Cottage washbasin with heated water: ranking of the best models + tips for potential buyers

Vasily Borutsky
Checked by a specialist: Vasily Borutsky
Author: Natalya Listyeva
Last update: May 2024

Convenient and practical cottage washbasin with heated water allows even in the country not to refuse the benefits of civilization.

If there is such a useful device on the site, the owners will always have the opportunity to thoroughly wash their hands, rinse fruits and vegetables from the beds, quickly wash small items or clothing, without fear of getting sick due to contact with cold water.

In this material we will talk about the varieties of cottage washbasins with heating, give advice on selection and give a rating of popular models among buyers.

Varieties of heated washbasins

The range of washstands for summer cottages with heating function is rich and varied. Manufacturers make them in accordance with regulatory requirements relevant to household appliances of this type.

By design, the units are divided into 3 conditional groups:

  • without bottom stand;
  • with a pedestal and a practical sink on it;
  • mounted.

Blocks without a pedestal have a metal frame on which the tank and sink are mounted. If necessary, they can be moved to a convenient place for themselves.

Mobility, relative lightness and low price make the design especially attractive in the eyes of customers. Corrosion-resistant coating makes it possible to use the module on the street, without worrying that it will rust and let it leak.

Washbasin without a stand in the country
Tank-free washstands are equipped with tanks of various sizes. Taking the biggest one only makes sense when a lot of people will use it. For individual use, a tank of 10-17 liters is enough

Put a bucket under the sink or connect to drainage communications not required.Simply place the unit where the waste water can go into the ground without eroding the surrounding landscape.

However, companies rarely produce models without a pedestal because of their instability. So that during operation the product does not fall and does not turn over, it must be strengthened in the area of ​​the legs or fixed on a solid support - a wall, a pipe dug into the ground, a tree trunk, etc.

Washbasins belong to the most common type of equipment. They are placed not only in open areas, but also in the premises of country houses.

Convenient configuration allows you to place devices in a small area. The main thing is that near the place of deployment there should be a working electric socket.

Heated washbasin for summer residence
Brands that produce country washbasins offer customers not only standard, but also original models in different styles and colors. Such products can be harmoniously combined with the overall interior of the room or landscape design.

Pedestal options are also convenient because they do not require the installation of complex plumbing communications. Inside a closed drawer under the sink, put a regular bucket or any larger tank to drain used water.

Wall-mounted washbasin It is a rectangular tank with a tap. The unit does not have its own sink and requires mandatory fastening to a wall or any other support. The module can be carried and hung where it is most convenient at the moment.

Heated washbasin
The compact cottage washbasin with heating is suitable for use not only inside but also outside. The main condition for such an application, strict adherence to the safety rules specified in the product data sheet during installation and subsequent operation

A special anodized coating is applied to the metal casing of the country wash basin. It protects the product from wear and corrosion during operation in difficult environmental conditions.

TOP 10 most purchased devices

The rating list includes the most purchased cottage washbasin models with heating function. It is these products that have gained popularity among customers and received the best reviews from the owners.

1st place - Elbat EVBO-22

A simple, budget option, providing the presence of hot water in the country. It weighs little, is mounted on a wall or any other solid, stable surface.

It is connected to the mains via a special cable. Thanks to its compact dimensions, it is conveniently located in a minimum space.

Wall country wash basin Elbat EVBO-22
Convenient design facilitates mandatory cleaning of the unit from scale and dirt, which inevitably form during regular operation


  • type - mounted
  • power consumption - 1.25 kW
  • volume - 22 l
  • tank material - plastic
  • sink - no
  • stand - no
  • maximum heating temperature - 60 ° C
  • additional elements - heating level controller

Customers praise the device for its small size, optimally powerful stainless steel heater, low cost and the ability to work correctly even with water containing rust and a large percentage of impurities.

The disadvantages are the insufficiently long cord for connecting to the network, the poor quality of internal gaskets, weak fasteners and a tightly turning crane. Users have no complaints about the speed and level of water heating.

In parallel, a complete set with a stand and a sink is available for purchase.

2nd place - Aquatex EVN 27

The model, created at the production facilities of the Electromash plant, is made in a modern style and looks outwardly catchy and attractive. The surface of the steel tank is coated with glossy white polymer.

The ergonomic temperature control knob allows you to set and control the level of water heating in the range from 20 ° C to 80 ° C. In the lower right corner on the facade is a sensor for emergency deactivation of the heater.

Wall-mounted washbasin with heated water
The heater of the device heats water to a maximum temperature in just half an hour.The product is covered by a manufacturer's warranty from the manufacturer.


