Overview of the Ballu BSLI 12HN1 split system: an excellent solution for a typical odnushka

Alexey Dedyulin
Checked by a specialist: Alexey Dedyulin
Author: Oksana Chubukina
Last update: August 2024

The Russian-Chinese company Ballu specializes in the development, production of HVAC equipment. The brand has a wide selection of domestic air conditioners at a relatively affordable price. Among them is the Ballu BSLI 12HN1 split system for 35 square meters. m

What is remarkable about the domestic split system of the Chinese brand? What are its strengths and weaknesses? A peer review will help answer these questions.

Expert rating:
/ 100
  • Inverter technology
  • Good power
  • Attractive sleek design
  • 3 year warranty
  • 2-way drainage outlet
  • Quiet operation of the indoor unit
  • No air ionization
  • Remote control without backlight

Before deciding to purchase, you should study the technical parameters of the unit, compare them with the operating conditions and personal preferences. Comparison with similar models will complement the Ballu BSLI 12HN1 split review.

Device and model characteristics

Ballu supplies the market with mobile devices, multi-complexes, column and conventional split systems. Among household units won special popularity inverter units. The BSLI 12HN1 model also applies to these.

Air conditioner design features

The split system is characterized by traditional performance. The delivery set consists of two modules, a control panel and instructions. The indoor unit is made in a minimalist style and fits perfectly into any interior.

Indoor unit
The main working units of the unit: fan, evaporator, air intake and exhaust grille, air filter, temperature sensor

There is an informative display on the front cover. The control panel shows the operating parameters of the air conditioner and the microclimate in the room.

The block displays:

  • air temperature;
  • start indicator;
  • timer operation;
  • night mode activation;
  • compressor operation.

There is also a receiver for the signal from the remote control.

Outdoor unit
In the outdoor unit of the split is the "heart" of the system - the compressor responsible for the compression, circulation of refrigerant. There is also a heat exchanger and fan.

Ballu BSLI 12HN1 belongs to the ECO Edge DC-Inverter line of inverter climate technology. The outdoor module of such split systems is additionally equipped with an electronic power board that regulates the operation of the device.

The control unit of the inverter unit is aimed at changing the normal frequency of the network, adjusting the speed of the compressor motor and its performance.

Inverter technology
This principle of action “evens out” the operation of the air conditioner, does not bring the unit to peak loads. When the desired temperature is reached, the split does not stop cooling, but only reduces performance

Inverter technology reduces energy consumption, lowers noise, minimizes peak loads, which are undesirable both for the equipment itself and for the mains.

Technical and operational parameters

The model is designed for room maintenance in 32-35 square meters. m., BTU split of the Ballu BSLI 12HN1 system is 11.5, which corresponds to a cooling capacity of 3200 watts. The air conditioner works in two directions - cooling and heating the house.

In addition to the power characteristics, it is worth noting other operating parameters:

  • maximum air flow - 9.67 kum. m / min .;
  • power consumption - class A;
  • dust and water tightness - IPX4 class;
  • average power consumption - 0.99 kW;
  • the error in setting the temperature is not more than 1 ° C;
  • the length of the line is 15 m, the height difference between the modules is 5 m;
  • sound pressure in the house - 26 dB, on the street - 52 dB;
  • the minimum permissible operating temperature for the outdoor module is -10 ° С;
  • the weight of the outdoor / indoor unit is 24.2 kg / 7.9 kg, respectively.

Module requires horizontal installation, 220 V network connection. Air conditioning control is wireless.

Remote Control
Sensors are built into the remote control. Thanks to them, a “smart” technique monitors the location of a person and adjusts the temperature near the user

The remote control transmits a signal about the microclimate parameters every three minutes. If the notification is interrupted, then the split system begins to focus on the sensors built into the internal module.

The air conditioner is equipped with an air dense High Density filter, which ensures the purification of outgoing air flows from chemical odors, bacteria, harmful substances, and animal hair.

Operating modes and additional functionality

The manufacturer laid in Ballu BSLI 12HN1 a good set of options. Basic modes of operation of the unit:

  • heating - setting the temperature parameters manually, the maximum value is 32 ° C;
  • cooling - the boundary indicator is 18 ° C;
  • drainage - the split system absorbs moisture from the air, converts it to condensate and takes it to the street, while the temperature in the house decreases.

The air conditioner has an automatic mode. The unit independently corrects the microclimate without human intervention.

Wall mounted air conditioner
For example, at a temperature in the apartment above 26 ° C, the air conditioner will automatically cool the air to 22-23 ° C. In the cold season - the house will warm up to 22 ° C

For more comfortable use of the equipment, the following functionality is provided:

  1. The air conditioner switches to intensive work and cools the room to 18 ° C in a matter of minutes. This mode is characterized by maximum power consumption and increased noise.
  2. The mode is provided for a comfortable sleep. Noise is reduced as much as possible, fan rotation rate, electricity consumption is reduced.
  3. Maintaining the set temperature near the user. It is understood that the remote control is located next to a person.
  4. Timer. You can select the time when the device turns on or off. Range of values ​​within 24 hours.
  5. Climate control. The device maintains the set temperature. If necessary, the split system itself switches between cooling and heating.

BSLI 12HN1 has an automatic restart. In the event of a power outage, the unit saves the previously entered settings and resumes operation after restoring the power supply.

