How to transfer a gas meter: rules and procedures for moving a flow meter

Amir Gumarov
Checked by a specialist: Amir Gumarov
Author: Aksall
Last update: September 2024

They started a repair in the kitchen and thought about how to move the gas meter so that it would not spoil the interior of the room? Or is the data transmitted by the flowmeter difficult to read due to the inaccessibility of the apparatus? This, as well as requirements for the location of gas equipment, can cause the transfer and modification of an existing project.

There are a lot of rules for dismantling and installing. All of them are approved by law and are accompanied by instructions on who has the right to do the work, what documents are needed, what algorithm should be followed when changing the position of the counter.

In order not to search for information on scattered sources, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with our article. In it, we collected information about the requirements of the law, safety measures, the correct procedure for moving the flowmeter.

Possible reasons for the transfer

The most common motive is the start of repairs in the kitchen, when old cabinets are replaced by a new fashionable suite.

In this case, the owner of the house or apartment is the initiator of the displacement of the device. He can start the process when changing stoves, gas equipment, buying new heating appliances or a higher refrigerator.

Gas meter behind the cabinet
When planning a purchase of a new kitchen set, it is worthwhile to determine a place for the counter in advance. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of SNiP 42-01-2002, where the rules for the location of the device are given. The right approach - preliminary consultation of the gasman

But this is not the only option. Request transfer gas flow meter in the kitchen, a gas service officer may have noticed a violation of the placement rules. In this case, he will draw up a suitable scheme and determine the timing of the work.

Rules for choosing a place for the counter

The main criteria for choosing a place are safe operation and ease of maintenance.

If you look into Code of Regulations 42-101-2003, you may find requirements such as:

  • compliance with the meter distance from the meter to the batteries;
  • the location of the apparatus at a height of 0.5 to 1.6 meters from the floor, 40 cm from the surface of the plate;
  • assigning it 4-5 centimeters from the wall;
  • remoteness from a sink, other sources of the increased humidity.

And most importantly - the gas meter should be in sight. Access should be granted for reading indicators and control examinations.

The location of the meter in the apartment is more standardized than when used in the private sector. When moving a gas meter in a private house, you often have to apply an individual approach.

Private house gasification project
When contacting the gas service, the owner of a residential building must submit an existing gasification project. The document is created at the stage of connecting home ownership to the gas pipeline

The device can be taken outside, outside the gasified premises. Or located in a new, completed building. In such cases, it is necessary to focus on the rules for designing gas distribution systems.

They state that:

  • the removal of the device outside the premises should be accompanied by a canopy, a metal cabinet that provides adequate ventilation;
  • the device cannot be located closer than 50 cm to window and doorways;
  • external openings in the walls of the house are not suitable for installing a flow meter, as they contribute to the accumulation of fuel in the event of a leak.

Installation of the gas flow meter on open, separate supports is permissible if the ambient temperature does not exceed 60 degrees above zero and fall below -20.

In controversial situations, the priority is the rules for placing the meter, indicated in its technical passport.

The main stages of preparation

Despite the fact that the actions of gas services are regulated by law, the procedure for applying and filing applications for meter transfer may vary.

Gas receipt
You can find the address and contact phone number of the regional gas service on the receipt, which is sent to the residents monthly for payment. Usually this information is located at the bottom of the leaflet.

Therefore, the first step in preparation should be a call to the organization serving the area of ​​residence. Its representatives will tell you where to get the application form and which department to contact.

If the changes affect the general gas supply plan of the apartment building, then not only a clarification of the possibility of transfer will be required, but also a separate approval. This is done by gas service engineers. They also make schemes that meet safety requirements.

The next step is the preparation of documents. So, the standard kit includes:

  1. Applicant's passport.
  2. A completed application form indicating the reasons for the transfer of the meter.
  3. Certificate of ownership.
  4. Written consent of all owners.
  5. Technical passport of the device, the act of the last verification.

Some services additionally require confirmation of payment for the services of the gas supplying organization, as well as copies of all documents submitted.