  • type - mounted
  • power consumption - 1.25 kW
  • tank capacity - 27 l
  • tank material - stainless steel
  • sink - no
  • stand - no
  • maximum heating level - 80 ° C
  • additional elements - temperature regulator, euro plug on the connecting cable

Among the main advantages of the module are good roominess, the presence of corrosion protection of all internal elements, aesthetic appearance and elementary control.

In general, customers are satisfied with the device. Only some buyers complain of poor assembly, a short cord and flimsy mount of an external crane.

3rd place - Tundra 15 L 2300013

The Tundra floor unit, manufactured by a Russian manufacturer, has a wear-resistant, durable and reliable metal casing. The kit includes a deep stainless steel sink. A progressive anti-corrosion coating is applied to the inside of the heating tank.

The increased size of the cabinet door allows you to easily and without strain change the drain container. It takes only half an hour to heat water to 50 ° C.

The model is presented in several original colors. This makes it possible to harmoniously fit the product into the interior of the bathroom, kitchen or any other room.

Heated washbasin for summer residence
Corrosion-resistant coating allows the unit to be used not only indoors, but also on open terraces. The block does not rust and easily tolerates aggressive environmental influences


  • type - floor
  • consumption - 1.25 kW
  • volume - 15 l
  • tank material - metal
  • stainless steel sink
  • pedestal - metal
  • heating temperature - up to 80 ° C
  • additional elements - ergonomic temperature adjustment lever

Customers consider the main pluses to be quick heating of water to the optimum temperature and good pressure. It is also convenient that the device provides the ability to connect through the corrugation to the drainage communications.

As a drawback, users note that the location of the tap is too high and the inability to remove the heating tank to clean it from dirt and scale. Some owners say that the water does not leave the sink well. But for the most part, this problem is not observed and, rather, is associated with improper assembly of the product.

4th place - Moydodyr 30 l with a wooden frame

Modern bulk moydodyr for a country house with heating fully satisfies the need for hot water where there is no centralized water supply. For outdoor use, the model is not very suitable.

The frame and the cabinet made of chipboard do not tolerate the influence of external weather conditions and sudden temperature changes. For the device to last as long as possible, you will have to allocate a place for it in a dry, heated room.

30 L moidodyr with wooden frame-430x699
The design of the unit additionally provides for the possibility of drainage into the sewer or cesspool. This makes it possible to use the device more intensively.


  • type - floor
  • power consumption - 1.25 kW
  • volume - 30 l
  • tank material - shiny metal with inserts
  • stainless steel sink
  • pedestal - chipboard
  • heating temperature - from 20 ° C to 80 ° C
  • additional elements - built-in thermostat, support for user-set temperature, auto power off

The heated wash basin Moydodyr is liked for its spaciousness and working qualities. He quickly heats the right amount of water and maintains it at the temperature set by the owner. A bucket for used liquid is conveniently placed inside the cabinet.

Cons include a short cord for connecting to the network and a rather high cost of the product.

5th place - Moidodyr Double 60x80 cm EVBO 20l

The massive, large unit looks solid and elegant. Due to the double cabinet near the sink, a large work surface remains.

The strong case is not afraid of environmental influences.This opens up the possibility of using the module not only indoors, but also outdoors under a canopy.

Heated double washbasin
The lower compartment of the country washbasin is equipped with wide double doors. Inside the cabinet you can place a large container for used water


  • type - floor
  • operating power - 1.20 kW
  • capacity - 20 l
  • tank material - anodized steel
  • stainless steel sink
  • stand - wear-resistant metal
  • heating temperature - up to 80 ° C
  • additional elements - side control unit with temperature controller

Among the positive qualities of the model, users most often highlight the large size of the product, economical energy consumption and rapid heating of water to the desired temperature.

No one has any complaints about the working qualities and the general design. The only drawback that they are talking about is the small and uncomfortable handles on the door of the cabinet, making it difficult to open and close.

6th place - Alvin EVBO-20 / 1.25-1 SB

The Alvin washbasin with a heating heater is a reliable device for providing comfortable living conditions at the cottage.

Reliably protects the heater from overheating a highly located water intake. Inside the heating block there is a plastic container that protects the tank from unexpected leaks.

Cottage washbasin with heated water
The product is characterized by high structural strength and good wear resistance. These options provide an all-welded cabinet and rigid fasteners


  • type - floor
  • working power - 1.25 kW
  • volume - 20 l
  • tank material - anodized steel
  • stainless steel sink
  • stand - all-welded metal
  • temperature range - 0 ... + 60 ° С
  • additional elements - rotary thermostat

Owners say that the device works flawlessly and quickly heats water to a pleasant temperature. Telescopic legs allow you to adjust the height of the model, making it as convenient as possible for yourself.

