Do-it-yourself gas cans for burners: instructions for different types of cylinders
However, small volumes of gas in cylinders force the user to often buy new ones or think about self-refueling. We will talk about how to refill gas cans for burners with their own hands. This simple procedure will save you money.
In the article we have proposed, we consider all refueling options available for independent implementation. Detailed guidelines and recommendations for the implementation of work are provided. Based on our tips, you can easily cope with filling the mini tank with liquefied gas.
The content of the article:
Types of cartridges for travel burners
Tourists and travelers on hikes need a source of fire for cooking. In such cases, gas burners are a convenient tool. In construction and in the household, they also find active application.
Users who decide to fill the cans with gas in order to save money need to follow the safety rules, take into account the nuances and follow the replacement technology. Then this procedure will go smoothly and without undesirable consequences.

First you need to determine the type of connection of the cylinder to the burner.
There are four types of connection:
- Threaded EU - designed to fix the burner by screwing onto a cylinder, meets European standards;
- Threaded US - similar to the first type of connection with a small difference, meets American standards;
- Collet - the burner is mounted and scrolls a little until it locks in place, there is a safety valve, it is possible to buy an adapter, with long use the mount is loose and gas leakage is possible;
- Valve - fixed with a special lock, such cylinders are attached only to the models of burners intended for them, the valve prevents gas leakage, in practice, has the longest service life;
- Punctured - a disposable cylinder is attached with a light touch and is not removed until the gas is completely consumed, it is not subject to refueling.
The most common replacement cartridge for work gas burner equipped with thread. It is easier and more convenient for regular replacement.

You can disconnect the threaded can at any time, but with a punctured type this will not work. Have to wait for his devastation.

Threaded Refill
The first thing to do before starting refueling is to find a source of gas. As a source, large gas cylinders various volumes from five to three hundred liters. You must make sure that your canister does not contain gas residues and completely empty it.
Next, you need to find an adapter suitable for attaching the cylinder - a gas source and attaching an empty can. The adapter is bought or assembled with your own hands.
It is important that it does not allow gas leakage during transfusion. It is also required to find the exact scales that will allow you to weigh an empty can before refueling and after, to find out the weight of the filled gas.
Now we will describe how to gradually fill a gas canister from a large canister without buying a new one:
- Weigh the empty spray can, determine its exact weight;
- We place a large balloon horizontally and fix it in any suitable way. Under the lower part of the container, something should be placed so that it is higher than the upper one. This trick will facilitate gas transfusion;
- Using a pre-prepared adapter, the empty spray can is connected to a gas source;
- We shut off the adapter valve on the can, and unscrew the large cylinder valve;
- Slowly unscrew cylinder valve and start refueling;
- While you hear the movement of gas through the hose, refueling occurs, if the sound disappears, you can shake the can. This will allow you to pour a little more gas;
- After the transfusion sound has completely disappeared, you should close both valves, unscrew the can, and shake it. If sound is heard blabbering filled with liquefied fuel, the refueling was successful;
- You should also check the tightness of the can using a soap solution;
- Then weigh the filled can and determine the weight of the gas inside it. If there is more gas than necessary, then you need to vent excess.
Usually 10 minutes is enough to refuel a mini balloon. This period of time allows you to fill in about 150 - 180 g of liquefied blue fuel.

Refill cartridges with collet connection
To refill cartridges with a collet connection, you should purchase an adapter or adapter designed for these purposes. Its cost in online stores usually does not exceed ten dollars.
The design of this device is as follows: a tube made of a polymer or a metal alloy is equipped on one side with a union nut. It provides a tight attachment to a large gas cylinder, and on the other hand there is a collet clamp with a handle that opens or closes the gas supply to the can.
So, to refuel small gas cylinders with a collet from a large one, a series of actions should be carried out sequentially:
- Weigh the empty spray can;
- Close the valve in the collet clamp on the adapter;
- We fasten the union nut to the gas source (this can be a cylinder of any volume);
- Check the tightness of the adapter connection with soapy water;
- We turn the large cylinder with the valve down, since we are interested in liquid gas;
- We fix a collet clip to an empty tourist spray can;
- Using the handle we start the gas, which for some time will fill the tank;
- Close the valve, unscrew the can, check its tightness and weigh. It indicates how much a full spray can weigh, this is an approximate guideline.
Remember that when storing a tourist can for mini burner in hot rooms at high temperature, the gas inside it expands. If you do not leave a gas cap, a kind of reserve volume in the can, then it is possible to inflate. That is, it is necessary to refill the can so that it can be heard raging liquid gas inside.

