How to choose a split system in an apartment and in a house: the best brands + recommendations to customers
Climatic equipment from the moment of its appearance on the market has gained unprecedented popularity. And this is quite expected. After all, no fan can create such a comfortable microclimate even in a small apartment.
Since the niche of HVAC equipment is actively developing and is replenished annually with hundreds of good units, before buying you need to understand in detail how to choose a split system in an apartment. Otherwise, you buy a pig in a poke and, for sure, spend money on equipment that can’t cope with the cooling of housing.
To make it easier for you to find the right solution for your apartment, in this article we examined important criteria that should be considered when choosing a climate control equipment. We also gave a rating of the best manufacturers of split systems, whose products are of decent quality and an acceptable price tag.
The content of the article:
The principle of operation and features of split systems
With the introduction of innovative technologies in air conditioners, silent and high-tech devices are gradually replacing bulky old-style models.
At the same time, new devices differ not only in performance and an extensive range of functions, but also in noiselessness and ease of operation.
How does climate technology work?
Familiarity with climate technology should start with a theory. The main task of the air conditioner is to absorb heat inside the building and bring it out.
This is due to the properties of liquid substances. They absorb heat when they evaporate, and give it away, as they pass from a gaseous state to a liquid one.

The task of this kind of equipment is not to create a pleasant coolness, but to absorb excess moisture. When buying, consider this fact and additionally order humidifier. After all, low humidity can lead to the appearance of various respiratory diseases.
Features of inverter models
The inverter climate control operation is controlled by a frequency-controlled motor. The motor converts the electric current into direct current, and then again into alternating current.
Thanks to this idea, you can control the speed of rotation of the compressor. Accordingly, the user gets the opportunity to reduce / increase power.
Until the required temperature has been reached, the inverter motor runs at maximum power. As a result, the room cools or heats up several times faster.
As soon as the desired temperature has been reached, the motor reduces speed, but does not stop. In this state, it can maintain a given microclimate without creating too much noise. What significantly distinguishes it from a conventional split motor. A detailed comparison of the inverter and conventional split systems we have given in this article.

The list of advantages of inverter air conditioners should be supplemented by their durability and reliability. This is explained by the fact that the compressor wears out the most when it is constantly turned on and off, as classic units do.
We recommend that you familiarize yourself with top ten inverter split systems, based on popularity among customers and positive feedback from the owners of these models.
Air Conditioner Selection Criteria
The main characteristics that you should pay attention to are performance and functionality. Also an important criterion is the operating temperature.
But most modern models operate in a wide range. Therefore, this factor is relevant only for excessively hot regions.
Calculation of power according to quadrature
It is the performance of the climate technology that determines its effectiveness. Therefore, before buying, you need to correctly perform the calculations.
After all, if you order an insufficiently powerful unit, then it simply will not cope with maintaining the specified temperature. Well, an overly productive unit is a waste of money, since it will never work at full capacity.

When calculating power, first of all, take into account the area of the room. The best choice would be 1 kW for every 10 square meters. After that, about 25% should be added to the obtained value. This is useful on a summer day when the sun shines in the room for half a day.
It is important to consider the amount of heat in the room. If you are going to install climate control equipment in the kitchen or in the office, where there are many computers, feel free to increase the required productivity by 30%.
The last factor that should be taken into account when calculating is the number of people who are constantly in the room. If the device is purchased for home use or office, then for 1 person requires about 100 watts.
But when the unit will be installed in a gym or restaurant, then increase the required power by 300 watts.
We wrote in more detail about calculating the power of climate technology in next article.
If you do not want to engage in calculations, then you can use ready-made solutions. So, for a room of 20 m2 the ideal choice would be the sevens. Their performance is 7,000 BTU. For 27 squares, climate technology with a capacity of about 9,000 BTU is suitable.
The main functionality of split systems
Today, air conditioners can work not only for cooling or heating. They can also be turned on. ventilation, or drainage.
The first function allows you to evenly distribute air throughout the room. In this case, only the internal node of the device works. This mode will be useful in winter when heat accumulates only near radiators.

