Fridge lock: types, device, how and which is better to choose
No matter how functional the kitchen equipment may be, situations often arise when it needs to be modernized by buying additional appliances or elements. One of these devices is a refrigerator lock.
The need for its installation arises when it is necessary to protect the contents of the unit. Let's understand the varieties of these devices, the features of their selection and installation.
The content of the article:
Types, device and application of the product
Not every user feels the need for a lock. But, faced with the problem of its acquisition, it is necessary to deal with the features and existing varieties. This is the only way to choose the best option and not overpay at the same time.
Appointment and design features
On the refrigerator, as on any design with a door, you can also hang a lock. Moreover, this will not necessarily be a heavy barn option - the market is full of modern high-tech devices.
The locking type product consists of elements for fastening to the external / internal surface of the equipment, a blocking part that prevents the door from being opened, and a control element. The latter can be a latch, lever, key, remote control, timer, voice, password, or even a smartphone.
As for the purpose, it is appropriate to close or restrict access to the internal contents of the refrigerator and / or freezer.

A rare Soviet-era refrigerator can still be found in working condition. Often, students or tenants of communal apartments buy it, so as not to worry about the safety of their food.
Existing Castles
Initially, the existing locking devices for the refrigerator can be divided into 2 types: built-in and overhead.
The first are used in mini units, in overall models with a mass of various functions and in specialized equipment - for the trading sector, medical institutions and in industrial refrigeration units.
This option is not suitable for every consumer, and the situations in which there is a need for a lock are different for everyone.
For example, not everyone who wants can have a problem with a lock by buying a fancy refrigerator that is programmed for a certain time of opening / closing the door. And there’s nowhere to put such an aggregate in the kitchen at 5.7 square meters.
We also recommend reading the material where we talked in detail about how to choose a refrigerator for home.
The overhead type is a separate product that has to be fixed in one of the possible ways - inside or outside. Products differ in the option of fastening to their location.
Also, all locks depending on the type of control can be divided into mechanical and electronic. As the name implies, products of the first type involve a physical effect on the locking mechanism.
It could be:
- the key that unlocks the lock;
- latch - for its operation it is required to press the button;
- lever - it is simply raised / lowered.
The extremely simple arrangement of mechanical models and the affordable price guarantee good demand. Especially if you need to provide temporary protection for the refrigerator.
As for electronic locking devices, they can be controlled as follows:
- typing on the panel or saying the password;
- answering the quiz question;
- setting the working time on the timer - the door will be open at the specified interval;
- by pressing a button on the remote control.
These devices are more expensive than mechanical counterparts. They are more durable and look more presentable.
In addition to purchased designs, owners of refrigerators sometimes use alternative solutions. Consider the most original of them.
Rules for choosing a locking device
The range of offered devices for protecting the contents of the refrigerator is quite rich. And the prices for any wallet - from budget options of 100 rubles per package to several hundred dollars per unit.
To make the purchase useful and not disappoint, you should be as responsible as possible at the selection stage. To do this, it is necessary to precisely determine the reasons why constipation was needed.
In addition, it may be necessary to protect products from the attacks of employees working in the kitchen of the institution. Or from himself, if there is a sin, often look in the refrigerator in the hope of getting something tasty.
The more serious the enemy, the more difficult it will be to use a castle. So, for a daughter / son who knows the world, a primitive plastic or fabric latch with Velcro or magnets will be enough.
When choosing them, you need to remember that this type of device does not apply to durable. The resource of the Velcro is limited - after hanging on the door for a certain period of time, usually from a few weeks to a month or two, it will fall off.
Therefore, consumers with experience of use recommend buying immediately a set of 5-10 pieces, so that it is enough until the child grows up and he can explain that the refrigerator is not the best place to play.
When constipation is required to protect contents from a clawed pet, you have to choose more carefully here. Often animals are observant and persistent, so they can cope with a primitive model.

To permanently close the way for them into the bowels of the refrigerator for them, it is better to look at the option more complicated. For example, a magnetic model with a padlock that opens with a code or key. Magnet mounts, depending on the model, are able to withstand 150-170 kg of physical force.
For storage of medicinal, narcotic drugs that require a certain temperature regime or protection from strangers, a unit with a built-in lock is useful.
Its capacity, functionality and other characteristics should be chosen by assessing the real needs and volume of drugs that will be placed there.
To protect your food from employees / neighbors will help code lock or opening with a private key / remote control.

