Concrete sewer rings: types, labeling, manufacturing methods + manufacturers overview
It’s hard for a person who is accustomed to amenities to do without hydrotechnical structures in his suburban economy.
To build a simple septic tank, collector or well, concrete rings for sewage are often used, as the most optimal and economical option. Concrete products attract low price, simplicity and speed of installation.
From this article you will learn about the types of rings for sewage, their sizes, features. We will introduce you to the best manufacturers of these products and their prices.
The content of the article:
General characteristics of the rings
Concrete rings need to be selected based on the sewer design, where the size of the well and its type are justified by calculations. In this case, the product should have a light gray color, indicating that it is well dried.
On the surface of concrete sewer rings, the presence of visible defects in the form of voids, protruding rubble, and other defects is excluded.
Concrete products are an excellent material for the construction of a sewer system. But you should know that in this category of building materials there are many types that differ in characteristics and sizes. Let us dwell on this in more detail.
Design Classification
By design, concrete rings are divided into two large classes: seam, with lock connection and direct.
The first of them have protrusions in the upper part and grooves in the lower. When installing the product, insert one into the other. The ledge is combined with the groove and as a result, a durable tight connection is obtained, not subject to shear in any conditions.

Using rings with a lock connection, you can get not only a tight, stable barrel, but also perfectly smooth. In the case of unstable soils, this is the best solution.
Straight or solid rings have smooth walls. They are joined together by means of additional elements - metal staples, and then the seam is monolithic with cement. Rings of this type are cheaper than the first, but also less reliable.
These products differ from each other not only by the method of connection, but also by the presence of the bottom. In some it is, but in others it is absent. The former are advantageous in that when they are placed at the bottom of the pit, there is no need for concreting.
Concrete Ring Sizes
In order to avoid problems during installation due to the wrong choice of rings, you need to know that basically they differ in inner diameter. The wall thickness of different products is also significantly different - 70-200 mm.
The table with the main parameters will facilitate the choice of sizes of concrete rings for the construction of sewers.

Regulates all parameters GOST 8020-90. In addition to the above, there are special tables in which, in addition to the linear dimensions of the ring, the useful volume and class of concrete from which it was made are indicated.
Since mainly rings with a height in the range of 0.8 to 0.9 m are used for home sewage, differences in height are not very noticeable.
Having ready-made parameters, it is possible to perform preliminary calculations regarding the rational structure of the sewer system.
The type of connection is not the only difference in the design of the rings. There are products with a bottom, which is an excellent solution for the device of the first chamber of the sump.
GOST marking
Manufacturers apply marking on concrete rings in accordance with GOST standards. Reading it will make it possible to determine the purpose of the product.
Designations are decoded as follows:
- The cop - wall ring;
- Klk - an element of storm sewage or a drain;
- KO - ring for the foundation or support;
- CVG - product for water well or gas pipeline;
- KFK - concrete ring for the construction of collectors or drainage systems;
- KSD - concrete ring with a bottom.
Following these symbols are two numerical groups. In the first - the diameter of the product, and in the second - the height in decimeters. So the designation COP 20 - 9 it reads like a wall ring with a diameter of 20 cm and a height of 90 cm.
Sometimes present in the labeling and the degree of permeability in the form of symbols "ABOUT", "P", "N". The first indicates a particularly low parameter value. The second - to lower, and the third - to normal.

Most often, autonomous sewers are made up of rings, the sizes of which comply with regulatory requirements.
Purpose of concrete rings
Sewer sumps are the main area in which concrete rings are used, but by no means the only one.
Since the permeability of their walls is low, the products are used for the device:
- collectors as the main element of the sewer system of the city;
- manholes;
- gas installations;
- water intake points;
- filter wells;
- laying all kinds of cables underground.
Concrete rings can be buried in any type of soil. Products easily tolerate aggressive environments.
Key strengths and weaknesses
Despite the differences in concrete rings in design, size, purpose and price, they have common disadvantages, as well as disadvantages.
The advantage of these products is:
- Long service life. If the ring is made of high-quality components and equipped with a reliable reinforcing cage, it will not change its strength characteristics up to 20 years or more.
- More than satisfactory compressive resistance.
- Simple and quick installation.
- Moisture-proof walls provided proper waterproofing.
- Smooth, high-quality, easy-to-care surface.
- Resistance to groundwater and shear.
- High frost resistance.
Since concrete rings in sewer systems are operated in an aggressive environment, an indicator such as low surface permeability is very important for them.

