What temperature should be in the refrigerator and in the freezer: standards and norms
The refrigerator allows you to continue the life of food, enjoy their taste and get the most nutrients. And in winter you can feast on you like yesterday picked berries or vegetables.
However, in order to be able to do this, you need to know what temperature should be in the refrigerator and freezer and be able to choose the optimal storage mode for popular products. We will analyze these issues in detail in our material.
The content of the article:
Reason for food spoilage
Forgetting to put meat or fish in the refrigerator and leaving it for several hours under the influence of high temperatures, you can say goodbye to it - a bad smell will appear, which will force you to throw the failed dish in the trash. But why do foods deteriorate faster when exposed to heat?
The main reason is the growth of bacteria. Due to the increase in their quantity and activity, gases, acids and other chemical compounds are released. The lion's share of the waste products of microorganisms remains in the product, and the smaller one enters the environment.

Some odors caused by bacteria are problematic get rid. And supplies where microorganisms managed to build entire "megacities" are not recommended. It is better to forget about the money spent on food and not neglect health.
Bacteria are found on any food product. 100% getting rid of them is unrealistic. However, refrigeration equipment reduces the intensity or even suspends their livelihoods.
As a result, the shelf life is increased and the nutritional value of provisions is practically not reduced. Consumers save money, protect their health and enjoy their favorite foods.

Rules for placing products in the main chamber
In most cases, the product’s packaging contains information about what the optimal temperature should be in the refrigerator in order to preserve its nutritional value.
To choose the right shelf, you can use the instructions for the equipment - manufacturers indicate the temperature regime of a particular unit, which can vary significantly between different models.
For example, this is true for Samsung and Atlant refrigerators. The average temperature of the refrigerator is in the range of 2 ºС ... 5 ºС.

Refrigerators are equipped with several shelves, side compartments and 1-2 vegetable drawers. Sometimes there is another reservoir - a freshness chamber.
The latter has the lowest temperature in the tank and is used to store food that quickly deteriorates.
Do not forget about the simple but effective rules for using the refrigerator:
- Do not place hot dishes.
- Doors should be tightly closed.
- Place food in the refrigerator according to storage areas.
Each zone of the refrigerator compartment has the same temperature. This is wrong, because for some products the optimal indicator is close to zero, while others “freeze” at +7 ºС.

Vegetables and fruits are stored at 3 ° C ... 7 ° C. They are placed in special drawers on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Some modern models are supplemented by a system No frost.
Seafood, meat, sausage, milk, cheese belong to the group of goods that quickly deteriorate. Their environment is very favorable for the rapid growth of bacteria. The desired storage mode is 0 ° C ... 2 ° C.

If the refrigerator is equipped with a freshness chamber, it is better to use it. There is no - then put food on the top shelf. It is advisable to place alcoholic beverages here.
Also, you can not store other dairy products for a long time. For them, temperatures of 0 ° C ... 6 ° C are optimal, which corresponds to the second or third shelf. Given the large range, read on the packaging the storage conditions. At 0 ° C ... 3 ° C you should store the semi-finished products that are going to be cooked soon, and cakes.
For chicken eggs, salads with sour cream or mayonnaise, bread, soups, the optimal temperature regime is 3 ° C ... 6 ° C. This is the middle part of the refrigerator compartment, usually the third shelf.
The lower compartment is designed to store food at a temperature of 6 ° C ... 10 ° C, which is optimal for pickles. Place vegetables and fruits in special drawers.

The compartments on the doors are part of the refrigerator with the highest temperature. Store various sauces and juices here.
The freezer may be located at the top or bottom of the unit. But in any case, the rule applies: the farther from the freezer, the warmer.
Each food product has a special approach to storage. Consumers are afraid or simply do not know that they can change temperature conditions. A bona fide seller will ask what will most often be in the refrigerator and make the necessary settings.

However, with the help of a special panel, you can and should independently set the temperature regime if meat, salads and other products do not fit in the corresponding zones. Then pay less for electricity and you can get more goodies.
Features of food storage in the freezer
A refrigerator is a solution to the problem of short-term food storage. Today - they put it, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow - they took it. Sometimes you need to maintain the freshness of the product not for several days, but for a couple of weeks. In this case, you can’t do without a freezer.
Freezer Unit
The issue of freshness is solved with the help of the freezer. It is an integral part of almost any refrigerator. It can have a different volume: from 40 to 100 liters. and more. Manufacturers also offer individual options for several hundred liters.