Air conditioning damper
The user can select the position of the shutter. There is also a Swing option - swinging horizontal blinds to evenly distribute airflow throughout the room

The BSLI 12HN1 also has a few more practical features that make unit maintenance easier. Among them:

  1. Self cleaning. After the split is turned off, the blinds on the indoor unit close, but the fan runs for another 10 minutes, drying the heat exchanger.
  2. Defrosting. The function helps to get rid of snow, ice crust on the outdoor module in a timely manner. The unit activates internal heating and quickly fixes the problem. Timely defrosting increases the stability of the split.
  3. Self-diagnosis. If a malfunction occurs, the system determines the nature of the failure and displays the corresponding signal on the display.

The unit belongs to the average price segment of air conditioners, but at the same time it is equipped with all useful options and practical modes.

Strengths and weaknesses of the device

Significant advantages of split are the merit of inverter technology. The BSLI 12HN1 is characterized by infinitely variable power control, precise temperature control and energy-saving consumption.

Thanks to the compressor, the use of high-quality materials and the special configuration of the air turbine, it was possible to achieve a quiet run. In night mode, the unit works almost silently.

Indoor Air Conditioner Module
The indoor module is made of high quality UV-resistant plastic. The surface of the block does not attract dust, maintains the whiteness of color and is easy to clean

The advantages of the unit include:

  • modern design;
  • the ability to withdraw drainage from two sides - the air conditioner can be installed in different places;
  • protection of electronics and compressor against power failure;
  • anticorrosive coating protects the heat exchanger - the resource of the working element is tripled.

The ECO Edge DC-Inverter line uses R410A freon. Chladogen is recognized as more effective and ozone safe.

Of the technical flaws, the absence of some functions can be noted. There is no ventilation mode, the “smart eye” option to determine the presence of people in the room, control via Wi-Fi and the backlight buttons on the remote control.

User reviews about the split system

Most buyers appreciated the BSLI 12HN1. The unit is praised for its versatility, the compliance of operating parameters with the declared characteristics.

Air conditioner application
The power of the air conditioner is enough for a room of 30-34 square meters. m, or two small adjacent rooms with open doors

Such a module is suitable for a standard one-room apartment. For spacious rooms facing the sunny side, it is better to choose a more powerful unit.

Defects identified by users:

  • there is noise from the street block - it is better to place the module on vibration-damping supports;
  • short power cable - 1.5 m;
  • The noise of the indoor unit is noticeable when the compressor starts.

Some consumers note a lack of air ionization options, insufficiently informative instructions.

Owners of split systems will definitely have to face their cleaning. Read how to perform this procedure yourself. Further.

Comparison with similar units

When deciding to purchase equipment, it is advisable to compare the parameters of the selected sample with the nearest competitors. For evaluation, we take air conditioners of other companies with similar performance and approximate order of prices.

Competitor 1 - LG P12EP

Household split-system of the South Korean brand, designed for a room up to 35 square meters. m. Specifications practically do not differ from the Ballu model. Of the advantages of the LG unit, we can distinguish the most silent stroke (19 dB indoor unit), double airflow filtration.

However, P12EP cannot be used for heating in frosts above -5 ° C, while the boundary value of Ballu is -10 ° C.

Users note good cooling capacity, but the noise effect indicated by the manufacturer is doubtful.

Competitor 2 - Sacata SIE-35SGC / SOE-35VGC

Wall-mounted household air conditioner inverter type. Recommended range - up to 35 square meters. mThe split system generates an air flow of 8.67 cubic meters. m / min, the power indicator is 3.5-3.8 kW, depending on the operating mode.

When comparing with Ballu, Sacata's split is leading in such parameters:

  • there is an anion generation function;
  • permissible length of the line - 25 m;
  • operation of the device is possible at temperatures up to -15 ° C.

Sacata SIE-35SGC costs a bit more expensive than Ballu air conditioning. The model is very popular among consumers, as evidenced by many positive reviews. In its price segment, the unit is considered one of the best.

Competitor 3 - Aeronik ASI / ASO-12IL3

High-tech offer at a relatively affordable price. Air conditioning performance is enough to service 35 square meters. m

At the same time, the unit from Aeronik has a number of competitive advantages:

  • energy efficiency - class A +;
  • length of communications - 20 m;
  • the presence of a motion sensor to determine the presence of people and automatically adjust the operating mode;
  • the minimum allowable operating temperature reaches -15 ° C;
  • the ability to remotely control the split via Wi-Fi.

In other parameters and functionality, the Aeronik air conditioner is not inferior to Ballu. Reviews confirm its performance, practicality, ease of use.

Conclusions and the best deals on the market

Among the inverter split systems serving rooms in 32-35 square meters. m, the BSLI 12HN1 unit is one of the most affordable. Its performance corresponds to the declared characteristics, and a set of options is enough for comfortable use.

If you want to slightly expand the functionality, you can choose a model more expensive. Among the worthy and budget offers are devices from Sacata and Aeronik.

Choosing an inexpensive inverter split system for the home? Or have experience using a Ballu BSLI 12HN1 air conditioner? Share it with visitors to our site, tell us if you are satisfied with the operation of the device? Leave your comments, ask questions in the block below.

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Visitors Comments
  1. Valery

    Ballu - good air conditioning does. We bought a dvenashka with a margin in the hall, chose an inverter, because the wiring in the house is rather weak. We were afraid of a current surge at the time of starting, the engine was powerful. And indeed, the start is smooth. It makes a moderate noise, though it is not audible outside the plastic window. Very pleased with the heating mode. Before turning on the heating, the temperature in the apartment will drop significantly, everyone gets sick, and everything is damp. Here you can even turn on the heating in a minus.


