Biomio tablets for dishwashers: customer reviews, pros and cons, rules for use

Evgenia Kravchenko
Checked by a specialist: Evgenia Kravchenko
Author: Diana Smolkina
Last update: June 2024

Choosing a good detergent for a dishwasher is not an easy and expensive task. The gentle composition leaves food residues and stains on the dishes, and too aggressive ingredients damage the health and spoil the machine.

However, Bio Mio tablets for dishwashers, according to the manufacturer, are completely devoid of these shortcomings and are an ideal choice for a busy housewife. Let's check whether this is so by comparing advertising statements with real reviews. Also, consider the composition of this tabletted product and compare Bio Mio with tablets of the most popular manufacturers.

General properties of the tablet composition

The main advantage of tablets in comparison with powder or gel is a convenient form of release. They already have everything you need to thoroughly wash kitchen utensils from the main types of pollution.

Today it’s no wonder to see 3-in-1, 5-in-1 or even all-in-one multifunction tablets that are placed in a special compartment just before the machine starts - immediately after loading utensils.

Bio Mio Pills
The Russian manufacturer promises that its tool performs 7 functions at the same time, so adding any additional components to improve the result is not required

So, the young Russian company Splat, which produces BioMio tablets, claims that their action provides a comprehensive effect in 7 directions at once.


  • elimination of pollution, including persistent ones such as grease, burn and colorants;
  • rinse aid and prevention of stains on dried dishes;
  • gloss glass, porcelain and metal surfaces;
  • plaque warning and extending the life of the dishwasher;
  • odor neutralization and refreshment of the working chamber;
  • the convenience of use due to the water-soluble packaging of each tablet;
  • safety of use for the health of households and the absence of harm to the environment.

The tablets have a standard size and easily fit in the appropriate compartment of the dishwasher. In one package they contain 30 pieces, which are enough just for a month, if the dishes are washed every day.

Appearance of tablets
The packaging is made of thick cardboard, which is easy to soak, so its contents should be immediately transferred to a plastic container

It is convenient to store tablets in a cardboard box, but it is made of biodegradable material, and it does not close tightly, so you must protect it and its contents from moisture.

Video presentation of a tablet with environmental benefits:

Comparing product prices with a similar action

It must be thought that due to the expanded functionality and use of natural ingredients, the product is more expensive than Russian and some foreign brands that also position themselves as eco-friendly.

However, daily use of Biomio tablets intended for dishwashers is more economical than the products of recognized European plants like Ecover or Sodasan.

Name of tablets and origin of the brand

The average price for 1 pc., Rub.

Features of production and use

Eared Nannies All-in-1,

Nevskaya Cosmetics (Russia)


They require the removal of a protective film and the addition of salt when washing dishes in hard water. They do not smell, do not contain chlorine and are suitable for washing children's dishes from 3 years.
Babyline for the whole family, Babyline (Germany)


Contains anti-scale salt and a rinse to give shine. Recommended for washing dishes of young children from 1 month. Country of origin - Russia.
BioMio with essential oil of eucalyptus 7 in 1, Splat (Russia)


The protective packaging is water soluble. The product does not contain aggressive surfactants, sodium salts of SLS and SLeS, EDTA, chlorine, artificial flavors. Tablets are made in Denmark.
Finish Powerball All in 1, Reckitt Benckiser Group (United Kingdom)


The product is phosphate-free, exhibits antibacterial properties, suitable for use at low temperatures and in short cycles. The tablet does not need to be deployed.
Sodasan for the dishwasher, Sodasan (Germany)


The composition does not contain such harmful additives as chlorine, phosphates and artificial perfumes. If heavily soiled, use 2 tablets.

Ecover 3 in 1,

ECOVER Belgium N.V. (Belgium)


Each tablet has an individual packaging that needs to be removed. The addition of special salt and rinse aid is not required. It is allowed to use both a whole tablet and half.

As can be seen from the table, Russian-made tablets are more expensive than similar products without eco-labeling, but cheaper than foreign analogues (for example, Finish), so that they can be safely attributed to the middle price segment.