Gas meters
If a new device is installed during the transfer, it is necessary to coordinate its type and brand with the gas service. It also does not hurt professional opinion, since the meters are right and left, have different bandwidth

The final stage of preparation is payment for the services of dismantling the device and its transfer. The owner is given an estimate in which the cost of work, the name, quantity and price of consumables are indicated. At the same time, the date of the visit is agreed.

Work order

Professional teams spend on moving or gas meter installation in the apartment no more than an hour. The first thing in the house is turning off the gas supply. This is done in consultation with local utilities, with a warning to the remaining residents.

Further actions occur as follows:

  1. By means of gas welding the device is removed.
  2. Held gas pipe transfer in accordance with the new scheme.
  3. The device is installed in a new place.

At the end of the work, representatives of the gas service must check the tightness of the joints. To do this, gas is released into the riser, and soap foam is applied to the joints.

The absence of bubbles indicates the well-being of the compounds. The appearance of a leak. In this case, the gas is blocked, the seams are boiled again.

Visit of the master
It is necessary to prepare the working space for the gas workers' visit: to ensure the availability of gas equipment and pipes, to move the curtains, to remove kitchen utensils, foreign objects

Flange connections are retightened. Simultaneously with the control of leaks, the performance of the device is checked.

Installing a new device during transfer

Work on the transfer of the flowmeter can be combined with device replacement to a new one. This is beneficial when:

  • close to completion the life of the old meter;
  • the desire to install a modern device with remote data transmission;
  • lack of documents confirming the positive outcome of the last verification.

Giving an old device for verification, you will have to spend time waiting for the service to be provided and funds to pay for it.

If the equipment is deemed unusable, the cost will increase: it will be necessary to purchase a new meter. Therefore, in some cases, when transferring, it is more profitable to plan the installation of a new device.

Acceptance, accompanying documents

Being present during the work, the owner can check the correct installation and the compliance of the new pipe arrangement and meter with the approved scheme. If everything is done correctly, the masters must fill out an act of completion.

It indicates:

  • information about the gas distribution organization that issued the permit and sent its representatives;
  • information about the employees who completed the work;
  • technical data of the meter, its serial number.

The second necessary document is the act of putting the device into operation. The start date and time must be recorded in it, the operability of the device is confirmed.

When applying for meter transfer, ask the gas company if it is possible to seal the device immediately after installation. Some organizations present this opportunity. In others, you must separately file an application after installation

Both acts are drawn up in duplicate. The owner of the premises must keep his copies together with the technical passport of the product.

Seal installation after transfer

After you managed to move the gas meter in the kitchen, you need to seal it. To do this, you need to fill out an application and take it to the customer service department.

At the time of application, the following documents will be required:

  1. Passport of the applicant, certificate of ownership.
  2. Technical passport of the product or its copy.
  3. Acts drawn up by the masters of the gas company during the transfer.

Term Allocated to filling installationis 5 days. During this time, the company is obliged to coordinate and determine the date of the specialist’s visit, perform work, prepare a service contract.

Gas meter reading
After transferring the meter and sealing it, it is necessary to record the readings. Data must be documented. This rule also applies to new appliances and already used ones.

Payment of the counter is carried out from the day following the date of sealing. Up to this point, the consumer should be guided by regional and seasonal standards when calculating expenses.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

In the video below, the gas company’s employees once again remind that before buying a kitchen set, it is necessary to clarify the possibility of moving the counter, obtain official consent:

When planning to move a gas meter, you need to get the full consultation of a professional gas specialist. An independent search for options may result in non-compliance with the rules and non-compliance.

The work must be carried out by certified specialists using tools and welding machines that are approved. All disputes should be resolved based on SNiP 42-01-2002, SP 42-101-2003.

If you have to repair in the kitchen or if you doubt the correct determination of the location for the gas flow meter, ask questions, exchange opinions. The form below allows you to not only create text messages, but also attach diagrams, sketches, drawings. Start a dialogue, initiate a discussion!

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