Septics DKS (KLEN): device, a review of the model range, advantages and disadvantages

Nikolay Fedorenko
Checked by a specialist: Nikolay Fedorenko
Author: Antonina Turyeva
Last update: March 2024

Against the background of numerous options for arranging local sewage, septic tanks of BCS (now KLEN) stand out favorably. Units differ in affordability and ease of maintenance.

In order to decide whether this solution is suitable for a particular country house or cottage, it is necessary to get a little closer acquainted with the model range of DKS septic tanks, find out the device and the principle of operation of treatment equipment. These questions are the subject of our article.

In addition, we will talk about the features of the installation, operation and maintenance of the septic tank, we outline its strengths and weaknesses. The information provided will help you navigate the variety of models and choose the best option for arranging local sewage.

How to choose a suitable septic tank?

To ensure a comfortable stay in the country for your family, you have to solve the issue with the sewage system. Indeed, without the usual sink and shower, it is difficult to enjoy being outdoors in the hot summer days.

This is especially important if the family has a child. Therefore, you need a septic tank that can cope with the appropriate level of load.

Range of septic tanks DKS

The company "Summer Sewerage Systems" (abbreviated as DCS) has developed several options for arranging autonomous waste disposal outside the city.

Solutions differ in tank volume, functions and cost. To find your ideal septic tank of this manufacturer, you will have to familiarize yourself with the main offers.

Cleaning equipment DKS
DKS cleaning equipment for personal use can be delivered to the country with your car. It has special ears on the sides to make it easier to transport and lower into the pit.

Wastewater treatment plants are represented by two series, fundamentally different in their capabilities:

  • BCS series, now MAPLE, including septic tanks;
  • MBO series, including KLEN deep cleaning stations, now denoted by the letter N.

The first option brought together simpler equipment capable of playing the role of a conventional septic tank-settler. The second option is real biological treatment plants.

The range of septic tanks KLEN (DKS)
Modifications of septic tanks and cleaning stations with the KLEN logo include systems with a capacity of 1, 1.5, and 2.5 cubic meters. Deep cleaning systems are indicated by the letter H (+)

Optimum - This is the most compact installation of the company. It is designed for 3-4 people using the cottage periodically. If you plan to stay permanently, then the equipment is able to withstand the load of waste disposal from 1-2 people.

At the same time, the total volume of liquid should not exceed 250 liters. The Optimum model is not able to withstand volley discharge of water after taking a bath.

Mini equipment for drains
Mini equipment for collecting and cleaning sewage is compact in size, which is especially important if there is very little space in the cottage

The dimensions of this mini septic tank are very compact - up to 1 m in height and width and up to 1.2 m in length. Its weight is not more than 35 kg. Moreover, there is the opportunity to buy equipment as standard, and buy neck extensions and a pump, if necessary in a particular case.

The most popular model that can cope with 450-liter drains per day is DCS 15. It exists in the modification with the letter "M" - DKS 15M, which means the possibility of installation in areas with a high level of groundwater. It can be installed in the soil to a depth of 1 meter to ensure high-quality work in the cold season.

The weight of this model is about 50 kg, and the dimensions are up to 1.3 m in width and height, 1.5 m in length. It is convenient for small families who prefer to take a bath daily, or for 3-4 residents of the cottage, economically consuming water with a permanent residence.

Model range of the DKS series
The model range of septic tanks of sedimentation tanks, in addition to standard options, has modifications with the letter "M", recommended for installation with a high level of groundwater

If the family is large, and relatives and friends like to visit often and stay for 2-3 weeks, then you should pay attention to the model DCS 25 and DKS 25 M. All modifications of the manufacturer with the prefix M - for a high level of groundwater.

This option is able to cope with volley discharge after draining the water from the bath, and other types of effluents with a total volume of up to 800 liters in one day, which meets the needs of 4-5 people permanently living in the house.

The weight of the container is within 70 kg, and the dimensions are 1.3 m in height and 1.5 m in width and length. Such dimensions allow you to transport equipment on your own and, having resorted to the help of a friend or neighbor, complete the installation. Attract special equipment is not needed.

Sewer Station Specification

In addition to a series of septic tanks, the company has developed a line of local treatment facilities capable of biological treatment of wastewater.

