Overview of the Karcher WD 3 Premium vacuum cleaner: a reliable assistant in the home and at the construction site

Evgenia Kravchenko
Checked by a specialist: Evgenia Kravchenko
Author: Tatyana Zakharova
Last update: August 2024

The German company Karcher produces a wide range of models of household and industrial vacuum cleaners - multifunctional reliable devices. They can be useful not only in the house, but in the garage and even on the street. Units with a capacious tank are often characterized as building or professional.

The company's popular products include the Karcher WD 3 Premium vacuum cleaner. This is one of the initial models of the WD line.

Expert rating:
/ 100
  • Affordable price
  • Multifunctionality: dry / wet cleaning, liquid collection, blowing garbage
  • Quality assembly
  • Ease of maintenance
  • Attaching removable parts to the housing
  • Spacious dust bag - 17 l
  • Short power cord - 4 m
  • Noisy work
  • Lack of automatic winding of the cord

In the article we proposed, the features of the device and the technical characteristics of the equipment are analyzed. Consumer reviews are given, functions are described, an assessment is given in comparison with similar equipment.

The main functions of the Karcher vacuum cleaner

The WD series deserves special attention, as it is not just dry cleaning appliances, as some sellers indicate in the specifications. Officially, they are called business, but this also does not provide a complete understanding of functionality.

Vacuum cleaner Karcher WD 3 Premium on the floor
Outwardly, all WD series vacuum cleaners look very simple - large tanks on wheels equipped with a cleaning hose and a not-so-long power cable

In fact, units perform many functions that may be useful to owners of a private house rather than a city apartment:

  • dry cleaning;
  • fluid removal;
  • wet cleaning;
  • maintenance of work with electric tools;
  • blowing air.

If there is a huge puddle on the floor of the garage after washing the car, Karcher will not have to remove the water manually with a vacuum cleaner, armed with a bucket and a rag. Its tank is designed for 17 liters. If the amount of liquid is greater, then after filling the tank, water should be drained and cleaning can continue.

Do not be afraid to soak a large filter inside.He does not lose his qualities and is well washed. But pumping out water or doing wet cleaning, do not forget to get a paper bag - it’s just as intended exclusively for dry cleaning of rooms.

The vacuum cleaner is stored in the corner of the room.
The vacuum cleaner can be stored both in the house and in the garage or basement. The only condition is that the room must be heated. Low temperature is harmful to parts in contact with water, as well as to electrical components.

The blow function can come in handy to remove large debris from the yard. For example, a powerful stream of air can blow dry foliage from certain areas so that it can be collected faster. The broom would have to wield much longer.

With vacuum cleaner you can carry out carpentry, observing cleanliness. If it is connected together with a grinding machine or a miter saw, there will be practically no dust after the completion of actions. You may only need to remove large debris.

Design and configuration features

The design of the WD 3 models is simple: a cylindrical metal tank with a volume of 17 liters is equipped with four rollers for movement and a large cover where the engine and filter are mounted. The case is very durable, can withstand years of use not in the most comfortable conditions.

Vacuum cleaner design Karcher
Karcher vacuum cleaners are easily recognizable even from afar: the plastic parts of the body are painted yellow, the remaining elements are black or dark gray. Metal parts - stainless steel

It is easy to operate the device, as there is no complicated adjustment and the power does not change. Unfortunately, there is no warning system: there is no indication of tank filling either.

Important structural elements:

The designs of other WD series vacuum cleaners are similar to this. The differences relate mainly to the use of a more powerful engine and configuration. The WD 3 model is equipped with an elastic hose, 2 suction tubes, nozzles for various types of cleaning, brush and rubber inserts, a cartridge filter and paper bag.


If any details are not in the kit for a specific model from the WD series, then you can always buy them. You can also optionally purchase a kit for connecting electrical appliances. Its cost is about 1160 rubles.

As you can see, the design of the model is simple, if necessary, you can easily get the tank, unscrew the hose or change the nozzle. Using a power tool in tandem with a vacuum cleaner is also easy - obscure points are explained in the instructions.

Technical Overview

The industrial unit, despite its high performance, refers to energy-saving models - Cons. power is only 1000 watts. This differs from the previous WD 3 model, which does not belong to the Premium class.