Useful for many will be the function "Night mode". After its inclusion, the climate technology minimizes the fan speed, which allows to significantly reduce the noise emitted.
In this case, the temperature decreases / rises as smoothly as possible, over several hours.
If the budget allows, then order a split system that can work in auto mode. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the device with the help of sensors monitors its work.
That is, it automatically turns on the ventilation, heating or cooling mode to maintain an optimal microclimate in the room.
Varieties of climatic equipment
One of the most important technical characteristics of a split system is its power type. Based on this factor, an aggregate is assigned to one of three categories: industrial, domestic or semi-industrial.
The latter are distinguished by high power. They can cool a room with an area of more than 100 squares.
Household models are designed for home use. Their power rarely exceeds 7 kW. Therefore, the room that they can serve should not be more than 50-60 m2.

Depending on the design, the climate technology can be monoblock or may consist of two or more nodes.
The latter species is the most common. Typically, such units are a pair of blocks. One is located outside the room, and the other is inside. The components are connected using copper tubes and an electric cable.
Split systems, in turn, are divided into the following subcategories:
- wall mounted;
- channel;
- cassette
- columned;
- floor and ceiling;
- inverter.
The main difference is the design of the indoor unit. Therefore, each of the presented species has its advantages and disadvantages. Let's take a closer look at them.
View # 1 - wall-mounted split systems
Wall-mounted climate technology is most common. This is due to its good performance and price, affordable to the buyer with any income level.
This type of air conditioner is a pair of units. One of them should be installed in the room - under the ceiling and not far from the window opening. The exterior is mounted a little lower and from the outside of the building.
The list of advantages of wall-mounted units is also worth including their versatility. They can be installed in absolutely any room. Be it an apartment, a house, an office or a shop.
The only limitation is power. As a rule, this kind of equipment has a power of not more than 10 kW. Therefore, it is only suitable for rooms with a total area of up to 100 m2.

View # 2 - ducted air conditioners for office and home
A distinctive feature of channel-type equipment is the installation behind a suspended ceiling. This allows you to hide all wires and copper tubes. The air in such a device is distributed evenly, through a system of thermally insulated air ducts.
As a result, you get the opportunity to cool not one, but several rooms at once.
The power of channel split systems varies from 5 to 25 kW. Such performance will be more than enough to service an apartment with 5 rooms, a small office or a country house.

View # 3 - practical cassette split systems
Cluster climate technology is an analogue of the channel. The only difference is that in the former, air enters the room through a special hole in the bottom of the unit.
This compartment most often has a square shape - 600 x 600 mm. But if the device is characterized by high performance, then the hole increases in length to 1200 mm.
The main advantage of the presented type of technology is invisibility. Only a decorative grill will remain in sight, which will not affect the aesthetics of the room.

View # 4 - columned and floor-to-ceiling devices
Columned models are most often used where the maximum possible cooling capacity is required and the design is not too important. They differ in impressive dimensions and are mounted only on the floor.
Consider this fact in case of their purchase. It is also not recommended to be close to a working device - a strong stream of cold air will certainly not be good for health.
Climate cassette equipment can be replaced using floor-ceiling devices. This will be the best solution if the room does not have a false ceiling.
Such aggregates differ in relatively shallow depth. For most models, it ranges from 180 to 250 mm.

View # 5 - window and mobile candy bars
Both categories are monoblock climate technology. They have only one unit, which acts both as a condenser and as an evaporator.
Advantages of window type air conditioners - It is easy to install, relatively low price and exhaust function. It is precisely because of these characteristics that monoblocks of this kind have been popular before.
Today, demand for them is falling due to the high level of noise generated during operation, and violation of thermal insulation. Therefore, in the market, only a few manufacturers produce window monoblocks.

Mobile climate technology Significantly stands out among analogues. Its main feature is the ability to freely move the device around the room. All you need to do is get the duct through the window to the street.
Often, the above models are complemented by a set of filters.This allows you to refresh the air and significantly reduce the cleaning time in the room.
The advantages of such units include the lack of need for installation, as well as portability. But remember the high price, noise and modest performance.
Price separation
Understanding how to choose the right split system for your home, you will come across devices of three price categories: premium, middle class and budget devices. Their difference is not only in the amount indicated on the check. To understand the features, consider each category in more detail.
Premium models are the most expensive. Most split systems of this class are produced in Japan by high-tech companies.
As a rule, elite devices stand out among analogues simply by huge functionality, unique design and quiet operation. But for such amenities you have to pay well.
The ideal choice for the average buyer would be middle class air conditioners. They are the embodiment of the perfect combination of price and manufacturability. The largest assortment of household appliances of this class is produced in Japan and Europe.