Wastewater treatment plants
Wastewater treatment plants have a higher price and a more complex device

The number in the model name indicates the productivity of the station in cubic meters. So, MBO-0.75 capable of handling 0.75 m of wastewater3 per day. This corresponds to the needs of a family of 4 people.

The most interesting thing is that the station will withstand the periodic raids of relatives. Its height is up to 2 m, and its diameter is up to 0.9 m. The weight in the basic configuration reaches 80 kg.

DKS-MBO installation
Installation and connection of a sewer station that performs deep cleaning of sewage can be done with the call of specialists or on their own

Models of sewer stations are most often purchased for cottages and country houses with a total number of 5-8 residents. They are able to withstand volley discharge and other drains with a daily volume of 1 m3 and 1.5 m3 respectively. The weight of the containers is 92 and 110 kg, and the height is up to 2 meters.

If it is necessary to install in a high groundwater level, you can choose a version with a built-in pump.

Stations of a model range with digital designations 2-5 are acquired much less often. They are intended for cottages, mini-hotels and other structures with daily water consumption from 2 to 5 m3.

Moreover, the manufacturer provided the opportunity to choose the right option with a built-in pump at a high level of groundwater. The cost of such a solution will be slightly higher than the standard option.

Features of the use of various models

Models of the DKS series with the letter “M”, equipped with a pump at a high level of groundwater, are volatile. Also, for the operation of all sewer stations, as well as for modifications with an integrated pump, electricity is required. This should be considered when choosing your ideal option.

BCS MBO models
MBO models are also lightweight. Therefore, it is possible to deliver this equipment to the site by private car

In addition to dependence on electricity, it is necessary to take into account the functioning of various septic tank models.

Firstly, biological treatment plants are extremely ineffective in conditions of a rare visit to a summer house / home. No matter how much I would not like to acquire high-quality equipment with a high degree of purification, this option will have to be abandoned.

Secondlychoosing an option with insufficient volume, you can significantly spoil your cottage life - the equipment will not be able to cope with the load and untreated sewage will fall into the ground.

Thirdly, you should consider the features of your site. In some regions, spring shifts are observed in the soil. If there is such activity in the planned installation site of the septic tank, in no case should concreting be done. When soil moves and concrete pressure, the plastic container can crush.

Polypropylene pipes for BCS
If you plan to stay in the country in the winter, then, taking into account the manufacturer’s recommendations, you can buy additional polypropylene pipes to deepen the septic tank into the ground

Fourth, in the technical characteristics of each model, the manufacturer gives the maximum permissible immersion depth in the dug pit. These figures should not be ignored - violation of the installation rules can lead to the destruction of the septic tank under the influence of the gravity of the soil piled on top.

Device and principle of operation

The KLEN treatment equipment can be used in everyday life to collect and treat wastewater entering the installed tank through a sewer pipe.

The device and the principle of operation of models depends on the series of equipment. The company produces all septic tanks from high quality polypropylene. The wall thickness of the finished tanks varies between 5-8 mm, and all seams are made manually.

Constructive scheme

The range of the KLEN series has a common device. These septic tanks consist of chambers of the primary and secondary sump and a chamber with a biofilter.

There is a connection hole on the side of the first tank sewer pipethrough which effluents enter it, and on the other hand, an opening for a pipe discharging the purified liquid. This is inherent in gravity tapping models.

The scheme of the septic tank DKS
Scheme of the device for septic tanks of the DKS model range indicating the principle of passage of the compartments (+)

Also, the septic tank is equipped with holes for revision, exhaust gas and clean air. All technical holes are completed with polypropylene necks that protrude after installation above the ground. Also, some models are equipped with a drainage pump to drain purified water into the drainage system.

If we are talking about Maple septic tanks, then there is a simpler design, and sewer stations differ in more complex structural components. But the degree of purification of sewage at the outlet in the second case can reach the level of process water.

Biological treatment plant models consist of the following compartments:

  • sedimentation tank;
  • denitrifier;
  • aeration tank;
  • desilter;
  • post-treatment unit;
  • disinfector at the exit.

Stations are equipped with airlifts, inlet and outlet pipes, aerator and brush loading. Their work requires electricity.

