among buyers.

Competitor # 3 - Toshiba RAS-07U2KHS-EE / RAS-07U2AHS-EE

Climatic device designed to service an area of ​​20 square meters. The internal block of this device, weighing 7.2 kg, is slightly lighter than the Balu model under consideration, but the external module weighs slightly more - 24 kg. The price level for the Toshiba device is slightly higher, and is approximately 20 thousand rubles.

The system provides the usual functions: heating, drying, cooling, ventilation. There are auto and night modes, ice cleaning, a timer, a remote control, the function of remembering settings, the ability to regulate air flow, self-diagnosis.

Among the main specifications are:

  • cooling power - 2.2 kW;
  • heating power - 2.3 kW;
  • air flow rate - 7.03 m3/with;
  • restrictions on work in the winter season - up to -7 ° С;
  • noise at work - 27-36 dB.

The advantage of this model can be considered increased, compared with Ballu, the length of communications, equal to 20 meters. At the same time, like previous devices, the model has lower power and noise levels.

As you can see, Ballu BSVP-07HN1 confidently defeats its competitors in the most important indicators ensuring comfortable operation.

Conclusions and the best deals on the market

The Ballu BSVP-07HN1 device deserves the attention of customers choosing a climate system for a small room. By the ratio of cost and quality, the device can be safely called one of the best options presented on the core market.

Judging by user reviews, the model is notable for high-quality assembly, reliable operation, thoughtful design, wide functionality, as well as attractive design.

If you are the owner of such a split system, please share your impressions of its use, tell us if you are satisfied with its work? Write your comments, ask questions, share your experience in the block below.

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Visitors Comments
  1. Maxim

    Last year I installed Ballu air conditioning for myself, I was attracted by the cost. Now this brand is not very popular, so the price of their air conditioners is quite adequate. The compressor is Toshibov’s, but now everyone is doing in China. So why overpay. Everything suits me, cools the room quickly. The main thing is to take air conditioning according to its area. If it is seven, then it cools to 21 squares.

  2. Installer Roman

    Good day! Yes, quite an interesting review of the new line of air conditioners. But let's not forget that this model is assembled at the TCL factory. So, to compare with the Aeronik, assembled at the Gree factory, well, completely incorrect. Particularly struck by the courage of the author, who decided to compare with such a manufacturer as Toshiba. Let's be honest - the direct competitor is rather the models assembled at the same factory or at the auх factory.

    You only need to see ballu vision Pro live to understand the difference in the quality of plastic of the Ballu indoor unit and the models listed by the author.

    Of course, 5 speeds, fan modes are an interesting move, but will it effectively cool at the first and second speeds if the dimensions of the indoor unit are very reduced? If you need 5 speeds - I advise you to look at Hisense.

    • Expert
      Alexey Dedyulin

      Good afternoon! It can be seen that you understand the conditioners. You are a little wrong in relating the ability to cool with the speed of a fan. These are two completely different functions.

      Even with the fan turned off completely, the air in the room will cool because the fan is not responsible for cooling. In this case, cold air will mix with warm due to natural circulation. It’s just that the flow will not be so intense.

      By the way, from my own experience I know that the most comfortable fan speeds are low. At high speeds, the room will have real wind, which is not at all comfortable. Only the power of the air conditioner and the current settings are responsible for the “strength” of cooling.