The fact that this tool, like its more eminent and dear brothers, is environmentally friendly, is indicated by the corresponding labeling. It confirms the existence of the certificate "Leaf of Life" - so far the only system of voluntary environmental certification in the territory of the Russian Federation, which is recognized by the World Organization for Eco-Labeling GEN.

Eco labeling on a pack
Bio Mio household chemicals passed voluntary certification under the Life Leaf program, which provides for laboratory testing of products, an audit of the production process, and annual re-examination

At the same time, it is known that GEN certifiers pay more attention to its effectiveness when evaluating a product, and the list of prohibited ingredients in this program is not as strict as, for example, in EcoGarantie or Ecocert.

So to determine whether it is worth overpaying for safe pills of imported origin or stop at a domestic product, you can find out if you analyze the composition of the latter.

Exploring the harmlessness of ingredients

In order for the tablets to cope with persistent contaminants, the following substances must be present in them, as in any detergent:

  • Surface active compounds or detergents. Contribute to the rapid separation of dirt from the surface.
  • Phosphates They create an alkaline environment in which protein contaminants break down into peptides and amino acids, and thereby enhance the action of surfactants.
  • Oxygen-containing bleach. In addition to the direct function, it is necessary for the disinfection of utensils.
  • Aromatic components. Provides a pleasant smell to the washed dishes and inside the dishwasher.

The harmlessness of the tablets is determined by the level of aggressiveness of certain components in relation to the human body and / or environment.

There are specific studies indicating that anionic detergents, phosphates, chlorine-containing substances and artificial flavors are toxic, so in developed countries their content is limited to 5%.

Composition of BioMio tablets
How flawless is the composition of nature conservation can be judged by recalling some classes from the school course of chemistry and biology

A composition that claims to be environmentally friendly should completely exclude the above substances, so manufacturers replace them with safer ones. Let's see how the Russian company coped with this task.

We suggest studying what is indicated in the composition of the tablets for the Biomio dishwasher, and what properties the substances used are.

Connection Name

The amount specified by the manufacturer,%


Oxygen whitening agent


In water, it decomposes into soda ash and oxygen. Oxygen fights stains of plant origin and disinfects, and soda regulates the pH level of water and reduces the activity of calcium and magnesium ions, which increases the effectiveness of the product.


They are a low-toxic alternative to phosphates with a similar effect - water softening and desorption of contaminants.
Nonionic surfactants

Not specified

The active component of the detergent, which, "sticking" to the mud deposits, crushes them and contributes to trouble-free removal. Unlike anionic surfactants, it does not irritate the skin and mucous membranes of the body, and does not accumulate in wastewater.
Natural fragrance from eucalyptus essential oil

Not specified

A smelling substance used to give the contents of a dishwasher a fresh smell. Allergy sufferers not recommended.

Not specified

Enzymes that can accelerate the process of splitting proteins and fats millions of times, turning them into soluble compounds that are easily removed from the surface.

Not specified

It is a natural flavoring, disinfectant and preservative.

Could it be confusing to have any of these ingredients in a product that the manufacturer advertises as environmentally friendly? Yes and no. Indeed, in the table there are no substances with proven toxicity and prohibited by other countries for use in detergents.

However, it is not clear which oxygen bleaching agent is used - percarbonate, perborate or sodium perphosphate? These salts are considered harmless to humans, but, according to some reports, sodium perborate has a detrimental effect on plants that can come into contact with it after it enters the environment. Agree, this effect is poorly associated with the product from the eco-line.

Green composition
At first glance, the composition is impeccable and really has every right to the title of safe, but some points still raise doubts

Questions also arise about the number and origin of nonionic surfactants and enzymes. In addition, allergy sufferers and people with a delicate sense of smell may not like the presence in tablets of BioMio of essential oil of eucalyptus, known for its pronounced aroma. But, probably, this is already nit-picking, and judging by the reviews that belong to real consumers, the tool has every right to exist.