Station series DKS-MBO
Stations of the MBO series are more complex in design. It is recommended that you call a specialist to start it

The principle of operation of treatment facilities

In the septic equipment of the DKS series, the treatment of incoming wastewater begins in the very first compartment, called the sump.Here, heavy and light particles descend and rise up, respectively. The middle part of the dirty liquid freed from these fractions flows into the second tank.

The passage of the drains of 3 chambers
Passage by drains of each of the 3 chambers of the DKS septic tank. At the exit, clarified water is obtained, requiring further treatment in the drainage system (+)

The second settling tank allows small particles still contained in the muddy water to sink to the bottom. All fractions that are at the bottom fall under bacteria exposure anaerobes. These methanogenic microorganisms live and work without oxygen. They turn waste into sludge that remains at the bottom.

Stiffening ribs septic tank DKS
For greater reliability, the capacity of the treatment plants of the BAC equipped with stiffeners

Then the liquid enters the 3rd compartment, equipped with a bi-filter with a ruff loading. Here processes of additional purification occur by forming a favorable environment for aerobes. Oxygen for their existence enters through a special tube with a headband.

Aerobes perform after-treatment of effluents before they are removed from the tank. Although the liquid flowing through the outlet pipe is clarified, it requires additional purification. To do this, it is sent to the drainage system - filter field or filter well.

Arrangement of a drainage system
The options for arranging the drainage system depend on the level of groundwater (+)

The principle of operation of the series models DKS-MBO It provides for the full treatment and disinfection of effluents in the equipment itself. The effluents entering the first chamber begin to pass through all the compartments where they undergo purification processes, from mechanical to biological.

The liquid at the outlet of the tank has a state of industrial water, which can be used for irrigation.

Another feature in the operation of DKS-MBO stations is the presence of two technological stages of work:

  • the first - Performing the functions of processing, cleaning and withdrawing received sewage;
  • second - removal of dying mud from the output stages.

The last stage is called the buildup. This occurs at night, when the system rests from the flow of dirty liquid or its minimum amount.

An automatic denitrification buildup mode is launched in the station so that water from the after-treatment compartment with a high content of dead sludge can be moved to the chamber of the primary sump.

All DKS septic tanks require minimal owner involvement. Daily monitoring and intervention in their work is not required. Periodically, it is necessary to conduct an audit of the operation of all system components and to clean the filtration components.

Sludge pumping out with a cesspool machine
For the free access of the wastewater machine to the required distance for pumping sludge, the location of the septic tank should be correctly selected

To remove the sludge, it is enough to call the sewage machine once every two years. These works are also easy to do on their own using fecal pump. The pumped-out silt deposits can be stacked in a compost pit for further use as fertilizer.

The rules for servicing a septic tank in winter are described in detail in this article.

Pros and cons of DKS (KLEN) installations

DKS treatment systems have their positive and negative sides. According to cottagers who have been using the installations for more than one year, many of them are very pleased with this solution to the issue with individual sewers for their summer cottages. Especially if the model is selected correctly.

Advantages of these septic tanks

About the undoubted advantages and disadvantages of DKS septic tanks popular among summer residents, you can hear from the lips of the users themselves. All eulogies of some customers and complaints of others can be summarized by highlighting the main characteristics.

Particular attention deserves the positive qualities, which are expressed in the following:

  • various models;
  • affordable price;
  • ease of delivery and installation;
  • light weight;
  • safety;
  • practicality;
  • the presence of non-volatile models.
  • simple maintenance.

The lineup allows you to choose the solution that is most suitable in a particular case. After all, there are very small dachas, the owners of which do not have the opportunity to pay for expensive individual sewage projects.

Yes, and there is no point in this when they use the cottage a couple of summer months. For such cases, the manufacturer has provided a suitable option for cost and performance - Optimum.

Popular septic tanks DKS
The manufacturer of the BCS presents the most popular models in terms of capacity. Moreover, it is allowed to slightly exceed the boundary volume of effluents indicated in the equipment passport

Light weight, due to the properties of polypropylene, allows the owner to independently deliver the septic tank to the installation site.

Thanks to its compact size, you can do without outside assistance during loading and unloading, especially if one of the models with a weight of up to 52 kg was purchased. What can not be said about significant weight septic tank made of concrete rings.

A company producing septic tanks with the same name - DKS, has quality certificates and all the necessary documentation confirming the safe use of its products. High-quality raw materials used for the manufacture of sewer tanks, allows you to give a guarantee on their use from 40 years or more.

