Installation of a gas meter in the apartment: step-by-step installation instructions

Alexey Dedyulin
Checked by a specialist: Alexey Dedyulin
Author: Lyudmila Gudkova
Last update: May 2024

If recently gasometers were found only in rare apartments, now installing a gas meter has become a frequently performed procedure. This is due both to the mass gasification of apartments and private households, and to the increase in tariffs for this type of natural resources, because it is the controller that allows you to accurately track consumed blue fuel and spend it economically.

In view of the relevance of such equipment, in this article we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the features of household meters, the intricacies of choice and installation rules, including the process of obtaining permits and step-by-step instructions for installing a gas meter.

The device of a household gas meter

There are many models of gas meters that differ in their dimensions, operating principle, design, purpose and other criteria.

In everyday life, membrane-type devices, which are also called diaphragm or chamber, are most often used. This type of meter was invented in Great Britain at the end of the 19th century and has been successfully used since then.

Membrane Counter Device
Schematic diagram of a membrane gas meter. The main internal mechanisms are made of modern polymers with high resistance to gas flow

Such devices are characterized by low cost, sufficient strength and durability. Among the shortcomings can be attributed to a low, but still sufficient for domestic purposes bandwidth and a rather large size.

Such natural gas meters consist of several compartments, which are separated from each other by alternately opening sashes. In addition, each element is associated with a special cross-shaped mechanism.

The principle of operation of the membrane counter
From a special pipe, gas enters the device, where, under the influence of the displacement force, it moves from one compartment to another. The process is cyclical, constantly repeating

Briefly, the functioning process can be schematically represented as follows:

  • Initially, gas enters the first compartment: its overflow causes deformation of the diaphragm.
  • The latter drives the leaflets of the device, which begin to open a little in turn, allowing a certain volume of gas to penetrate into the next chamber. Immediately after the release of the previous compartment, the sash closes tightly.
  • The movement of the flaps, passing another batch of gaseous fuel, gives a mechanical impulse, which also causes the cross mechanism to move.
  • Under its influence, the rotation of the special device “stars” begins, which allows you to calculate how much gas flow has passed through the system.

The readings of such a counter are quite accurate.

How to choose a suitable counter?

What should I look for if you decide to put a device in a house or apartment? The main criterion for choosing a device is its ability to pass a certain amount of gas through itself per hour. This value can be determined independently by studying the technical parameters of all blue fuel appliances in the apartment.

On average, a standard four-burner stove consumes 1.56 cubic meters of gas in one hour, while a gas column uses 2.5 cubic meters. If both units are located in the apartment, you need to add these numbers.

Technician mounts a gas meter
When choosing a gas meter model, you should pay attention to the fact that gas can be supplied to the device both on the right and on the left

It is worth paying attention to the markings affixed to gas meters: it will help to understand what parameters the device is designed for.

The letters and numbers applied to the model indicate:

  • G1.6 indicates that the device passes 1.6-2.5 cubic meters of gas per hour;
  • G2,5 - from 2.5 to 4 cubic meters;
  • G4 - from 4 to 6 cubic meters.

There are also more powerful controller options (G10 or G16), the characteristics of which are calculated according to the same principle.

When choosing a device, the following factors should also be considered:

  • number of residents in the house;
  • ambient temperature at which the meter will be operated - if the device is planned to be used outdoors, it is advisable to purchase devices with temperature compensators that can be used even in cold weather;
  • diameter of the thread provided at the exits of the gasometer;
  • distance between the centers of the controller outputs.

Gas pipes can be 1/2 inch, 3/4 and 1 inch. The first option is adopted in apartments, but can also be used in private houses, where other elements are also used.

The purchase of a gas meter should be agreed upon with the specialists who will install the device. To do this, you should contact the selected company for consultation, having previously determined the approximate capacity and sketching the floor plan.

Detailed recommendations for choosing the best gas meter we have given in the next article.

Vertical gas meter
Household gas fuel metering devices can be installed on a gas pipe both in vertical and horizontal position

When buying, you should pay attention to the exact manufacturing time of the purchased meter, since the verification period of the device is determined not by the day of purchase or installation, but by the date of issue.

Features of the installation of a gas meter

Since gas controllers belong to the category of high-risk devices, only specialists who have passed the relevant certification should install them.

Stage # 1 - Choosing a Service Company

In Government Decree RF № 410 dated 05/14/13 The circle of organizations that are allowed to work with gas equipment (installation, repair, replacement) is defined.These include companies that transport natural fuels to the junction of the network.