Annoyed by the scent of Bio Mio, and its price seems to you overpriced? In this case, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with homemade pill recipes for the dishwasher.

Feedback from customers about eco-tablets

And now we will study the reviews of those who for some time used Bio Mio tablets and managed to form an opinion about them.

It must be admitted that the majority of consumers (more than 65%, judging by the samples of several recommendation sites) recognize the quality of the product as high. So, almost 80% of the respondents are satisfied with the effect and ease of use, as well as low consumption and low toxicity of the product. However, there were some shortcomings.

Plaque after using tablets
According to some reviews, white stains often remain on utensils, especially on non-stick glasses and pans, indicating that the dishes are rinsed poorly

Positive points of application

We offer you to study the list of advantages that real buyers of tablets indicate:

  • biodegradable composition, as close as possible to harmless to humans;
  • the presence of a water-soluble shell - do not get dirty and do not smell hands;
  • the opportunity to purchase the product at a favorable promotional price;
  • effective odor control inside the machine;
  • lack of extraneous chemical aromas on the washed dishes;
  • profitability of use - the tablet is easily cut in half and even by a quarter;
  • high-quality cleaning of kitchen utensils, including pans and pans;
  • no negative effects on stainless steel cookware.

As you can see, a lot of advantages have been noticed in Russian eco-tablets.

Perfectly clean dishes
Most of the responses claim that with Bio Mio tablets the dishes are washed to a shine, and the need to wash them after turning off the dishwasher manually never arises

Valid Cons

In the column on shortcomings, many users indicate the high cost of tablets in the absence of stocks, however, they recognize that it is still small for an environmentally friendly product and in comparison with foreign analogues.

There are complaints for other reasons:

  • overestimated number of areas of impact - buyers believe that 7-in-1 is more about advertising promises;
  • the facility still does not cope with heavily soiled dishes, for example, greased pans and pans with a burnt bottom;
  • due to the high salt content in water in different regions, an additional remedy may be needed to soften it;
  • it also happens that noticeable spots and stains remain on glass surfaces - which means you need to add rinse aid;
  • some consumers are pushed away by the pungent smell of eucalyptus from the packaging, others even feel it on clean plates;
  • there have been repeated cases of blackening of aluminum products and tarnishing of crystal.

However, if you carefully read the instructions from the manufacturer, we can conclude that it is far from always the blame for poor-quality washing. Sometimes the reason for the deplorable result lies in the wrong dishwasher.

Application Tips
The manufacturer's advice on the proper use of the product should not be neglected - on the packaging in black and white it is indicated for which materials the tablets are not applicable 

Usage Tips and Precautions

On the back of the packaging, the manufacturer tried to explain in sufficient detail to its customers how to use the products in order to get the most effective and safe result.

Consider the main recommendations for use:

  1. Heavily soiled kitchen utensils should be cleaned before being loaded into the dishwasher.
  2. For one wash cycle, it is recommended to use a whole tablet, which must be put in the compartment provided for this purpose.
  3. The product is suitable for washing dishes at elevated temperatures (from 50 ° to 70 °), but care must be taken not to wash products that cannot withstand such temperature (antique and painted porcelain, crystal, dishes made of plastic, wood and bone).

Because of the danger of strong and irreversible oxidation of aluminum, gold, silver and other metals (except stainless steel), it is categorically not recommended to wash items made of precious and semiprecious metals in the dishwasher.

The manufacturer also honestly warns that for regions with hard water, the result of washing alone, even with multifunctional tablets, will be unsatisfactory, and you need to add to the dishwasher special salt and rinse aid.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Feedback from the hostess of the dishwasher about the experience of using an environmentally friendly tablet preparation:

Comparison of BioMio dishwasher tablets with an alternative.

Thus, provided that the information on the composition and users comply with the recommendations for use is reliable, Splat dishwasher tablets can be attributed to effective, economical and safe means for humans and nature.

Do you use Bio Mio tablets and want to share your experience with their use? Express your opinion in the comments, tell us why this tool conquered you, and what, personally for you, is the most negative point.

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