How to organize the introduction of water into the house: the choice of water supply method + arrangement options

Nikolay Fedorenko
Checked by a specialist: Nikolay Fedorenko
Author: Maxim Fomin
Last update: May 2024

Uninterrupted and high-quality water supply of the cottage is a prerequisite for comfortable living in it. There are several ways to arrange water entry into a house. There are three main schemes, in each case its own option will be optimal. To choose the right scheme, you need to know everything. Do you agree?

We will talk about how you can bring the water supply system to the house. In our article, the source device options are described in detail. The specifics of entering systems into an object to be equipped are analyzed.

Ways to supply water to the house

It is possible to provide a cottage and a plot with drinking water using a centralized or autonomous water supply. These are two fundamentally different ways of producing life-giving moisture.

In the first case, it is connected to the existing water supply system in the village, and in the second case, water intake is organized individually in the territory adjacent to the residential building. And each of these options has its own merits.

You can simply bring drinking water to the cottage in cans or order a water truck from time to time to fill the tank installed on the site. However, this method is acceptable only for inconsistent living and / or for one person. But if a family with a child lives in the house, then the water supply should be arranged more thoroughly.

Water source selection
The very first question in the water supply of a private house is determining the source of water, for which you can use a village water supply network or an autonomous water intake

Autonomous water intake is organized on the basis of:

  • well;
  • wells (pressure or non-pressure);
  • spring or other natural reservoir.

Most often, among these options, wells and pressureless wells are selected. They are equipped with pumps for pumping water, which is then fed into the house. Arranging them takes a minimum of time and costs reasonable money.

At the same time, the well is still good because in case of an accident on the mains, drinking liquid can be taken out of it with a simple bucket.

Organization cottage water supply as follows:

  1. The source of water is selected - a highway or a well / well.
  2. A water intake is created - a connection is made to the village water supply system or a well is drilled / a well is dug.
  3. A pipe is laid from the source to the house.
  4. Organized input of the water pipeline into the cottage.
  5. Domestic wiring of cold water and hot water pipes is carried out with the connection of all the necessary equipment for cleaning, heating and metering water.
  6. The plumbing is being connected.

Also, usually from the house, a water pipe is routed along the plot for watering the garden and supplying water to the utility rooms. Do not forget that the organization of water supply can be made only in case of installation drainage systems from the cottage supplied with water.

Centralized or autonomous water supply?

If there is a village water supply network, then most homeowners-private owners prefer to connect to it. It often comes out cheaper and easier. However, autonomous water supply has its advantages.

Centralized and autonomous water supply
The choice of water supply scheme does not depend on the volume of consumption and the number of plumbing in the house. It is possible to adequately provide your family with water in accordance with sanitary standards on the basis of both centralized and autonomous connection

When choosing a source of water supply, you should compare all the pros and cons of options. Then redo the input to the house will be problematic. And in most cases, you will have to not only shift this street section of the water supply, but also partially change the equipment and rebuild the house wiring.

Permission to connect to the water intake

In terms of bureaucratic delays and preparation of permits autonomous water supply greatly outperforms a centralized alternative. Any owner of a private house can dig a well or drill a regular well on a site.

Obtaining permits in order to organize such a water intake on its own territory is not required. In some municipalities, the preparation of documents for connecting to the highway is undertaken by local authorities or the developer of the cottage village.

But usually this happens exclusively with complex development in a new place. In other cases, you will have to run a lot to get the right papers and pay a tidy sum.

Inset in the village water supply
To connect to the main water supply system, it is necessary to go through a lot of approvals; you yourself cannot connect to the village pipe behind the fence on the street without permission

To connect a private household to a centralized water supply network, the following documents will be required:

  1. Applying for connection to the supplying organization.
  2. Obtaining technical conditions (TU for connection).
  3. Preparation and approval of the sidebar project.
  4. Connecting to the highway and entering the pipe-branch into the house.
  5. Conclusion of a contract for water supply.

And if you fill out a sample application for the required amount of water and sign an agreement, it is still possible to independently, then all other steps will have to be carried out with the assistance of external specialists. For money, this often translates into tens of thousands of rubles, or even more.

And in order to make an autonomous water intake in the form of a well or a shallow well, it is enough to agree with the installation company that provides this kind of service. Obtaining prior permission is not necessary.

