Connecting a gas stove with an electric oven: installation procedure + norms and rules for connection
The modern market for household appliances provides a potential buyer with an extensive range of gas stoves. One of the popular acquisition options is a combined type model, where along with a gas resource, an electric one is also used. However, for buyers of such equipment, connecting a gas stove with an electric oven often raises questions. Do you agree?
Indeed, if you study the rules for handling gas and electricity, you can see that they clearly share the marked resources. Accordingly, the practice of connecting hybrid gas stoves has some features. We will consider these issues in more detail, paying attention to installation standards and rules for connecting to electricity and gas supply systems.
The content of the article:
Hardware Installation Instructions
Theoretically, the user can directly install (locate) a gas stove on his own directly. Moreover, each model of a gas stove, purchased officially, must be accompanied by a user manual. This document specifically describes all the nuances of installing equipment in place.
A completely different matter is when the device is connected directly to the gas and electric network. Of the nuances of installing equipment in the place that are marked by documentation, one of the first is to ensure proper airing the roomwhere the hybrid stove is installed.

Next, we will consider how to choose a place for installation, taking into account the requirements and features of the alignment of the hybrid plate.
Board Installation Requirements
This type of household appliances can be placed in the opening between the elements of kitchen furniture.In this case, on one side of the stove it is allowed to place a furniture element whose height is greater than the height of the gas stove. But, according to the rules, such furniture is placed at a distance from the equipment body not less than 300 mm.
A piece of furniture placed on the other side of the equipment may be set provided that it is the same height as the stove. If it is planned to mount some furniture elements over a gas stove, such installation is possible only if there is no influence on the working process of the equipment.
Based on the rules, for such cases, the minimum permissible vertical offset from the surface with burners is at least 650 mm, and indent to hood - not less than 75 cm.

Given the same rules for installing equipment in place, to furniture, as well as to walls, partitions, and floors that are located next to thermal equipment, certain requirements also apply.
In particular, the furniture should have a heat-resistant structure capable of withstanding heat from 90 ° C and above. It should be taken into account such a moment as a significant heating of the rear region of the gas stove as the equipment is used.
Optional stand and leveling
Many models of gas combination cookers come with a stand. Using the stand slightly increases the overall height (approximately 5-10 cm).
The use of the stand is convenient in that this component of the equipment is equipped with wheels (two wheels) and adjusting screws (two screws). There are also gas stove designs with four adjusting screws.

If it is convenient to move equipment with the help of wheels, then by adjusting the screws, the gas stove is easily aligned to the horizon level or to the surface level of the furniture set.
Meanwhile, the stand, if necessary, can be removed. In this case, the adjusting screws are installed directly on the bottom of the gas stove.
Rules and stages of connection
The main rule of the installation event aimed at connecting household appliances to the gas and electricity lines is to involve specialists in this business - representatives of the gas service, electricians.
It is useful for the user to understand how a gas stove with an electric oven is connected to the networks, but in practice this problem should be solved only by specialists - service workers who have the appropriate approval.

Each model of a gas (combined) stove has technical documentation, which indicates the characteristics of the gas and electric network for connection.
Accordingly, the resource network lines brought to the installation site of the equipment must comply with the specified technical characteristics of the equipment.
In particular, we mean characteristics:
- gas pressure;
- type of gas;
- mains voltage.
The gas combination cooker is on sale, being configured to be used with natural gas "N", "E", supplied at a pressure of 13-20 mbar. Or, an installation for the use of liquefied gas under a pressure of 20 mbar may be used. This information, as a rule, can be seen if you open the oven door, on the upper or lower end of the cabinet.
Stage # 1 - connecting the gas line
Like most classic models, the combined design of the gas stove is equipped with an R ½ nozzle (threaded lead pipe). The connection to the gas main is done by flexible hosespecially certified for use on a gas stove.

When installing a gas stove with an electric oven and connecting to the gas line, the flexible connecting hose should be placed so that there is no contact between the hose body and any part of the stove body.
After the connection is completed, a leak test is required at the joints.

Also, in the case of flexible hose connections, the rule of level matching must be considered. In particular, it is not allowed to raise the body of the flexible hose to the level of the entry point of the nozzle with a nozzle R ½ and above this level. However, if a rigid metal pipe is used for connection, the rule of levels is excluded.
Stage # 2 - connecting the electric line
The location of the electrical connection terminal is the back wall of the gas (hybrid) stove body. Typically, the terminals are hidden inside an insulated enclosure having a circuit cover.
The box lid can be easily removed - just press the screwdriver on the latch and then feed it up. The terminal configuration opens, where the connection of the conductors of the power cable is made.

Connect the conductors of the power cable according to the designations indicated on the terminal strip or in the documentation diagram. In this case, it is necessary to comply with the parameters of the used electrical network - using the correct connection configuration.
As a rule, the following is used. color combination of conductors on network cables of combined home cookers:
- Voltage lines (L1, L2, L3) - black, black, brown.
- Neutral line - blue.
- Protective earth (PE) - green-yellow.
After making the connections, the cable body inside the terminal box must be secured, thus preventing possible pulling and breaking. Then close the box lid tightly.
Also, one should not forget about the need for regular maintenance and checking the operability of gas-using equipment. What is to be done enter into a contract with a gas company.
Conclusions and useful video on the topic
The video below shows a step-by-step installation of the equipment. The video touches on certain nuances of editing, compliance with the rules and regulations:
Installing a domestic hybrid gas stove, supplemented by an electric oven, by and large, is not difficult. Another issue is that the connection of this kind of equipment should be carried out according to specially established rules that determine safety moments. Therefore, it is not possible to independently perform the connection work (it is forbidden by the rules), even if there are some skills, knowledge and abilities.
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