Do-it-yourself pump station repair: typical malfunctions and solutions

Nikolay Fedorenko
Checked by a specialist: Nikolay Fedorenko
Author: Elena Pykhteeva
Last update: April 2024

Unfortunately, even the most reliable pumping equipment can fail. Among the violations in the work there are serious breakdowns and commonplace wear of rubbing parts or seals. Correction of the simplest problems can be done by a home master, but you must admit that even elementary repair operations need to know how to carry out correctly.

We are happy to assist you in mastering the difficult work of a household appliance repairman. In the article brought to your attention all characteristic types of breakdowns of pumping units are described in detail. Effective methods of eliminating failures in the operation of water supply systems are presented.

Those wishing to repair the pump station with their own hands will find answers to all the questions that arise in such cases. Useful information is supported by step-by-step photo instructions, diagrams and videos.

Device and features of operation

With the help of a pumping station, several problems related to water supply can be solved:

  • organize the automatic flow of water from the source to the water supply system of the house;
  • adjust the water pressure in the water supply, bringing it to an acceptable level;
  • protect the water system from water hammer;
  • create some water supply in case of problems with water supply.

Can be purchased pumping station in ready-made form, which will slightly facilitate its installation, or assemble it yourself, picking up individual elements depending on your own situation.

For example, if a deep well is used as the water source, it makes sense to replace the surface pump with a suitable submersible model.

The device of the pumping station
This diagram illustrates the structure of a conventional pumping station: a hydraulic accumulator connected to a surface pump and a pressure switch

Understanding principles of the pumping station help to understand the features of the repair of this device.Its important part - a hydraulic tank - a container with a built-in rubber liner. Using a pump, water enters the membrane part of this tank. There is air on the other side of the membrane (sometimes pure nitrogen is supplied to the hydraulic tanks, but this is rare).

This combination creates a certain pressure inside the tank. On one side of the tank is a regular automobile nipple through which you can bleed off excess air or pump in the missing.

On the other hand, a pipe is installed. The other elements of the pumping station and system are connected to it through a special fitting for five outputs: pressure gauge, pressure switch, pump hose, water pipe, etc.

A hydraulic tank is connected to the water supply at home. When the water is opened, the tank is emptied and the pressure inside the tank decreases. When it reaches the set value, the pump automatically turns on and water flows into accumulator until it is full and the pressure reaches the set maximum level.

Tank device
This detailed diagram allows you to understand the device and the principle of operation of the hydraulic tank. The air pressure in the tank should be maintained at about 1.5 atm to prevent damage to the membrane (+)

The pump is controlled by the pressure switch. This is a small device connected to both the accumulator and the pump. Both the condition of the water supply system and the operation of the pump, the presence of such a station is extremely favorable.

The hydraulic tank serves as a buffer that protects the water supply from sudden water hammer. The pressure switch reduces the number of pump starts and stops to the required minimum, which extends the life of the equipment.

Although a small amount of water is inside the tank constantly, you should not consider it as the main place to store a large supply of water. The larger the volume of the tank, the higher its price.

If you need to stock up with a solid volume of water, it is better to supplement the system with an inexpensive plastic container of a suitable volume. And with protection against hydroblows and a small hydraulic tank it will cope quite satisfactorily.

In addition, it is important to competently pick up a pumping station, focusing on the characteristics of the water source and the location of the points of tapping.

Parts replacement example

To begin with, let us examine an example of replacing the working rings and seals of the automatic pump. The unit worked in the format of a pumping station pumping water from a storage tank to consumers.

After several minutes of “dry running”, which occurred due to a breakdown of the submersible pump, the productivity decreased, the system turned off even when the cranes were open at the points of the tapping.

Buying spare parts for automatic pumps manufactured in the CIS countries was not difficult. In Russian monetary units, about 900 rubles were spent.

If during the inspection of the unassembled part of the pump, foci of rust are detected, they should be removed, everything that is available should be cleaned of contaminants.

If the new parts of the automatic pump are not installed correctly, the unit will not work, you will have to redo it again. Therefore, it is better to immediately carefully memorize or mark the sequence of location and the installation side.

Common problems and breakdowns

Since the pumping station consists of several nodes, the breakdown may be associated with one or more of them, for example:

  • the pump is clogged with dirt;
  • the pump motor is broken;
  • lost pressure switch settings;
  • the integrity of the rubber membrane in the tank is broken;
  • there are cracks in the tank housing, etc.

