Gas on the border of the site - what does it mean? Features of connecting to an existing gas pipeline

Vasily Borutsky
Checked by a specialist: Vasily Borutsky
Author: Elena Kondratyuk
Last update: August 2024

Buying a cottage or your own home is always a big event. You can’t argue with that. The process cannot but bring joy. After all, you have been saving up for your housing for years. Because such "little things" as gas along the border of the site, do not stop from buying real estate, especially if you like the building.

But in vain. No one even thinks that gas supply to the house can be very expensive. Sometimes the price for heat in the room can exceed the cost of purchased housing. Let's look at the intricacies of this arrangement of the gas main and the features of connecting to it together.

What does “gas border” mean?

Before you buy a house without gas communications, you should carefully evaluate all the nuances associated with the supply of blue fuel to the building. As mentioned above, gas connection price to the house can be high. When you find out the whole truth about the real state of affairs, then the euphoria from buying a home passes.

Gas near the house
And not only for this reason, you will not immediately move to your own house, you will still need to go through many offices and solve bureaucratic problems in connecting blue fuel

And the family will again need to save in order to raise money for home improvement. The move will be delayed because of this. The phrase that is often found in real estate listings: gas passes through the boundary of the site, means that gas pipes pass nearby, but there is no gas supply to the house.

The homeowner will have to independently draw up documentation for conducting gas to his home, hire specialists to do all the work related to the gas supply to a private house. In addition, all the material costs of the purchase will fall on the shoulders of the landlord gas pipes, valves, paints, counterboiler gas column etc.

Still, it will be necessary to negotiate with the neighbors, and pay them their share of the investments for the fact that they stretched the gas pipes to the borders of the site, and paid for the construction of the gas distribution station (gas distribution station), if such is provided for by the project.

Gas supply - important aspects

When some company owns the gas main, then crashing into the gas pipeline will be problematic. Therefore, experienced specialists advise to pay attention to such moments when buying property with the prescribed conditions, when gas passes along the border of the site.

Insertion into the gas pipeline
When connecting the house to gas, you will have to calculate how much the materials for tapping into the gas network will cost, the services of gas specialists and this is not all, then you need to do wiring around the house, there will still be separate costs

Before buying a house, take an interest in gas communications.

When a gas pipeline passes through the boundary of a section, it is very important how far the pipe is located, it is still worth paying attention to the following aspects:

  • Find out the cost of materials - pipes of the required diameter, valves, meter, gas appliances, etc., all that is needed to bring blue fuel. And, as already mentioned, depending on the distance from the house to the gas pipe, calculate how much material is needed;
  • Consider how much money you spend on designing an external gas supply network;
  • Find out what amount is required for all work. Only certified companies are allowed to work on gas; therefore, it will be necessary to apply only to such structures. Otherwise, the controlling organizations will not accept the work;
  • If the house stands alone, there are no neighbors nearby, the construction of the gas distribution station may be required, and this is a huge cost for one homeowner;
  • Be sure to ask who owns the gas pipe near your site. And whether there will be a problem with embedding;
  • If you need to connect through neighboring pipes, then talk in advance with nearby people. Find out if there are any problems connecting to the trunk, how much you need to pay for the sidebar.

Unfortunately, when developers sell housing, they do not always objectively evaluate its value. And they are often silent about how much it costs to connect to gas utilities.

Consider the time it takes to process all bureaucratic costs. And it can stretch for more than one month. And for some certificates you also have to pay unaccounted fees.

No gas heating
There are many unscrupulous home sellers who want to sell real estate as expensive as possible. That is why you should not trust merchants, you should check everything yourself

Taking a house without gas heating, with the prospect of further holding it, is still a risky business. There are many difficulties in connecting fossil fuels. Prices for materials are constantly growing. But if you decide to buy a house without gas, then the documentation for subsequent connection to the gas pipe should be in perfect order.

You should:

  1. Issue paper on property, technical passport in the BTI.
  2. Request permission to connect to systems in a gas trust. When you receive it, you will need to complete all the instructions. A list of tasks is issued at gas facilities. You will have to do everything at your own expense.

The landlord will be given a finished project with a gasification scheme. It will also be necessary to organize earthworks. It is imperative to comply with all fire safety requirements.

What are the benefits of this arrangement?

Having figured out what it means - a gas pipe passes through the boundary, it is worthwhile to dwell on the question of who will benefit from choosing a property with such an arrangement of gas communications. Gas pipes on the border of the site - who benefits from taking a house without gas in it?

You can not take into account the fact if in the future the land will go on sale, or if the construction of the house is only planned. And everything will be designed to bring gas supply to the house.

