How to hide a gas pipe in the kitchen: camouflage methods and rules for installing the box
It is not unusual for some people that the gas pipe is open for viewing, while others, on the contrary, are trying in every possible way to hide the elements of communication.
This article examined in detail how to hide a gas pipe in the kitchen, so as not to resort to the radical method - transfer. We examined in detail the most popular camouflage methods, one of which is the device of the box, brought interesting ideas that are easy to implement on your own.
In fact, there are quite a few options for solving this problem, but some of them should not be used - they are unsafe. Therefore, in the article we focused on the prohibited methods of camouflage.
The content of the article:
Prohibited pipe masking techniques
The most popular masking methods will help not only to hide an unattractive element, but also to reveal your creative imagination. Even standard plasterboard cladding can be expanded with decoupage styling.
There are a lot of options for how to hide a gas hose or pipe in the kitchen, but not everyone can be used in a particular case. For example, any self-cutting and the transfer of part of the pipeline (gas) are strictly prohibited. Such work can only be carried out by a qualified gasman from the service serving this house.
Moreover, the previously uncoordinated redevelopment of the gas pipeline entails penalties and most likely, it will be necessary to return the entire structure to its original location.

According to the rules of SNiPa on the arrangement of gas supply, the following manipulations with the gas pipeline are prohibited:
- run the pipe into the ventilation system;
- hide the gas riser with an integral plug in the form of a fixed box;
- tight covering;
- drown in the wall.
Adherence to all these rules is necessary, first of all, for security purposes. The near-tube zone must be open to prevent accumulation of gas when it leaks. Residents of the apartment will not be able to find out about the existing threat in time, if this zone is tightly closed, it will not be able to let through a specific smell in time.
It turns out that the most suitable method for masking a gas pipe in the kitchen is the use of decorative ventilated shields, with removable elements. To make sure the technical design is correct, you have to contact the gas service to the master.
Best tube masking ideas
It is possible to make from a decorative lattice a box for a geyser and a pipe. The dimensions of this design are rather large, so the method is suitable only for kitchens with a large area.
Option # 1 - installation of a removable ventilated duct
When making the box yourself, you will need to prepare the following materials: moisture-proof drywall, metal profiles, self-tapping screws and scissors for cutting metal.
Stage # 1 - box design selection
There are a lot of frame options for decorative grilles or drywall, their choice depends on the planned dimensions of the finished structure, as well as on possible additional elements. In some cases, a wooden frame made of slats with a cross section of 50 * 25 mm or 60 * 27 mm is used.

Depending on the location of the pipeline or gas equipment, it is possible to mount a stand-alone frame or integrate it into kitchen furniture.
You can also make a false wall to mask all unaesthetic elements of the gas structure. An artificial wall can occupy the entire kitchen apron. It can be distinguished or, conversely, adjusted to the color of the kitchen set.

Stage # 2 - making a homemade box
The box is a lightweight structure, the fastening of which is made on the profile of the metal frame and the guides. A distinctive feature of this method is the constant access to gas equipment.
The installation of the box is divided into several main stages:
- Calculation of the dimensions of the entire structure. The width of the box should be sufficient for unimpeded access during the maintenance of the equipment.
- Installation of the profile frame. The metal profile is fixed with screws strictly vertically and horizontally using a bubble level.
- Measurements of the finished frame design.
- Marking on drywall sheets, according to the taken measurements from the frame.
- Cutting blanks.
- Sheathing prepared sheets on all sides of the frame.
For the facade of the box, you can choose an interesting decorative element, for example, to install a lattice or patterned panel.
Carved screens are made to order, decorated with an original ornament, both independently and in workshops. It is advisable to paint them in the color of kitchen furniture, brushing creating an antique effect in the style of neovintazh and more.

Instead of drywall, sheathing of the frame can be carried out with sheets of particleboard, MDF and clapboard. As an option, make a deaf box device and supplement it with shelves, which can subsequently be used for their intended purpose.
It is also possible to combine the box for the gas system and kitchen shelves in a single design.
Stage # 3 - decorating homemade
It is especially easy to create decorations on a drywall. This material is easy to glue with a special decoupage film. By choosing one of the popular styles of this method, and there are a lot of them, an ordinary box can easily turn into a canvas for creativity.
Drawing interesting scenery can be in the style of simple city (pasting by newspapers or glossy magazines) or non-vintage (artificial aging).
In any case, the essence of the method is to clean the pipe or prepare the box, apply glue and arrange napkins with the selected pattern along the perimeter. Then again, a layer of glue is worn to completely impregnate the material. After drying, the decorative element is varnished.
Decorative boxes made of various materials are also often used for masking heating pipes.
Option # 2 - arranging a pipe cabinet
It is possible to hide the gas line and not violate the whole idea of the interior with the help of kitchen wall cabinets. If during the repair process it is planned to replace kitchen furniture, it is better to immediately consider an additional cabinet to mask the gas column, hose and pipe.
An ordinary hanging cabinet, thanks to skillful hands, can turn into a real art object. A horizontally placed pipe will require the installation of a conventional cabinet, and a vertical one will require a pencil case. The main requirement - the design must be with ventilation.
You can create ventilation by drilling holes or by choosing a trellised screen. The gas column located between the two cabinets can be hidden by installing an additional front door.

