How to build a wooden house for a well yourself: a selection of the best ideas and an example of construction

Nikolay Fedorenko
Checked by a specialist: Nikolay Fedorenko
Author: Antonina Turyeva
Last update: December 2024

Owners of country houses and seasonal dachas, deprived of centralized water supply, are forced to decide the issue of drinking and industrial water on their own. Not surprisingly, many prefer to dig a well. But few people will be pleased with the head made of concrete rings or simple bricks - such a structure on the site requires proper decoration and decoration, agree?

Therefore, the logical conclusion to such construction is the installation of a house for a well. Which, if desired, can be made with your own hands. Why do you need the simplest set of tools and materials. So, wooden houses are very popular. But to produce them, you will also need power tools - a chainsaw is much easier to saw a log than a hacksaw.

If you don’t have a chainsaw yet and you definitely want to draw a tree head for the well, then, along with buying logs, boards and timber, you should immediately buy a saw. The popular rating of chainsaws will help you not make a mistake in choosing the best tool, where the best offers that have been tested by experts and received positive feedback from users are collected.

But if you have the necessary tools and materials, you can safely get to work. And where to start and what should be considered at the same time - we will tell you in detail in our material. Let's talk about the intricacies of building a house, give examples of interesting and original designs, give recommendations on choosing the most suitable option.

Types and functions of a house for a well

Having built well of concrete rings or a brick, it will not be amiss to protect it - from rain, dust, foliage, insects and small animals that can get into the water. The most popular protective devices among users is the house and the lid.

Home craftsmen are creative in their construction - they choose the original form of construction, use various decorative elements. Therefore, the house, in addition to protective functionalso performs aesthetic - Helps to create a holistic composition on the site.

Wood carvings and sculptures
The result of the work of domestic craftsmen is sometimes amazing - wood sculptures, carvings, fancy patterns, a successful combination of colors and textures

Varieties of houses for a well

The houses are divided in appearance into the following groups:

  • roof house or open type;
  • a full house with a door or a closed type;
  • The gazebo is an original open-type design.

Which option to choose depends only on the wishes of the owner, his financial capabilities. Moreover, you can build a house on your own or, if you do not want to bother, buy a ready-made one in a store. But be prepared for the fact that low-cost options look, to put it mildly, sad. And nice solutions will be expensive.

And if you want something original, stylish and fit into the general style of the house, then the way out is to make to order (quite expensive) or to make it yourself.

House-arbor on the house plot
The original solution is to hide the well inside the gazebo. Here you can not only get water, but also relax in the shade on a hot summer day

For the convenience and safe operation of the well, the design of the house should include the following elements:

  • a collar with a chain or rope;
  • cover - relevant for the house-roof;
  • roof and cladding.

In more detail, all these elements, their purpose and features of the structure, we examined in the gallery.

There are many options for how to design a house. And choosing one is quite difficult. To make it easier for you to navigate, in the next section of our article we will demonstrate illustrative examples of houses of open and closed type.

Best design ideas

Perhaps the most important point is to decide on the desired design, shape and materials for making the house. The easiest way is to draw up a project or select an option on the Internet, suitable for the general style of buildings located on the site.

You can also choose a solution that will become the "highlight" of the house area - the original form, wood and stone cladding, carved elements and more.

For inspiration, we offer to see a selection of the best ideas for decorating a house in the next gallery.

The open type of house is more popular. But it, as a rule, is most often a decorative element and requires additional protection - the manufacture of a protective cover. Otherwise, you will often have to deal with well cleaning. Therefore, the closed version wins in this regard. But its disadvantages are the complexity of manufacturing, greater consumption of materials, and, accordingly, a higher cost.

As for the appearance - you should not consider the closed type of the house too simple and uninteresting. It all depends on the owner’s imagination - sometimes a real work of art is obtained.

We presented interesting ideas for decorating a house for a closed well in the next photo selection.