Beautiful cottage without heating
It does not matter which building is beautiful, in our region it is also important to have heating in order to ensure comfort and coziness in the house in winter

Please note, when buying real estate, you definitely need to find out from the dealer how much not only your housing will cost, but also what price you will have to pay for supplying gas to the house. Better yet, find out this question from your neighbors, maybe they just recently had to deal with this problem.

Features of gas supply to the house

Naturally, it is forbidden to connect to the gas pipeline along the border of the site independently without permission from the gas industry. Therefore, first you have to deal with the design of a package of papers.

Required documentation for connection

First of all, for the gasification of the house, you need to submit the following documentation:

  • Application for getting TU;
  • identity document + photocopies of passport;
  • documentation for the right to own real estate;
  • title deed;
  • a plan of a house or building it from a BTI.

Do not think that you will receive a positive response immediately at the reception of a gas service specialist. Permission can be given in a few weeks, or even months. And in some cases they don’t give it at all.

At a reception with gas workers
The rules for connecting to gas networks are the same, therefore it is impossible to crash into a common gas pipe without permission - this is punishable

When choosing the type of gas supply, you need to consider what your area of ​​construction is. When a heated room has S = 250 m² or less, then it falls under the first group of gas consumers. Since the level of gas consumption will be less than five cubic meters per hour.

There are many nuances for insert into the gas system separate structure and it is important to consider all of them. Experts recommend gas supply to the house in this sequence:

  1. To draw up a gas project, you will need to contact the gas service at the place of residence, while you must provide the institution employee with a package of papers, as indicated above. As a rule, it takes a month to review the application.
  2. Connection is allowed only to those homeowners whose distance to the gas pipe is not more than 200 meters. Technical work on connecting to gas will require additional investments.
  3. By the way, the design of a package of papers for insertion into the gas system is also not free. Much of the technical work depends on the remoteness of the gas pipe from the property.
  4. Designing the gasification of a private house is the most expensive part, besides, some projects take quite a while. After all, gas supply specialists should take into account all the little things, and the turn for drafting this document is big.
  5. Reducing the time can only be done in private agencies. There, for a fee, everyone will do as the client needs.
  6. Installation work should only be ordered from experienced specialists with a gas permit. And the client must always conclude a special contract with the company.

Connecting gas is also not so simple. All installation work will necessarily be checked by specialists, both the gas service and the fire department. To do this, you will have to write a statement and pay a receipt for the work of specialists. They usually wait about two weeks for inspections.

Gorgaz workers must also instruct and seal the device for measuring gas flow rates.

Gas pipe with taps
Well, if this is a small village where there are many who want to spend blue fuel, then the authorities of the village can lay pipes for free

Unfortunately, if the gas pipe is located at a distance of more than 200 meters from the house, then it will be impossible to connect it. It will cost one owner very expensive.

Average prices by region

And since the topic of the cost of services to connect gas to a private house was raised, if gas goes along the border of the site, then let's dwell on this issue in more detail:

  • in order to get the necessary documentation, you will have to pay about 8-45 thousand rubles;
  • drawing up a project for gasification of real estate will cost from 3,000 to 20,000 rubles;
  • to breed pipes from the highway to the facility costs from 2000 to 5000 rubles per meter of pipe;
  • the cost of a tie-in into a common gas pipe costs from 10 125 to 15 070 rubles;
  • inspections to connect gas to different devices will cost about two thousand.

But these are just average indicators; they may differ in different regions.And much more depends on the distance from gas pipes and industrial enterprises.

Table approximate total cost of services in different regions:

Moscow and the suburbsfrom 425 - 720 thousand rubles, the price depends on the distance from the metropolis
St. Petersburg and the region325 thousand rubles
In Nizhniy Novgorod155-215 thousand rubles
european part of Russia75-125 thousand rubles
Asian part of the Russian Federation225 thousand rubles
In the Far Eastover 225 thousand rubles

As you can see, the cost of conducting gas at the place of residence varies greatly.

Still in Russia there are many territories where it is impossible to live without blue fuel, due to too low temperatures. Especially in the winter. It is there that the authorities provide residents with the possibility of more or less low prices.

Gasification in the village
Local managers can only help with the gas pipeline to the village, the rest - connecting the gas to the house, heating in the room and paperwork for gas work will have to be done independently

A popular topic is the free gasification in settlements during the period when elections for people's deputies take place. Just ask for help should be collectively, then only success will be guaranteed.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

If you take into account the pros and cons of buying a house with gas passing along the border of the site, then you may also benefit. The main thing is to objectively evaluate the scope of work, to calculate how much it will cost.

This video will discuss documentation and the price of some work on the gasification of the facility:

And after all these troubles, the work does not end when the gas is in the house, it is important to carry out the maintenance of pipes, valves, taps in time. After all, each product has its own service life. Your technical safety depends on such technical work.

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