Technical specifications:

  • dry cleaning;
  • dust collector - cycle. filter + bag, 17 l;
  • Cons. power. - 1000 watts;
  • power. suction - 200 watts;
  • cord - 4 m;
  • weight - 5.8 kg.

Dry cleaning is indicated everywhere, although the vacuum cleaner is multifunctional and can carry out wet cleaning too.

Vacuum cleaner Karcher in the garage
The main advantage is the huge volume of the tank. This allows you to avoid fussing with constant shaking out of garbage, on the contrary, there is free space for the next cleaning in a bag or tank

The suction power is not the largest - 200 watts. However, users report that, in fact, the device sucks in debris well and does not need to increase power.

The average noise figure for household models is 73 dB, but when using a power tool, the noise level increases and you can feel discomfort. It is recommended to use special sound-absorbing headphones.

Vacuum cleaner cord Karcher
The cord is shorter than that of ordinary household models - only 4 meters. If the cleaning area is far from the outlet, you will have to use an extension cord

Average weight - 5.8 kg. But you need to consider that with a tank full and fixed accessories, the device weighs a lot more. If half a tank is filled with concrete dust, then you can safely add another 5-6 kg.

The model is large, its height is 52.5 cm, that is, more than half a meter, width is 34 cm, length is 38.8 cm. In comparison with familiar household vacuum cleaners The WD 3 Premium model seems cumbersome. However, the large dimensions and heavy weight are compensated by the convenience of movement and operation.

More information in the video review:

And now we turn to the evaluation of the model by people who are “closely acquainted” with the device.

Model through the eyes of buyers

People have been using Karcher WD 3 Premium vacuum cleaners for a long time, so there are enough reviews. Consider the positive and negative sides of the device, based on the opinion of owners using the model for more than a year.

Positive feedback on the device

The advantages of the vacuum cleaner are many - from the reliability of the outer shell to the flawless performance of the functions declared by the manufacturer. Many people like a simple collapsible design - the device can be disassembled, washed and quickly dried.

Others appreciated maintainability: almost all spare parts can be found in stores or service centers. The same is worth saying about consumables - paper filters are always on sale.

Paper bag in a tank
All users are pleased with the large volume of the tank, some of which it was because of it that they purchased this model. Having a paper bag also came in handy.

The owners of houses who prefer to do repairs on their own respond positively about the vacuum cleaner. The device often helps them during construction work, and when cleaning the garage. With it, in a couple of minutes you can clean up the house.

The following conclusions can be drawn about the advantages of a vacuum cleaner:

  • spacious;
  • powerful;
  • multifunctional;
  • strong;
  • inexpensive;
  • easy to care for.

It can also be called practical - due to the ability to store nozzles directly in the housing, two Pull & Push latches for fixing the container and a universal cartridge filter.

The disadvantages of a premium vacuum cleaner

Cons of the device are usually identified during use, and even a vacuum cleaner that fully meets the requirements will show negative aspects over time.

A design flaw is recognized as one of the main drawbacks - there is no cable winding mechanism. The cord does not hide in the case, like conventional vacuum cleaners, but is forced to hang on the side or just lie nearby. This is inconvenient when you want to move the device to another place or simply leave it in storage.

Coiled Power Cord
Cord length also did not please buyers. Instead of a 4-meter cable, a 5-7-meter cable could be installed, this would greatly facilitate the connection of the vacuum cleaner and its operation outside the walls of one room

Paper bulk bags were easy to use, but the cost of consumables was high for some users. This is important when harvesting occurs frequently and the amount of garbage is large. The manufacturer recommends the use of bags, but many because of their high cost use the tank without an additional dust bag.

Thus, significant shortcomings are recognized:

  • loud noise, especially when paired with a power tool;
  • lack of auto winding;
  • expensive consumables;
  • short cord;
  • dimensions of the device.

Given that the average cost of the model is 5500-5800, the listed disadvantages can be forgiven. There are very few complaints about the quality of cleaning, the power of the device and the reliability of the design.

Comparison with competitive models

In its segment of vacuum cleaners with the functions of blowing and connecting power tools, the WD 3 Premium model is considered one of the best. We will find out whether representatives of other brands can compete with it, the cost of which is approximately the same. For comparison, take the popular models Philips, Bort and Bosch.