Electricity dependence for many summer residents is one of the key issues. BCS manufacturers took this issue into account by offering their customers a range of non-volatile installations. This has become a real find for summer residents who do not have spare power supplies.

BCS in areas with high groundwater levels
The presence of modifications that can be installed in areas with a high level of groundwater can significantly expand the company's customer base

Ease of maintenance is the need to dispose of sludge once every 2 years. This can be done independently or by calling a cesspool machine.

To prepare the equipment for the winter, no manipulations are necessary. These factors greatly simplify the use of installations.

Negative sides

In addition to the positive aspects of the septic tanks of DCS, a number of disadvantages can be distinguished.

Among them:

  • soil movements can crush the housing;
  • exactingness to the place of installation;
  • compliance with the rules during installation;
  • it is impossible to increase the volume of the septic tank.

If the soil in the country has a predisposition to seasonal movements, then the walls of the septic tank may not withstand such pressure.

This nuance should be taken into account when choosing the most acceptable septic tank option for your site. Indeed, in the case of DCS models, despite the presence of stiffeners, the wall thickness is from 5 to 8 mm.

Crumpled septic tank DKS
Mobile soil, which is particularly active during freezing / thawing, is able to thoroughly crush the installed septic tank. Especially if it was also concreted

As for the installation site, it is important to choose such that the cesspool machine can freely approach the equipment, if necessary, carry out pumping works.

This issue remains to be solved before the installation of a septic tank. Also, it is necessary to equip the drainage system for additional purification of the liquid that has passed clarification in the septic tank.

If the installation will be carried out on their own, then you need to adhere to the rules for placing the sewer installation at a sufficient distance from the well and other sources of drinking water.

When it is planned to involve specialists in these works, the owner will not have to worry about anything - they will choose the most suitable place for installation.

Another drawback is the inability to increase the useful volume of the tank by attaching or buying an additional camera. This issue is relevant when a couple of years after installation, the family composition has changed significantly and the septic tank is no longer able to cope with the volume of effluents.

In this case, it is better to immediately choose a new option, given the possible increase in the number of family members in the next 3-5 years.

Septic tank DKS in the pit
It is impossible to buy an additional section to increase the volume of the tank. As an option - install another septic tank nearby

If you still have not decided on a septic tank for giving, then we recommend that you read the articles:

  1. How to choose a septic tank for giving: an overview and tips for choosing the best option
  2. Budget septic tanks for giving without pumping: the best manufacturers of septic tanks without pumping in the market
  3. Septic tank for high groundwater: methods for determining the water level and recommendations for the selection of a septic tank

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

Video clip about the immersion of the installation in the pit:

A detailed video about installing a drainage pump in a septic tank DKS:

Having familiarized yourself with the principle of operation and the design of the DKS septic tanks, you can choose the model that is most suitable in a particular situation.

A variety of options will allow you not to overpay for a biological treatment station and get the optimal local sewage system. Moreover, the cost of equipment DKS compares favorably with the ratio of price and quality.

If you have experience installing and operating a BCS septic tank, please share the information with our readers. Leave comments and feedback on the treatment equipment, ask questions and participate in discussions. The contact form is below.

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Visitors Comments
  1. Alexander

    Greetings to all readers of this resource. My name is Dejanov Alexander Vladimirovich.

    Since 2006 I have been an employee of LLC “DKS” (official manufacturer of septic tanks DKS). I declare with all responsibility that our company has never renamed the DKS septic tank to the Maple septic tank. It was forced to do by our unscrupulous “partners”, as is now customary to say, who established the production of septic tanks using the artisanal method under our brand. But we forced them to change their name by publishing a video revealing them on our website. With regards to the squeezed septic tank in the photo, so this is exactly the same replica, because the original does not have an external drive (such as an extension on the side). But we were aware of that incident and it was interesting for us to establish the cause of the breakdown.As it turned out, the reason for the squeezing was not at all moving soils or its concreting, but the negligence of the user who pumped the septic tank (once every three years according to the regulations) did not fill the septic tank back with water, but left it empty for a long time, which caused the deformation . If anyone has questions, here is my personal number 8-916-400-48-60.

    • Thanks for the warning. I'm just looking at your septic tank, reading reviews, etc. Now everything is clear with this confusion with the names.


