Which bags for a Karcher vacuum cleaner are better: varieties of bags + tips for use
Important components of the design of any vacuum cleaner are not only a powerful electric motor and functional nozzles. The filter will play a significant role in cleaning efficiency and unit maintenance technology. The vacuum cleaner collects dust with the surrounding air, which must be kept. This work and performs the filter.
Of course, the quality of cleaning directly depends on the performance of the filter elements installed in the vacuum cleaner. Therefore, it is important to select highly efficient and easy-to-use dust collectors. But how to do that?
First you need to understand their diversity and find out the features of different filters. As a general example, consider the Karcher vacuum cleaner bags used for filtering and collecting dust. We will try to determine which filter bags are better, and also indicate the nuances of using these accessories.
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Karcher vacuum cleaners and filter bags
The German company produces for household needs vacuum cleaners of various configurations. Accordingly, a diverse design approach is also used regarding the use of air filtration systems in apparatuses.
Among the variety of existing engineering solutions, engineering developments are most often found where bags for filtering and collecting dust are used.

Such vacuum cleaners manufactured by Karcher, with an emphasis on design performance, provide a complete set of two types of filter bags: disposable and reusable.
No. 1 - one-time filter bags
Filter elements - a typical bag shape, designed for single use, as a rule, are made on the basis of two-layer paper.
The capacity of the bags can be from 5 to 45 liters, in relation to a specific model of the vacuum cleaner. These accessories have a hardened outer layer and are rated for dust category not lower than “M”.

The quality of production of paper filter bags from Karcher is quite high. According to various estimates, the efficiency of the delay of small particles by such filtering elements reaches 95 - 98%.
However, when using disposable paper bags, a critical factor is the filling of the filter bag.
If a paper bag is filled with a volume of garbage greater than the norm sets, the technological vacuum cleaner design principle Karcher.

Overloading the dust collector entails unpleasant consequences. Hence the conclusion - under the use of disposable paper filter elements, a clear control of the accessory filling during the cleaning process and its timely replacement is necessary.
No. 2 - fabric reusable consumables
Reusable filtering accessories are usually made on the basis of strong and fairly dense fabrics.
An obvious feature of this type of filter is that it is enough for the owner of the vacuum cleaner to remove the accessory after cleaning, empty the bag from its contents and carefully shake it out.

Meanwhile, it would seem that a practical component - a reusable filter, still has inherent limitations on operation.
With each new application, a reusable filter bag is gradually clogged with microparticles that “eat” into the microscopic pores of the material.
Accordingly, the replacement of the accessory is required in this case after a certain time of operation. Typically, the manufacturer (in this case, Karcher) indicates in the user manual the permissible number of uses of the reusable filter bag.

If the application limit specified by the manufacturer has been exhausted, be sure to replace the dust collector with a new one. Otherwise, the load on the vacuum cleaner increases, and the user during cleaning is in an environment saturated with a mass of allergens.
No. 3 - products based on nonwoven materials
Along with paper products, the German company in recent years has mastered the production of bags of non-woven materials.
This design is almost the same in operational efficiency to paper bags. However, practice has shown slightly improved characteristics of accessories made of non-woven material.

The users of Karcher harvesting equipment, equipped with such accessories, noted more convenient waste disposal.
By design parameters, non-woven fiber bags provide a large capacity (almost doubled) when compared with paper counterparts.
Non-woven material showed better resistance to possible tearing, damage. The quality of separation of fine suspended particles is higher than that of paper products. And more importantly, such accessories are replaced less often than paper ones.
The newest solutions in the production of bag filters are products based on a 3 or 4-layer non-woven material that does not lose its strength properties even if it gets wet.
Original production and analogues
Of course, all produced Karcher household cleaning equipment is designed to operate with branded dust collectors.
At the same time, the feasibility of using analogues should be considered a product feature, and the assortment is quite wide.

