Gas connection in the apartment after disconnection for non-payment: procedure and legal subtleties

Vasily Borutsky
Checked by a specialist: Vasily Borutsky
Author: Aksall
Last update: October 2024

Despite the fact that the deprivation of access to blue fuel is made after prior warning to homeowners, many are not ready for a quick recovery. And not only due to lack of funds. Have you noticed how difficult it seems to connect the gas in the apartment after disconnecting to many owners?

In fact, the procedure is simple. It is legally approved and tested in practice. The main thing is to quickly find funds for the payment of debt, correctly execute documents, and monitor the correct installation and sealing.

In this article, we collected information on the terms of reconnection, rules and legal nuances, provided a detailed algorithm of actions. After reading it, you will know what documents are needed, at what stage you need to prepare them and how to draw them up correctly.

The procedure for calculating the amount of debt

The gas pipeline in an apartment or a private house is shut off after the owner of the home owes a fee for two calendar months.

In this case, the gas company must notify him in writing about planned shutdown in 20 days. This time is given to pay off the debt and do without radical measures.

Gas shutdown
Many gas companies make concessions by giving permission to restore gas supply until the debt is fully paid off. In this case, the owner pays half of the debt and connects the gas, and pays the remaining amount in installments on an individual schedule

But if this has already happened, then the total amount will consist not only of paying gas at the tariff and accrued interest for late payments, but also of reimbursing the costs of gas companies to disconnect, dismantle, connect, seal equipment. Service rates can be found in the customer service department.

Reconnect Algorithm

When connecting blue fuel, the applicant may be the owner of the dwelling. Therefore, only he can contact the supplier.

In the event that housing is provided under a social contract of employment, an application may be submitted by a temporary resident who has concluded this contract.

Step number 1 - repayment of debt to the supplier

The first step is to pay off the debt of the gas supply company. It is made on receipt for the month preceding the current.

If the area is served by a third-party intermediary organization, then you need to contact it for a receipt.

Payment through your account
You can pay for the use of gas in various ways: in a bank branch, through an Internet bank or from a user's personal account on the website of the gas supplying organization. The personal account is most often the contract number

At the same time as the amount of debt, it is necessary to pay the state fee, penalties, enforcement fee. It is sometimes possible to pay for welding gas connection upon the completion of work - this opportunity should be discussed with an employee of the supplier company in advance.

Despite the uniformity of the requirements of the law, the cost of services in different gas supply companies can be different. Therefore, restoration of gas supply in one region will cost more or less than the same operation in another.

Reconnect Payment
On average, the cost of reconnecting gas in apartments reaches 6 thousand rubles. This amount does not include the acquisition of new meters, the verification fee of old flow meters

However, the estimates made by the gas service should be as transparent as possible. It prescribes all the work and supplies. Prices are taken from the official price list of the organization.

Step number 2 - preparation and submission of an application

There is no single application form. But its content in most cases is the same.

It includes:

  • information about the applicant who owns the gasified premises;
  • the exact address of the apartment;
  • information on debt repayment with date.

Paid receipts for gas supply, dismantling, connection and reinstallation of devices should be attached to the application.

Online application
Personal presence when applying is optional. This can be done via the Internet. A turnout is required only for signing an agreement, approving an individual payment schedule

Experienced users recommend keeping copies of receipts, and submit the application in duplicate. The first will remain with the gas company, and at the second the subscriber department employee will sign the receipt of the application and the receipts attached to it.

By law, authorized representatives of gas services must decide to reconnect gas within 5 business days. This is stated in Government Decision No. 549, once again edited in September 2017. The starting point is the date the application is accepted.

Step # 3 - resuming gas supply

It happens that when dismantling a gas pipeline, gas service masters notice a malfunction of equipment, improper arrangement of devices or the expiration of their useful life.

In this case, the owner of the premises will have to correct defects at his own expense, pay fines and, together with proof of payment, provide relevant evidence.

Unauthorized insertion into the gas pipeline in a private house, as well as an uncoordinated gas connection in the apartment, is punishable by a fine in the amount of 10 to 15 thousand rubles. Such a violation committed repeatedly entails the imposition of criminal liability

If all the devices and pipes are normal, then after the decision is made to reconnect the gas, the master will come to carry out the work at the agreed time.

At this stage, the owner should prepare:

  1. Previously signed gas supply agreement.
  2. Documents of ownership.
  3. Technical passports of gas-using equipment, flow meter.

During the connection, the master will connect the pipes, restore the flange connections, and check the tightness of the gas pipeline.Since the installation is carried out using welding machines, it is worth preparing the workplace: remove foreign objects, move the curtains, provide protection for walls, kitchen appliances, and a headset.

The result of work should be connected devices and sealed counters. If while waiting for the restoration of the fuel supply was carried out meter verification, then the date of verification must be displayed in the act of work performed.

Sealed meter
Sometimes the meter is sealed separately. For this, the owner of the flowmeter writes an additional statement and separately calls a specialist. In this case, payment according to the meter is charged only after the seal is installed. Until this moment, the calculation is carried out according to the standards

The readings of the newly installed must also be recorded. metering device, date of putting the device into operation.

Lack of gas after debt repayment

It happens that gas connection after disconnection for the non-payment made does not occur even in case of full repayment of the debt.

This happens for various reasons:

  1. Due to technical failures in the operation of ATMs and stationary payment terminals. In this case, the payment is made, and information about it is not received or not timely transmitted to the subscriber department of the gas service.
  2. In case of delayed payments made on weekends or holidays.
  3. If there is no mark on successful payment in the computer program of the subscription department.

In all situations, you will have to personally contact the gas company, present receipts or paid receipts, recalculate, and clarify the possible date for the resumption of gas supply.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

In the video, the gas service specialist once again recalls the procedure for the resumption of gas supply after an emergency shutdown:

So, we figured out what to do if we turned off the gas for non-payment, how to quickly connect it and what documents are needed for this. Despite the fact that the algorithm is clear and simple, the restoration of fuel supply takes time and effort, drains the budget. Therefore, it is better not to allow delays, to monitor the receipt of information about payments.

If you already have experience re-connecting gas or have happened to pay a debt on an individual schedule, receive a delay - write. Your comments can be a useful guide to action for those who are in a similar situation for the first time. The form below allows you to ask questions, participate in the discussion of the material, upload photos and scans of documents, receipts.

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