Only one point is considered a minus - the cord is too short to connect to an outlet.

7th place - Aquatex 17 l with a copper stand

A neat, compact and aesthetically attractive washbasin is suitable for installation both indoors, and on an open area or terrace with a canopy.

Equipped with a sink made of durable modern plastic. Sold at a loyal price.

Washbasin with water heating function
The summer wash basin from Aquatex looks catchy and attractive. A decorative coating that imitates the shade of copper gives the product solidity and its own style


  • type - floor
  • power consumption - 1.25 kW
  • volume - 17 l
  • tank material - stainless steel with an internal patented coating for corrosion protection
  • sink - plastic
  • pedestal - metal
  • heating range - 0 ... + 60 ° С
  • additional elements - metallized crane with a convenient rotary handle

Users have no complaints about the quality of work, reliability and operational stability. The device performs its functions perfectly.

In 30 minutes it warms up water to 60 ° C, is easily cleaned and does not rust even when located in unheated rooms. The crane gently rotates and provides good pressure.

Cons in the process of using the device, buyers have not identified.

8th place - Electromash Aquatex EVN

The product from the Russian company Elektromash is very popular. The compact dimensions of the module make it possible to place it in small rooms.

The wooden cabinet looks attractive and harmoniously combines with a stainless steel sink bowl.

Washbasin with heated water for a summer residence
The classic design makes the model universal and affordable for implementation in any interior solution. The manufacturing plant is absolutely confident in the quality of its products and provides customers with a corporate guarantee


  • type - floor
  • power consumption - 1.25 kW
  • volume - 20 l
  • tank material - stainless steel with a glossy powder coating on the outside
  • sink - metal
  • cabinet - wooden plates
  • heating rate - half an hour to +60 ° C
  • additional elements - a convenient large door with a turning angle when opening up to 180 ° С

The owners say that the washbasin works stably and increases the level of comfort of living in the country.

Just a quarter of an hour after being plugged into the wall outlet, tap water flows at room temperature, suitable for washing fruits, dishes, and for personal hygiene.

There are no pronounced defects in the device. Some buyers only note that the model is not suitable for exclusively street use.

The tree is susceptible to external environmental influences and can be deformed in particularly humid conditions or at constant temperature changes.

9th place - Aquatex EVN sink Laguna

The model is distinguished by clear, simple shapes and laconic lines, excellent wear resistance and aesthetic appearance. Particularly attractive to the wash basin is the bright, turquoise hue of the finish.

The tank is not afraid of rust and corrosion due to the progressive anodized coating.

Heated washbasin for summer residence
The color coating holds well, does not tarnish during use and is easy to clean with a soft kitchen sponge and a delicate cleaning agent.


  • type - floor
  • power consumption - 1.25 kW
  • volume - 17 l
  • tank material - dense high-strength plastic
  • sink - white plastic
  • stand - colored powder coated metal
  • heating temperature - up to +60 ° С
  • additional elements - metal ball valve

Clients report that the washbasin looks beautiful in the interior and fills it with freshness, originality and rich colors. The front door opens wide and allows you to effortlessly replace a bucket of used liquid.

Some customers do not like the fact that the sink is made of plastic. However, this reduces the total cost of the wash unit and cannot be considered a disadvantage.

10th place - Chistyulya with a water heater EVBO-22

The Chistyul model is a simplified module made of modern high-strength plastic. The strict, laconic design looks nice and fits easily with furniture and decor elements of the room.

Smooth heating of water does not overload the internal heating element and extends its service life.

Chistyulya country wash basin with heating
The washbasin does not need complicated care and retains visual appeal for a long time. The powder coating remains shiny throughout the entire operating period and does not swell under the influence of external factors.


  • type - floor
  • power consumption - 1.25 kW
  • volume - 22 l
  • tank / shell / cabinet material - high-strength plastic
  • water heating level - smooth from 0 to 60 ° С
  • additional elements - option to maintain specified temperature indicators

Customers like the device with a neat appearance, reasonable cost, an elementary way of control and good performance. The product does not need complex care and retains visual appeal for a long time.

Some customers indicate insufficient depth of the sink and a short cable to connect to the outlet, significantly limiting the area of ​​the washbasin.

Tips for potential buyers

Choosing a country wash basin, first of all, it is worth determining its location. If you plan to keep the unit in a heated room inside the house or in an insulated summer kitchen, you can purchase a stationary model with a wooden pedestal or decorated with modern decorative elements.