Most often, this section stores seafood, meat, vegetables and fruits. It is also a refuge for ice cream in a terrible heat. On average, the temperature in the drawers / compartments of the refrigerator freezer ranges from -17 ° C ... -18 ° C.
Depending on the filling with products, the indicator changes:
- if most of the chamber is free, then -14 ° C;
- when storing meat or filling the freezer by more than 50%, this is -20 ° C ... -24 ° C;
- fast freezing mode is relevant for several hours - temperature -30 ° C.
The freezer is equipped with special drawers or shelves. The former are available if the cold compartment is placed at the bottom of the refrigerator. And you have to limit yourself to others at the top location.

Freezer class
According to European standards, freezers are divided into several classes. Thanks to the latter, there are different temperature conditions. This approach allows save electricity, reduce the wear and tear of the refrigerator and prevent the deterioration of product quality.
If you freeze some foods, they will become unusable. For example, the recommended storage temperature for mayonnaise is 0 ºС ... + 18 ºС. Feel free to place it on any shelf or even the side compartment of the refrigerator.

Storage conditions for margarine are significantly different. At a temperature of +11 ºС ... + 15 ºС it is edible for 30-15 days, at +5 ºС ... + 10 ºС - 20-45 days, at 0 ºС ... + 4 ºС - 60-35 days, at -9 ºС ... 0 ºС —75-45 days, at -10 ºС ... -20 ºС - 60-90 days.
Margarine in the freezer is suitable 6 times longer than in the refrigerator. If you have purchased a lot of this product, store it at low temperatures.
European laboratories conducted a similar analysis, taking into account dozens of other products. They created universal signs for ordinary consumers.
On the temperature control panels manufactured in accordance with European standards of refrigerators, you will find the following symbols:
- no stars - several degrees below zero Celsius;
- 1 star - -6 ºС;
- 2 stars - -12 ºС;
- 3 stars - -18 ºС;
- 4 stars - also -18 ºС, but for another group of devices.
The lower the temperature in the refrigerator’s freezer, the more electricity it consumes. The cost of devices with such regulation is slightly higher.But the panel allows you to reduce energy costs.

Storage rules for various products
To ensure that the products do not deteriorate, one should take into account the acceptable temperature range when storing them at which they can remain for the desired period of time. Let's talk about the storage temperature of popular products.
At what temperature should meat be stored?
Of course, buying margarine in reserve is a dubious saving. And even if one or two packs of product deteriorate - a small problem. But to get a few kilograms of meat 2-3 weeks before the New Year is an opportunity not to become a victim of price hikes.
The dependence of the duration of storage of meat on temperature is as follows.
- Fresh meat at -8 ºС ... -12 ºС - a week.
- Fresh meat at -14 ºС ... -18 ºС - 5-6 months.
- Meat products at -18 ºС ... -22 ºС - 3 months.
It seems that the difference of several degrees Celsius is not so much. However, the shelf life may change several times at once. Therefore, the choice arises: pay a little more for electricity or, in the case of not enough low temperature, throw away the meat.

From the lessons of school physics it is known that thermal insulation is provided due to the flow of energy. But the potential is formed as a result of the temperature difference. Therefore, in parallel with the "cooling" in the freezer, electricity costs are rising.
Features of storing chicken eggs
With decreasing temperature in the freezer, the shelf life of most products also increases. But there are exceptions.
For example, chicken eggs do not deteriorate for a long time under the influence of small negative temperatures. At 0 ºС ... -2 ºС in the freezer they will be suitable for up to 3 months. A good way to forget about rotten eggs, isn't it?
What happens if the temperature drops to at least -3 ºС ... -5 ºС? The embryo dies even at -4 ºС. As a result, the density of yolk and protein will decrease. Since the coefficient of thermal embossing of liquids is greater than that of solids, the shell will burst.
It is widely believed that chicken eggs do not deteriorate for 2-3 weeks at room temperature. But it’s worth considering the norms GOST 51121.
The document notes that at 0 ºС ... + 20 ºС the following should be stored:
- diet eggs - a week;
- table eggs - 25 days;
- washed eggs - 12 days.
The mentioned regulatory document clearly indicates the terms, but a sufficiently large temperature range is given. Therefore, people are more likely right than not. Humidity is about 45% and temperatures up to 20 ºС are not bad storage conditions. However, a freezer with a few degrees below zero is the best option.

