How to turn on the air conditioner for heating: the specifics of setting the system to heat
When the heat that the housing has accumulated over the summer has already ended, and the central heating has not yet been connected, an annual period of temperature discomfort occurs. How to survive it without chills and colds?
You can, of course, turn on the heater, but why not use the installed split system? Indeed, most modern air conditioners successfully perform both functions: cooling and heating. Information about the capabilities of the equipment is indicated in his passport.
It remains only to figure out how to turn on the air conditioner for heating, as well as find out the features of the operation of the split in the cold season. These questions have been studied by us and are described in detail in the article.
The content of the article:
- What to choose for efficient heating
- Air Conditioners: General Information and Classification
- Basics of the device and operation of the air conditioner
- Nuances of operation in the cold season
- Turn on the system in heating mode
- The effect of installation on the operation of the system
- Conclusions and useful video on the topic
What to choose for efficient heating
The chilly autumn weather should not violate the usual state of comfort in your apartment. How to regain a sense of comfort and peace, which does not at all fit with the many clothes with which we try to protect ourselves and loved ones from the omnipresent cold and cold?
To adjust the temperature in the housing there is a whole arsenal of popular appliances, ready to come to your aid:
- gas burners;
- infrared heaters;
- fan heaters;
- convectors;
- oil coolers.
By the way, air conditioning, which saved us all summer from the scorching sun, is also able to perfectly warm the room. And he will do this in the shortest possible time, which distinguishes him from the competitors listed above.
Another advantage is that it not only does not dry out the air, but even slightly moisturizes. But that is not all. The main plus is the efficiency of the air conditioner for heating. The energy that is necessary for the operation of the device is not spent on heating the air, but on transporting heat to the room from the outside.
To determine the performance of modern air conditioners, the EER (Energy Efficiency Ratio) coefficient is used, which displays the ratio of heat or cold production (when heating or cooling, respectively) to energy costs.
So, modern EER models have more than 4 units - with the consumption of 1 kW of energy they can provide 4 kW of heat.
Air Conditioners: General Information and Classification
Human health, its performance and quality of life depend on the state of its environment. In order for external cataclysms to have less impact on us, we create our own comfortable microclimate in the rooms where we sleep, live, and work.
The creation, application and improvement of the air conditioner is the response of mankind to nature, its method of protection.

Most modern models of this device are familiar to us:
- window and mobile monoblocks;
- split systems.
In turn, split systems consisting of outdoor and indoor units are divided into:
- Wall mounted. This option is most often used in offices and in residential premises.
- Columned. They look like powerful columns, used in conference rooms, restaurants and hotel halls to supply air to the ceiling space with its subsequent distribution.
- Ceiling. The airflow from them is directed along the ceiling or wall. They consist of an indoor unit and a duct system for distributing flows. These are mostly cassette options installed in the attic or hidden behind suspended ceiling systems.
Multisystems are used to process large objects. They are characterized by the presence of one common outdoor unit and several indoor, associated with a common outdoor, and located in different rooms.

The main characteristics that distinguish one model from another:
- power consumption;
- performance;
- acoustic comfort;
- a set of functions incorporated into the model: cooling, heating, air ionization, drainage, cleaning, etc.
Prices for models of different brands depend not only on the listed characteristics, but also on the classiness of the device.

All models can conditionally be divided into three classes:
- Budgetary. Simple to operate, quite noisy, but affordable devices that lack a number of non-critical functions: protection against improper operation, for example; This class is represented mainly by trademarks of domestic, Chinese and Korean manufacturers, including models LG and air conditioners Samsung.
- Middle class. Still noisy, but reliable products, characterized by increased durability, the presence of control functions and the average price range. This may include production Toshiba and Delonghi.
- Elite. These devices cannot be called cheap, but all the best qualities are concentrated in them: high efficiency, durability, silent operation, reliability, the possibility of self-diagnosis and all levels of protection. This, for example, products Panasonic and split from Daikin.
Regardless of which class a truly modern air conditioner belongs to, it should be:
- equipped with a remote control;
- not only cool, but heat and drain the air;
- work in ventilation mode;
- automatically maintain the specified operating parameters;
- have an on and off timer.
By the way, cooling and heating are two sides of the same process taking place in a split system.
Basics of the device and operation of the air conditioner
Regardless of what specific type your device belongs to, the set of its basic functional elements is not diverse. This is an evaporator, condenser, compressor, fan and valve (choke).
The system of thin copper pipes, which connects all the elements of the device except the fan, allows you to move through them a special substance - the refrigerant, which is usually used freon. The aggregate state of the refrigerant during the operation of the air conditioner changes from gaseous to liquid and vice versa.