As a result, the pumping station either works unsatisfactorily or ceases to function at all. Sometimes it’s not the station at all, but the breakdown of, say, water pipes.

To determine the cause of the problems, you should consider how the most frequent breakdowns occur during the operation of the equipment. For example, figuring out why the equipment turns on but does not turn off, you need to consider the features of work and pressure switch settings.

When troubleshooting a pumping station, you need to remember that almost all models of surface pumps are not recommended for dry running. Before turning on the pump to check its operation, make sure that it is filled with water. If this is not the case, the device must be filled through a special filling hole.

Pump parts
“Dry running”, i.e. running without water, idling, is very dangerous for almost all models of surface pumps. Parts wear out a lot, motor winding may burn out

# 1: Pump is running, water is not running

If the pump turns on and you can see (hear) that it is working, but the water does not enter the tank, you need to figure out where exactly this water goes. The first thing to check is check valve. If it went bad, the water just spilled back. If there is water in the intake hose, then the check valve is not to blame for anything, you need to look for another reason.

If the hose is empty, remove it and inspect the check valve. It may happen that the pumping station does not pump water at all due to simple clogging of the valve openings.Rinse the device enough so that it starts working correctly again.

Sometimes it is necessary to replace the spring or the entire valve. Of course, after replacing a part or repair, you should check the operation of individual components of the pumping station, and only then perform the final assembly and commissioning of the device.

Check valve
The non-return valve is necessary for the normal operation of the pumping station. If its holes are blocked, you just need to disassemble the device and rinse it

If there is water in the intake hose, check all joints and pipes between the pump and tank for leaks. Perhaps the water just flows out through a crack or hole. The damaged pipe must be replaced, and the leaky connection must be cleaned, sealed and resealed.

Sealing threaded connections
If the screw connections on the pumping station become leaking and leaking, they must be cleaned and resealed using suitable materials

There is a third reason why water does not go into the hydraulic tank: the low debit of the water source. This happens if for some reason the water does not enter the water intake part of the well or well.

This happens, for example, as a result of siltation or sanding. Or the pump for the source is not selected correctly, it pumps out the water too quickly, its supplies do not have time to recover.

How to choose, install and connect correctly pumping station for water production, described in the article, which we recommend that you familiarize yourself with.

The pump will most likely have to be replaced; there are special models for low debit sources. To increase the debit of the well, it makes sense to pump it, i.e. wash accumulated dirt. To flush the well, a separate pump should be used, and not the one with which the pump station was equipped.

As an urgent measure, it is sometimes advised to take water from a greater depth, but this recommendation should be used with caution. If the source is sandy, immersing the water intake or submersible pump too deeply can lead to contamination of the pumping equipment and serious damage to it.

Another possible reason why the pump stopped pumping water is impeller wear. In this case, it will spin idle. You will have to remove the pump, disassemble it, rinse, replace the impeller, and possibly the pump housing. Sometimes it’s easier to install a new pump.

If the above “diagnoses” have not been confirmed, it makes sense to simply check the voltage in the electrical network. If it is too low, the pump will turn on, but it will not be able to supply water. It remains to establish normal power supply so that the pumping equipment functions again in the required mode.

# 2: The device turns on, but does not work

This happens with pumps that have not been used for a long time (for example, in winter). Since the clearance between the impeller and the casing is small, these elements, being stationary, can simply “stick” to each other.

When you turn on the pump will buzz properly, but the impeller will remain stationary. The device in such a situation should be immediately turned off.

Pump impellers
The clearance between the impellers (impeller) of the pump should be small. If the wheels are worn out, the clearance will increase and the performance of the device will decrease, therefore it is better to replace the wheels with new ones

To cope with this problem is not difficult, just simply twist the impeller with your hands a couple of times. If, after switching on, the pump resumes operation, it means that the obstacle has been removed.

Of course, before starting operation, a pump that has not worked for a while will not hinder rinsing. Sometimes the impeller has nothing to do with it, the capacitor simply failed. Damaged item must be replaced.

Condenser for pump
A burnt capacitor is a common cause of pump station failures. It is not difficult to replace it with a new element with suitable characteristics.

# 3: The pump station runs jerkily

This behavior of the technique is most often typical for situations when there are problems with pressure inside the tank. First of all, you need to check the behavior of the pressure gauge. If the pump shuts off when water enters, as expected, but soon there is a sharp drop in internal pressure, problems should be sought inside.