Also, if we consider exclusively branded filter bags, it is worth paying tribute to wide-format interchangeability precisely in the framework of branded products.
Such solutions allow owners of Karcher vacuum cleaners to use dust collectors of one modification for different models of vacuum cleaners.
For example, paper-based dust collectors designed for the T7 / 1 and T15 / 1 series of vacuum cleaners are successfully suited for designs from the T10 / 1 and T17 / 1 series.
Compatibility is also noted for SE and WD models with support for the full range.
The simple execution of dust collectors (in a general engineering sense) with the same success allows the use of third-party products as part of Karcher household vacuum cleaners.
So, instead of branded German bags, it is permissible to replace products that are used in vacuum cleaners of companies:
- Nilfisk-Alto;
- Comac;
- Sprintus
- Fiorentini
- Viper.
Wide-format compatibility of accessories (in particular, filter bags) significantly expands the ease of use for users. This approach, in turn, attracts more consumer eyes to Karcher home appliances.

Meanwhile, the compatibility of third-party accessories, with all the amenities for the user, does not eliminate the risk of using products of relatively low quality.
This is a logical moment, because any manufacturer is trying to make a product taking into account specific technical parameters - under "their own" vacuum cleaner. Naturally, a third-party product in such conditions becomes uncompetitive.
Features of using dust collectors
It would seem that the rules for using a dust collector are simple everyday truths, but for some users, as practice shows, the use of filter bags raises questions. For example, are there any principles for preparing a paper accessory before loading it into a vacuum cleaner?
Nuance # 1 - preparing a dust bag before use
Indeed, for some paper products, it is characteristic that when placing a new copy it is necessary to push a layer of paper on the inner area of the plastic neck and carefully straighten the paper strips.

The remnants of the paper can partially overlap the neck of the bag, thereby disrupting the smooth course of the air flow, creating additional resistance to the air flow, which affects the power consumption of the device.
Nuance # 2 - bag filling control
Also, of the features of operation, it is worth noting the mandatory monitoring of filling the dust bag. The recommended level at which the bag should be replaced is no more than ¾ of the volume of the used dust collector.
Some vacuum cleaner owners try to reuse disposable paper filter bags.Such actions are unacceptable, as they contribute to the rapid wear of the apparatus. It is also unacceptable to clean liquids, flammable substances, and highly flammable products.

Reusable products should be cleaned thoroughly using a dry method, unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer.
Cleaning must be carried out without risk of damage to the material, structural or density defects. When performing cleaning work, respiratory protection should be used.
Nuance # 3 - the use of a set of consumables
What else can be noted characteristic for such products? As a rule, such a product is offered for sale in a kit that includes several products.

For the final consumer, this option is most preferable, since there is a price gain.
And in terms of the frequency of acquisition of replacement filters, a set of several instances allows you to forget about this task for a fairly long period of time. Spare bags on the vacuum cleaner do not limit the user to the extent of cleaning.
If there is no desire to constantly change bags, then you can pick up a vacuum cleaner with cyclone filter. Such units are in the product line of many manufacturers.
Rating of the best bagless vacuum cleaners presented in this article.
Conclusions and useful video on the topic
The operation of household vacuum cleaners equipped with filter bags is accompanied for the end user by periodically replacing the filter elements.
At the same time, the cost of purchasing accessories is relatively low, but if the bag is untimely replaced, you can “kill” the vacuum cleaner, which will be many times more expensive.
The video below discusses the process of replacing a used filter bag that has become unusable with a new one:
The execution of vacuum cleaners, where a filter bag is used as dust collectors, is considered somewhat unsuccessful from the point of view of operation. The efficiency of the machine depends heavily on the degree of filling of the garbage collection. Maintenance is often seen as an uncomfortable process.
Gradually, manufacturers of vacuum cleaners abandon such an engineering solution, offering cyclone and aquafilters. Perhaps the future of filter bags should not be considered, unless some innovative technology is invented on the same basis.
Is there anything to supplement, or have questions about choosing and using vacuum cleaner bags? You can leave comments on the publication, participate in discussions and share your own experience in applying different filters. The contact form is located in the lower block.
Disposable paper bags are convenient, but buying them every time is pretty wasteful. Plus, you need to control so that they do not overfill during cleaning. So, I prefer rag bags. You can still use a trick with them - sew a zipper on the back so that it is convenient to empty it.Then shaking out the trash from them will become much easier, and they will last longer.