If you turn on the device in cooling mode, the following processes will occur.
Gaseous refrigerant enters the compressor, where it will be compressed with a simultaneous increase in pressure and temperature. In the condenser, where Freon will subsequently enter, it will turn into a liquid, transferring the received heat to the environment. A fan facilitates the process.
When the refrigerant passes the throttle (valve), it will increase in volume, losing pressure and temperature. Entering the evaporator, it again begins to acquire a gaseous state, evaporating and absorbing heat from the air that is in the room. When freon enters the compressor again, the cycle closes and resumes.
If the air conditioner works for heating, the process will occur in the reverse order. In this case, the compressor pumps heat from the compressed freon towards the room, and the evaporator will work as a condenser.
To visualize air conditioner operation, you can watch the video posted in the final part of the article.
Nuances of operation in the cold season
Our goal is to keep warm without damaging the device that we are going to use. To achieve it is very simple - you need to listen to the opinion of the producer, which is contained in the instruction manual for the product.
The document indicates the temperature range in which the product will operate efficiently and stably. For most models, from minus 5 to plus 25 ° C.
But in the summer we often turn on the air conditioner even at high ambient temperatures. The consequences of this excess of operating temperatures are a decrease in the performance of the device. However, he does not fail at the same time. In winter, a violation of the recommended operating mode can lead to very disastrous results.
Why it happens? In the most popular models, the condenser and compressor are located in the outdoor unit.
When the temperature drops below the stated in the Instructions, the aggregate state of the oil in the compressor crankcase also changes: it becomes thicker, it ceases to envelop the moving elements of the device. This adversely affects their operational resource.

By the way, in the summer, violation of the regime also does not pass completely without a trace. If the outdoor unit of the system is located on the sunny side, it undergoes severe overheating, during which the oil may also thicken. At the same time, friction parts devoid of lubrication wear out faster.
When performing the heating function, heat from the environment must be transferred to the room. This refrigerant, moving through the condenser of the external unit (or evaporator), gets it from the street air. If the temperature of this air is too low, the freon does not heat up as necessary, and the heat efficiency of the split system decreases.
In addition, during operation, the evaporator-condenser and compressor are heated. Upon contact with cold air masses, the surface of the parts is covered with condensate, which quickly turns into ice deposits. In such conditions, the device simply stops working.
However, this is not the only reason for its breakdown. Frosty air causes a malfunction in the phase transitions of the refrigerant. In the evaporator, Freon does not go into a gaseous state, as it should be under operating conditions. Entering the compressor in this state, it is capable of causing a water hammer.

When the air conditioner operates in cooling mode, a large air flow passes through it. When it contacts the surfaces of the condenser and the evaporator, condensation forms, which is vented out through the drainage system. For drainage, a hose is used that is located in a downward direction at an angle.
By turning on the cooling device in winter, we run the risk of getting a plug from frozen water in the drain hose. Condensation, which has ceased to be discharged outside, will inevitably enter the air conditioner, disrupting its operation.
Of course, expanding the temperature range of the safe functioning of products is one of the priorities of manufacturers of all models. To do this, introduce, for example, oil heating systems in the compressor or drain heating. The result is impressive.
For example, Toshiba, specially designed for the Nordic countries, can be successfully operated at -20 ° C.
Turn on the system in heating mode
When operating a split system, try not to use the random poke method, study the Instruction, because there are many models on the market and each manufacturer of this product tries to bring its own zest to simple operating rules.
We will try to describe several options for setting the air conditioner to heat and bringing it into the state we need.
# Option one
The remote control should have the “MODE” key. It can be located under the cover.If you still find it, click on it until we see the “sun” icon or the inscription “HEAT”.

Using the “+” and “-” buttons, we select a temperature regime in which we will feel comfortable. Do not forget that for all the actions that you take, the console should be directed towards the device, which will receive the signals sent to it and respond to them with a sound.
You can make all of these settings on the remote, and then direct it to the air conditioner, while pressing the "ON" key. Desired change should happen within five minutes.
When you turn on the heating mode, the fan in the indoor unit will not turn on immediately.
# Option Two
You looked at your remote control well, but you didn’t find the MODE key on it or under the cover. But you see the “droplet”, “fan”, “snowflake” and “sun” pictograms. We need the "sun", and we choose it.