The main stages of the construction of the house

Having considered the design options, you have decided on the appropriate type of house and want to test your strength in its construction?
Let's take an example of a simple closed-type house with a door together to analyze the main stages of construction and the procedure for doing so.

Roof dimensions
If you are building a roof house, then it is worth remembering that its dimensions should not be less than the diameter of the well itself

Stage # 1 - creating a drawing and selecting materials

You should start by creating a drawing, on which you will specify the dimensions of each structural element. Next, we give as an example a drawing of a gable roof made of bars and boards (lining).

Gable roof drawing
A simple wooden house made of bars for a well. This design will reliably protect the well from getting into the trash, rainfall, flies and other
The device of a house for a well
The main structural elements: 1 - base frame; 2 - gables; 3 - a vertical rack; 4 - the ridge of the roof; 5 - gate; 6 - sheathing of the gables; 7–8 - roof slopes

Creating a drawing, you need to calculate what materials and in what quantity will be needed.

For such a small house you will need approximately the following set of materials:

  • wooden beam - for the manufacture of rafters, ridge, foundation and their fastening, as well as a bar for support;
  • log - for the manufacture of gates (drum);
  • boards - for gables and roof slopes, and as a stand to put a bucket;
  • metal rods - for the manufacture of handles and gates;
  • small supplies - metal bushings, washers, door hinges, handle;
  • nails or screws;
  • bucket and rope or chain.

As for the amount of materials, in each case, the consumption will depend on the size of the product and its shape.

Stage # 2 - preparation of tools and wood

After collecting the necessary materials and buying the missing ones, it's time to prepare the following tools:

  • chainsaw, jigsaw, circular saw or grinder + wood disc;
  • drill or perforator;
  • hammer, screwdriver;
  • level, tape measure, pencil.

Also at this stage, you can prepare the wood - to level, trim, treat with antiseptic and antifungal protective agents.

Chainsaw Work
If you do not have experience with a chainsaw, you do not need to immediately begin to assemble the house. For a start, it would be nice to practice sawing wood

If you have never worked with a power tool and are going to saw wood with a grinder, in this situation we recommend that you familiarize yourself with rules for using the grinder.

Stage # 3 - frame manufacturing

First you need to measure the head of the well and based on these measurements create a drawing of the foundation of the structure.

Next, mark the bars, boards into the desired segments and cut. Then assemble the frame of the future house and its foundation.

Frame and base of the house
After assembling the base and frame, they need to be fixed. For this, holes are made in the concrete ring with a puncher and the base is well screwed to the well head. And the frame is fixed to the base with screws

Stage # 4 - Gate Mount

At this stage, a gate is made by processing the log and driving a metal rod into it on one side and a metal handle on the other. Mount it to the uprights with metal plates.

Mounting a gate for a well
It remains to securely attach a rope or chain and a suitable bucket to the gate, which will then collect water

Stage # 5 - cladding and decor

Now you need to assemble the doors from the boards and attach them. Then beat to the frame of the board / lining, cover with a waterproofing layer on top.

How to do all this is clearly demonstrated in the next photo selection.

This completes the assembly of a simple house. This process seemed complicated to you and you absolutely do not know how to process a tree? You can try to assemble a house from other materials - stainless steel or galvanized steel.

It is also important to take into account the climate peculiarities of your region - if you have frosty winters, then when choosing a material for facing the head, you should immediately take care of warming a well for the winter.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Video on how to build a nice house on the well:

A selection of interesting well design options in this video:

It will also be useful to see personal experience in the manufacture of a frame home-made well house.

Part 1:

Part 2:

Having at hand the minimum set of tools and improvised materials (remnants after repair), you can build a wooden house on the well on your own. The main thing is to determine in advance the shape and dimensions, draw up a drawing and you can proceed. If there is a desire to create something unique, you can originally design a finished house using natural or artificial stone, tiles, sculptures, flowers, carved elements and more.

Do you have questions about making a house yourself? Or want to share your construction experience with other users? Write your comments, ask questions, share experiences and original photos of your own house for the well - the feedback form is located below.

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