Consider how to independently make a cabinet from sheets of chipboard, a width of 457 mm. The primary task is to cut out the constituent elements.
Component parts include:
- roof 19 * 286 * 438 - 1 pc.;
- side walls 19 * 286 * 762 - 2 pcs.;
- bottom 19 * 286 * 438 - 1 pc.;
- shelf (if provided for in the project) 19 * 260 * 413 - 1 pc.;
- fixing strips 19 * 38 * 419 - 2 pcs.;
- stand 19 * 38 * 279 - 2 pcs.;
- crossbars for a rack 19 * 57 * 381 - 2 pieces;
- door 19 * 387 * 413 - 1 pc.
It is also necessary to prepare accessories: pins, nails, hinges and a door handle. It is advisable not to depart from the general composition of kitchen furniture and not to highlight this zone somehow. Alternatively, a gas cabinet may be a tone lighter or darker compared to other kitchen furniture.
Further, backlashes under the insert of pins are drilled inside the side panels. In the upper part of the side walls, a fold (10 * 10 mm) is selected with a zenzubel and a roof element is fitted under the protrusion. On the necessary details, where the gas pipe and hoses will pass, markup is made taking into account their sizes. After, cut holes for them.
The cabinet is assembled using nails and glue. Lastly, install a shelf and hang the door. It remains only to hang the prepared structure on a gas pipe or column.
Homemade lockers are not only a practical way to hide a gas pipe. They are used for disguise pipes in the toiletby choosing the appropriate design option.
Option # 3 - using a railing system
In some homes, a gas line runs along the kitchen apron area. Pipes pass in the empty space between the countertop and cabinets of the kitchen set. In this case, the rail system will help to hide gas communications.
This system is a metal tubular structure running along the apron of the kitchen. On it are fasteners in the form of hooks, on which shelves and various kitchen accessories are hung.

The essence of this method is to use the pipe itself as the main railing element. To do this, you need to clean the pipe to a metal base, cover it with a primer, and then paint that simulates chrome. It may be necessary to produce several staining steps to achieve the proper chrome-plating effect.
After drying the pipe, you can safely translate your ideas into reality: place a dryer, shelves with spices, hooks with kitchen utensils, etc.

A vertically positioned pipe can also transform into a railing element. A hole is made in the countertop for the diameter of the pipe, it is cleaned, the soil is applied and painted.
In addition to chromium, paint with a bronze effect is used. Further design depends on the preferences of the owner of the kitchen - various fruit shelves, towel racks and more.
Option # 4 - apply bright paint
With the help of paint, a gas line can be turned into an object for the embodiment of bold creative ideas. By painting the pipe to match the walls, a harmonious perception of all interior elements is easily achieved.
Bright color will add juiciness to the kitchen design. It is advisable to apply it only if similar color solutions are present in other parts of the room.
For those who prefer eco-style, the option of imitating a birch trunk is suitable, and for representatives of the modern art nouveau - segment decorative painting will be the best option.

If in the design of the kitchen natural materials were used, for example, stone, it will be appropriate to apply the Provence style. To reproduce it, it will be enough to paint the pipe in silver or gold color and use the brushing method to get a colorfully expressed surface of natural material.
The painting of a gas pipe in ethno style, made with an original ornament, is ideally combined with elements of artificial stone in the working area.
You can make a gas pipe and the trunk of a palm tree will help thick twine. Rope tightly wrap the entire visible perimeter of the highway. Sometimes, artificial citrus fruits are attached to the rope, which brightly complement the created tree. In a similar way, they are decorated with artificial curly vines or flowers.
Option # 5 - decoration with bamboo panels
The theme of ethno style is light and unobtrusive interior details made of natural materials. To create a bamboo column hiding a gas pipe is a simple decorative technique.
For use, any bamboo trunk is suitable - natural or artificial. The main rule concerns the diameter of the barrel - it should exceed the volume of the pipe by 7-10 mm.

