Budget septic tanks for giving without pumping: the best manufacturers of septic tanks without pumping in the market

Nikolay Fedorenko
Checked by a specialist: Nikolay Fedorenko
Author: Oleg Zubarev
Last update: May 2024

Although the cottage is considered temporary housing, but staying on it can be made as comfortable as in a city apartment, if you equip a water supply system and organize an independent drainage system.

An important role in the arrangement of sewerage can be played by budget septic tanks for cottages without pumping, which differ in affordable cost and autonomy. But it should be remembered that only a quality product will allow you to get the expected result. Therefore, the question of the manufacturer when choosing a septic tank is not the last place.

Let's figure out which model is better to give preference. We have prepared an overview of the most popular septic tanks of different manufacturers, identified their characteristics and operation features. A comparative assessment of the drives will help determine the appropriate tank for arranging sewage in the country.

Features of a septic tank for a summer residence

In the domestic market there are a large number of companies specializing in the production of local cleaning equipment designed for summer houses. There are many offers on the market and to make the right choice, you will need certain knowledge.

Among the general assortment of septic tanks suitable for temporary housing, there are not so many. So, the optimal solution would be to purchase an inexpensive device that does not require special or complex care. And such equipment includes anaerobic plastic multi-chamber products.

The principle of operation of any septic tank of the specified type, working without pumping, is that the contaminated water passes through several containers interconnected.

At the same time, waste recycling is carried out in each of them. anaerobic bacteria - organisms that do not require air.

Which manufacturer is better
As suburban construction flourishes and people like to live in comfort, the scope of sewage treatment facilities flourishes. Therefore, we have a fairly large number of manufacturers working in this market segment.But not every one of them produces equipment for summer cottages. Therefore, the choice of the manufacturer must begin by determining which septic tank is needed.

Such a process cannot be compared with biological stations in activity, speed, and efficiency. Nevertheless, it is able to cope with 80-85% of pollution. And all this without human intervention and without energy consumption.

In addition, such equipment costs several times less than modern aeration plants.

Septic tank manufacturers overview

Although there are a lot of products on the Russian market related to the budget type described above, there are not so many trusted manufacturers.

These include manufacturing companies:

  • Sprout;
  • Triton Plastic;
  • Multiplast;
  • Biofor.

All of these manufacturers have their own production facilities, design departments, use modern technology, which allows us to produce quality products.

Place # 1 - Rostock

One of the sought-after manufacturers is the company Sproutwhose products are appreciated for their sufficient reliability, high quality, as well as affordable cost.

This organization is undoubtedly one of the leaders in the domestic market of cleaning equipment and one of its largest players. The manufacture of septic tanks and related products is the main specialization of the company.

Since the only effective budget septic tanks manufactured for summer cottages are products that work in an autonomous mode, that is, without electricity, bacteria that do not need air are used for waste disposal.

But a feature of this method is the low speed of the processing process, in addition, only not more than 85-90% of pollution is destroyed. Accordingly, additional cleaning is required, which is to be considered in advance.

Place to filter
Summer residents will have to additionally build fields or wells for filtration, use infiltrators, which is a price for accessibility. And this will have to be done regardless of which manufacturer septic tank was purchased

The main indicators of the manufacturer:

  • Market presence - 10 years.
  • Location- Moscow, the organization’s warehouse is located in Mytishchi.
  • Number of Dealers - 170. Such a number of representative offices indicates that the manufacturer Rostock is represented in all regions of the country.
  • Delivery - to any city in Russia. If there is no dealer in a locality, the company will still be able to arrange the delivery of the desired septic tank model.
  • Services - complex. Therefore, together with cleaning equipment, summer residents will be able to order the installation. And also the manufacturer provides warranty, after-sales service.

It is also important that the Rostock plant has its own support service, so each summer resident from 9 to 20 has the right to find out the question of interest to him by telephone. There is no doubt that the consultation will be of high quality, since they are conducted by qualified specialists.