Before contacting a specialized organization, try to find out the following information:

  • Does the installation company have permission to carry out work related to gas networks?
  • What experience does the organization have in this area; how long has she been engaged in such work?
  • What guarantees apply to the installation of gas equipment?

When choosing a contractor, one should not focus only on the low cost of work. You should be wary of the low price of services: this may indicate an insufficient qualification of employees or the use of cheap materials of inadequate quality.

Stage # 2 - applying for a gasometer installation

Information about the gas service can be easily found using the gas payment receipt, on the back of which is usually the telephone number of the relevant organization. By calling the indicated number, you can consult a specialist, find out the address of the gas supply service from him, as well as the work schedule.

After that, you should visit the selected company to apply for the installation of a gas meter in an apartment or house.

In this case, you need to take documents such as:

  • passport of the Russian Federation;
  • certificate of ownership of housing or a lease;
  • paid receipt for gas, certifying the absence of debts.

Since service employees may ask you to attach copies of documents to the application, it is better to make them in advance.

Stage # 3 - installation of a gas meter and payment for work

Employees of the company will explain in detail how to install a household gas meter in a house or apartment, and after receiving the application, they will schedule a visit for the master. He will determine the technical capabilities of the installation of equipment, as well as make all necessary measurements.

Gas meter with packaging
A gas meter can be purchased independently in a specialized store, however, you need to be sure that the selected model according to its technical characteristics is suitable for operation in a particular apartment

According to the master’s conclusion and his measurements, an estimate will be drawn up and equipment purchased, including a gas meter suitable for the room.

After that, the client again needs to visit the gas service in order to agree on the time for further work, as well as to make full or partial payment.

Step # 4 - Choosing a Device Location

The installation location is usually discussed with a wizard who can offer his own placement option. But he should not insist on it, if the choice of the owner does not violate the key provisions of the rules for installing a domestic gas meter in an apartment, which are regulated in SNiP 42-01-2002 and SP 42-101-2003.

According to the latest document, their placement is based on the conditions of comfortable operation (installation, maintenance, repair). The gas meter is usually mounted in the room where the gas stove, gas boiler or other equipment is located.

Gas meter location
Most often, a gas meter is installed in the kitchen. In this case, it is necessary to choose a well-ventilated place, remote from sources of heat and moisture

The meter can also be mounted in the space adjacent to the gasified one, even if there is an opening between them, while the presence of a niche is unacceptable. The device can also be installed outside the building, but in this case it is advisable to hide it under a canopy or in a special box to protect it from external influences.

The meter should be at a distance of no more than 0.8-1 meters from the unit that consumes blue fuel (column, stove, boiler). There is also a standardized height of the gasometer - 1.6 m.

The gas device should be separated from the wall by 3-5 cm to provide corrosion and sound protection. The shut-off valve is placed on the side of the stove at a distance of no more than two meters.With the upper wiring provided, this part should be on the descent.

The gas metering device should be visible, it is advisable not to cover it with interior items.

Counter Installation Options
This diagram shows three options for placing a gas meter, which can be used when thinking over the location of the device in the apartment

The counter should not be located directly above the sink or in other places with high humidity. A section of pipe to and from the gas pipeline should not have a bias towards the gasometer.

In addition, the room in which the gas metering device will be placed must have good natural or compulsory ventilation.

Stage # 5 - installation of the device

On the appointed day and hour, the company's repair staff will come to you, who must perform all the manipulations.

For installation, a wide variety of elements are used. First of all, it is a mechanical or electronic gas meter (you can use different models, including a number of foreign ones). Before installation, it is necessary to carefully examine the appearance of the device for defects and damage.

There are some more components. Next, we will discuss them in more detail.

Thermal stop valve (KTZ)

A feature of this element is its ability to automatically shut off the gas flow to household appliances in case of temperature increase. The part consists of a housing, inside of which there is a spring-loaded locking element, which is supported in open form by a low-melting insert.

As soon as the valve temperature reaches 90 ° -98 ° C, the insert melts, causing the element to fold, blocking the gas flow.

Thermal shutoff valve
Despite the simplicity of the device, the thermal shutoff valve plays an important role, since it ensures the safety of the gas system during a fire

Gas shutoff valve

The familiar part is used to mechanically shut off gas access. Household gas taps, which are usually made of brass, are designed for use on low-pressure gas pipelines (up to 5 Bar).

The manufacturers' assortment includes many models, distinguished by control methods ("handle", "butterfly"), sizes and connection options (nut-fitting, nut-nut). Therefore, even if it is necessary to carry out a replacement, it will not be difficult to select the desired crane. The main thing in the process of performing the replacement of this component is not to ignore safety regulations.