For students who have a limited budget and are surrounded by always hungry neighbors, a cheaper option is to equip the food storage with a padlock, choosing the optimal model.
Moreover, if the unit is not the newest, as is often the case in dormitories and communal apartments, then such a solution would be welcome.
You can save food from yourself beloved in various interesting ways, especially when you need to clearly adhere to a specific diet.
But for commercial purposes, it is better to immediately buy a refrigerator with an integrated locking mechanism, for example, Liebher has several worthy options. Their control is carried out from the remote control.
If the equipment is already available, but there is no lock on it, then this is easy to fix. Having picked up the optimal radio-controlled model, it is to be installed using the manufacturer's instructions or by inviting a master for these purposes. Moreover, for several units located in a room with an area of up to 70 meters, you can use one remote control, built into all the locks.
Self-assembly instruction
Depending on the model purchased, the process of attaching it to the refrigeration unit will also differ. When it comes to a code or radio-controlled version, here you will need to drill holes in the door and side wall.
This must be done very carefully so as not to damage the thermal insulation. It is important to follow the instructions and use only the parts that come with the lock.
A more popular option is Velcro or a magnet. This solution is the most popular among lock buyers. Therefore, we will analyze the installation process using his example.
For maximum comfort when using constipation, it is important to adhere to such rules:
- If possible, do not tear off Velcro or a magnet - this way the product will last longer.
- Choose a place for installation that is located as high as possible - the door will already be tightly fixed, and only adults can get the device.
- A home-made version with a chain or cable to protect products from animals will not work - the dog can open the door, which is enough to pry meat, cheese or sausages from the shelf.
- As a wine cabinet, it is better to buy a mini unit with a built-in lock. He will not allow the child / pets / guests to get into it without the knowledge of the owner.
These recommendations will be useful if the simpler option is selected. Moreover, if the entrance to the kitchen is equipped with a door, you should always try to close it for greater safety of the products contained in the refrigerator.
But when a stranger constantly comes into the house, for example, a nanny for a son / daughter, then installing a complex model will be justified - you can not worry about the integrity of the products. And the child will not be fed strawberries, tangerines and sausages in the absence of parents.
Conclusions and useful video on the topic
Video about installing a lock on the refrigerator door:
Overview of the fabric strip with a locking mechanism:
How students with a simple door lock solved the problem of neighbors by cutting it into the door:
Having familiarized yourself with the device and the types of locking mechanisms used to protect the contents of the refrigerator, it will be easier to choose the best option based on your needs. If the choice is made in favor of a simple Velcro or magnet lock, then installing it is easy on your own. Moreover, even the surface does not have to be drilled - it is enough to degrease it.
If you had to use a lock for a refrigerator in your practice, please share your experience with our readers. Tell us which locking mechanism was preferred and are you satisfied with your own choice?
What have you come up with? Wow! In fact, a very useful little thing, for example, for those who live in a dormitory, since all products will remain in the refrigerator, no one will take them away. And the fridge lock will appeal to those who are on a diet and cannot control themselves.Of course, I have not yet reached such an adaptation, but the fact that it has a place to be and in some cases is very useful is 100%.
No, you cannot lock a refrigerator from yourself. If you pull to eat at night, then take the key and open it. The same entirely depends on the willpower of a person. And if there is willpower, then the castle is not needed. Open - lick, remember about the diet and effort to give up a night meal. Although the locks with a timer are an interesting idea. But, as far as I know, such locks do not lock the door for a certain period of time, but simply give a loud signal if you open it at night.
But still, the main consumers of such castles are cafes and other public catering, as well as shops. I think many have seen soda fridges that open with a remote control. Well, in the hostel this can also come in handy if the neighbors like to treat themselves to strangers 🙂
Hello. As option 3 - the castle is needed not from thieves, but for families with active children (like a lock on lockers) and for families with disabilities, when there are nervous or mental disorders and a person opening the refrigerator, forgets to close it. It’s not a plan to hide food, of course 🙂 Children love light bulbs and climb into all kinds of lockers.
Ahahah, I remembered my youth - they lived in a communal apartment, they needed locks then, but put them in a hard way of a barn type) Now there is no such problem and there is no need for a castle, but I wouldn’t refuse the castle with a ban program in the evening. Push! Although it’s scary that it’s completely stuck, and it’s such electronics, it’s easier to cut down a barn than this one will crack.