The principle of operation of the septic tank
Be sure to be aware that septic tanks that do not require care do not exist. Therefore, you should be prepared for what is rare, but still have to pump out the accumulated sludge

A significant advantage of the presented production company is traditionally a large selection of septic tank models, in all there are dozens of them.

But the owners of cottages will have to choose from 3 popular options.

These include the following septic tanks Rostock:

  • Rostock Mini - with a productivity of 0.3 m³ / day, it will be the best solution for a summer residence where no more than 1-2 people live, but with a low water consumption the amount can be increased to 3-4. The main advantages of the model are compactness with a capacity of only 1000 liters, affordable cost. What makes septic tank one of the most advantageous offers for lovers of country life in Russia.
  • Sprout Country - has a productivity of 0.45 m³ / day, which makes the model optimal for cleaning waste from 2-3 summer residents.
  • Rostok Zagorodny - with a productivity of 0.88 m³ / day, it will become a profitable solution for a large family of 4-5 people.

The manufacturer declares that any of the proposed septic tanks is able to effectively cope with their duties for more than a decade. What contributes to a reliable design that does not have seams, which are traditionally the weak point of plastic products.

In the manufacture of polyethylene is used - a durable material that is stable during many years of operation. The product warranty reaches 3 years.

Rostock Products
Rostock has the most impressive selection of models among all competitors. Although most in demand is a small model called the Rostock Mini (pictured)

The company has its own technical control department, which has a positive effect on products coming to points of sale.

Place # 2 - Triton Plastic

This production company is a long-standing leader in the production of various plastic products according to customer drawings. That is, septic tanks are not the main activity.

Nevertheless, the design department, equipped with qualified engineers, and the availability of our own plant allow Triton Plastic to be among the legislators in the segment of treatment facilities.

Triton Plastic
The company Triton Plastic is one of the group of market leaders for a long time and the reason for this is the production of different and traditionally reliable septic tanks. And some of the most recognizable are models related to the line with the name Microbe. Several of them are shown in the photo.

The main indicators of the manufacturer:

  • Market presence - about 2 decades.
  • Location - Moscow, the organization’s warehouse is located in Mytishchi. In addition, there are representative offices in a dozen major cities, including St. Petersburg, Vladimir, Yaroslavl, Voronezh and several others.
  • Number of Dealers - the company does not provide an exact figure, but it is known that Triton Plastic is actively expanding its network of representatives and they are in many Russian regions.
  • Delivery- to any city in Russia. Excellent logistics will allow delivery in the shortest possible time.
  • Services - complex. That is, in addition to the septic tank itself, you can get all the necessary related services, which include consultations, installation, service.

To sought after Triton models applies a series of septic tanks Microbe and series Tank.

The product line, called Microbe, is represented by products with capacities from 450 l to 1800 l, the performance of which allows you to effectively clean the drains from a different number of summer residents.

For example, the smallest version is capable of processing 150 liters of fluid daily. What will be the best solution for one resident person or for 2, provided that a stable low water consumption.

The most productive model every day is able to cope with 800 liters of dirt sufficient for a large family.

The advantage of any Microbe is its ease of installation and operation. So installation does not require special knowledge and skills, which will help decently save.

Care consists in cleaning the equipment of sludge accumulated over the year. Typically, this procedure is performed before preservation of septic tanks for the winter.

Septic Tank
The fame of the production company Triton Plastic was also provided by a series of septic tanks with the general name Tank. They have good performance and affordable cost. And also a wide range of models allows you to choose the best option without any compromises

Series septic tank It has been represented on the market for almost twenty years and all this time they are among the most popular in Russia.

The manufacturer himself notes the popularity of products related to this line.These septic tanks are top sellers. And no one disputes this. For cottages, Tank models with coding 1 are suitable; 2; 2.5; 3.

Tank 1 - The smallest model in the line of the manufacturer with a volume of 1200 liters. The septic tank is capable of daily processing of 600 liters of effluent. What is enough to ensure a comfortable stay for three summer residents.