We set the temperature so that it is greater than that which is already in the room. For example, if you have + 18 ° C now, set + 25 ° C so that the difference is felt right away. Again, make sure that the signal is received by the system. With a wireless remote control, the answer will be sound, with a wired remote - a light that lights up on the front of the unit.
In about five minutes you should feel the result of your tuning.
# Option Three
There are no keys on the remote control labeled “MODE”, “HEAT”. There is also no “sun” icon, although a “fan”, “snowflake” and, possibly, a drop are present.
This suggests that your model is not designed to heat the room. Do not demand from her that she is not able to give you.
# Option Four
The desired mode can be set directly on the air conditioner. To do this, turn on the device by pressing the power button. We will find the “MODE” mode selection key, with which we will set the operation mode we need.
Press this key until the “HEAT” (heating) we need appears. As a rule, this function will be the fifth in a row after automatic operation, cooling, drying and ventilation.
Now we will need a remote control to set the desired temperature. With it, you can also order the desired fan speed of the device.
Pay attention to the operating temperature range, which in the form of a plate is probably indicated for your specific model in the Instructions. Please follow these manufacturer recommendations to enjoy a properly functioning split system for as long as possible.
# Fifth option (sad)
It does not matter when the system does not provide heating for the simple reason that it is not included in the list of its functions. But this is certainly an inexpensive model, which honestly will delight you with hot summer days. It’s much worse when you purchased an expensive model and you know for sure that it is simply obliged to work on heating, and the process cannot be started.
At the same time, you performed all the necessary operations in full accordance with the Instruction, which you nevertheless had to look into, but the result was not obtained not only after five promised minutes, but even after an hour. Checking the batteries in the remote control did not clarify the situation: they somehow turned out to be working.
Well, you have to repair the air conditioner. Perhaps the cause of the breakdown was the incorrect installation of the device, which should only be performed by people who know what and how will work subsequently. And now, if you do not want to completely destroy the device, disconnect it from the power source and look for the wizard. Further operation of the device is not yet possible.
The effect of installation on the operation of the system
It is wrong to assume that the split system will work properly, regardless of who installed it and how. But no. Installation of such a difficult device is a rather complicated process. It has its own nuances and tricks that you need to know and consider.
Since the device itself is not a cheap pleasure, it would be strange to save on its installation than to safely ditch it.

Mistakes made on installation stages, can lead to insufficient heating of the space when the device should work for heating. One of the common mistakes is the incorrect organization of air circulation. Air masses should not only have unhindered access to the system, but also free outflow from it.
You should carefully consider the following points of installation:
- the external unit should not be adjacent to the wall: with brackets or anchors it must be fixed at a sufficient distance;
- strictly horizontal installation of the unit should be checked by the building level;
- for an air conditioner, it is better to provide a separate machine on the shield and its own cable;
- Protect the outdoor unit with a special visor from rain and direct sunlight;
- moisture should not stagnate inside the system, which means that the drainage pipe should be installed at an angle;
- there can be a certain height difference between the indoor and outdoor units, but within reasonable limits: no more than 20 m;
- it is better not to install the indoor unit directly above the radiators or other sources of heat, there can be no curtains in the air path, and there should be at least three meters from the device to the furniture;
- Avoid such an arrangement of the device when the air flows coming from it will be directed directly at people - it’s easy to earn pneumonia in such conditions even in summer heat.
Do not wait for breakdowns or other incomprehensible situations to start learning the Instructions. Knowing the features of your purchase, the rules of its work and the nuances of caring for it will help you exploit it not only for a long time, but also for health, and not to the detriment.

Cleaning the device, changing its filters or refueling the refrigerant are the functions of a specialized organization. Do not try to repair the air conditioner yourself - this is dangerous. Disconnect it and invite the master.
However, if you are used to doing everything yourself and are confident in your own abilities, we recommend that you study the rules beforehand servicing split systems.
Conclusions and useful video on the topic
To understand how the air conditioner works, you need to visualize the whole process. A small but very informative video that we bring to your attention will help to do this.
If the installation of the system is a complex work that specialists must carry out, then switching the device from the cooling mode (or any other) to heating is an elementary process that you need to learn to perform yourself.
Nevertheless, we have a video aimed at those who are better off seeing once than reading a hundred times.
Answers to questions about what happens with the air conditioner, if you turn it on for heating at significant freezing temperatures, you will learn by watching this video.
Modern appliances bring comfort to our lives. They are designed to make us feel better, regardless of external weather conditions. To take full advantage of the opportunities they provide us, you need to know the rules for their operation.
In this case, the conditioner will not provide you with bronchitis and pneumonia, but good health and well-being.
Do you have experience using the air conditioner in heating mode? Tell us how effective this option is, whether this option of the split system turned out to be useful to you. You can leave comments on the publication and participate in discussions in the form below.
A really useful function, I use it even in the summer, when it rains a lot, and the temperature drops below 15 degrees, it always helps. Turning on the heating mode is not so difficult, at least on my model there were no problems. In autumn, in this mode, it works almost always until the heating is turned on, a heater was used before, but it wraps up too much electricity.
Yes, I also tried to somehow turn on the heating, but either something went wrong, or the device needed repairs, an incomprehensible technical smell appeared in the air. So until I turn it on, I wait until the master comes and checks. And the information can be very useful. I’ll clarify with the specialist those moments that I would like to use after reading the text. For example, how to avoid damage to the air conditioner in winter.
Most likely this “technical” smell is plastic. Inexpensive split systems sin like this. It is necessary to check whether the plastic is melting. If not, the smell will go away after a while.