The right approach to fish storage
Fish is much healthier than meat. It is rich in protein valuable to the body, comprising as much as 20% by weight. It contains fatty acids that prevent heart disease and vascular problems, vitamins A, D and E, which are responsible for cell growth, strong bones and muscles. With proper storage, fish flesh does not lose most of the nutrients.
According to GOST 1168, Far Eastern salmon, perch, carp, whitefish, pike perch, pike, catfish and other representatives of freshwater bodies are stored at -18 ºС for up to 6 months. But cod, sea bass and other inhabitants of the seas and oceans at the same temperature - up to 4 months. If the freezer is less than 10 ºС, the storage time is divided into two.

Temperature regimen for preservation of drugs
For medicines, home appliance manufacturers have come up with special refrigerators. The latter are distinguished by high accuracy of regulation, the presence of light or sound messages in case of deviations from the optimal temperature range and special operating modes.
Such devices are more expensive than conventional household counterparts. However, when the question of life is at stake, one does not have to choose.

When buying a refrigerator for medicines, pay attention to the correspondence of the temperature regimes of its operation to the types of medicines that will be stored. Such models are protected from hacking. In fact, in addition to the main work, the refrigerator also performs the function of a safe.
In most cases, lower temperatures have a positive effect on the shelf life of the product. However, if for chicken eggs the optimal indicator is several degrees below zero, then mayonnaise should be placed only in the refrigerator.
Mostly freezers with a working temperature of -18 ºС ... -24 ºС are presented on the domestic market. Manufacturers willingly save, depriving the buyer of the opportunity to adjust the temperature regime.

Climatic class of equipment
Modern refrigerators are manufactured according to the zonal principle. All countries or their individual territories are classified according to the climate.
For example, for a group of Scandinavian countries, models with a slightly lower rate of thermal insulation are relevant. The compressor is also slightly deformed. And for countries in the hot tropics, more powerful and wear-resistant devices are needed.
It is logical that if the average annual temperature in the room is several degrees higher, the refrigerator will work more intensively. Therefore, a device model for hot countries costs more than a similar one for Scandinavians.

Often the compressor runs almost without interruption in tropical countries. However, even under such conditions, it is difficult for him to provide a temperature corresponding to the selected mode. Which is not surprising when warm air with a conditional temperature of 40 ºС heats the device from all sides.
Refrigerators for tropical countries are slightly more expensive than counterparts for cold countries. They are problematic to find in our market, however, by most technical characteristics they look more convincing.
Demanded temperature functions
Fierce competition is forcing home appliance manufacturers to come up with more and more new ways to attract customer attention.
They are no longer limited to marketing moves, but introduce interesting technological innovations into the operation of the refrigerating and freezing chambers. As a result, consumers get interesting opportunities.
Option Supercooling allows for a short period of time to lower the temperature in all areas of the refrigerator to a minimum of 1 ºС ... 2 ºС. You can quickly chill products with multiple packages.

The mode is relevant for the freezer "Superfrost". The temperature drops to -24 ° C.You can freeze a chamber overflowing with food in a few tens of minutes.
Do not forget to put the equipment into normal operation so that you do not waste energy and store supplies at the optimum temperature.
Conclusions and useful video on the topic
Which categorically do not recommend exposure to low temperatures. About this in the video:
The basic rules for storing provisions are discussed in the video:
How to organize storage of stocks in the freezer:
Storage rules for fruits, vegetables and berries:
Shelf life of provisions in the refrigerator:
Each food product has its own storage features. This information can be found in a few seconds on the package or, if not available, on the Internet.
Remember to place food in the appropriate areas of the refrigerator. Temperature conditions allow you to create optimal storage conditions, in vain not to wear out the device and not overpay for electricity.
Do you have any questions about the rules for storing food in the refrigerator and freezer? Or do you want to supplement the above material with useful comments? Please write your opinion, ask questions, comment on the publication in the feedback section below.
Oh, we had a case: we left for the cottage for the weekend, but as luck would have it we turned off the light in the apartment. For 2 days our refrigerator stood off when we returned, of course, we had to throw everything out and wash the refrigerator. The hardest thing was to get rid of the smell of spoiled foods. And so we try to maintain 6 degrees of heat in the refrigerator, we have enough and the products do not deteriorate.
Well, actually, Victoria, when the light turns on, the refrigerator turns on. That is, he does not need an activator, except for the supply of electricity, if it was activated before the interruption of its supply. And in general, I did not quite understand what your comment was about if the source indicates what temperature should be. It would be logical if you said, they say, we are using a different temperature, and we are fine. Or here we use the temperature, which is recommended here, and are completely satisfied.