Isolating Compound (IS)

A device that is designed for dielectric sectioning of a pipeline. Similarly, the system is divided into connecting sections between which the overflow of electric current is excluded.

Insulating joints can be used for surface and underground pipelines. Their use helps to reduce the likelihood of failure of the measuring equipment due to electric discharges resulting from various reasons.

Gas hose (bellows)

A flexible part is used to connect gas appliances (columns, stoves) to the gas pipeline. Moreover, these tasks are often performed by the users themselves without involving a representative of the gas service. If you want to replace the hose with your own hands, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the rules installation work.

Bellows hoses for meter connection
You can install gas meters using a bellows liner or rubber sleeves. In the second case, you need to carefully monitor so that these elements do not fall into the heating zone during operation of the gas stove

In practice, various options can be used to install the meter hoses and eyeliner: from ordinary rubber elements to stainless steel corrugated parts with extremely high strength.

Installation technicians should ensure that the threads of the overhead nuts and meter fittings match. When performing work, it is necessary to pay attention to the direction of the arrows printed on the parts.

The fitting o-ring may only be used once, while using paronite PON-2.0 (GOST 491-ЗС) or oil and petrol resistant rubber 1-2 mm (GOST 7338-65).

How does commissioning take place?

Having carried out the installation, gas service specialists without fail check the meter’s performance.

Mounted meter
The figure clearly shows the installation diagram of a household model of a VK-G gas meter using Flex Corrugation Flex

The following factors are taken into account:

  • the presence of interference with the passage of fuel through the mechanisms of the device;
  • meter performance;
  • no gas leaks.

In addition, the consumed fuel is measured.

Upon completion of the control measures, an act on the work performed is drawn up, which indicates the following data:

  • place and date of installation;
  • gas meter serial number;
  • Name and contact details of the installation staff;
  • performance indicators at the time of installation;
  • time of the planned calibration of the gas controller;
  • smoothness of the star mechanism of the counter.

The document is prepared in two copies: one is issued to the owner of the apartment, the other is transferred to the gas service. The client also signs the acceptance certificate of the work performed (also in duplicate). The specialist is obliged to fill out the act of putting the apparatus into operation and the contract for maintenance of the gas meter (such papers must be executed in triplicate).

When you turn on a newly installed device, it is important to displace air from the system with gas. To do this, you need to sequentially open the gas at the inlet, and then at the outlet, which will avoid damage to the gasometer mechanism from shock loading during first use.

Sealing and checking the counter

The final step in installing the meter is to overprint and seal the mounted device. To do this, the owner must purchase a seal and call the Gorgaz employee again, who is obliged to visit the house within 5 days from the date of application.

The specialist needs to verify the correct layout of the gas meter, after which, based on the statement on the installation of the meter and documents on the completion of installation work, the device should be sealed. Without such an operation, the device is considered illegal, and its testimony is not accepted for payment for the supply of natural fuel.

Counter filling
A verification mark is also applied to the seal of the gas meter, thanks to which you can find out the date of the initial diagnosis of the device

After completing all the procedures, the owner of the housing should visit the HOA (DEZ), where one of the copies of the commissioning certificate is transferred. On its basis, an agreement is concluded with the management company for the payment of gas according to the testimony of a metering device. From now on, once a month the subscriber is obliged to report the meter readings to the RPI, from where the receipt with the figures of the actual consumption of the natural resource will come from.

According to Russian law, the gas meter must undergo an initial verification before commissioning or upon completion of repair work, about which an appropriate entry is made in the technical passport of the device.

The date of the next such event is entered in the same document. In this case, the landlord undertakes to ensure that checks on time.

Installation and Operation Requirements

When installing and operating gas equipment, the following points should be considered:

  • The temperature of the incoming fuel, as well as the air temperature in the room, should be in the range from -20 to +60 aboutWITH.
  • The model must withstand a short-term increase in fuel flow by 1/5, as well as a short-term increase in pressure by 1/10.
  • The meter installation location must comply with the design documentation approved by the gas service.
  • In an apartment building, gas welding operations must be carried out only after a complete shutdown of gas in the entire entrance.
  • During installation work on the supply gas pipelines, it is necessary to first close the locking device, to protect it from accidental opening.
  • Before disconnecting the steel parts, as well as installing the meter, it is necessary to bypass the disconnection points with a flexible insulated cable with a cross section of 16 mm2, which will protect the circuit from electrostatic voltage.
  • When installing equipment, exclusively certified devices and high-quality materials should be used.