During the transfusion, the filling system is cooled and even covered with hoarfrost. Do not be afraid, just wait until everything melts and continue to work.
It is recommended to work exclusively with gloves. Always carefully screw the adapter in, as it is very easy to damage the threads, which will make further refueling of a tourist gas cylinder impossible at home.
In the room where the gas transfusion is carried out, there should be no sources of fire working pipe soldering torches or the burner is on. Some spray cans are not refueling. For safety reasons, it is recommended that you refuel one canister no more than four times, and then buy a new one.
Many manufacturers indicate the inadmissibility of refueling their products. Cylinders of well-known manufacturers, as a rule, last longer. If there are dents on the case and other signs of deformation, you should not risk it, but it is better to throw out such a spray can and buy a new one.

Filling valve threaded cartridges
Filling valve threaded cartridges requires the following pre-prepared equipment:
- Two fittings: one, with a union nut, connects to a household gas bottle, and the second, threaded, connects to a gas cartridge;
- A transparent hose with which you can trace the process of gas transfusion. It also serves as an adapter and connects to two fittings;
- Valves that allow you to turn on and off the gas supply from the cylinder directly at the valve;
- The filter which is built in the valve which prevents hit of garbage and clogging of a can;
- An additional valve that allows bleeding gas without removing the adapter.
A good adapter model wins compared to a cheap one due to a number of advantages:
- The valve of the adapter ensures the safety of the valve of the household cylinder, which deteriorates due to regular unscrewing and tightening and due to rust or other metal particles falling on the thread;
- Due to the valve being in the closest possible position to the can valve, during the next refueling cycle, there is practically no leakage of excess gas, pouring it onto your hands and spraying it into the environment;
- Ball valve design allows you to quickly stop the gas supply and avoid unwanted overflow and forced bleeding of excess gas;
- Thanks to the advantages described above, the refueling process is much easier, it becomes safer and more economical.
An adapter is wound onto the valve of a household large gas cylinder instead of a gearbox. Refueling is best done in a company with an assistant and outdoors, away from crowded places. Since there will be a strong smell of gas, passing people may begin to worry and cause gas service.
The process of refueling valve threaded cartridges consists of the following steps:
Step 1. First of all, the remaining condensate should be drained, the residual pressure in all the cartridges that are planned to be filled before the adapter is connected to a large cylinder to be vented. Thanks to this, the refueling process will be a little faster.
The adapter is screwed onto a spray can, which is turned upside down, the cartridge heats up slightly with warm hands, which increases the volume of gas and accelerates the bleeding process. It is preferable to drain the condensate into a plastic bottle. It smells rather unpleasant and smells surrounding objects.
Step 2 The preparation of the system consists in setting the gas cylinder in a stable position with the valve pointing downward and opening it to free access. In no case should the cylinder be supported against the valve. The ideal option is to hang the balloon upside down. Next, tighten the adapter and open the valve of the large cylinder.
Step 3 The adapter is screwed tightly to the can. We open the valve on the adapter and begin to pour gas. Stopping the noise emitted by the transfusion gas means the end of the pouring.
Step 4 The next step is to vent the gas in order to cool the can. The procedure is performed by opening the bleed valve on the adapter. After a few seconds, the can will become quite cold, and the pressure in it will drop to the desired level. Close the valve. If necessary, produced dosing.
Step 5 The most important step is to create a buffer pad in the spray can to prevent possible expansion and explosion. Open the bleed valve and wait for the moment when the liquid no longer pours.
Never direct a jet of gas at yourself. When shaking the spray can must be felt raging. Also an effective method is weighing a filled can on a scale. After completing all the steps, it is important to check the tightness of all filled containers.