Reinforced concrete rings have disadvantages. These include:
- A lot of weight, which is why installation can not do without the use of special equipment.
- To deliver to the installation site, you need to arrange access roads.
- When using rings without a lock, it is necessary to carefully seal the joints.
- When products are subjected to uneven loads, cracks may appear.
To make the fastening of the rings to each other more reliable, they are fastened from the inside with plates. One of the ends is fixed on the lower element, and the second on the upper.

A well of large diameter rings is covered with a slab with sewer manhole. For a small structure, the hatch itself serves as a ceiling.
Concrete ring production technology
They produce rings made of cement of grade no lower than M200. For the manufacture of rings in accordance with GOST 7473-2010 apply brand M400. As additional ingredients are sand, gravel, water, plasticizer.
There are two methods for producing concrete rings: by vibrocasting and vibropressing. The first is used for a small volume of production, and the second is considered industrial.
Common to these two technologies is the reinforcement, which is laid before filling the vibroform or vibropress with concrete mixture. Previously, it is tied into a ring equal in height to the height of the finished product. This gives the rings extra strength.

In order to firmly bond concrete aggregates and turn it into a strong cement stone, concrete rings are steamed after formation. This speeds up the hydration of binders. After the rings reach the formwork strength, they are removed from the pallet and sent to the storage location.
Reinforced concrete rings are placed in a steaming chamber after completion of formation. The temperature in a closed chamber at the stage of heating is gradually increased - over an hour by 20-25 ° C.
If this rule is not observed, cracks may form on the surface of the products as a result of the appearance of excessive stresses in the concrete due to a sharp jump in temperature.
Actually steaming is carried out at a temperature of from 70 to 90 ° C. Then there is a gradual cooling. According to the principle of functioning, periodic and continuous chambers for steaming are distinguished.
Store rings in a warehouse, closed or open. They can be placed in rows or inserted into each other, if the size allows.
Technology # 1 - vibration casting method
The advantages of this method are that large areas are not required to organize production. A fairly small area with a hard surface.
In addition, the forms used are lightweight.They are collapsible, so neither a crane nor a crane-beam is needed to take out the finished product.

The manufacturing process consists of several stages:
- Lubricate and collect molds at the place of filling.
- Fill the molds with concrete.
- Compact concrete using a deep vibrator.
- Leave the mixture in molds until solidified. Typically, the waiting time is from 6 to 8 hours.
- Dismantle the design by 2-4 people.
Typically, a mold pouring cycle with a volume of 6 - -6.5 m3 takes 4 to 5 hours.
Technology # 2 - vibropressing rings
Production according to this method does not require many forms, since the productivity of the vibrating press allows you to get about 35 products in 8 working hours. The concrete mixture is fed to a stationary vibrating press mechanized by means of a conveyor belt or paver.
In the case of using a conveyor, the mixture is laid manually in the form, and the paver allows you to do without the use of manual labor.
The technological process consists of several operations:
- The external removable formwork and the locking part of the pallet are placed inside the vibrating press.
- The paver spreader is shaped.
- Unload the mixture into the mold and remove the spreader to the side.
- Install a hydraulic punch over the mold.
- Start the pressing process. At the same time, the trowel ring rotates and forms a lock part. On it there are limiters that allow you to clearly shape the dimensions.
- The punch is removed from the mold.
- Perform the stripping of the product. Use a special device for this. Sometimes they use a device from a forklift, fixing it on a crane-beam or use the forklift itself.
- Dismantle the lower grips holding the ring.
After the form has been removed from the ring, another pallet is placed in it and returned to the vibrating press.

If we compare the vibrating press with the vibroform, its advantages become apparent, affecting not only productivity, but also the quality of the final product.
The hydraulic cylinder (punch) mounted on the swing beam provides strong pressing. Since the aggregate fractions, which differ in size, are alternately affected by vibration of different frequencies, vibration compaction is obtained better.
The result is a high-quality surface that cannot be obtained using vibroforms. The lock formed by pressing is characterized by high strength indicators.
Technology # 3 - Home Manufacturing
Reinforced concrete rings can be made at home. For this, in addition to materials, special forms will be required. You can also make them yourself.
The easiest way to use thick-walled barrels. One of them is large in diameter, and the cross section of the other should differ in a smaller direction as much as to get a wall about 8 mm thick.
Both vessels remove the bottom. The inner barrel is made higher than the outer centimeters by 10. For convenient removal of the formwork from the finished product, a longitudinal cut is made on the barrels, dividing them into two parts.