And once again the main rule: only certified gas service specialists can carry out work. All operations for the installation of gas equipment must be carried out in compliance with strict operating rules.

Installation Services Cost

Since the controller device for gas consumption is considered the property of the owner of the apartment, he is obliged to purchase it at his own expense, as well as to reimburse the costs of its installation.

Gas meter payments
Consumer experience shows that installing a gas meter can reduce monthly gas payments by 30-50%. The use of the device is especially beneficial if more than 4-5 people live in the apartment

The installation cost may vary, since a number of factors affect this value, namely:

  • the presence of household appliances and devices, the functioning of which requires blue fuel. These include gas water heater, water heater, gas stove, boiler;
  • welding work or their absence;
  • the length of the pipes on which the meter is mounted;
  • payment for materials and equipment (hoses, fittings).

At the moment, connecting the device in a room where there is only a gas stove, costs an average of 3000-5000 rubles, if the apartment is equipped with a gas column or other equipment, the price rises by about half.

As practice shows, the money spent on the purchase of the device and its installation pays off within one year. But it’s still better to make an initial calculation, especially if 1-2 people live in the apartment, and only the hob from the appliances.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

We offer you a video that details the procedure for installing a gas meter with the help of gas service specialists.

A correctly selected and correctly mounted gas meter will bring great benefits to apartment owners. It will show the exact consumption of the natural resource, which will help to monitor its consumption..

A reasonable attitude to the use of gas, in turn, will avoid unnecessary expenses and significantly reduce the cost of paying for blue fuel.

Do you have questions that we did not address in this article? Ask them in the comment block - our experts will try to clarify all the points.

If you want to share your personal experience in obtaining the necessary documents and installing the meter, including the further design of the device and putting it into operation, tell us about this under our article. Add a photo of your meter, indicate how quickly in your case, the investment in installing the device paid off and if you are satisfied with the result.

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Visitors Comments
  1. Svetlana

    Why do people in the village who are installing gas meters insist on installing them on the street? But at the same time, they cannot give a single argument to justify their claims. Is there any regulatory documentation governing the installation of such meters, including the place where the measuring instruments should be located?

    • Expert
      Alexey Dedyulin

      They have the right to insist if in your contract, which you have already signed, you undertake to do so. And they insist simply because it will be easier for employees of inter-regional gas to take readings of meters when they are located on the street.

      Installation of gas meters is regulated by SP 42-101-2003. Specifically, we are interested in paragraph 6.45, which lists the places where you can install the counter:

      - in a gasified room;
      - in non-residential premises of a gasified residential building with natural ventilation;
      - in a room adjacent to the gasified room and the open doorway of the production building and boiler room connected to it;
      - in hydraulic fracturing, ShRP, GRPB;
      - outside the building.

      They can also be obligated if there are no conditions in your house that correspond to legislative acts that allow the installation of such a device. So you can insist on installing the appliance indoors.

  2. Andrew

    We have an Khrushchev apartment with a gas stove, which cannot be exchanged for an electric one. At least that's what the gas men say. The cost of services is constantly growing, I had to install a counter. After a couple of months, they felt the savings on themselves. In general, the thing is not only convenient, but also necessary. Only now the question of installing an electric stove did not disappear. Maybe someone has more accurate information?

    • Dmitry

      Interestingly, how did the gas workers explain the impossibility of replacing a gas stove with an electric one? I know that power engineers can refuse because of the technical impossibility of increasing the power of the power grid. Plus, you need to agree on a redevelopment in the administration. The gas men have no direct influence on any of this. So, I think, deceived you.

      On the other hand, there are a lot of problems with replacement. Perhaps installing a gas meter is the best solution.

    • Expert
      Alexey Dedyulin

      Hello. We own and don’t quite understand why you ask gas companies for permission ... If the load power in the whole apartment building allows, write a statement to the gas distribution station, turn off the gas stove and put on electric. But the first thing you need to visit the Criminal Code, Gorelektroset and coordinate the conversion. And then turn off the gas, and the new one will not allow you to wiring.

  3. What are the standards and requirements for installing a gas meter on two devices? I have a gas stove for 4 burners and a flowing water heater. Local gas workers insist on one big or two small ones for each appliance. They refuse to install a small counter with characteristic G4.

    • Expert
      Alexey Dedyulin

      The fact is that the installation of two gas meters in an apartment or house does not contradict the current legislation. This is easily implemented if:

      - the gas meter must be in the state register of measuring instruments;
      - the gas meter is in working condition.