# 1 - Philips FC8296 PowerGo

Neat and compact home helper Philips without special bells and whistles and additional functions. The main purpose is to remove dust from the floor and furniture. Wash anything with it will not succeed. The standard bag volume for Philips is 3 l. Powerful, maneuverable, but very noisy - 82 dB.

Technical specifications:

  • dry cleaning;
  • dust collector - bag, 3 l;
  • Cons. power. - 2000 W;
  • power. suction - 350 W;
  • cord - 6 m;
  • weight - 4.3 kg.

Of course, this vacuum cleaner is inferior to Karcher in terms of energy saving and a set of additional functions. However, it is lighter, has a long cord, and is equipped with a brush for removing wool from textile furniture upholstery. Indication of bag filling and power adjustment can also be attributed to the pluses.

# 2 - Bort BSS-1220-Pro

The model of the Bort brand in its design and functions resembles that of Karcher, but the wet cleaning function is stated in the specifications. The bag volume is even more - 20 kg, the engine, as well as the suction force, is more powerful. There is a power regulator.

Technical specifications:

  • cleaning - dry / wet;
  • dust collector - bag, 20 l;
  • Cons. power. - 1250 W;
  • power. suction - 250 W;
  • cord - 4 m;
  • weight - 4.5 kg.

The noise level is not much different - 78 dB versus 73 dB. Functions for blowing, fluid collection and auto shut off are also available. We can conclude that when choosing a model, you should not dwell on one thing - perhaps for the same money you will get a more productive alternative.

# 3 - Bosch UniversalVac 15

The model of the popular Bosch brand is also similar in design to the rest of the construction counterparts with a large tank. The power is the same as that of Karcher, but the suction power is greater. The noise level is close - 77 dB.

Technical specifications:

  • dry cleaning;
  • dust collector - bag, 15 l;
  • Cons. power. - 1000 watts;
  • power. suction - 250 W;
  • cord - 4 m;
  • weight - 6.9 kg.

Bosch UniversalVac 15 is a multi-functional unit, in terms of performance not much different from Karcher WD 3 Premium. Both models are made by eminent manufacturers, both have proven themselves as building support. Equally well clean garbage by blowing, suck dirty liquid.

A small comparative review can serve as a hint when choosing a model for your home, but it is worth exploring other offers, especially the newer ones, modified ones.

With washing models of vacuum cleaners of a popular German brand will introduce next article, which we strongly recommend reading.

Conclusions and the best deals on the market

In general, the Karcher brand WD 3 Premium vacuum cleaner is a reliable, productive, multi-functional unit that has many advantages. The disadvantages are also worth considering, because to someone they may be important when choosing. In general, ethen a good helper in the household for owners of private houses who prefer to do everything with their own hands.

Tell us about how to choose a vacuum cleaner for cleaning in your own house / apartment. Share the criteria that determine the choice of a particular model of cleaning equipment. Please leave comments in the block below, post a photo and ask questions about the topic of the article.

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Visitors Comments
  1. Definitely, a vacuum cleaner has several advantages in cleaning, but there are some disadvantages. For example, a lot of weight, it is difficult for me, a woman, to move him around the house. Secondly, a short cord for a large room. And if you need cleaning on the stairs, then the cord is also not enough, you have to carry an extension cord. But the main advantage is the impeccable quality of cleaning.

  2. Marina

    I am very pleased with the quality of cleaning with this vacuum cleaner, it is able to draw very deep-seated dust from the carpet. The difference after cleaning with other vacuum cleaners is very visible. Only at home, because of the heavy weight of the vacuum cleaner, it is exclusively used by the husband, since for me it is heavy and bulky. Therefore, the general cleaning we have only 1 time per week. Vacuuming is also good for walking around the sofa, and dust and crumbs go away at a time.

  3. Gravik

    I would call Karcher ideal if not for the price of consumables. He doesn’t want it, but you will have to fork out for bags and filters. The rest is not a vacuum cleaner, but a genius of engineering, even a storage location for cable and gadgets has been thought out. Well, the device itself is relatively inexpensive.

  4. Rodion

    I watched Premium, but settled on Karcher WD3 P - it has a built-in power outlet for electrical appliances.

    As for consumables. Yes, not cheap. But the bags of good quality and filters are also enough for a long time - the last time I changed the regular one and the new one still functions, although I have already taken out 10 pieces of dust while strobil.