In the budget class leading positions among manufacturers are Chinese and Korean companies.
The main drawback of this segment is unpredictability. You never know how high-quality technology you come across.
At the same time, cheap air conditioners are much more noisy, operate in a very limited temperature range, and they are not equipped with any protection system.
The best manufacturers of HVAC equipment
The convenience of operating the air conditioner, its functionality and, most importantly, reliability depend on the choice of the supplier company. To make it easier to decide, let's make a list of the best manufacturers.
Rank # 1 - Daikin Sophisticated Air Conditioners
The company has been successfully operating in the market for more than four decades. During this time, Daikin has established itself as a supplier of multifunctional and high-quality household appliances. Its employees pay special attention to manufacturing technology, as well as after sales service of the device.

The manufacturer presented above has recently been a market leader, offering customers a good assortment split systems Daikin. All brand products are worthy of quality.
Therefore, making an order, you can count on the environmental friendliness of the device, its high quality and durability. But keep in mind that such a set of benefits is expensive.
Place # 2 - Mitsubishi Semi-Industrial Equipment
In second place among companies that produce household and semi-industrial climate equipment, is Mitsubishi. Most devices of this brand belong to the elite class, but also relatively inexpensive models are presented in the assortment. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with rated best air conditioners brand.
If you decide to stay on this brand, then pay attention to inverter units. As a rule, they are equipped with several automatic operating modes, as well as the function of ionizing air purification.
Place # 3 - Toshiba's perfect middling
For those who want to save money, Toshiba launches air conditioners middle class. The company has been operating on the market for more than 120 years and it was its engineers who created the first split system for the New York printing house.
Distinctive features of the devices of this brand are in an adequate price, high reliability, as well as a huge set of functions. At the same time, most models are equipped with an inverter compressor, which saves on electricity.
Rank # 4 - Fujitsu's innovative split systems
Fourth place in the ranking took the Japanese company Fujitsu. Her range full of semi-industrial and domestic air conditioners.
It is this company that is the first to introduce innovative developments, setting the trend in the market for HVAC equipment.

Place # 5 - Panasonic Reliable Technology
Last place of the TOP is another Japanese brand. Panasonic produces industrial split systems, as well as household-level models. With each new device, one can see how the company improves the quality of materials, improves manufacturability and increases the number of functions.
Presented on the market Panasonic models all price categories. But if you can afford to spend a little more, then pay attention to split systems equipped with generators and air ionizers, as well as a catechin filter system.
Video and useful video on the topic
The consultant shares tips on choosing a climate technology:
Buying an air conditioner is always a long and scrupulous process. Especially for those who have never done this before.
But if you take into account all the tips above, correctly calculate the power and decide on a set of functions, you can get a device that will make the microclimate in the house or apartment really comfortable.
Do you want to supplement the above material with selection tips or focus on the products of another worthy manufacturer whose name we did not mention in this article? Write comments in the block below, express your opinion, do not hesitate to ask questions to our experts.
For more than a year now, a wall split system has been working at home, a very necessary equipment. In the summer, it perfectly cooled the air, a week ago I had to change the mode due to changing weather, now the system is heated. The night mode also pays off, the system doesn’t make much noise during normal times, but it is almost inaudible at night. I then took almost 12 thousand hryvnias, now this model is already cheaper.
Indeed, it is now difficult to imagine life without an air conditioner. It is so comfortable with him that it is hard to imagine life without this equipment. We rented an apartment and asked the owner to install air conditioning, he did not agree to anything. Then they began to consider the option of a mobile floor air conditioner, but it also has its own characteristics, it is not as convenient with it as it seems at first glance. Yes, and it stands like a wall. But then the owner nevertheless agreed and bought an inverter. It works quietly, cools well.