      Also, according to the "Rules for the supply of gas to ensure the household needs of citizens" (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 21, 2008 No. 549), do not forget to check in time. As you can see, no special requirements are presented, but for installing one meter, you will have to give a lock of 4 thousand rubles. (the service itself excluding consumables). In your case, the amount is multiplied by two.

      As for the G4 counters, there are many varieties, which particular model? Is it in the registry? Check it out! If so, they are not allowed to refuse the installation.

      Attached photos:
      • Hello, gas workers refused to change the gas meter because we have protection pipes in the box. The counter itself is available, the window is cut out. Are their actions valid? What rules and regulations apply in this case by order of gas pipes?

    • Vladimir

      Hello, Yuri. Now in surprise. SP 62.13330.2011 p. 7.10. “Each facility where gas-using equipment is installed must be equipped with a single gas metering unit in accordance with regulatory legal documents of the Russian Federation.“.

      G4 should completely allow the connection of a 4-burner stove and a water heater. Do not you fit into 4 cubes? Make a calculation, submit it to the gas company, and if the maximum gas flow allows, require written justification for refusing to connect.

  4. Hello, we live in the Samara region of the Kuybyshevsky district, 9,000 were torn off money for the installation of the counter - is this normal? Company SVK.

    • Expert
      Alexey Dedyulin

      Do not consider it sarcasm, but this is a normal price, alas. I judge in Tula, where as of June 23, 2018, according to the official data of JSC Gazprom Gas Distribution Tula, the installation of a meter in an apartment or house (without remounting the gas pipeline, the cost of materials and equipment) costs 4,123 rubles. To this also add the cost of a conventional gas household meter of at least 2 thousand rubles, then an amount of more than 6 thousand rubles will already be obtained. And this does not include consumables.

      So the price tag is 9 thousand rubles. does not look sky-high considering the cost of the installation service itself. And what do you have written on the receipt? Have your counter or gas workers brought?

    • Eugene

      Here it depends on many factors and it would be necessary to look at the detailed price list from the receipt. But, by the way, SVGK issued the following warning (true 2 years ago, but it may be relevant now):

      Dear subscribers! In connection with the frequent complaints / complaints related to violations of consumer rights, misleading when installing gas metering devices (gas metering devices), selling gas detectors at an inflated price, we ask you to provide such “services” on behalf of the gas supplier by persons represented by "gas workers", employees of the "gas company" and the like, without fail to verify the authority of the above persons.

      Be careful! Remember that we do not go to apartments and do not impose, under the threat of penalties “at a discount for pensioners,” the installation of meters or other devices! We have nothing to do with these people, their devices and “services”. Please note: according to the Federal Law No. 261-ФЗ On Energy Saving, apartment owners with only gas stoves are not required to install gas meters.

      LLC SVGK is not responsible for the consequences of actions of third-party organizations / individuals, such as a failure of a seal on a meter, poor-quality installation of a meter, technically unreasonable installation of a gas detector, etc.

      If you have any questions / doubts when communicating with employees of gas companies, we recommend that you contact SVGK LLC or the gas service and repair site at your place of residence. A single contact phone number is 8- (846) -340-61-61 or 8-800-707-65-55.

      A question for you - did you receive receipts for the work done? Are you sure that the employees of SVKK came to you, did you verify the certificates? Was the counter installed for the first time?

  5. If the installation height of the meter provided by the project is 1.6 m, is it possible to change this height?

    • Expert
      Alexey Dedyulin

      Hello. You can change the height, installation location and the counter itself, if your actions are not arbitrary or inadmissible. Apply to the GRO, make the appropriate changes to the project, wait for the specialists to transfer, then install, seal, contract, and that's it.

      There are guidelines, just a height of 1.6 m is such. But as a rule, this is not an iron argument. SP 42-101-2003 General provisions for the design and construction of gas distribution systems - this is the document.

      But SP 402.1325800.2018 Residential buildings. Rules for the design of gas consumption systems: “The height of the wall-mounted equipment should be convenient for operation and repair“.

  6. Farhad

    Hello, is there any installation drawing like an example installation? I would like to be able to pre-select materials and understand what devices should be.

  7. And you can, for example, turn to the masters not from GorGaz, but from a private office that is engaged in the installation of gas meters. But after installing the device, you still need to call the representative of the company with which contract signed for gas supply and maintenance of equipment consuming it. The flow meter must be sealed by them.

  8. Valery

    My counter is in the room adjacent to the one in which the gas equipment is located. Installed in a decorative box, gas workers told the box to be removed. I understand that this is for ventilation of the meter. Is it possible to leave the box, but add ventilation holes in the box?