In terms of cost, this option is even cheaper than centralized. However, much depends on the depth of the aquifer and its presence on the site. If you need to drill a deep artesian well, then it will be obviously more expensive than connecting to the highway.

Installation of counters and filters

A meter is only necessary when water is brought into the house from a common water supply network. In this case, you will have to monthly testify to the communal services meter and pay for the resource.

If a well is equipped or a well is dug, then no one will need to report on the volumes of water taken with their help from the earth. A counter in such a plumbing system is not prohibited. However, it will be needed only for your own accounting.

Water Accounting and Treatment Group
The cost of a water meter with a connection will cost a couple thousand rubles from its strength, this factor does not have a special influence on the choice of a water supply method

With water treatment, the situation is radically different. Resource supplying organization is responsible for the quality of water from the network. Now, such firms are exercised quite serious control in terms of compliance with SanPiNov. And if necessary, you can always find a council for communal services.

If water is taken from an autonomous water intake, then the owner of the site and the house is solely responsible for its quality and compliance with the standards. All questions on water treatment from impurities and microflora, which are dangerous for humans, are borne by the owner of the cottage.

Conventional coarse filters are inexpensive. But if the water from the earth is hard and / or with a large volume of various impurities, then its treatment can result in a round sum. Equipment for such cases is expensive in terms of both purchase and installation, and subsequent operation. And without it, the water will be unfit for drinking.

If there are sources of pollution of aquifers near the house, then it is better to refuse autonomous water supply. It will be difficult and expensive to ensure proper water quality for yourself in such a situation.

Duration of connection to the water intake

According to the time spent on organizing the input of water, the autonomous option wins. Directly work on water supply device in both cases pass approximately the same time. However, the coordination of connection to the village network and the receipt of technical specifications takes from a couple of weeks to 3-4 months.

Well with caisson
If drinking water in a private house is urgently needed, then it is best to choose a scheme with local water supply from the well. This cottage water supply option can be arranged in a couple of days.

If there are no problems finding an aquifer, then dig a well or drill a water well it will turn out well in one working day. The process of tapping into the water main is actually also quick. But it is often necessary to agree on a project in the second version and receive technical specifications for several months.

What is better to stop: at the well or well? This question is discussed in detail in next article, the content of which we recommend to read.

Ways to bring water to the cottage

The arrangement in a private house of water supply is carried out in three stages:

  1. Organization of water intake.
  2. The implementation of the pipe laying on the street and its entry into the cottage through the foundation.
  3. Water distribution in residential buildings.

The first point is described above, and the third is a separate topic that deserves an independent large article.

Insulation and heating input
The main requirement for installing the pipe from the water source to the house is that it should not freeze in winter. If she needs warming and heating, then they should definitely be provided

Water is usually supplied to the cottage by a pipe with a diameter of 25–32 mm. For it, you need to dig a trench with a depth below the freezing point of the soil. Moreover, this pit often has to be deepened by 1.5–2 meters so that the pipeline in it does not freeze in winter.

If the outside of the system is laid above the horizon of seasonal freezing, measures must be taken to prevent the formation of ice plugs in the highway. Water heating methods are given in our recommended article.

If water is taken from a well or a well, then the street pipe should be laid with a slight bias to the water intake.So the excess liquid after turning off the pump flows by gravity back to the source, without stagnating in the water supply.

To pass the foundation, a hole is drilled in it 10–20 mm wider than the pipe being laid. Then, a small piece of pipe of the corresponding section is inserted into this hole as a case with a filler in the form of polyurethane foam. It is needed to protect the input pipe from movement of the soil during heaving in the winter.

Method # 1 - from the village highway

This option is the easiest to implement. But then you have to pay every month on the counter. The organization of such a commissioning will have to be entrusted to installers from a water utility or to specialists from a third-party company that has appropriate work permits.

Shared network connection conditions
It is impossible to independently bring water into the house from the main highway in the village, first you need to get a technical specification with an insertion point and technical parameters of the water supply from the network

Two main disadvantages of centralized water supply:

  1. Lack of water during gusts and other accidents in a common water main.
  2. Considerable time consuming coordination of the connection.

However, the water here, in the vast majority of cases, enters the house with better quality than that from the well. Vodokanal is responsible for its quality.