Most likely, the membrane in the accumulator broke. This is simple to make sure: if you open the nipple located on the “air” side of the container, water will flow from it, not air.

The tank should be removed, carefully disassembled, removed the damaged membrane and change it to a new one, exactly the same. Trying to somehow repair a damaged liner is usually useless, it will quickly deteriorate again.

The sequence of work on replacing the tank membrane is shown in the photo selection:

There are other reasons for the pump station to work jerkyly. If the liner is not damaged, air will escape through the nipple. In this case, you need to check its pressure. If it is noticeably lower than the 1.5-1.8 atm recommended by the manufacturer, you just need to pump a certain amount of air with a suitable pump.

However, first it’s better to find out exactly where the air goes. It is likely that there is a crack in the tank housing caused by corrosion, mechanical damage, or similar causes.

It is necessary to close the place of air leakage or replace the hydraulic tank. Finally, make sure that the pressure switch is functioning without interruption. If this is not the case, the relay must be reconfigured or changed.

It happens that the pressure switch is simply clogged, especially if, for some reason, water with a lot of contaminants entered the station. Clogging of the relay is also observed when salts are deposited, if the water has increased rigidity. The relay must be removed and inspected inlet. After flushing and removing contaminants, the device usually works correctly.

Pressure switch
Near the adjustment springs, which are located under the cover of the pressure switch, there are signs “+” and “-“ indicating the direction of rotation of the spring when adjusting the device

If the relay needs to be replaced, you should consider purchasing a more modern model of this device.Such devices are regulated using arrows and screws, not springs, as in models of the type RDM-5. If you believe the reviews, setting up such a relay is much simpler, and the cost is quite reasonable.

# 4: Unit does not respond to shutdown

This picture is typical for situations when pressure switch settings lost, so the pumping station does not pump water with the required pressure. Not always the cause of the breakdown of the pressure switch.

It happens that the wear of the impeller of the pump does not allow to provide the desired working pressure. In this case, you need to slightly tighten the large spring on the pressure switch to the side where “-” is indicated.

Pump station pressure gauge
If the pressure gauge shows that the pressure in the pumping station is rapidly decreasing, most likely there are problems with the membrane. Or the pressure switch is faulty

As a result, the upper pressure settings will be slightly reduced, the pump will turn off. Relay adjustment should be performed very carefully so as not to overwhelm the settings and not spoil the device. In addition, you need to think about repairing the pump in order to restore its working life, or about replacing it with a new device. Incorrect operation of one element can cause an imbalance of the entire system.

# 5: Water flows unevenly

It happens that the pump buzzes and works stably, but the water comes in uneven portions, that is, it is, then it is not. Most likely, not only water, but also air gets into the pipeline in some way.

It is necessary to check whether the water intake equipment is at the correct depth and whether the water level in the source has changed. By adjusting the position of the intake hose, the problem can usually be solved.

# 6: Pumping equipment does not turn on

If the pump stops turning on, then either the device is broken or it is not receiving power. To begin with, it is worth checking the device with a tester and inspecting the contacts of the pressure switch. It often happens that they need cleaning. It is possible that after cleaning the contacts, the pump will turn on without problems.

Pressure switch contacts
Lack of power to the pump may be caused by contamination of the pressure switch contacts. Clean and reconnect both pairs of pins.

It is much worse if the pump is broken due to the burned motor winding. If this is true, you can feel the characteristic smell of burned rubber. The engine, of course, can be rewound, but only an experienced electrician can correctly perform this operation.

Rewinding of an electric motor is best ordered from specialists at specialized industrial enterprises. In most cases, it is easier to replace the engine with a new one than to rewind it.

Recommendations for installation and operation

To reduce the number of problems in the operation of the pumping station, it is important to correctly install the equipment, as well as follow the recommendations for operation and maintenance of the device. Necessary adjust the pumping station in accordance with the technical characteristics of the source and the required water pressure.

Regulations pressure in the water supply system private homes and ways to achieve the necessary pressure parameters are given in our article. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with useful material.