Productive Tank 3 every day it copes with 1200 liters of pollution, while its volume is 3000 liters. Such indicators are enough if even 5-6 people live in the country.

Installation of septic tanks
Compact septic tanks Triton Plastic are good in that you can install them yourself. Small dimensions and low weight contribute to this.

For the manufacture of all varieties of septic tanks, modern, durable and resistant to corrosion, soil pressure materials are used. In addition, all containers are seamless. Therefore, with proper care, any set of equipment can serve for decades without breakdowns.

An important feature is the fact that the company Triton Plastic often holds all kinds of promotions, and with significant discounts (up to 50%). It is especially beneficial to buy septic tanks here in the offseason.

In addition, the organization has a unique offer that allows you to purchase the right septic tank on pre-order.

That is, at the end of the summer season, you can make 30% of the cost and the selected model will be stored in the company's warehouse until the next summer season. Moreover, the price of a septic tank will not rise, and this is a good way to protect your savings from inflation.

Place # 3 - Multiplast Company

Production company Multiplast demanded by summer residents for a long time. The reason for everything is a significant selection of septic tanks, among which the most popular is the line of products manufactured under the brand Termite.

Moreover, this organization has the rights to a trademark no less well-known to users - Ergobox. And both brands belong to the leading group of manufacturers in the field of septic tanks.

Manufacturer Thermoplast
Septic tanks manufactured under the brand name Termite are distinguished by their performance, compactness and durability. And they do not require regular or complex care.

Key indicators of the Multiplast organization:

  • Market presence- 15 years.
  • Location - Representative offices and warehouses with the company's products are located in the capital, as well as in several other cities. Which include St. Petersburg, Cherepovets (Vologda region). As well as the office and warehouse of the manufacturer operates in the Krasnodar Territory.
  • Number of Dealers - 140. This fact indicates that the partners of the manufacturer are present in almost all regions.
  • Delivery - to any city in Russia. To be precise, free delivery will be within a radius of 30 km from the capital and all other settlements where the production company’s warehouses are located. In addition, the delivery of purchased equipment to the areas located near Yaroslavl, Ivanovo, Rostov, Rybinsk and several other cities is free. In all other regions, deliveries are made with the help of transport companies, which include Business Lines, PEC. In order to know the cost of delivery in advance, you must fill out an application on the website of the manufacturer.
  • Services - complex. That is, in addition to the septic tank itself, you can get all the necessary related services, which include consultations, installation, service.

The presented company simultaneously supplies more than a hundred models to the market, but products related to the line are more popular among summer residents Termite Pro.

The most affordable solution is a model with an index of 1.2, which is a completely non-volatile septic tank that can recycle waste from the life of 1-2 summer residents.

A product Termite Profi 2.0 can cope daily with the processing of 2 m³ of waste water, which will be the best solution for 2-3 residents.

Multiplast Products
Compact, but productive septic tanks belonging to the Termite Pro line are able to provide comfort in any country house. Particularly in demand are entry-level products. For example, the Termite 1.2 model shown in the photo belongs to them. It is seamless, and therefore durable, able to cope with the vital products of a couple of people and inexpensive

If the groundwater level is high or in the area is soil that is not quite suitable for post-treatment, then you should pay attention to products from the line Termite Transformer. Since they easily cope with the listed difficulties.

An example would be a Termite Transformer product with an index of 1.3 PR, which daily cope with the processing of 500 liters of all kinds of waste. All septic tanks recycle at least 85% of the effluent.

A feature of any model presented by the production company is the absence of seams, which makes them durable and eliminates unpleasant accidents in the form of a leakage with further consequences.

This was made possible thanks to the introduction of modern technologies, which include rotational molding of polyethylene and vacuum molding of plastics.

All these innovations make it possible to name the company's production base one of the most modern in the country.

Place # 4 - Biofor Enterprise

Manufacturer Biofor is one of the youngest on the market. Although this production company in the domestic market of septic tanks appeared relatively recently, but this does not affect the quality of its septic tanks.