To prevent the walls of the form from distorting, spacers are needed to keep the formwork from deforming. In preparation for use, a small part of the form is inserted into the large. At the same time, they make sure that the gap is uniform throughout the circle.
Drill holes for locking studs.Next, the studs are inserted into the prepared places, tightened tightly with nuts.
There is another option for making the mold - from a metal strip and wooden bars. A strip is made from the strip, the width of which is equal to the height of the reinforced concrete product with the addition of 10 cm.

Notches are made on the upper rim, and then a ring is made from the workpiece. To give it rigidity, a wooden frame is made by cutting wooden pieces about 23 cm long and attaching them under the side. In order not to bend the walls, they also strengthen the height.
If you have experience working with wood, you can make wooden forms. A metal ring is used to fix the wooden planks. Fasten it on the outside of a larger diameter form and from within a smaller part of the formwork.
We also recommend that you read the article where we gave detailed instructions for making concrete rings with our own hands. More details - go to the link.
Top Concrete Ring Manufacturers
Concrete rings are produced by many enterprises in Russia. Among them, we can distinguish companies whose products are in special demand.
Place # 1 - VTG Stroy in MO
The company "VTG Stroy" in Mytishchi recently began to produce reinforced concrete rings for various purposes, including sewer. Here, wall products are made, with a bottom, additional, concrete covers, a separate well bottom.
There are folded rings and without locks. All have passports and certificates.
The following products are especially popular:
- KS ring with a fold and a straight section of 90 - 100 cm complete with a cover and a hatch;
- KS product with and without a lock with a diameter of 90 - 150 cm in the same configuration;
- KS ring, both with and without a lock, with a lid and a hatch with a diameter of 90 - 200 cm.
The capacity of the enterprise is large enough to ship products to all regions of Russia. The cost of one ring is about 2.1 tons.
Place # 2 - Dialog Build
The company from Novokuznetsk "Dialog Stroy" provides reinforced concrete products throughout the region.

The assortment contains the following product names:
- KS 7-9 - with a wall thickness of 80 mm;
- KS 10-9 - with the same walls;
- KS 15-9 - with walls of 100 mm;
- KS 20-9 - with walls of the same thickness.
For individual orders, it is possible to manufacture rings with other parameters. The price of products starts from 1.7 tr
Place # 3 - company “LLC TSK Sinegorye”
Popular among consumers is the products of the company “LLC TSK Sinegorye”. They produce reinforced concrete rings for sewer wells, hatches for them, bottoms, additional rings.
The average cost of the ring is about 2.7 tons. The company is located in Kirov, but deliveries are carried out throughout Russia.
Place # 4 - YugStroyKomplekt Enterprise
The Krasnodar company YugStroyKomplekt also produces a large assortment of reinforced concrete products. The height of the rings is 0.9 m, the diameter is from 100 to 200 cm. The price of one product is from 1.4 tons.
Conclusions and useful video on the topic
The technological process of manufacturing sewer rings by vibropressing:
The process of making rings with your own hands in the following video:
To fulfill flawless installation of concrete rings, you need to study in advance information about these products, the features of their installation. The next important stage is preparation, including system design, design.
To prevent accidents in an autonomous sewer system, when it is installed, you must follow existing standards.
If after reading the material you have questions, ask them in the box below, and we will try to respond to them promptly.There you can supplement this article with interesting information on the topic.
I recently bought a house and ran into the problem of poor sewer performance. I rummaged through a lot of information and came to the conclusion that it was necessary to change the well. Thanks to your detailed recommendations for the production and installation of concrete rings, I came to the choice of the company. Installation of the well was made efficiently and quickly. For over a year now I have not had any problems in this direction.
Be sure to carefully check each concrete ring for cracks and chips. See that it is not deformed, check for fittings. Be sure to check the certificates and see the markings. Because, for example, I came across an unscrupulous supplier company when I was making a well at a summer cottage. It all ended happily, but spent a lot of nerves.
And what was wrong with the rings? What to look for first of all when buying rings for a well?
Do not choose the cheapest rings for a well, demand paper with confirmation of quality, and also personally accept it so that there are no chips, cracks or other damage.
In general, there is no secret, normal manufacturers provide all the necessary documents confirming the quality of products, plus guarantees. Also, be careful when unloading the rings so as not to damage or break them.