Here are a few important points:

  1. To prevent vacuum compression of the water supply line, it is recommended to use either metal pipes, or rather rigid PVC pipes, or a hose reinforced for vacuum.
  2. All hoses and pipes should be mounted evenly, avoiding deformation and twisting.
  3. All connections must be sealed and sealed, as well as regularly checking their condition during routine inspections.
  4. Do not neglect the installation of a check valve on the water supply hose.
  5. The pump must be protected from contamination with a filter.
  6. The immersion depth of the hose leading to the pump must exactly comply with the recommendations of specialists.
  7. The pump station should be installed on a level and solid foundation, using rubber gaskets to dampen the effects of vibration during pump operation.
  8. To prevent the pump from running without water, a special circuit breaker must be installed.
  9. In the room where the pump station is installed, the correct temperature (5-40 degrees) and humidity (not more than 80%) should be maintained.

It is recommended to check the condition of the pumping station at least every three months. Separately, check the readings and settings of the pressure switch.

Another important preventive step is the bleeding of air, which is released from the water and fills part of the liner volume in the hydraulic tank. On large tanks there is a separate faucet for this. To remove unnecessary air from the membrane of a small tank, you will have to fill it several times in a row and completely drain the water.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Interesting practical experience in the repair of the Pedrollo pump station:

In this video, the disassembly of the pump of the station and the process of replacing the packing box are clearly demonstrated:

However, before performing this procedure, experienced craftsmen recommend inspecting the shaft located beneath it. If the metal is excessively worn, the new oil seal will deteriorate quickly. You must either restore the shaft (if possible), or completely replace the engine.

As you can see, a number of problems with the pumping station can be eliminated independently. In the event of complex breakdowns, you will have to consult a specialist. With proper care, the number of breakdowns can be significantly reduced.

If during the review of the stated material you have questions or have a desire to share your own experience in restoring the pumping station, please post comments.

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Visitors Comments
  1. Danil

    Not very helpful. My pump has sat down. It worked perfectly, regularly. The second already ... took as an understudy in reserve. For no reason, began to break 220 into the body. Even a couple of times an electric shock. At the same time, it works. There is no burning smell in it, but the outlet burned out. Help me please.

    • Danya

      Just throw it away and everything will be tip-top.

    • Alexander

      Flip the 220v plug, i.e. you change the phase with zero, you can check the phase indicator, they are sold in electrical goods, they cost a penny. The pump housing must be earthed.The reason may be dampening of the engine, disassemble and dry in the oven at t 120 degrees.

  2. Tatyana

    Hello read with my husband, but could not understand the reason. The station turns on as usual, but the tap water runs in a thin stream. The pressure gauge shows normal pressure. What could be the reason?

    • Alexander

      Have you poured water into the motor to turn it on and use it? And how far does it stand from the water intake?

    • Expert
      Nikolay Fedorenko

      If the pressure gauge shows normal pressure in the water supply system, but a weak pressure is coming from the tap, then the mixer itself is a problem. First of all, you need to unscrew the strainer on the gander and clean it from clogging. If this does not help, then you have to "dig" deeper, as they say. You need to remove the lever from the mixer, take out the cartridge (pliers may be needed). Next, clean the holes from clogging and plaque, which over the years are formed in any case. You may need to replace the cartridge itself on the mixer, which costs about 3-5 dollars.

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  3. Behind

    The pump is installed indoors under the ground. After a strong squally shower stopped working. Apparently, water fell on him through a loosely closed hatch. Lamps are on except for one orange. When disconnected from the mains and turned back on, the orange lamp lights up and the pump turns on. After a few seconds it turns off. At the same time, water does not enter the house anyway. I keep the Restart button pressed, there is also no water. While she directed the heat gun at the pump. I hope it dries and works. Are there any specialists here? What do you think?

    • Expert
      Nikolay Fedorenko

      If water gets into the pump, then you will need a full range of procedures for drying its elements, as well as cleaning from oxidation. Options with drying using a heat gun will not give the desired effect, since oxidation must be eliminated manually. Judging by your description, I concluded that you have a surface pump installed.

      It will take a call for equipment for ongoing malfunctions. Further disassembling into separate elements, cleaning each individually, plus drying and elimination of oxidation.

      If you do not have experience in such matters, then it is better to entrust the repair to a qualified specialist. And for the future I advise you to install the pump in a place where it will be protected from water and moisture.

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  4. Alexander

    Hello, for some reason I have a tight nipple, I can not pump air. How to change it, who knows?

    • Sergei

      Just try to twist it, damn it.