The model should look neat and fit in the exterior design to the furniture already in the room.

Heated washbasin
When placing a washbasin with the function of heating water outside the house, you need to take care of safety measures and do everything so that rain drops, dust and other foreign elements that can provoke a short circuit do not get into the power outlet

For use on the street or in open rooms, options with a strong metal stand are more suitable. An anodized coating applied to the external parts of the structure will protect the product from moisture and corrosion.

A plastic stand can stand both at home and outdoors under a canopy. The main thing is that its walls are strong and do not bend when pressed.

The size and capacity of the heating tank also mean a lot. The models on the market have a volume of 5 liters or more. If only owners with children and friends come to the site from time to time, a 10-17 liter product will be enough.

When construction is being carried out in the country using hired labor, it is better to take an aggregate of 20-30 liters. Then there will be enough water for both the brigade and the land owners.

A product with a plastic sink will be cheaper, but it will look simple and ordinary. If there is no purpose in acquiring a solid block, you can not spend money on a stainless steel sink.

Heated washbasin
Before buying a plastic sink, you need to carefully inspect. Excessively thin material will not withstand intensive use, especially outdoors and will eventually crack due to temperature changes and aggressive environmental influences.

A high-power heater will heat water to the desired temperature faster, but it will cost more electricity. A weaker one will cope with the task a little slower, but it will significantly save on utility bills.

In more expensive modules, in addition to water heating, additional options are implemented, such as:

  • support in a tank of a certain temperature;
  • automatic shutdown.

How much it is advisable to pay an impressive amount for them, the buyer will have to decide for himself.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Interesting features of a country washbasin with a pedestal and a stainless steel sink. Advantages and recommendations for installation and operation:

Features and key differences of country wash basins with heating. How to choose correctly and what to look at first:

A detailed overview of a heated appliance equipped with a cabinet and a stainless steel sink. Interesting nuances of the product:

A heated washbasin installed in the country will make a country vacation pleasant and comfortable. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on the unit and he will not “eat” a lot of electricity. Hot water will be available in a convenient manner and at any time without any restrictions.

The module will not require serious care and will well serve the entire operational period declared by the manufacturer.

And what wash basin in the country do you use? Please tell us which plumbing module you purchased and are satisfied with your own choice. Write your comments in the box below.

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Visitors Comments
  1. Karina

    It is good when the cottage is well-maintained. That besides outdoor recreation, clean air, hiking for mushrooms, you do not need to give up the benefits of civilization, to which we are so accustomed and on which we are so dependent. We managed to evaluate the advantages of a heated washbasin at the end of last fall, at the very end of November. When you need to wash your cold hands, and the water flows warm. They took the easiest and cheapest “Spring” at that time. We put a washbasin with a stand in the summer kitchen, where you can store little things in the form of brushes, soap, rags.Of course, everyone was equipped according to safety precautions. What I recommend is to consider the size of the tank. A 10-liter capacity is quite enough for one person, but for a family of at least 30 liters.

  2. Alexander

    A good thing. We are in the country more and more in the old fashioned manner on the stove we warm the water. This, of course, is not very convenient and takes a lot of time. Now google prices, they also cost very little money. It is a pity that I had not known about such heated washbasins before. In the spring, at the beginning of the summer season, I will definitely buy one. I think either Elbat or Aquatex. It is a pity that it is not indicated how long they heat the water.

  3. Svetlana

    We set ourselves in the country a heating tank Aquatex. Since we had a cabinet with a sink, we attached this heater to it. It looks very decent, in addition, a stainless steel tank. It holds 27 liters of water, this is quite enough in the country. The temperature of the water can be controlled and set to the desired using a thermostat. It is very convenient, and we are always with hot water in the country.

  4. I wonder how the issue of electrical safety is being addressed. Especially for those models that are supposed to be put directly on the ground.

    • Expert
      Vasily Borutsky

      Hello. Using grounding - built-in or created independently, depending on the model. It is also necessary to install a canopy when used outdoors.

  5. Lyudmila

    There were 3 such wash basins. Now there is a fourth. Our manufacturers do not know how to make a high-quality coating - after a year and a half, the paint begins to peel. And if there is poor grounding in the country, then it will be blown with electric current, which will not seem enough.

    And the ball valves are of very poor quality; in a month water starts to flow. In short, which wash basin you don’t take, be sure to glue it with a self-adhesive film. And it’s better to take a plastic tank. Metal either flows or rusts.

    • Expert
      Vasily Borutsky

      Hello. You can choose a quality washbasin with which there will be no such problems. For example, “Moidodyr”, which happens both in plastic and in stainless metal, is of rather good quality.