Method # 2 - from the source on the site

The main advantage of a well and a well is autonomy. Any accidents in the village water supply system to the owner of the autonomous water supply system are not related. There is always water in the house. Only the stability of the power supply of the pumps must be worried in advance by purchasing a UPS (uninterruptible power supply) or generator.

High initial well setup costs
When arranging an autonomous local water supply, you will have to spend money on a pump or pump station, a hydraulic accumulator or a tank, and other equipment. But then no one will need to pay for water

Before you bring water into a private house in this way, you need to find out the level of its return from the existing aquifer in the area.

If the water intake is not able to provide the required volume, the well will begin to silt and fail. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully calculate the cottage water supply project in advance, taking into account all the plumbing, so as not to miscalculate later.

The most common and relatively reliable option for organizing such an intake is water well with a submersible pump drilled near the house.

It can be done anywhere on the site where there is water. Pumping equipment in this scheme is located directly in an ice-free well, and filters and a membrane tank are in the basement of the cottage.

Connection is made in the following order:

  1. Submersible pump.
  2. Non-return valve.
  3. HDPE pipe up the well and further to the side along the trench to the house.
  4. Ball valve (already in the basement).
  5. Coarse filter.
  6. Pressure gauge and pressure switch with pump control unit.
  7. Tee with a tap on the accumulator.
  8. Ball valve.

Then there is already a branch for supplying water to the street for irrigation of the garden and wiring of cold water pipes along the structure. During installation, free access to shut-off valves and sensors should be ensured. The need for shutting off water and checking the values ​​on the pressure gauge can occur at any time.

Well water supply scheme
The most problematic area in this scheme is the pipe in the trench. A well can only freeze in severe frosts, but the withdrawal from it to the house most often freezes in the winter. This pipeline is laid below the freezing depth, but additional warming and heating will also not hinder it.

After accumulator one more fine filter can be installed. But the first, self-washing, in the beginning should be in any case, so that the membrane in the expansion tank is not damaged by solid impurities in the water from the well.

Submersible pump can also be replaced with a finished one. pumping station with a hydraulic accumulator and a surface hydraulic pump. However, this option will be more noisy.

Method # 3 - from a well in the house

In order not to tempt fate with a possible freezing of a pipe on the street and not to dig a trench under it, you can drill a well directly in the cottage. Such a water intake is made in the basement or utility room of the house. At the same time, filters and a pump are installed in the same place, if not in a heated, then deliberately insulated room.

If in the region of residence -30 °With the norm outside the window in winter, then this option of water intake will be an ideal choice. The risk of pump failure due to freezing of the well is minimal. However, if there is no water under the house, then drilling will be wasted.

Basement well
A well in the basement allows you to reduce the cost of organizing water supply, save yourself from digging a trench and gives a guarantee against freezing of pumping equipment in severe frosts on the street

Such a water supply scheme should be chosen only with a clear understanding that there is an aquifer under the cottage, or even before the foundation is laid.

Now there is a mass of compact equipment for drilling. With a shallow well device or abyssinian well no problems should arise in the basement. In this case, the connection of filters, automation and pump is carried out according to the scheme described above. Only the HDPE pipe on the street is removed from it.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Video # 1. Overview of the input node in the basement of a private house:

Video # 2. Possible errors when organizing the input of cold water into the cottage:

Video # 3. Parsing a plant into a house of cold water from a well:

To organize the supply of water and its entry into a private house is not difficult. If a scheme with centralized supply from a water utility is selected, then all work will have to be delegated to third-party installers. Here you can only do piping inside the cottage.

But it is possible to equip autonomous water supply independently. The main difficulty is the well and the well. But even to drill and dig them out will work out with their own hands.

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Visitors Comments
  1. Sergei

    In our case, only a well was acceptable. It was expensive, and now we have to spend money on maintaining the system. But in many villages, including ours, the water supply is simply terrible. The pipes have not been changed since the time the grandfather purchased the site. The water is all yellow, it is necessary to defend. But most importantly, it is always turned off in the summer. Only at night occasionally turn on for two hours. The neighbors are suffering with this, but I don’t know the problems.

  2. We made a well with technical water in our private house. Our water supply is autonomous, dependent only on electricity. What I want to note from the pros, if the water is clean, then it is usable inside, it can be drunk. You do not need to buy bottled water if you install a system with coarse and fine filtration before serving to the tap. No dependence on centralized water supply. And you don’t have to pay for water, only for electricity. But you need to install and change filters.