  5. The station worked, then fell silent ... during operation, water does not flow. The engine is periodically turned on, but there is no water. Could this be due to the water level in the well? Thank.

    • Expert
      Nikolay Fedorenko

      Hello. The symptomatology is not entirely clear from your question. She worked, and then became silent, but turns on, only there is no water ... When connected to the network, does the station make noise or not? And what does it mean to periodically turn on? How often?

      If you answer the last question - yes, the station may not pump water because of the water level in the well, when the well is drained for some reason. But the problem can also be in the pump, the supply hose, clogging of the filter, destruction of the borehole walls, siltation of the borehole bottom, blockages, and so on. Diagnosis or more complete information about the symptoms is needed.

  6. Alexander

    Help me please! Unipamp hydraulic station does not pump water, the check valve holds water, the pressure in the accumulator is 1.5. The impeller is spinning and the pressure is 0.

  7. Andrew

    Tell me, please, the pump is working fine, but there’s some kind of chip coming from the tap. At first I thought it was sand, but no. What could it be? The end of the impeller?

    • Expert
      Nikolay Fedorenko

      If the pump is working properly and there are no malfunctions in your water supply, then there are no obvious reasons for concern. So-called shavings can be ordinary particles of sand and other elements that rise from the well due to pump operation. To fix this problem, you need to install a main filter. And it would not be bad to have a photo of that very “chip” that bothers you, to say exactly what it is. If there is still suspicion of impeller wear, then you can get the pump out of the well and check its elements for the presence or absence of damage, and at the same time carry out maintenance work.

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  8. Valery Ershov

    And what kind of malfunctions can be during prolonged operation of the station without water? My pumping station stopped pumping water ...

    • Expert
      Nikolay Fedorenko

      Most likely, the problem is a check valve malfunction, if you did not use it, then I recommend mounting this simple device.

      The principle of operation is quite simple: the check valve is immersed in water, after which the hose is filled with water, and then attached to the pump. After that, the pump is started. The non-return valve prevents the airing of the pump, as a result of which it can actually stop pumping water. If the pump runs idle (this can take a long time), this will help accelerate wear.

    • Expert
      Nikolay Fedorenko

      I will attach the installation diagram and a photo of the non-return valve itself, because of which there may be a problem.

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  9. Victor

    Good afternoon, the situation is as follows: now the pump is constantly on and noisy, but the noise is much quieter than it was before when turned on to increase the pressure. Now when it is turned on on the manometer about 5 atm. - it doesn’t turn off when I turn it off by disconnecting from the network, then the pressure immediately drops to about 3 atm., And when you turn it on again, the pump makes noise again and raises the pressure back to 5 atm!

  10. Alexander

    Hello! Can you tell me? The essence of the problem is this: yesterday we turned off the lights, I turned on the generator, and after that the pump does not work at all!

    • Expert
      Nikolay Fedorenko

      Perhaps the problem is that there was a short circuit or power surge, which actually caused these problems. This does not mean that the pump burned out, most likely the matter is a fuse, for example. If the pump was connected to the network, and you started the generator, then the option with a blown fuse or starting device is quite possible.

      It would be great if you indicated the make and model of the pump, so that I could give a more accurate consultation. In any case, you will have to take a multimeter and “ring” to calculate the part that has failed.

      Here are some more common reasons:

      - Burned contacts on the pressure switch
      - The hole in the water pressure supply to the membrane clogged (photo attached);
      - There is no voltage on the engine or the engine is out of order (will have to be changed completely).

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  11. Alexander

    Hello! Tell me who can. AUPS 126 pump station. If it stays without turning on for several days, the impeller “sticks”. And without external help does not want to spin.

    • Expert
      Nikolay Fedorenko

      Hello. In your case, you need to replace the impeller, it is possible that banal cleaning will help. Most often, the impeller does not start without external assistance precisely for these two reasons: blockage or deformation. The design of the AUPS 126 pumping station itself is not complicated, so replacing the impeller here will not be a problem.

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  12. Urmat

    Hello, to pour water away I pressed the outlet of the hose, but the water pressure dropped. Do not tell me why this happens? Thank.

  13. Pavel Nikolaevich

    I am looking for a power supply circuit for a pump station NSS-600/36.

    • Expert
      Nikolay Fedorenko

      Alas, I only found instruction manual. By the way, you can write on the contacts that are indicated there to service centers where they can help you. I did this more than once when I could not find the power supply circuit for the pumping station, which needed to be repaired.