If you purchased a natural tree trunk, you will need to cut it into two even parts and clean the contents from the inside. For the artificial version, the material only needs to be divided in half.
Proper markup is performed as follows:
- mark the top and bottom of the trunk by threading;
- wrap the pipe with the same thread so that its ends touch;
- make markup.
Cut the tree along the marked lines. It is also recommended to make several backlash for ventilation.
Further, the process is not difficult: the pipe is wrapped in halves of the stem and fastened with plastic ties for wires. Fasteners are painted with a suitable color paint.
Option # 6 - using available tools
If for decorative purposes to use lightweight materials, then if necessary they are easily dismantled. There are many options made from quickly mounted building materials. For example, plywood, cardboard sleeve, plastic, cellular or monolithic polycarbonate.
Polycarbonate is a strong and durable building material. With its help equip garage buildings, greenhouses and arbors. Often it is used at home, for example, for mounting a decorative plug in a gas pipe.

The installation technology of a visor made of cellular polycarbonate is as follows:
- Having fixed the circumference of the pipe, it is necessary to determine the required height and width of the blanks of the sheathing material.
- The polycarbonate panel is cut with a grinder along the transverse partitions located between the layers of material.
- Several backlash holes with the same pitch are drilled on two fold lines.
- The sheet is bent so that the grooves are located at the corners of the box.
- The frame for mounting polycarbonate is made of a metal or wooden profile. It is fixed on the wall with dowels.
- Using self-tapping screws, a polycarbonate cover is installed on the attached profile.
In the same way, a box of plywood or plastic panels is installed. To ensure ventilation, choose perforated sheets of plywood. According to the required dimensions, two sidewalls and one front part are cut out of lumber. During cutting, cloves are formed at the cut of the side parts.
The box is assembled by the method of approaching the teeth of the side panels into the openings of the facade. On both sides of the pipe, spacing angles are installed to which the body element is glued.
Questions about masking pipes not only in the kitchen, but also in other rooms are quite relevant among ordinary people. Water supply and heating pipes, heating radiators - all this, as well as a gas pipe, can be decorated or hidden.
We talked about such tricks in our other articles:
- How to hide pipes in a bathroom: an overview of the best ways to mask a pipe
- How to arrange a pipe box in the toilet: an overview of the best options to mask the pipeline
- How and what is better to close the heating battery: options for masking radiators
Conclusions and useful video on the topic
The video explains how to hide the pipe on the kitchen apron:
Even with a complicated arrangement of communications in the kitchen, gas pipes can be hidden behind a false wall:
Video on how to quickly and effortlessly build a pipe masking box:
Having familiarized with the presented methods and installation features of various decorative elements that mask gas communications, you can choose the option that suits your situation. Moreover, the idea can be realized even from improvised materials. An important aspect remains only compliance with safety rules with gas equipment.
You have skillfully masked a gas pipe and want to share your experience with other users? Or just choose the right option for camouflage and want to clarify some nuances? Ask your questions in the comments to our article, add a photo of your pipe, write your recommendations on the arrangement.
I made a bezel to hide the gas pipes. Since everything was paneled in the kitchen, it was easy. I nailed the slats on the sides of the pipes, attached a plastic profile to them, inserted my panel into it. If necessary, the profile can be pry off with something flat, and the panel can be easily removed. If you do not look closely, it is invisible against the background of the wall and does not attract attention.
And I had to redo a little wall cabinet from the kitchen. He removed the back wall, cut a hole under the pipe below and above. He made a partition inside. Now the pipe passes inside the cabinet.
The space above the cabinets was sewn up to the ceiling with the help of chipboard and even made the doors there. Outside pasted with self-adhesive wallpaper. The pattern matched one to one like my furniture. It turned out gorgeous, just like one big wall. Additional storage space was formed under the ceiling and no pipes were visible.
Do not hide the gas valve on the lowering in the box or under the tile, even easily removable. The safety crane must always be easily accessible. It should overlap when not using a gas stove (panel or oven). Do not leave the crane open at the lowering for more than a day. These are requirements for the Safe Use of Gas Rules. And not welded joints should be sewn ...
In short, I certainly want to be beautiful, but do not forget about security!
Are you crazy? At least what the video looks very controversial! The gas pipeline can be hidden in a removable box (or false wall), but they must be ventilated! And not like in the video! He sewed up, handsome. Before writing such articles, read SNiPs.
Hello, please indicate the specific SNiP mandatory.