Modern technology and qualified specialists have allowed her to become a recognizable brand. And even more: the company's products are one of the most technologically advanced on the market.

Biofor company
The thoughtful design of any product provides durability, ease of care, eliminates the possibility of crushing at ground pressure. Which has a positive effect on performance

The main characteristics of the manufacturer Biofor:

  • Market presence - 3 years.
  • Location - representative offices and warehouses with Biofor products are located in the capital, as well as Kaliningrad, Tyumen, Krasnodar, St. Petersburg and a number of other large cities.
  • Number of Dealers - the organization does not indicate exact numbers, but it is known that the network is actively developing. In addition, today Biofor partners operate in many regions.
  • Delivery - to any city in Russia. If in the locality there is no representative office of the manufacturer itself, its partners, then the delivery is carried out using well-known transport companies. And in this case, the shipment is carried out from a warehouse in Cherepovets.
  • Services - the manufacturer provides only the manufacture and sale of septic tanks. That is, installation can only be ordered from dealers.

The most affordable, and therefore the most popular product of the company is a septic tank. Biofor Mini 0.9. Since its 900 liter volume, efficient filters and a complex of bacteria allow you to cope with the processing of 350 liters of waste every day.

What is quite enough for a comfortable permanent residence of 1-2 summer residents, as well as such productivity will be quite enough for 3-4 people, but with the condition that they will use the water sparingly.

An important advantage is that the Mini 0.9 model belongs to the category of the most affordable on the market.

If the performance of the described septic tank is not enough, then you should pay attention to other products of the company. Since its lineup includes cleaning equipment that can provide the desired level of comfort even for 6 summer residents.

The Biofor production company indicates that their septic tanks are one of the most reliable and technologically advanced in the Russian market.

Septic Biofor
Most Biofor company models are not only efficient and can handle 85% of waste, but are also easy to use, install and transport, which helps summer residents save a lot of money

And this result is achieved through the use of high-quality polyethylene made in the European Union. Which during manufacture is distributed as evenly as possible over the entire area of ​​the structure, as a result, the wall thickness is not less than 10 mm.

What makes septic tanks durable and resistant to stress. A special case shape with powerful stiffening ribs and a bottom in the form of a pallet helps to cope with them.

All of the above eliminates the possibility of creasing, silting with a subsequent decrease in usable volume and productivity. The effluent processing efficiency reaches an impressive 85% today.

If you want to save money, you can make a septic tank without pumping yourself - detailed instructions on the construction of tanks of different materials are presented in this article.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Recommendations for choosing a suitable septic tank:

The video below will help you get to know Multiplast products more closely.

A sufficient number of manufacturing companies operate on the market, supplying high-quality septic tanks that function without frequent pumping, which allows you to live comfortably in any country house. A wide assortment allows you to make the best choice, focusing on the volume of the tank, the quality of the septic tank material and the moderate price.

Do you have personal experience in designing and arranging autonomous sewage in the country? Tell us which septic tank model you have chosen, what are the nuances of installing and maintaining the tank. Please leave comments and participate in discussions - the feedback form is located below.

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Visitors Comments
  1. Valery

    It is a pity that you did not write prices for these budget septic tanks, at least approximate. You’ll have to google it yourself. I want parents to put a septic tank in the country, but the means are quite limited.

    • Alexander

      Prices are not indicated for obvious reasons - depending on the region of your residence, on the presence of dealers working with manufacturers, and in the absence of a dealer also geographic distance from the manufacturer, the cost can vary significantly.
      In general, prices for budget septic tanks made of material vary in the range from 20 to 50 thousand rubles.

      Much depends on whether you buy a septic tank for a house with permanent residents or for a summer residence, as well as on the estimated number of users. I recommend immediately choosing a septic tank with a small margin of capacity. It will also not be superfluous to overpay a little for further support in the form of consultations, warranty and post-warranty service.