      Often, official SOs meet and provide documentation. If you succeed, then post it here, someone will also come in handy later.

  14. Basil

    Liu Yu! Who knows, is it possible to put a pressure switch of a different brand on the Speroni CAM 10025 pumping station?

  15. Sergei

    The station works, creates pressure, but it does not turn off.

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    • Expert
      Nikolay Fedorenko

      Hello. If this is a question, then there is very little start-up information. When the device began to junk, what other symptoms do not turn off for a long time or turn off before being cut off from the power circuit, how often this happens and so on. For remote diagnostics, you have given too little information. There may be a blockage in the module, a relay is incorrectly adjusted, a water leak, and so on. In general, I am in favor of adjusting the relay, but this is a preliminary “diagnosis”.

    • Alexander

      The hole on the relay is clogged, unscrew the 4 screws on the back and clean the hole, wash the lid and rubber seal, also assemble - and everything will turn off. Sometimes the relay can not be unscrewed due to the fact that the wires interfere, then you can try to unscrew 4 screws on the spot. If not possible, then disconnect the wires.

  16. Alexander

    Hello! I have a Parma station, after 1 year of intensive operation I stopped pumping water - it only pumps up to 2.8 ATM and longer than expected. The whole reason is the venturi - a crack appeared. Anyway, Chinese ... maybe someone knows where you can write by mail?

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    • Expert
      Nikolay Fedorenko

      I understand that a crack appeared on the tube, which is a removable part of the pump, so it’s not worth worrying. To be precise, this part is called a corner connecting hose. Sold separately, cost about 5-7 dollars, depending on length. You can order such a hose in any plumbing store, this is a running consumable, only you need to choose the right thread and diameter.

      As for the Chinese production, their hoses at the price are the same as the Italian production, for example. But here you need to pay attention to the materials:
      - brass nuts;
      - elastomer hose;
      - material of tubes and braids made of steel.

      In terms of price / quality ratio, I can recommend the Italian-made Fado hose.

      Attached photos:
  17. Arnold

    Jasbo Station 60/45, 2007 release. The impeller does not start. You open the water in the faucet, the motor “mumbles”, and the impeller does not spin. Recently replaced the membrane, lost weight and filled with water. Lubricated the bearings. I don’t know, tell me what else can be done? Thank.

    • Expert
      Nikolay Fedorenko

      Hello Arnold. For pumps, this is a fairly common problem. Moreover, it manifests itself not only in the manufacturer pumping stations Jumbo, but also many others.

      The motor is idling, the impeller does not spin, since the problem is its key connection with the shaft. Often the metal beats in this place, and the torque from the shaft is not transmitted to the impeller.

      I attach photos for you that will help fix the problem. In order not to change the shaft itself, you can “patch up” the groove with brass and a file. It will be easy to grind a piece of brass that will “close” the defect in the keyway.

      And the membrane in your case has nothing to do with it. It reacts to pressure changes, as a result of which the pumping process starts / stops.But does not affect the rotation of the impeller.

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  18. Valery

    Hello! Need some advice. Installed a pumping station Bison - a tank of 50 liters. Everything is working fine. The on / off range is 1.5-3.0 atm. But there is one small problem. Upon reaching 3 atmospheres, the station turns off, but drops to 2.2 atm.

    Further, the pressure keeps normal, there are no leaks, the arrow does not fall. It was possible, of course, to use it that way, but here the pressure drop was 0.8 atm, and this is 5 liters of water. There was a filter in front of the pump, I thought it was taking. Removed, everything remains the same. I don’t understand what’s the matter. Maybe someone had this?

    • Expert
      Nikolay Fedorenko

      Hello, Valery. The filter in front of the pump does not affect the pressure indicator in the system, so you can put it back if you have not already done so. In general, your problem is common, it concerns not only the Zubr pumping station, but in general pumping equipment of any manufacturers.

      You need to adjust the pressure in the hydraulic tank. To do this, completely drain the water, using the pump you can expel all the water through an open tap. Do not forget to turn off the pump and shut off the water supply to accumulator or storage tank, if it is connected to your system additionally.

      So, after all the water has been drained, using a conventional car pump, you build up pressure in the tank to an indicator of 1-1.5 atm. In your case. I have a pressure of 4 atm in the system, so I pumped up pressure in the hydraulic tank to 2 atm.

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