For safety reasons, it is not recommended to store cans in the sun, in damp and cold places. Cold cylinders after filling are covered with a layer of condensate. To prevent rusting, wipe the containers with a dry towel.
Transfusion of gas from one spray can to another
After using gas burners, cartridges with gas residues often remain. They should not be thrown away, since there is the possibility of transfusion of gas from one cylinder to another. Collet cartridges cost about half the size of threaded cartridges, have the same volume and are more common on the market.
Burners can be designed for both collet and threaded fasteners, and some models initially have adapters. Filling a threaded cylinder with a collet will save a decent amount of money, and collet cartridges are easier to find.
Sometimes the adapter is not a solution to the problem, since it weighs a lot and takes up space. In such cases, it is enough to simply transfer the gas from one cylinder to another using simple technology and using an adapter made with your own hands from a disposable syringe.
Stages of preparing a homemade adapter:
- Use a pair of pliers to pull the needle out of the plastic.After this procedure, there remains a hole that needs to be slightly expanded with a small drill or a round awl, heated over a fire.
- Next, with a knife or file, cut or wipe the plastic ribs on the conical part.
- The end of the product from which the needle was previously stuck is slanted obliquely. Due to this, the valve will not block the gas supply.
- From below, we cut the product with a knife about three millimeters, thereby shortening it.
After preparing the adapter, cool the threaded cartridge and heat the collet. Thanks to this procedure, gas transfusion will be greatly facilitated. You can cool in the refrigerator or in the freezer, and heat in warm water. Never bring containers to the fire.

Transfusion Stages:
- When the cylinders are cooled and warmed up to a sufficient level (about 10-15 minutes), we take a collet cylinder, and we put on it an adapter made of a needle.
- Then we turn the collet cartridge upside down, and we rest the product from the needle with the tip into the hole of the threaded cartridge. After this, click on the collet spray. You will hear gas overflowing.
- When the procedure is over, you can re-cool the threaded and warm the collet cylinders and re-pour the gas. Repeat until the next heating and cooling yields results.
The transfusion process takes a fairly long period of time and requires increased pressure on the collet cylinder, which may bring some discomfort. To eliminate the discomfort, you can use a towel folded several times.

If there is a financial opportunity, then you can purchase a special adapter, and not do it yourself. In such cases, the gas transfusion process will be significantly simplified.
Conclusions and useful video on the topic
The video clip will demonstrate the procedure for filling a can with the transfusion of liquefied gas from a large can:
Refueling gas tourist cans is a feasible procedure at home. For successful gas transfusion, it is necessary to monitor the implementation of each stage and comply with safety regulations.
After several refueling, the procedure is remembered and becomes not so complicated. Remember that manufacturers do not recommend refueling and using cartridges for travel burners after they run out of gas.
Want to talk about your own experience gained during refueling a gas can with liquefied gas from a large one? Do you have useful information on the topic of the article, which is worth sharing with visitors to the site? Please write comments, ask questions and post photos in the block below.
How safe is it to refuel gas cylinders for a tourist burner? Of particular interest is the safety of overflow from one not fully used cylinder to another.All the same, cooling and heating are not the safest manipulations when it comes to gas.
And the second question - how many refueling cycles can a regular store bottle withstand?
In principle, the answers to your questions are already contained in the article, but if it is difficult for you to read it in full or at least diagonally, you will still answer you, maybe it will come in handy for others. Firstly, it did not hurt to indicate which type of balloon you are interested in, which tourist option you are using. Secondly, the cylinders have different types of connections, depending on which you get one degree or another of complexity and risk when refueling. Look at what type of connection you have and read the rules of work and safety when refueling for it.
As for the number of refueling cycles, for three years you can not worry about the safety of the cylinder.
And a little nuance: the volume of automotive propane (winter), the proportion of 25% butane and 75% propane in liquid form occupies 108% of the volume of the liquid gas phase. When refueling, consider this point! And I hope that there is no need to explain why all these procedures should be carried out outdoors!